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Danska: Shadow Master

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Posts posted by Danska: Shadow Master

  1. Credit is only required if you're using parts from this kit in another kit or similar. Essentially, any situation where it might otherwise be seen as your own work. If you're just using the kit to build things and then displaying them for whatever purpose then no, it isn't. Credit would of course be nice, but I'm not going to demand it from everyone who decides to use the kit. It's there for people to use and have fun with. :)

  2. Alright, I lied about the stuff. Whatcha gonna do about it?Theme: TreasureWord Count: 563Diary of a Treasure Hunter25th JulyWhoever came up with this crackpot scheme clearly had a screw loose. Y'know, I'd be surprised if they had a single screw that hadn't worked itself loose and fallen head first into the ocean. Who's idea was this, anyway?Ah, wait. That'd be me. Five hours of digging in the hot sun on a tiny island direct in the middle o' nowhere is more than enough to make anyone realise just how much they hate digging. I mean, 's all very well if there's something under there, but you ever tried digging through solid earth in this weather? You'd think the soil'd be all nice'n dusty. Think the spade'd slip right in. As if I'd ever be so lucky.You probably wanna know why I'm here, ay? Wanna know why I'm suddenly in the middle of nowhere and not resting in a nice bed in some tavern with a frothing mug of ale? Bah! I doubt anyone's reading this anyhow. Perhaps I'll wanna look back some day and remind myself not to be such a brainless fool in my old age.This brilliant scheme all began a couple of days ago in an aforementioned tavern. Few drinks with the lads, some good ol' banter, then of course the talk turned to treasure. Always seems ta do that. Anyhow, this old dude said he knew of some buried treasure far out to sea on an isle no man had ever returned from. And of course, in my drunken stupified state, I took this as a personal challenge. Ain't no treasure as can elude me, I says. Tales of doom and terror don't frighten me, I says. So of course, I gets me the map and set sail at first light. Now that's one stupid idea if ever I knew one.So I arrived this morning, found me the spot where the treasure's meant to be and started digging. And digging. And more digging! I weren't even told what's down there. Could be a bucket a' rusty nails f'all I know. Anyhow, five hours and one massive hole later and I ain't found nothing. This is not best pleasing to me, but it ain't like I'm gonna return empty handed now, is it? Guess I'll start again tomorrow. In the meantime, I best get myself some food and shelter.26th JulyWell that may just rank as the worst night's sleep I've ever had. Coul'na breathe for hearing some strange moaning or howling. Probably just the wind I says, but it sure is strange. Anyhow, decided to have another crack at the digging today. Blasted hole keeps getting larger and I still found nothing! When I get back I'm having me a good long talk with that old man. Ain't no way there's treasure here. Just some godforsaken spit o' land right out where no one wants ta travel, 'cause there ain't nothing here!Ain't wasting no more time digging, or writing for that matter! Curse the treasure and curse this island! I'll be heading back now for somewhere I can at least get some company. Sitting about all on me lonesome ain't exactly my style. 'no man's ever returned.' Pah! Ain't nothing here! Certainly ain't nothing as gonna stop me leaving, that's for sure.27th July....28th July....29th July....Theme: The GameWord Count: 597GunfightKarl ducked behind cover as another flash narrowly missed his shoulder. He briefly poked his head over the crates to judge distance, location, anything. All he saw was a thick veil of mist obscuring already darkened hallways. He narrowed his eyes, trying to discern anything amidst the gloom. A vague shadow, an outline, anything would do.He ducked once more as another flash, accompanied by the unmistakable sound of a shot, buzzed overhead. It had been close, that one, but it was also exactly what he needed. That one shot had given his enemy's position away. He was crouched to the right in the corner of a door, doubtless focused with great intent upon the crates Karl crouched behind.Wiping the sweat from his brow, Karl moved. He leapt from his position and ran, full pelt, to an opening on his left. Shots rained across the room, but luckily for Karl they all missed. He stumbled through the doorway, skidding to a stop by an open window. From it, he could clearly see his enemy's position. He wasted no time in lifting his weapon and firing three shots at his crouched nemesis.Haste drew his aim, and he missed by wide margins. Cursing, he ducked below the window. He bit his lip anxiously. This was proving to be much harder than he had expected. He braved a quick look through the window again. Before he could make out even the vaguest of details he ducked again, narrowly avoiding being shot in the head. He had to move, but whichever way he went he was sure to be seen. He cursed again silently as he tried to come up with a plan.