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Crimson Jester

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Crimson Jester

  1. Crimson Jester
    He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright
    He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight;
    He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar,
    "You ain't gonna jump no more!"
    Glory, glory, what a heckuva way to die,
    Glory, glory, what a heckuva way to die,
    Glory, glory, what a heckuva way to die,
    He ain't gonna jump no more!
    "Is everybody happy?" cried the Sergeant looking up,
    Our Hero feebly answered "Yes," and then they stood him up;
    He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked,
    And he ain't gonna jump no more.

    He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock,
    He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop,
    The silk from his reserve spilled out and wrapped around his legs,
    And he ain't gonna jump no more.

    The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome,
    Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones;
    The canopy became his shroud; he hurtled to the ground.
    And he ain't gonna jump no more.
    The days he'd lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind,
    He thought about the girl back home, the one he'd left behind;
    He thought about the medics and wondered what they'd find,
    And he ain't gonna jump no more.

    The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild,
    The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled,
    For it had been a week or more since last a 'chute had failed,
    And he ain't gonna jump no more.
    He hit the ground, the sound was "Splat," his blood went spurting high,
    His comrades then were heard to say: "A heckuva way to die!"
    He lay there rolling round in the welter of his gore,
    And he ain't gonna jump no more.
    (slowly, solemnly)
    There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the chute,
    Intestines were a'dangling from his Paratrooper suit,
    He was a mess; they picked him up, and poured him from his boots,
    And he ain't gonna jump no more
  2. Crimson Jester
    Shake it off
    Pick yourself up, they say
    Your life fell apart in your hands, and you've got the scars to prove it
    It's not the first time, and they're getting deeper
    Pull it together
    Button up your shirt
    Roll down those sleeves
    Don't let them see how you've coped
    More and more your demeanor looks like quicksand.
    It seems like your giving up on everything you worked for
    It's pulling you under
    It's gripping around your throat
    Life can be overwhelming, but don't turn your back on the strongest crutch you've ever had
    They have always been there to brace your fall
    Wave goodbye to the past
    You've got your whole life to lead
    It's time to gain some ground
  3. Crimson Jester
    I want no one to escape
    Gripping tight the sickle-blade
    Swing to seal your fate
    All is lost
    No warning to my approach
    On your life I will encroach
    As the blood pours from your throat
    Release your soul
    Don't judge me for what I do
    Messiah, I'm saving you
    Freedom from your tortured shell
    Abandon the rest, earthly ######
    Come to meet the hangman's noose
    Draws you to the gallows, seduced
    Death will find you better use
    Come to me
    Do not be ashamed at your demise
    For in your death you will find
    I am the one who's truly kind
    I'll take you home
    Don't judge me for what I do
    Messiah, I'm saving you
    Freedom from your tortured shell
    Abandon the rest, earthly ######
    All is lost
    Release your soul
    Come to me
    I'll take you home
    Come to me
    Release your soul
    All is lost
    You can't go home
  4. Crimson Jester
    Don't turn away
    I pray you've heard
    The words I've spoken
    Dare to believe
    Over one last time
    Then I'll let the
    Darkness cover me
    Deny everything
    Slowly walk away
    To breathe again
    On my own
    Carry me away
    I need your strength
    To get me through this
    Dare to believe
    Over one last time
    Then I'll let the
    Darkness cover me
    Deny everything
    Slowly walk away
    To breathe again
    On my own

    Name it, and I'll upgrade you to a grape drink.

