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Enfero Lunos

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Blog Entries posted by Enfero Lunos

  1. Enfero Lunos
    Well, last Sunday I got Brawl, at a midnight release.
    During school weeks, we never get enough snow for a snow day. I have a theory that the only way we can get off of school is if we absolutely do not expect it. Anyways, in keeping with Murphy's Law (anything that can go wrong will go wrong), we got probably more snow the weekend Brawl comes out than the rest of winter added together. I almost wasn't able to get Brawl at the midnight release.
    Anyways, I love it. The graphics are way better than Melee's, I was shocked at how much more detailed it was, even after seeing videos online. It's not really evident in the videos, but Brawl is a bit slower and floatier than Melee, and feel so different too. I find I'm using special moves a lot less, and that Up special moves in general are much more for recovery than attack. Another nice thing is that the characters are more balanced.
    I'm a big fan of Subspace Emissary, the adventure mode. It's made up of 35-45 levels, and a few boss fights. The stage builder is pretty great too. I have yet to build a real, non gimmicky stage, but I'm okay with that. I'll get to it.
    The extra stuff is so much cooler than in melee. Melee only had like 150 (or so) trophies, brawl has over 600 trophies, and over 700 stickers. The color changes are better too, I like the fact that all characters have a dark and/or light costume. and the soundtrack is epic, 287 songs.
    I'm far from unlocking everything, but I'm loving what I do have.
  2. Enfero Lunos
    The release date for spore is set at Sept. 7, 2008!
    It looks like one of the best games ever. Why? I'm a customizaholic (yes, that's a real word, as of 3 seconds ago).
    You can customize pretty much everything in the game. Your creature, eventual buildings and vehicles, spaceships, and even planets. Yes, even planets.
    Frankly, I'm looking forward to it almost as much, if not more than, Brawl.
  3. Enfero Lunos
    Only a couple more weeks till lunar knights comes out! I am so excited. Boktai was my favorite GBA game ever, hands down, no questions asked. I must have played through at least ten times. Lunar knights should be so sweet. I also got Nintendo power today, which has an ad for LK. Beautiful picture. I wish I had boktai now, but I lent it to my friend, and we don't know where it is now. sometimes when I was at his house, I would play it, so I don't even know if it is at his house, or if I accidentally took it. Oh well. I would be more than happy to play through again. I don't mind going through everything again... not much at least.
    Well, I think It's pretty sweet that Nero is a spirit thing now, but it stinks that Otenko is now "Toasty." Oh well, what can one do?
  4. Enfero Lunos
    B for BZPower, of course. I turn 3 on BZP today and get my spinny Great Kanohi Huna! Yay! Free virtual Ice cream for everyone! Fireworks! My only regret is that it's less shiny than the mask of light
    I have so many people to thank for this:
    Me, for joining
    Time, for not stopping or going backwards
    The admins of the site, for making the site
    Lego, for making bionicle
    Santa, for... um... making... the world... maybe?
    EDIT: How could I be such a fool? I forgot to overload this entry with Vakama and Huna emoticons! +
  5. Enfero Lunos
    I take both bio and chem, and it was funny, because my last bio lab was abut acids and bases and pH, and my last chem lab was making popcorn and figuring out the percentage that was water, as an introduction to mathematics in chem. My Bio lab was more like a chem lab, and my chem lab was more like a... dumb thing you do in 4th grade on holidays
    Also, next year I'm taking physics + AP bio together. I'm also hoping to take AP programming, but it hasn't run the past 4 years because almost nobody is interested
  6. Enfero Lunos
    Day 5: Additional Gameplay Elements
    Stealth: Stealth was a major part in Boktai, because the more you were seen, the lower your rank. In Boktai 2, there was no ranking system, but it was important to be stealthy because Boktai 2 was much more challenging than Boktai.
    Puzzles: Boktai and Boktai 2 had as much puzzle solving as action. There were block puzzles (pushing large blocks to form paths or activate switches), ice block puzzles (similar, but kept sliding until they hit a wall, and could be melted with fire), switch puzzles (lure an enemy onto a switch or push a block onto one), math puzzles (push blocks with numbers and functions to form correct equations), and a few other types of puzzles.
    Password entry: When you beat Boktai and Boktai 2, it gives you a password to enter online. When you enter it, it gives you all the information about your results, and gives you a picture based on your rank (Berserker, Bishop, Trigger of Sol, etc).