* * * * *Alex was enjoying himself. Having avoided being shot thanks to his enemy's incompetence, he definitely had the upper hand. He had been winning from the start, but this was just too good. He peered round the corner of the door hoping to see movement, something he could shoot, but his target was no more visible than before.He shifted impatiently, growing bored as the seconds ticked by. Waiting around was no fun at all. And since it was no fun, that was precisely what he would not do. Besides, the advantage was his. He could afford a few risks.He peered round the corner again. Seeing nothing, he ducked out of the room and snapped to the wall across from him. Quietly, carefully, he inched along to the left. He even held his breath, lest his enemy hear even that. As he reached the end, he peered cautiously round the door Karl had run through minutes before. Seeing nothing he moved quickly, bursting into the room, gun pointed at the window.Karl was gone. Incredulously, he moved towards the window, searching round it and through it for any sign of where he had gone. Worried, he began turning, but felt something press against his back.“Got you.”Karl stood behind him, gun pressed against his back with a smile on his face. His finger danced along the trigger, testing it, pushing it slowly, slowly in-*click*Light flared up around them, a second before Karl could fire. The game was over.“Five more points, that's all I needed! Five more points!” Said Karl angrily, slamming his laser gun against the wall.“It's always 'five more points' with you. You'll never beat me, y'know,” Alex chided, grinning from ear to ear.“I'll get you one of these days,” Karl grumbled. “Same time next week?”“You're on!”Theme: Amor Omnia Vincit (Love Conquers All)Word Count: 600EvictionLily stood in the doorway, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I don't want to go,” she sobbed.“We've been through this and we can't- we just can't keep going like this,” said her mother. The words came no more easily than they had last time, but the repetition helped build conviction. she almost believed them now. Almost.“But I want to stay! I hate it there! Dad doesn't care! He's useless and he's so angry and- oh mum, why can't I stay?” She wailed, her breathing fractured by uncontrollable sobs.“It's- it's better this way,” her mother said, staring at the floor. “You know we don't get on. We're always shouting and screaming and we never agree and- you're always saying you wanted to leave. I thought you'd be happy.”Happy? You're my mum! You're supposed to care for me and love me, not throw me out! Why would I be happy?” Lily screamed. She ran past her mother into the front room.“Lily! What are you-”“Look mum! Don't you remember when we watched that ridiculous film together? We laughed for days and spent ages putting speech from it in everything else we watched! Or all those times we just sat and watched TV together! Were we screaming and shouting then? Or-”“Lily-”She ran into the next room. “Remember when we tried to play the piano together? We thought we could play Beethoven or Mozart or something and it was the worst thing we'd ever heard! Or-”“Lily!”Lily ran into the kitchen. “Remember when we tried to make that meal for Grandma and I chopped everything too big then still burnt it all? It went wrong, but it was fun right? We can make it work! You can't just throw me out 'cause you don't think we get on anymore! Mum, please!”“Lily!” Shouted her mum. “You have to go. This is better for both of us, ok? If you're with your dad then you can have a fresh start. We can still see each other, but we can't stay under the same roof. All the arrangements-”“Arrangements!” Lily screamed. “Are 'arrangements' more important than your own daughter? You find it difficult so you're just giving up? Is that how little I mean to you?”“You're my daughter, Lily! Of course I care, but we can't keep going like this. You know we can't. We've tried-”“No we haven't!” Lily shouted. “You've shouted and I've shouted but we haven't tried anything! And now you won't try! Well maybe I don't want you as my mother! Maybe I don't care about you, since you care so little about me!“Lily, wait!” Her mother grabbed her arm.“What? What do you want? I'm leaving, aren't I? I thought that's what you want!” Lily shrieked, trying to tear herself from her mother's grip.“I do love you, of course I do. And, maybe you're right. We can try something. We can talk, we can get help. You're right. You shouldn't leave like this.” Both of them were crying now, and for the first time in days they were able to look each other in the eye.“You mean it?” Lily sniffed. “I can really stay?”“Yes, I mean it.”Lily's face broke into a huge smile, a line of joy spreading from cheek to cheek, and she hugged her mother for all she was worth. “I love you mum.”“I love you too.”Theme: UltimatumWord Count: 597This One ThingSimon couldn't believe what he was hearing. “What are you getting me into?” “It's simple. Just go to this address at this time. Tell 'em you know me, they'll let you in. From there it's easy.” Dan explained.“Look, you're a good friend and you've helped me out loads,” said Simon nervously. “I mean, I'd probably be on the street if it weren't for you, but just turn up at some random address and then, what? If you're trying to drag me into some- some illegal underground, thing, there's no way I'm doing it. No way.”“Really Simon,” Dan smiled. “I wouldn't go and do that now, would I? Just go to this address, tomorrow, ten pm. Everything will be just fine.”Simon still wasn't happy. “You're insane. I ain't gonna do this just cos you tell me to. Tell me what this is about!”Dan sighed. He casually drew out a cigarette and lit it, inhaling deeply. “I didn't wanna do this, but seems you've left me no choice. That money I send you? It stops, unless you do this one thing. No more help, no more support, nothing. Understand?”