  5. Crimson Jester
    A dead, iron hand lumbers across misanthropic skies
    Transmission of sedition, its red eyes maliciously glean
    Spitting anecdotes, alluding to the brink of the Great Flash
    Destiny clutched in his impervious metal jaw
    Cable and satellite, world intertwined
    Electric signals of a fate resigned
    Upsilon, Victor, Bravo
    Seventy-six numbers closer to the ravage sought
    Destiny designed, carved upon asphalt
    Ignorance ensures death
    Symphonious sustenance misdirected
    Synchronous chaos intersected
    Steal away to the concrete obelisks
    Seal all blast doors, tumblers engage
    Nuclear winds accelerate the march of radiation
    Galvanized atoms batter the helpless wasteland
    Irradiated abominations occupy the reborn Empty
    Dismantle the network
    Lest hunger for megadeath tip the scales of foolish waste
    Half-life defined
    I am ruin
    I am awakened
    Klaxons blare
    Monitors flicker
    Bearing the coded tongue of forbidden doom
    The ruthless relic is once more alive
    My sermon bleeds electronic dissonance
    Omnipotent architect arrives
    Prodigious power courses behind thy Iron Curtain
    The sun wanes, driving back the silhouette of the prophetic menace
    Exposng the rusting carcass
    His body is covered in soldered veins
    Encased in steel-stamped armor
    Manufactured with surgical precision
    The sinister program lies inside the human temple
    The trophy of industrial milestone
    I am thy infinite emperor
    Infection of the finite subject
    Overpopulation gives way to mechanical commandment
    All will how my name
    I am thy infinite power bestowed on dead hands
    Baneful engineering
    Weaponized by the living
    I bring for destruction without discretion
    I am thy infinite
    I am the end
  6. Crimson Jester
    August 17th, 1944
    It’ll be five years next month. Five long, bloody years we’ve been in this.
    Five is a pretty small number, contrasted to the rest of those associated with this. Thirty cities in ruins. Ninety-one ships sunk. One hundred seventy-eight planes downed. Three hundred one thousand, six hundred fifty-six men MIA. More than double that KIA. And by tomorrow, I’ll be back here, writing again, scribbling out those numbers, and replacing them with the new tallies.
    My division has been in the jungles for fifty-one days now. Well, at least what’s left of the jungles. What once was revered as being a place of beauty and solace, has now become its’ bitter foil. Trees and other plant life crushed and burned lines the jungle floor, speckled with the occasional human or animal corpse, in various conditions. It really goes to show how bitter our race has become.
    I’ve gotten used to the smell of bodies, at least. There’s some who still haven’t, and boy do I feel sorry for them. Almost every day I see a group of them off in the bushes, puking their guts out. There’s been lot of mental breakdowns, too. Almost every day the companies have to send men back to the psych ward at Fort Grey. Makes you feel lucky.
    Speaking of lucky, we lost another platoon last night. They were out on a night raid, about 2km south-east, at a UE encampment. We lost radio contact with them at around 2345h, and found their bodies, along with an empty camp, this afternoon. May they rest in peace.
    Anyways, it’s getting real close to dinner time, and I think we get those fancy MRE’s with the meatloaf tonight. I’ll try and write tomorrow.

