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Blog Entries posted by Kayru

  1. Kayru
    I didn't expect to be at BrickFair this year, but it happened. It ended up being really convenient for work, so they paid for my flight here (I'm still in DC meeting a client for a couple of days).
    The convention itself was alright. The public attendance was pretty sad, and the only event I got to partake in was an adult swim event, which meant more of what we were already doing all the other nights... :b As always, there were many interesting MOCs to see and I brought mine, which ultimately ended up with winning my first BF award (Best Non-Humanoid). Everyone has been so nice about it, both in person and online, and it's been overwhelmingly amazing. Makes me want to MOC more often, heheh...
    We also got to go to the Lego store, which of course led to buying every brand new Bionicle set (and another one besides that). I'm saving to build them til I get home, which means figuring out how to pack them should be interesting.
    But the main reason I went, as always with conventions, was people. And wow, was it a good year.
    I got surrounded by several other artists, all of whom are fantastically more talented than me and the fact that I actually got two collabs going just blows my mind. Completely.
    I got to meet people I've been waiting to meet and people I never thought I would... and oh my goodness you are all such cinnamon rolls and I love you. Susanna, Vance, Christie, Corvin, Yanni, the list goes on and the only reason I don't name every single one of you is because I am so terrible with names, of which everyone basically has two to try remembering. XD
    I also got to solidify friendships with people I'd already met before. Both this and the previous point are absolutely mind-blowing when I think about it. I get to know these people. I get to actually talk to these people, and they actually care to talk back. It's both humbling and wonderful and oh gosh stop it tears no you're not supposed to happen
    *deep breath*
    As with any gathering of a lot of people and the changing of things over time, there was a bit of drama. But the nice thing is, everyone involved is still great and I have high hopes for things to get better. And comparatively speaking, this one was quite low on drama and had the most recoveries that I've seen.
    I do apologize for one thing... I said too much. Like, quite a few times. Especially when I didn't have my wits about me. And I'm sorry if it hurt anyone. But... that being said I still think this con began, ended, and almost entirely ran on a good note.
    I don't know what else to say. I wish I could see many of you more often, and in a year or two maybe I will move and at least make that possible for a few people (I've had many open ideas on where to move, but now one or two have definitely moved to the top of my list). But I am so, so beyond-myself thankful that I even got to have this time with each of you. It was incredible.
  2. Kayru
    AHHH I didn't think my son would be ready for Legos for another year or two, but last night he sat down and joined in organizing System parts with me. (He's just barely 2 1/2)

    See, it looks like I'm helping him with colors, shapes, and counting - but in reality I am training a sorting minion MUAHAHAHA--
    Actually it works out well because he's nearly as obsessed with organization as I am. (See all that sorted Lego/Bionicle behind us? XD)

    Look, he also made his first MOCs... a necklace each for me and him, and an airplane he was very happy with. I'll probably never take it apart, it was his absolute first MOC and I feel like I should preserve something so momentous.

    On another note, I am so close and yet so far away from finishing my Bionicle collection. If you're willing to part with sets, please check out the topic here.

  3. Kayru
    I wasn't going to go, but now I'm considering it.
    The only way that's possible is if I can coordinate with someone on hotel and/or car, so if you're going and you are willing to collaborate on either or both of those, please let me know.

  4. Kayru
    I get the feeling a lot of my posts were in places that didn't get included in post count, because I was way more active than that.
    Oh well. Looking like a n00b forever.

  5. Kayru
    So, Emerald City Comicon was AWESOME. I would've posted about it sooner, but I have been stupid busy with personal stuff lately. Also I was hoping to have some detail shots of what I'm about to show you, but meh. Can't wait forever.
    SO! I decided to go as a steampunk assassin (a la Assassin's Creed). Given the time crunch, I didn't have time to do everything I was hoping to, but I'm at least happy with what I had.
    You'll notice some Bionicle MOCs implemented, which is why I find this relevant to BZP... :b I was in a hurry to finish those parts of the outfit, and decided Bionicle/Technic was the easiest way to have more gears and wires implemented into the costume.

