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mercenary vahki

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by mercenary vahki

  1. mercenary vahki
    Because I'm going back tomorrow.
    Other thoughts:
    My blog needs more categories
    I need to do some art or something
    I need to fix my dead computer
    ^^thats the good computer^^
    I have acquired the largest chunk of industrial & trance music ever known to man
    I should share the aforementioned music with dudes
    I should buy a couple phantoka
    Because I feel obligated
    Probs only lewa tho
    Hes a G
    I know a kid named G
    Hes really short and not scary at all
    cuz im bored
    I should go to bed
  2. mercenary vahki
    Woot I'm back!
    Yeah, you don't care, but I do.
    Need to catch up on homework (missed 3 days (and 2 tests T-T)), so the pitures and play-by-play will have to wait until later, tomorrow, maybe? Today (and apparently yesterday) was 2x exp day on maplestory, so I took the opportunity to grind to lvl 29. Now I have an urge to say smexy a lot. That game meses you up...

  3. mercenary vahki
    Why have I not posted in so long? The answer: bleach episodes 50-125. That show has stabbed my free time in the face. And I'm working on the best avatar ever, will post here when its done.
  4. mercenary vahki
    I got several mysterious PMs from koosh, each containing this image:
    Took off the image
    This is kinda creepy - does anyone want to take a crack at figuring this out?
    Update: one distributor of the image has been banned!
    Update 2: Second distributor banned!
    I smell hacking...
    FINAL UPDATE: The mods have requested that the situation not be discussed any further, so this entry shall be locked, and the other one deleted.
  5. mercenary vahki
    Well, I decided that If I only wrote about myself, things could get pretty boring pretty fast. Well, that already happened. So I am relaunching my blog as the The MercenaryXero News Network! Here, I will discuss current events, whether they be about me, the world, happenings at BZP, or other things I can think of. And I made A really sweet banner. (But don't use it, its over 100kb right now, I'll work on that later) actually, I'll show off this header instead.

    like it?
    Will post more soon!
  6. mercenary vahki
    If you're feeling like I once was and now am, you'll know that things always come full circle. That time of year has come once again, and faithfully We rise to meet it. Oh, of what time do I speak??
    It is the time of Endyears, where years are ended.
    Charge into the future, purging your existence in the primordial solitude. Emerge a creature, lean and cunning. Grasp onto the threads of time, and propel us onward.
    And all will rise indeed.
  7. mercenary vahki
    Currently listening to: Zero 7, Islands, The Faint
    Currently watching: Mega64 Version 1 special edition
    oh, and the next time I do drinks, it won't be that brutal
    I wasn't thinking straight that night
    lol j/k I never think straight at night
  8. mercenary vahki
    It was a rather entertaining 8 or so hours
    now I do it again, on legendary
    now I wish for regular multiplayer with ODSTs, because that would be cool
    also <3 suppressed smg
  9. mercenary vahki
    So there was never officially a #1, but I've done this in the past.
    • lol @ brawl. While you nubcakes have seizures looking at your clocks, I'm enjoying my saturday.
    • I have inspiration for my BBCC entry!
    • A MOC that I put out a while back is getting upgraded, I'll post it here when its done.
    • Exo's photobucket just saved me a trip to /b/.
    • Comment here to join the ####################ing awesome club.
    • I did it all for the dope.
  10. mercenary vahki
    Finally beat Mass Effect... Yeah... Great ending.
    Got some stuff for you to look up...
    Arfenhouse movies - pure win. probably 14+ age wise - unless ur parents are strict or something.
    Apache - flash movie - just cool animation - dudes get shot in the head, not for the kiddies.
  11. mercenary vahki
    Gears of war 2. November 2008. YEAAAAAAAA!!!
    Trailer's out, but it doesn't really say anything about the game. Go find it if you're interested.
  12. mercenary vahki
    The story
    Makuta: Ok, I guess. Picture was kinda confusing.
    Nuva: These are not the nuva. But as new toa, they look better than the phantoka, and come with a new launcher and LESS GRAY.
    Vehicle-dudes: Are pure awesome. I mean the vehicles, not the dudes. I've been excited ever since seeing the leaked stuff, and plan on buying them all.
  13. mercenary vahki
    My life is rather boring. The PSP hasn't come yet, and I got nothin' to blog about. A psychiatrist may say I'm depressed. I may not be a psychiatrist. It all depends. It just does. School has been okay... a little more drug busts than usual, but still under control. If you feel like commenting, do yourself a favor and comment in the entry below this. It has lazers. And kombat. So go and do whatever.
  14. mercenary vahki
    Bought a new slim PSP (piano black) and a 2gb memory stick for $155 on ebay. I actually couldn't care less about the games, and the main features I got it for were: portable internet, big screen for video, mp3 player, and skype. But as I will eventually get some games, anyone wanna recommend some?
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