    New game plus: In Boktai, when you beat the game, you would start over, except with everything from your first file. This, of course, made going through again much easier. In Boktai 2, there was no new game plus, it just allowed you to continue playing.
  7. Enfero Lunos
    That's not entirely fair to say, I guess, I'm also looking forward to Endless Ocean and Okami (for Wii)
    Brawl - Looks INCREDIBLE. Only 4 weeks away now, and it won't be delayed any more, at least not more than a week or two at most.
    Roster spoilers:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Unlockable characters: Marth, Mr. Game & Watch, Luigi, Falco, Snake, Ganondorf, Wolf, Lucario, Ness, Sonic, Toon Link, R.O.B., Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff Well, I must say that I'm disappointed. I am glad about Lucario, Toon Link, and R.O.B., but there were so many other series that needed representation. Where's the love for Metroid, Zelda, Animal Crossing, or Mario? The starfox series gets a third character who is essentially another clone of Fox. Meanwhile, Metroid, doesn't get Ridley or Dark Samus, Mario and Zelda get no real newcomers, and though it's not that hard at all to make a moveset for an animal crossing character, we don't get one. How is that fair?
    At least, on a positive note now, the alt colors for characters are amazing.
    The music is so amazing. There are songs that I know and love the remixes of, and songs I've never heard before but still love. There are 287 songs in Brawl, more than a gigabyte, more than 16 hours worth! The adventure mode has been ramped up a notch, several actually, and is now more than 5 hours long, not counting replay value.
    Boom Blox - Don't know much about it, but it looks good. I can't describe it very well, it's basically a physics-heavy game that has a lot of block-based puzzles. Think Jenga on steroids.
    de Blob - Basically: Dull, monochromatic world, get colors, paint buildings by jumping at them, get points, beat level. Sure, it's simple, but simple certainly worked for Katamari Damacy and Elebits.
    Boktai - Okay, nothing new, who cares. I don't know if I mentioned this, but my friend lost my copy of Boktai. I was upset at first, but I accepted it. Anyways, he bought me another copy, and one for himself. I finally beat it again today (it's much harder when you're weaker, out of experience, and trying to never be seen), and got a (fairly) good rank (A-). No rank S, but it was my first time through. Weaker weapons, fewer speed nuts, didn't go through all dungeons.
    Endless ocean - Just an exploratory game at it's core, but it looks like it could be fun. It's already out, but I have yet to rent it.
    Okami - I played and beat the PS2 version, but I'll have to at least try this. The Wii controller will make the celestial brush techniques much cooler/easier to use. And who knows, this could lead to a sequel on Wii.
  8. Enfero Lunos
    Holy cow, it's been forever since I posted!
    Well, since march, I:
    -Took the SATs (got a 1510/1600 [or 2150/2400])
    -Took AP US and Bio (still waiting for my results
    -Got crisis core (great game), the world ends with you (another great game), and FFCC: my life as a king (started off good, got kind of boring)
    -Failed at my AP bio final project. I don't mean I failed it, I mean it didn't work at all. Not in the "my results don't support the hypothesis" way, but the "my data isn't worth jack" way.
    -Took the English regents (thank god it's over, 4 essays in 2 days is a pain in the neck), took the US regents (easy), and I have the physics regents tomorrow. After discovering that NOBODY at my school has ever gotten a hundred on it, I decided that I MUST be the first to get a hundred. Does that mean I'll study? Nah. I'll just double check each question.
  9. Enfero Lunos
    Yesterday, I got back from Walt Disney World. It was the first time I've gone in over 10 years. I'm 15 years old. Basically, I remember nothing from my first trip. It was fun. I loved the Japanese store at Epcot, and most of the roller coasters were pretty cool. I also went to Universal Orlando. I was disappointed (but not surprised) that there wasn't that much Chernabog stuff. I was wondering what would happen if I put a dime in the penny crush machines, so I did put the money in, then pressed the button, and just as I did that, one of the workers came up to me and said "Did you know that this is the first penny crushing machine that was installed at Walt Disney World?" I was thinking: Oh crud, If I break the oldest penny crushing machine in WDW... I couldn't imagine the consequences. Fortunately, nothing bad happened, It came out fine. It was a fun trip.
  10. Enfero Lunos
    No, that's not a typo
    I just got back from Alaska today, after being there since last Saturday.