“But- look, I can't just-”“Yes. You can.” Dan turned, taking his hat from the table as he went. “Now I'll leave you to think about it. But if you want anything from me, you'll do it. That's the deal.”Simon sank into a chair. Dan was right. He couldn't manage without him. Simon buried his face in his hands, dreading what the next day would bring.* * * * *The address was a surprisingly large house in a well built-up area of town. Simon cautiously approached the door, shaking beneath his coat. He just wanted to turn and run. To be anywhere else but here.He knocked. A few seconds later, the door opened an inch. A sliver of a face appeared in the crack, a narrowed eye staring out at him.“Yes?”“I- uh, Dan sent me,” Simon stammered, sweating in the cold air.The voice grunted and the door closed. A few seconds passed, and it opened again. A figure in dark jeans and a hood ushered him in.The door shut loudly behind him. The hooded figure ushered him towards a room on his left. Simon moved towards it. He grasped clumsily at the handle, his fingers scraping round the smooth edges. Finally he got a decent grip. Trembling, he turned the handle. He pushed the door open inch by inch, not knowing what he would see on the other side.Behind the door was...darkness. No lights illuminated the room. He took a small step forward, then another.Light flooded his retinas. A sudden noise, dozens of voices, cascaded over his eardrums. He stumbled backwards, but his way was blocked by the hooded man. He stared up, pale-faced, into the man's eyes.“Dan?” He gasped.Dan grabbed him and spun him around. Simon's eyes widened in surprise.“It's not! You've got to be kidding!” Simon gaped.Dan burst into laughter. “Oh man, you have no idea how fun that little routine was! Been planning it for ages! You were hilarious! You actually thought I was trying to press you into some drug gang or something!”“But- it's not for three days!”“Well, yeah,” Dan shrugged. “Wouldn't be much of a surprise on the actual day. Come on everyone! Don't think Simon heard us last time. One, two, three-”“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”Theme: Character Story – Male, Doctor, aged 37, likes to wear a hat, has a tattoo of a wolf wearing a crownWord Count: 600College FriendsSo I was just sitting there, minding my own business as usual, when I see Jake enter the bar. I pull the brim of my hat lower and turn away, praying he doesn't see me. Well, when was the last time that worked?“Hey, Wolf! Long time no see! How ya been?” Jake said in that grating, high-pitched tone he always uses.“You saw me last week,” I growled. “And don't call me that.”“You gotta crazy tattoo of a wolf on your chest. Whadda you expect me to call you? Doc? Ooh, I know. King!” Jake smiled. I'm sure he would have ruffled my hair if he could.“Edward. Call me Edward. It's my name,” I replied, exasperated.“Sure, but thought you liked being called King,” Jake sneered.“That was twenty years ago!” I shouted. People around us had started to stare, so I lowered my voice. “I was seventeen. I grew out of it. Now will you kindly leave me in peace?”Jake laughed. “So you can mope around by yourself? No way! You need to meet people, have fun, and drink something other than- what is that, orange juice? C'mon. Let's get you a real drink. And while we're at it, I know this couple of reeaally nice girls. Wouldn't wanna pass that up, would ya?”“You know I'm married!” Jake never changed. He'd been a good laugh back at college. He'd known all the best places to hang out, all the best people (or so it seemed at the time). But while the rest of us had moved on, he was still stuck in his ways.Jake shrugged. “You were always boring. Took me ages to convince you to get that tattoo – with a crown and everything! How cool's that? Think how much duller your life'd be without it!”I glared at him. “Yeah. I could go to the swimming pool without everyone staring at me. How terrible my life would be. How I would hate it!”“Oh come on. Bet you have some interesting stories to tell the ladies,” he winked, the immature schoolboy as ever.I'd had enough. I rose from my chair, fist clenched so tightly around my glass I feared it would shatter. The stare I was giving him should have been warning enough, but he just stood there, clueless grin fixed on his gormless face. That was too bad. I began to raise my arm, my intent visible to everyone but him.“Hey, is your pocket meant to be beeping?” Jake observed, still not realising how angry I was.I quickly drank the rest of my orange juice and placed the glass heavily on the table, still glaring at Jake. “You're lucky.”“Yeah, I am pretty marvellous, aren't I?” he admitted, still grinning away. “Say, where you going? Night's still young! Don't tell me you've got a date or something?”“I've got a job!” I shouted. “Just because you can't scrape together the willpower to do a single day's work doesn't mean the rest of us have to be as useless! I am a doctor in a respectable hospital and people need me! Now if you don't mind, I have better places to be than hanging around with a half-wit like you!”“So, same time next week?” he said jovially.