    Those hidden blades were VERY hairtrigger, so I only wore them for one of the two days I dressed up. Oh well, that's what I get for making them in a half hour the night before leaving. XD
    Everything was loads of fun! I enjoyed pretending to be an assassin, hehehe~

    Met some awesome people with VERY cool cosplays, including a fairly well-known cosplayer I follow on dA, so that was awesome.
    I also got LOADS OF STUFF. Including my Lego name bricks signed by Carlos D'Anda, and a signed print from Stuart Sayger.
    And all this delicious goodness:
    Heartless shirt, doge shirt, a LoZ shirt (angry chibi Link saying "call me Zelda ONE more time!"), a dice bag, an Edward Kenway figure, a LoL key ring (gift), a card game (gift), a Wacom stylus, a Lego dog and turtle, a Zora's Sapphire necklace, Portal socks, two Romantically Apocalyptic postcards, two signed Chasing Artwork prints, a dragon wool-felting kit, a Hyrule Historia book, a TARDIS card (gift), a signed book from The Oatmeal, and a Lego Hobbit set I already built.
    (I have a picture of all of these, but I figured I've shared enough photos for one day... XD)

  6. Kayru
    I found this interesting, given I'm actually currently playing my first D&D game as a half-elf true-neutral rogue.
    Note it picked me as human, but I tied between human and half-elf.
    Chaotic neutral I can get... sort of. XD I probably just got cleric because I'm religious and there were a lot of questions about that.
    You Are A:
    Chaotic Neutral Human Cleric (4th Level)
    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 11
    Dexterity- 14
    Constitution- 12
    Intelligence- 17
    Wisdom- 15
    Charisma- 16
    Chaotic Neutral- A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it. Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal. However, chaotic neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all authority, harmony, and order in society.
    Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
    Clerics- Clerics act as intermediaries between the earthly and the divine (or infernal) worlds. A good cleric helps those in need, while an evil cleric seeks to spread his patron's vision of evil across the world. All clerics can heal wounds and bring people back from the brink of death, and powerful clerics can even raise the dead. Likewise, all clerics have authority over undead creatures, and they can turn away or even destroy these creatures. Clerics are trained in the use of simple weapons, and can use all forms of armor and shields without penalty, since armor does not interfere with the casting of divine spells. In addition to his normal complement of spells, every cleric chooses to focus on two of his deity's domains. These domains grants the cleric special powers, and give him access to spells that he might otherwise never learn. A cleric's Wisdom score should be high, since this determines the maximum spell level that he can cast.

  7. Kayru
    ...might be getting to name your own Wifi.
    Hostname: Lego Assassin
    Password: AwesomeIsPermitted
    (It's also nice to have one's Lego collection out for all to see. :b Still have to put up some shelving so I can move in my modular buildings.)
  8. Kayru
    I've been working at PNNL (Pacific NW National Laboratory) for two years now as an intern and a post-Bac, which are both temp positions... and now I've been hired permanently. Basically I'll be doing the same thing (web design/development), just with more security.
    ALSO - wooooo cheap benefits and a significant raise!
    I decided I'm going to celebrate by dyeing my hair.
    BUT, I'm going to be dressed as Mad Unikitty at BrickFair VA, which is in just over two months... and the colors I'm looking to get won't go with her at all.
    Should I see if I can do a temp dye over my permanent one for that weekend, or get a wig? Thoughts?

  9. Kayru
    So... unbeknownst to me, apparently there are actually interesting things that happen on my side of the state.
    I was asked to be part of a fashion show to help a friend show some stuff I'd bought from her... it turned out to be a steampunk/Victorian variety show. It was really, really awesome. And surprisingly I didn't have to drive 4 hours to go to it.
    So yeah. I did a thing.

    I'm kinda sad because there's a neckpiece to the jacket top that's missing, so I couldn't wear it all. Works OK without it though.
    I wish I'd actually known someone in the crowd, so they could've recorded the whole thing. I was in a group of about a dozen people, and there was another fashion group, and a nerd improv group, and a music group... Oh well, it was really neat to see even just behind the scenes.
    Hopefully more interesting things happen nearby. We have far too many nerds around to NOT do cool stuff.
    Unrelated: I just spent a half hour snickering at Craigslist m4w ads. I am a terribru person. Thought about posting something but what's the point?