    I flew up to Anchorage, stayed a few days, went up to Fairbanks for a couple days, and came back down to Anchorage for a couple more days.
    Denali is a National park, for all of you who were unaware.
    I didn't see too many moose up there, only 5. One of the coolest things was stuff involving the huskies, the sled dogs. One of the things I did there had a demonstration of how dogs are hooked up to the sleds, and it was amazing how eager they were to go.
    One strange thing is that it seems that Me + Alaska =/= Bacon. I ordered bacon on 5 things I ordered in Alaska, and got bacon on 1 of them. I also broke my DS there, it dropped one time too many and broke. C'est Dommage.
    Also, because of my flight home, I got 30 minutes of sleep in the last 24 hours. I'm ready to go to bed.
  11. Enfero Lunos
    Why do they have peanut butter, but not cashew butter, or any other butter from different nuts?
    If our perception of smell is based on the way we are raised, why do we teach our kids that anything smells bad? It makes life less enjoyable.
    Why is America so dumb? One of the greatest countries in the world, with extremely slow and easy education.
    Why can't people accept that the egg came before the chicken?
    When a teacher asks "any more questions" when reviewing for a test, why do people always think it's funny to ask "what's the answer to question 1?"
    Why did Douglas Adams say 9X6=42?
  12. Enfero Lunos
    Well, I got Hydraxon (today) and Maxilos & Spinax (About 10 days ago).
    I really like them.
    Maxilos has an okay color scheme, but the best thing about his color is that he has Mata red, which is awesome!
    He may well be one of the best sets yet.
    Spinax is pretty sweet two, and can have great poses
    -Well built
    -Incredible torso design
    -Lots of articulation
    -Great MOCing pieces
    -Trans-red connectors (gotta love 'em!)
    -Mata red
    -Unstable (single ball-joint connection between hip and leg)
    -Color Scheme could use a bit of work
    -A couple small design flaws IMO (Lehvak-Kal plates, short chain)
    Hydraxon is also pretty sweet
    -Good color scheme
    -Very stable
    -Good MOCing pieces
    -Awesome hands
    -3 way plus rod thing (for lack of a better term)
    -Silver version of Pridak blades FTW!
    -Not much leg mobility
    -Nothing to hold in his awesome hands
    -Many peg/plus rod protrusions
    Man, I wish I had an endless supply of the trans-red connectors, and 3-way plus rods
    *Imagines massive red and gold honeycomb*
  13. Enfero Lunos
    Yeesh, it's been like forever
    Well, school started a couple weeks ago. My AP psych, AP calc, AP physics, and french teachers are teachers I've had in the past for other subjects, great teeachers, but I already knew I would have them. My AP stats teacher, from what I've heard, isn't that great, but I've yet to have a problem with her. My econ and english teachers were the only ones I didn't know about before the year began, but they both seem to be good enough teachers.
    At my school, we have "senior walls". It's a stretch of wall where it's decorated, and the year is put up, then signed by every senior. Unfortunately, this year, The "Class of 2009" is written in a ###### surreal style, and there's not really any background. I would rather have an unoriginal but good-looking wall than an original yet hideous one. Oh well.
  14. Enfero Lunos
    Well, even though I'm only halfway through the year, I have to start working on my AP Bio final project. Because we don't get the AP exam results until July, we need something else for our final exam grade.
    Anyways, I bet you're wondering about the title. Well, with my remarkable creativity and limitless mind power, I was only able to come up with one good idea. Attempting to condition butterflies to choose dark food sources over bright ones.
    Oh well, the amount of money that I'm spending on it makes it feel less stupid, because I'm actually working on it, and showin myself that it is an O.K. idea. All I have to do is hope my classmates aren't too immature. Well, I can dream.
    In other AP Bio related news, wind is stupid. I am dead serious, we get more "severe wind" or "power outage" days than snow days, and I live up north. What I'm getting at is that last Wednesday, I was supposed to take my field trip to some college to do one lab with restriction enzymes and gel electrophoresis, and one with genetic engineering of bacteria/plasmids. Fortunately, it's being rescheduled for the 15th, but its still dumb.