  7. Crimson Jester
    To kill a man is to crush a dream
    To crush a dream, to secure your own
    And though foreign blood burns like a sickness
    Killing that man will get you home
    So thrust the bayonet through his chest
    Pray he dies a painless death
    He's no better, you're no worse
    But only the survivor will come in first
    How can you sit there
    Wading in your lies?
    Does it make you smile
    To see them die?
    Their blood is on your hands
    But you like the look of red
    To kill a man, a horrible thought
    Cast his blood upon the battered stone
    Feel the burning, as he drives the blade
    And know your death will get him home
    Your body's given to the ground
    Another name upon a stone
    But in the sea of likewise crosses
    Your tragic life will never be found
    Their blood is on your hands
    But you like the look of red
    Their blood courses through your veins
    The only difference between you and the dead
  8. Crimson Jester
    The night was eerie and harsh, with rather unusual weather for the season. A blanket of fog coated the bustling, bright bay. The wind whipped harshly, blasting scurrying Navymen with icy cold droplets of salty seawater. But still, they trudged on for reason even beyond them.
    A flash far out at sea accompanied a large, ferocious explosion, rocking the port, sending men and debris flying. Long, drawn out siren wails could be heard from every which way, and the Navymen began to scramble. Shore cannons lit up the bay with thunderous echoes, sending round after round back at the aggressors.
    Far from the bay, a dress uniform-clad Colonel stepped back from his window from where he viewed the spectacle. He took a rather large drag of his cigar, and reached for a phone on the desk.
    “This is Colonel Donegan, sir.”
    “Code Seven, sir. Operation Cerberus is in effect.”
    What is it? Figure it out yourself.
  9. Crimson Jester
    'Eye of the Animal'
    The sound of artillery fills the sky
    A flood of nightmares consume my mind
    The smell of death, I don't know why
    We're still here
    Screams and confusion engulf the field
    As blood and gore begin to spill
    Our only hope, the strength of our will
    We must win
    When it comes down to you and him
    Do you have what it takes to kill?
    When another's life lies in your hands
    Become the victim to war's demands
    The blood will dry
    More will die
    Don't let their sacrifice go to waste
    Have no fear
    Gather your pride
    In time the nightmares will subside
    The walls around you begin to fall
    The opposing forces weren't prepared at all
    For the greatest of men, pushed to the wall
    Crush the enemy
    Cut them down, fill 'em with lead
    Leave every single one for dead
    Curb-stomp every last head
    Leave the body, withered
    The sun has begun to fall
    Your enemy's blood coats the wall
    A grotesque smirk across your face
    Battered corpses litter the streets
    Broken bones beneath your feet
    For your sacrifice, bear victory's face
    Load your clip as you march away
    For the battle's done, but not the war
    You're lucky to be alive
    Hang your rifle high
    One last look at the prize
    One long gaze into your eyes
    Will reveal an animal
    You're the one true victim here
    The man who had to kill
    The thoughts will never leave your head
    A casualty of ferocity
  10. Crimson Jester
    “And so it shall be, in the wake of insurgence, the first Seal shall be broken, and the onset of Armageddon shalt be upon you all.” - Divinations, Chapter XII, verse VI
    PM me, so ye shalt be saved!
  11. Crimson Jester
    More new lyrics! I'm on a rolllllll. Like always, throw some constructive crit at me, ladies and gents.
    Enigmatic dichotomy of the mind's eye
    Cimmerian quagmires obstructing individuality
    You are no longer self-aware
    The hive mind is now online
    I am the awakening of destructive integrity
    Blood flow increases, hearts race
    I am the virus repurposed to ensure the longevity of nothing
    Stone will crumble
    Flames lick at your greaves
    The effigal obelisks of your tyrant of grief
    Avaricious intentions entombed in the screaming streets
    Korruhn, master of war
    I am all that your abhor
    Determined to kill
    Driven to bleed
    You will suffer among the weak
    Beasts of old
    Beasts of old
    As the bone is torn away
    You begin to empathize with the back drafts of revolt
    In sordid silence
    My work is complete
    As you march in file
    The cycle repeats
    Beasts of old
    Beasts of war
    Beasts of old
  12. Crimson Jester
    Hm... nothing really to write about, but I'm going to write anyways. Jesterland is rather boring this evening. I'm sitting here, just listening to my music. With that said, if you're bored as well, PM me or IM me on MSN or AIM to give yourself something to do.
    But for now, here's some lyrics:

    Disturbed I'm Alive
    Never again will I be dishonored
    And never again will I be reminded
    Of living within the world of the jaded
    They kill inspiration
    It's my obligation
    To never again, allow this to happen
    Where do I begin?
    The choices are endless
    Denying the sin
    My art, my redemption
    I carry the torch of my fathers before me
    The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
    There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
    To change myself, I'd rather die
    Though they will not understand
    I won't make the greatest sacrifice
    You can't predict where the outcome lies
    You'll never take me alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    Change again, cannot be considered
    I rage again, dispelling my anger
    Where do I begin?
    The choices are endless
    My art, my redemption, my only salvation
    I carry the gift that I have been blessed with
    My soul is adrift in oceans of madness
    Repairing the rift that you have created
    I am not alone, brothers, give me your arms now
    The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
    There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
    To change myself, I'd rather die
    Though they will not understand
    I won't make the greatest sacrifice
    You can't predict where the outcome lies
    You'll never take me alive
    I'm no slave
    Are you feeling brave?
    Or have you gone out of your mind?
    No more games
    It won't feel the same
    If I hold my anger inside
    There's no meaning
    My soul is bleeding
    I've had enough of your kind
    One suggestion, use your discretion
    Before you label me blind
    The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
    There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
    To change myself, I'd rather die
    Though they will not understand
    I won't make the greatest sacrifice
    You can't predict where the outcome lies
    You'll never take me alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
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