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mercenary vahki

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by mercenary vahki

  1. mercenary vahki
    I am 100% addicted to EVE Online. It's like the most perfect concept ever; it has spaceships, it has guns, it has a lot of player-controlled content, etc. So that pretty much makes it the best MMO in my book, bar none. (and yes that includes WOW)
    Bottom line, you should try it.
    Also also also I'm cat-sitting this week. Who wants pics?
  2. mercenary vahki
    So I walked to the local gamestop, just because I was bored. Looked at some games I will buy in the near future. I ended up getting Stranglehold for a good price. So I walk up to the counter, pay for the game, and the guy is like "Would you like to preorder super smash brothers brawl?" And I was like "No." And he was like "Do you want to preorder metal gear solid 4?" And I was like "No." And he was like "Do you want to preorder madden 2009" And I was like "No." And he was like "Would you like to purchase a protection plan for your game?" And I was like "No." And he was like "Do you wan- " "And I was like "NO."

  3. mercenary vahki
    This is a story I have prepared for english, the guidelines were "introduce a character that relates to or discusses Antigone" So yeah, its actually interesting, I'll let you decide if its good. Also Its copied from word, so formatting died.
    One day, I took a journey into the hills. Who am I, you ask? I am Tyrone the musician, of course! My deeds are famous throughout the land! Anyway, so I was climbing atop a rather steep hill when I spotted a shady tree off in the distance. What a stroke of luck! I had been without shade for quite some time now, and my feet grow weary. It is not a long walk to the tree, and I soon arrive in its shady embrace.
    Suddenly I am overwhelmed with fatigue. It appears that I have not eaten for several hours! I reach for my lunch-sack and open the cover. But my food has eluded me; in its place is an armadillo. Begone, armadillo! I have no business with thee. Now here I am, without food or drink, oh what am I to do? Ah! Right on the other side of the tree I have found some wild mushrooms! They come to my aid in my time of need. One, two, three, I gobble down these fungal delights. Having satisfied my stomach’s needs, I lay down to rest.
    The light filters slowly through my awakening eyes; everything seems peaceful. But it is not so, the sky is cloudy with sand; the ground beside me stained with blood. I leap to my feet; what has happened here? Bodies litter the ground like so many leaves; smoke mingles with the sand. Off in the distance – there – a city! Maybe they will know what has happened.
    The stone ramparts of the city grow close; towering above me, blotting out the sun. A voice calls to me: “You there! What is your business in Thebes!” “I’ve come to inform you that there are quite a bit of dead people over there!” I shout, pointing to where I had approached from. The guard shouted back, in a surprisingly calm tone for someone who has just learned their front yard contains multitudes of human remains – “Yeah, so do you want to come in or not?” “Sure!” I reply, still understandably baffled by his demeanor.
    Thebes is certainly a great city. They have a fantastic market full of strange and beautiful commodities. But it is not without its filth, as well. As I was perusing merchandise, a man approached me, asking for a small sum of money. To this I declined, rending his skull in two with my palm.
    Later that day there was to be a general assembly in the plaza. I attended, of course, as I really had nothing better to do with my time. After some time, a middle-aged man approached from the palace; he wore a shining vest of jewels. Or maybe he did not. It is uncertain. This man raised his hands, the crowd ceased to bustle. He began talking; about what I am not sure. Something concerning dead bodies, or decrees, or whatever else vest-wearers concern themselves with.
    I set out to find a resting place in the city. Seeing as all the inns were full, I lay myself down near the city gate. I drifted off into sleep…
    I was awakened by the bustling of feet beside my resting space. It was still night, what were people doing up so late? I rose, only to be confronted with a squadron of guards, in possession of a well dressed woman. They halted immediately when they saw me. Of course, they made no attempt to move me; for no one with any measure of intelligence wishes to challenge me in a battle.
    Days later, I decided to explore my new land. Setting off towards the woods, I made sure to bring plenty of food and drink. A few hours in to my quest, I discovered an enormous stone vault. I climbed on top of it, eager to get a better look at my surroundings.
    Oh my, I have lost track of time! It is nearly five and three-eighths! I try to lower my head from the horizon; oh my, this was probably not a good idea. My neck is stuck. But I can see people milling around the vault entrance… What are they here for? I climb down the vault face, above the gaping door. The man from the plaza is here, along with many guards. I drop down; discreetly joining their ranks.
    The man is talking; no, pleading with another, younger man. I move closer to hear their conversation; but I soon realize the error of my decision, for the young man eviscerates himself with a sword, spraying intestines far and wide. What an unpleasant fellow.
    My eyes open (What? Aren’t they already open?) to a scene of concerned people, anxiously hovering over me. I sit up, and they try to begin explaining something to me. I will have none of their nonsense; I set off towards my home, there are things to be obtained.
  4. mercenary vahki
    As in sane. I get my name back soon, have a great idea for it. AND GUISE BOTAR DEID!!!!!!! Rather undignified, actually. Like just killed off for convenience's sake.
  5. mercenary vahki
    I predict the lifespan of my new MG Starfighter to be a few days. I have a pretty cool idea, hopefully my lack of parts won't be so big of an issue.
    Also, I know its not cool to post in LGD, but a couple posts in yonder topic wouldn't hurt anyone. (the one a couple entries down, for the context-impaired)
  6. mercenary vahki
    ...for every time I heard some one say "The mods have real lives" I'd have like $50. Seriously, I think everyone knows they have lives, but do they know we do too? It's like they think we just live in holes and post all day. I know I have a real life. That's why I haven't posted in a while. Do you have a real life? No. You are a robot. As this was kinda inspired by CzaR's entry, I'll take the example of polls. Considering that the poll posting date was listed, and not really met, I think people have a right to complain. It's not like they're breaking any rules.
    So anyway, I have a real life too.
  7. mercenary vahki
    They are far inferior to any modern smartphone
    Seriously why would you even get one with their lowres screen and terrible soft keyboard
    Not to mention that at&t is ughhhhh
    Also you get to pay for the priveledge of having your experience controlled by apple
    Sent from my droid
  8. mercenary vahki
    And I'm on spring break this week, drop me a line or aim me at gamecubeguy11 if you wanna get on live or do some stuff.
  9. mercenary vahki
    sunday was pretty cool. I slept at my friend/ neighbor sam's house. Well, I didn't get much sleep. Playin maplestory till 3 in the morning then joining sam for some H3 until 6. And if any of you guys play maplestory, my guy's name is MRCX and I'm on windia. So anyway, we wake up at noon today, and go eat french toast. (really good) Then I go home and do homework for probably 4 hours. (XI) And now I am playing maplestory again, and am only writing this because I gotta recharge my health. Probly time to go back now.
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