    Recently I had midterms/exams. I got a 95 on my math B regents (meh, I could have done much better), 83 on my AP US (Multiple choice: good, Thematic essay: great, DBQ: err, not so good), 91 on my French 103 final (what a sucky test, taken straight from the horrible book), and 98 on my Physics (1 multiple choice wrong, got centripetal force equation mixed up with gravitational force equation). I noticed that at least 2 or 3 questions on math B exams are always physics questions.
  15. Enfero Lunos
    My math class is ridiculous. In my science classes, health class, and english class, we have time to go over stuff before we take tests, just to make sure everyone's fairly well prepared, and then we have a ton of time left over once we're done with the test. In math, we start the test as soon as we walk into the room, and barely finsh by the end of the period. My math teacher this year is making me hate math.
  16. Enfero Lunos
    I saw eragon yesterday. IMO, It was bad. Countless major differences from the book, and it seemed poorly made. I imagine people who didn't read the book might like it, But I just thought it was bad, and don't think anyone who read the book would like it.
  17. Enfero Lunos
    The ESRB is ridiculously inconsistent. Example:
    Boktai 2: T for Teen, Animated blood and Fantasy violence. The "Animated Blood" was tiny spurt of red when you were bitten by a bat or the vampire.
    Lunar Knights: E 10+ for every 10 years and up, Animated blood, Mild fantasy violence, Mild language, and Mild suggestive themes. I tend to ignore "mild suggestive themes," because that basically means at least one attractive female (in this case, her) or ANYTHING related to a relationship. Anyways the Animated blood in here was of course, when a bat bit you, but also, in the final boss, you were running around in a pool of vampire blood. Not a pool of vampire blood as in a large puddle of blood coming from the vampire's body, but more like a large arena where you're probably at least ankle deep in blood.
    Vampire bats=Teen, Pool of Blood=E 10+?
    They need to reevaluate their system. Unless, since it's vampire blood, it doesn't matter. I guess vampires just don't have the rights humans do. I should start a movement for the rights of vampires
  18. Enfero Lunos
    Well, I added a new category, electronic, which will deal with video game stuff, and other electronic stuff.
    Anyways, I recently got a free digital camera. Guess how good the pictures are. Go on, guess. Okay, i'll tell you. They are 100 kilopixels. 0.1 megapixels. It can take 18 pictures. AKA, It's bad. At least it was free.
  19. Enfero Lunos
    Unfortunately, somehow, I only got a 94 on the physics regents. Don't know how that happened, considering that I put more effort into that than anything else this year. I certainly had the knowledge, I probably just made a bunch of stupid little mistakes. Physics is the type of course where that can happen a lot.
    Oh well. I got a 92 on my english regents, which I'm happy with.
    My math teacher assigns (not assigned, I'll have him next year for calc) homework almost every day, but rarely checks it. When he does, however, if you don't have it done, he takes a point off your average. Amusingly, the first marking period was when I did the most homework, but I got the lowest grade (only an A). All other marking periods, I did much less homework, but got A+'s (got one on the final exam, too). To quote him "Well, if you have a 101 and subtract 4 points, it's still 97." Lol
    Anyways, on sunday I leave for some medical "national youth leadership forum" in Phoenix. It should be fun, except for how much dress stuff I need to wear. I hate whoever invented neckties.
  20. Enfero Lunos
    First of all, I saw Evan Almighty. Not quite as good as Bruce Almighty, but still good. Morgan Freeman does a great job as God.
    However, the title has another meaning. When Evan was expecting a flood, it did not seem to be coming. Just like how I expected a flood of updates and drawings in my Valkren Discovery section, up until I learned that my printer/scanner isn't compatible with Vista. I'll try to get it hooked up to my mom's computer though.
  21. Enfero Lunos
    Well, I'm back from the medical thing, which I really enjoyed.
    We got to go to a hospital and a med school and did a bunch of other medical stuff. We practiced suturing on bananas, which I failed at. I think I can eliminate "surgeon" from any possible career choices.
    In other news, my new computer arrived while I was away. It's pretty intense. My old one died during a freak power outage (middle of the day, no wind, no bad weather at all). The new one is going to be much better, and I'll be ale to play spor to it's full capabilities.
    Unfortunately, Animal crossing (and I guess wii music) was (were) the only really interesting new game(s) at E3, but apparently, a new zelda game and a new pikmin game are being worked on.
