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Status Updates posted by -Neku-

  1. Yup...I try and organize all my stuff...I'm doing a pretty good job so far. I even get the chance to hang out with my friends ever so often.

  2. Kinda hard not to....School is eating most of my time.

    Honors Chem, Honors History, Latin, Graphic Arts 2.....It's fun, I like the subjects and all, but the work I could do without.

  3. I see...Eh, I'm starting to become quite busy myself...Junior year and all...

    Work, SAT's and Colleges, oh my!

  4. T_T

    You don't have school? Lucky. XD

    You should seriously join AMG after the 7th RPG contest. [/shameless advertising]XD

  5. Figured I'd reply here....?_?

    I have work too....My day pretty much starts at 5:00am when I wake up, and then 7:00 pm when I get home from work. School and work is a deadly combonation....

  6. -Slowly sneaks in-

    Haven't been here for a while...How are you doing, Ranna?

  7. I would love to have a 3 way fight. That would own. Period.

  8. -Neku-

    I think that your CRAAAAZZZZYYYY! You think that I'm CRAAAAZZZYYY!!!!


  9. -Falcon Punches Nid-

    Anywho....We definantly need to have a 3 way titan fight. Jira vs Xerry vs Oneado.

    That'd destroy a good bit of metru nui. XD

  10. GONG YI TEMPAI!!!!!!

    I hate that show. XD

    Jira and Xerry do need to fight though. And there needs to be explosions. Lots of explosions. And on an unrelated note...I now only have 3 stars..T.T

  11. I feel like I should leave some kind of deep and moving comment....Eh, I just keep rambling on, forcing you to read all of this pointless text, wasting more and more seconds of your life.

    Wasn't that fun? :D

  12. Scooby dooby do, where are you? We need some help from you now. Come on Scooby do, I see you. We need some help from you now.

    Don't ask how I know that. :P

  13. Sup, Buuy. This new board setup is pretty nifty, eh?

  14. I need to get my picture up....XP

  15. Not much, Just watching some anime Koname recommended. Hooray for smashing people with guitars on a moped....

    It's called FLCL, btw.

  16. Yeah...I'm gonna add a comment for no particular reason...^.^

  17. Gaspeth?! A comment that isn't my own? This is about as surprising as me having friends!

    And no, Kabuto owns Garra.

  18. So, yeah. I'm going to leave a comment and stuff. BELIEVE IT!

  19. Sooo...I think I've figured out this profile thing....although it took me a good bit of time to add a comment...I still can't even get my picture up. XP

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