  10. Kayru
    If someone advertises that they are selling "Bionicles", it's probably a really, really good deal.
    I just got like.... $80 worth of sets, masks and parts from a kid off Craigslist for $25. Yesssssssss
    Also I just went to a local convention (RadCon) and made a tail. Wore it with my steampunk stuff BECAUSE REASONS.
    It was fun. There were a surprising number of fursuiters (I live in a pretty medium-size town, not a whole lot of strangeness), some of which were dancing at the rave, which is insane and I give them enormous props.
  11. Kayru
    I got all active again on the website, posted some blogs, made lots of comments and replies... and fate goes NOPE and 'splodes it all in the site hack.
    Well... perhaps I should try this again.
    What is there to tell? Hm. Well, the most relevant news is probably that I'm making it a point to go to the next BrickFair Virginia. Sooooo if anyone wants to hang out or share hotel/car/etc, let me know. I'll be saving up enough to potentially pay for it all myself, but hoping to get at least some coordination (I'm sure not everyone who's flying there really wants to rent their own car...).
    In irrelevant news, LIFE N STUFF.
    I honestly don't know how much to share about myself here. For some reason I still have that residual effect of ye olde days of BZPower, in which I wouldn't even share my age, like a good little kid.
    SOoooo what's up?

  12. Kayru
    So I went to see the premiere last night... It was kind of nice having the theater pretty empty, because 1) it's a Thursday and 2) ZOMG BLIZZARD. I had to wear my BZPower shirt just because (photo pending), and with that and my Lego phone case, I felt pretty awesome.
    EEEEVERYTHING IS AWESOOOOO-- oh, sorry. I think that's kind of ingrained in my head now.
    So. What did I think of it? In short, it was absolutely everything I was hoping for and more.
    The humor is FANTASTIC. Maybe it was part of the hype I had about the movie, but I was seriously laughing like a crazy person through most of the movie. I like comedic timing and awkward pauses/movements, so this was right up my alley. They did everything so well. It's a movie that you'll enjoy even if you aren't a Lego fan, and it has so many references and nods to every marketing niche Lego has, it's absolutely fantastic. (Note: if you're actually employed by Lego builders *cough cough Swert*, it may feel a bit like you're being attacked near the end. I know with the way some adult hobbyists are, the last area of the movie can be a little uncomfortable. BUT, I think it can be taken with a grain of salt, and overall it doesn't make it any less enjoyable.)
    Maybe I was unreasonably excited and had rose-colored glasses on, but honestly I can find so little negative to say about it. Maybe the only thing I can say in this section would be how it began - it was abrupt and unceremonious, and it took me a minute or two to get into. But once I did, I loved the whole ride.
    Now to those who have seen it...
    Seriously guys, go see it. And get anyone you can to go see it with you. I really do think it's a great movie for all types.
  13. Kayru
    ...And I'm so excited, but SO unprepared. There's a last-minute MOC that I REALLY want to do, but I have no time to do it... A commission to finish, work and overtime, an extremely sociable almost-three-year-old... My car is in the shop and I am reeeeeeally hoping it gets back to me before I go.
    I want to say what I want to build, but I looked it up this afternoon and found that this particular popular video game character has NEVER been done in Lego. I don't want someone to beat me to it. XD
    I also was going to leave my Angry Unikitty cosplay at home, but I'm wondering if I should bring it....
  14. Kayru
    Hey everyone!
    In order to help with holiday costs and some unexpected expenses that have come upon me and my loved ones, I'm offering commissions!
    This will give some general info on it:
    (click for full view, of course!)
    This just gives a few ideas of what I can make. If you want to look through most of the art I've done, you can browse my gallery here.
    Even if you can't afford one (though you could make it a present for Christmas!), please show this to anyone you think might be interested. It would help us out a lot - thanks!
  15. Kayru
    I made a thing. On a post-it note. Because everyone at work except me is gone. D;

    I decided erasers are for the week, so I just rolled with however it came out. meh.
    But honestly, however you spend this week, I hope it's lovely and full of good memories and stuff and things.
    Insert other sentiments here.
    Yep, I'm sleep deprived. Have a lovely week, all!

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