  22. Enfero Lunos
    Will probably become the predominant part of my blog, as I come up with things. By the way, Valkren is the name of the world I am "developing." Disk shaped planet, 4 types of life: Organic, Mechanical, Shapeshifting, Spectral (Ghost), and many combinations of the 4. 4 species of intellegent life on the planet:
    1: Haldi- Green, Scaly, fairly humanoid creatures, with 4 arms and three legs. Waist rotates with legs. Horned, two tongues, fairly advanced, main (most populous) intelligent species on planet.
    2: Sewgren- Aquatic, skin like dolphins, Humanoid body and head, no hair, but many thin tentacles that resemble hair. Strong, but thin arms that end in webbed hands, 4 legs. Feet like Metal Fins. When legs together, can rotate feet like propeller. Can use feet to walk on land. Skilled in use of magic
    3: Solva- Two arms, two legs, hovers, entire population lives in one small city/jungle, mostly isolated, extremely advanced, extremely skilled in all forms of fighting and magic.
    4:*Unnamed*- Mysterious pure spectral creatures, rarely seen. Nobody knows what they truly are, but very good or very bad luck always follows a visit from them. Silent, but even through appearance convey extreme intelligence.
    Planet will have 32.5 degree tilt, and will have fairly extreme seasons.
    And thats enough info for now
    Edit: Will start to put up some of my pictures, gallery when public:Here
    Added Haldi Symbol, Symbol for the fourth intelligent species, possible wing designs for Haldi (will have mechanical wings, which will be replaceable), and possible special animal themed weaponry.
  23. Enfero Lunos
    On Friday, I saw PotC:AWE
    I thought it was pretty great, contrary to what the newspaper said (you know it's a bad (quality) review when they complain that there is too much CG.
    Some of my favorite parts:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «"Why should I sail with you? Four of you tried to kill me, one of you succeeded' 
    The crew of Jacks in Davy Jones' Locker
    The battle in the whirlpool
    The telescopes
    "Well, 9 pieces of eight sounded better than 9 pieces of whatever junk we had on us at the time"
    Some things I didn't get...
    Wasn't the dog about to be sacrificed in the second movie?
    Never explained why they were called "9 pieces of eight"
    What would happen if the person who stabbed the heart of Davy Jones was killed before the crew got the feart out?
  24. Enfero Lunos
    I was just looking at my join date and realized that Saturday was 4 years since my join day. I was camping, so I wouldn't have noticed anyways.
    Also, I think I just defeated Makuta.
    Missed 2 milestones, oh well
  25. Enfero Lunos
    Animal Crossing is not quite as innocent as initially meets the eye
    The town is not as it seems. Why is it cradled in a perfectly square canyon? Why does a river run directly through it? Why is there only one natural type of fruit? Why do all the trees look the same? Why do so many incompatible creatures live together in the same ecosystem? Why do sharks swim so close to shore? Is it to prevent citizens from attempting to escape? Why is your home carefully monitored, every Sunday? Why is the only way out guarded?
    The characters are not as they seem. A normal, yet ambitious entrepreneur, who has the power and motivation to completely renovate a building in 7-46 hours? A normal seeming child, who is able to cut down a mighty tree in 3 swings, and can catch a fish with a simple fishing rod? Why are some animals intelligent, while the others continue their meager, but normal, existence? Why do characters leave so often, and where do they go? Are they "Removed" because they do not meet the standards of the town? Why do the special visitors only stay for one day, and where does all their money go to?
    The inanimate objects are not as they seem. Why can a fishing rod endlessly catch sharks without breaking? Why will a buried shovel turn gold? Why do golden objects express unnatural qualities? Why is a golden shovel able to plant trees that grow money? A snowman, made from tiny particles, becomes sentient. Is it nanotechnology? Why are genetically impossible flowers able to exist?
    Anyone who thinks the world of Animal crossing is peaceful is dead wrong.
    It is clearly a tightly controlled "Utopia," Where any threat to peaceful society is swiftly eradicated. Just who is the Leader behind all this?
    You don't have to look far.
    Who has a monopoly on all of the goods in town?
    Who has the only major competitor for money tightly monitored?
    Who sends his minions to give out "exclusive" items, in exchange for labor, goods, or information?
    Who is responsible for any changes that ever happens around town?
    The answer is painfully clear.
    The dictator of this cruel, nightmarish "village" is none other than our very own Tom Nook.
    This is an example of over analysis.
    It was fun, though.
    Thank you, and good night.
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