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mercenary vahki

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by mercenary vahki

  1. mercenary vahki
    So I walked to the local gamestop, just because I was bored. Looked at some games I will buy in the near future. I ended up getting Stranglehold for a good price. So I walk up to the counter, pay for the game, and the guy is like "Would you like to preorder super smash brothers brawl?" And I was like "No." And he was like "Do you want to preorder metal gear solid 4?" And I was like "No." And he was like "Do you want to preorder madden 2009" And I was like "No." And he was like "Would you like to purchase a protection plan for your game?" And I was like "No." And he was like "Do you wan- " "And I was like "NO."

  2. mercenary vahki
    You are required to view this important document. Sound will play when you click it, so PREPARE YOUR BLADDER FOR IMMINENT RELEASE!

    Removed. If you use a flash object, next time make sure it doesn't start playing. Even if you just enter the entry it starts. For something like that, I would suggest you link it. - Kohaku
  3. mercenary vahki
    They are far inferior to any modern smartphone
    Seriously why would you even get one with their lowres screen and terrible soft keyboard
    Not to mention that at&t is ughhhhh
    Also you get to pay for the priveledge of having your experience controlled by apple
    Sent from my droid
  4. mercenary vahki
    new laptop (the best laptop (not even kidding)) so I'm too lazy to get my formatting
    I've stopped by to say hello (HELLO)
    let me tell you bout haters
    I'm all of them
    speaking of facts, I recently played Call of Duty: Black Ops
    It was about as fun as blowing your nose while having a remarkably docile lobster in your skinny jeans
    oh and it's terribly designed (yes fun and quality design are completely different)
    VVVVVV is game of the year (I haven't played super meat boy yet)
    Bad Company 2 is PC shooter of the year
    Halo: Reach is best console shooter
    Minecraft is best lifedrain of the year
    New Tron is best shiny of the year
    Best movie? idk Inception was ok, nothing really stood out
    oh and Avatar is worst of all years, always
    Female body part of the year: all of them (collect them all (at the same time (please)))
    coolest thing I bought my mom for christmas and now want to use: Amazon Kindle (this thing is so cool)
    TV show of the year: Panty and Stocking (probs)
    maybe more if anyone comments lol (all my friends are dead?)
  5. mercenary vahki
    So I was thinking... Maybe after I fix my computer, I could start a pbzp? I actually dislike them, as the produced MOCs are rarely up to par with ones that have been worked on and refined, but I have a horrible lack of inspiration (Actually I'm inspired, but only for trolling purposes) that is keeping me from making stuff. So maybe, just maybe, I'll do one. Actually, you can comment for first dibs on your letter. So even if I don't do an official one, I can use your ideas. And I probably... actually I just ran out of ideas.
    -MercenaryXero, off to troll the intarnets.
    EDIT: I think I'll do it, post what your character looks like, or just pm it to me instead.
    EDIT 2: Official entry created.
  6. mercenary vahki
    welcome to the first edition of drinkz with merx, where I show you how to be a drink lord such as myself
    Imma call this drink
    aka "gottem lemonz"
    lets begin
    STEP ONE: get a tonic water and pour it into a large glass
    STEP UP TWO: toss a lemonade at it, less than the volume of tonic water
    THE THREETS: one hundred per cent lemon juice, enough so you can feel the citric acid
    STEP FIGHTER FOUR: put sugar in, 50% saturation ideal but I just threw in the rest of my sugar jar
    FINAL STEP V: cut open two fish oil tabletz and get that good juice in yo drink
    mix it up and get ya drink on, like me, its what im drinkin now
    suprisingly nonlethal
    boutta have some good dreams

  7. mercenary vahki
    Trillian astra is godmode for chat
    It has almost everything you would ever want
    Like [social networking site I don't know I can mention] chat support. Seriously, that thing never works on the actual site, lol
  8. mercenary vahki
    Merx's fashionz test for bros
    If a girl wore your clothes, would she still be attractive
    Lookin at you keeds with your nasty pants and old sweatshirts that you have washed maybe six times, three less than you appear to have washed your body this year
    This year I go off on all them fools who think they have what it takes to be terrible people and get away with it
  9. mercenary vahki
    fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks AIDS fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks fruitsnacks
  10. mercenary vahki
    It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not WAKE UP. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to WAKE UP. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and PLEASE WAKE UP
    The forum reference in the comments must be edited out before this entry may be republished. Referencing a forum in such a distinct and direct way is a no-go. <<DV>>
    mmkay, everyone enjoy your confusing comments now
  11. mercenary vahki
    I've been rather inactive the last week, but I'm still here.
    What has been taking up my time?
    Well, I've been involved with various internet operations, stuff like that. Operation Lioncash is ongoing, and another I can't talk about here, as the eyes of fail watch all.
    One thing I can say, however, is that if it is successful, we'll have a lot of lulz and a lot less emos.
    And I've also been hanging around another forum, and I have to say, I am enlightened. Anyone who acts like a stupid 12-year-old or has bad grammar gets banned. We really need some of that around here. The forums here are like an ocean of suck, with intelligent people floating around on ice floes.
  12. mercenary vahki
    I just got a great Idea. Once enough people visit my blog, I could hold contests of some sort - and give away some stuff! Whats the catch, you say? Well, there really isn't one. You see, dollar bills are infesting my room and I can't spend them fast enough. (I probably got 13 cases o' mountain dew in my closet) So whats your opinion? I'd love to hear it.
  13. mercenary vahki
    As usual, in no particular order:
    *you should get the album Invaders Must Die by The Prodigy. I have this incredible urge to go to the mall, make a perimeter, and then yell that at anyone who encroaches on my kingdom. Its that good.
    *I shall feast on four magnificent waffles tomorrow morning
    *FF Personas are pretty cool
    *FFFFFFFF my computer isn't doing custom themes right
    *I'm tempted to enter the contest, but (1) I probably wouldn't finish in time, and (2) wouldn't be able to scavenge fast enough. Maybe I'll do it, just because I'm long overdue on making anything.
    *no, there was not 23 of these, I'm just randomizin'
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