“Whatever,” I grunted, straightening my hat as I left. Perhaps I would be there next week, as I had been for many weeks past. But for now, duty calls.Theme: PreparationWord Count: 556FriendshipThey were coming. Those people. Those wonderful people who I had once called friends. They were coming.It was my own fault. I had tricked them. Deceived them. Taken their money and tried to run, but they had found me. They were coming.I sat in my chair, waiting. The TV was on, but I had stopped watching it some time ago. I tried to pay attention, to distract myself, but to no avail. I tried to distract myself by making a drink, picking up an old book, even looking over my tax forms one last time. But nothing could fully distract me from that one, simple fact. They were coming.I did not know what they would do. They would be angry, I knew. There would be shouting, harsh words, I expected there would be pain. But what could I do? I did not have the money to return to them. I had tried running, hiding, but still they had found me. All I could do was sit, wait and try, however uselessly, to prepare myself.There is a knock on the door. I freeze up, tense, knowing who it must be. After a few seconds it comes again, louder this time. I rise slowly from my chair. I am not ready for this. I can't face them now, I need- it doesn't matter what I need. I have no choice.I shuffle slowly to the door, trying mentally to harden myself against the fear and the shame. It doesn't work. The knocking comes again, louder again and more insistent. I open the door slowly and see them standing there, stern expressions on their faces. I am not prepared. This will not go well for me.*Thirty minutes later*They have gone, and I am left...astounded. I had tried, fruitlessly, to prepare for a number of eventualities. But the one thing I had not prepared for, the one thing I had not expected, was kindness.They had been angry, yes, but they had understood. They knew I had not taken the money out of greed or selfishness. They knew that I needed it, that I was desperate. It was not right, what I had done, but they had even agreed to help me, to support me. After all I had done to them. The promises I made, the lies I invented. How did I deserve this?The TV is still on, but I cannot see it. My eyes are clouded with tears. I sit, staring into nothing, trying to understand. How did helping me benefit them? It did not, could not, make sense.It was not until much later that I realised, and I was ashamed it had taken me so long. It was friendship. It mattered to them more than what they had lost, and they were willing to make greater sacrifices still to keep it. In my desperation, I had not understood. I saw only the problems and a way to fix them, not seeing or caring what it might cost in the long term.This understanding brought me to tears, but I was smiling as they ran down my face. I had made a terrible mistake, but life had given me a second chance. An opportunity improve. And I would embrace that opportunity with open arms. I was prepared to do better.

  3. Since all the cool kids are doing it, I thought I'd go ahead and give my Bionicle Flash Fiction entries their own topic.Theme: VisionsWord Count: 561Ihiko's TerrorIhiko sat alone in his hut, staring through the circular window as the fading light sunk below the horizon. He was visibly shaking beneath his mask, his mind filled with strange ideas he could not possibly know. Right in the middle of his work shift he had gained a sudden realisation of things he knew he had never seen and places he had never known. It was strange, to say the least, and disturbing for one so deeply concerned with facts and certainty as he.He had seen in his mind's eye the great Toa Heiran, first and greatest of all heroes, legend of the Five Isles and champion of the Drakooni Wastes. He had stood tall, power radiating from him in great waves of heat and flame. He held aloft his mighty sword, the sword that had delivered a thousand Matoran from greatest peril, and a thousand more who had never even heard his name. He stood alone in a great expanse of sky and sand, stretching in every direction further than the eye could see. It was a place Ihiko had never been, yet somehow it was as familiar as the shores of his homeland.Then, suddenly, the Toa's light began to fade. His armour darkened, seeming to lose its vitality and substance. Slowly it faded, until it was nothing more than ash in the wind. The hero of centuries, the Toa who came to be known as both the greatest warrior and greatest peacekeeper these people had ever known, was no more.It was obvious this vision was of the past. Ihiko knew, as all knew, that this mighty hero had died long ago in a far distant land, felled at last by the many evils he had long kept at bay. Ihiko knew not why he saw this, nor even that what he saw was true. He knew only that he had seen it - that he knew it - and this scared him. Neither logic nor reason could explain how this could come to be.But that was not the most disturbing thing. No, one fact weighed down on him heavier than any other. It was something he knew beyond any doubt. Something which filled him with great hope and great terror; with great joy and great sorrow. It was a simple fact, coupled with an equally simple observation. But he knew it would change everything.In the final moments before Heiran had vanished, Ihiko had glanced one more thing. One small, fleeting thing. As the great Toa's mask crumbled before him he saw, without any shadow of a doubt, a face he knew only too well. It was in that moment that he knew, this was more than a vision of the past. It was also a vision of the future. For the face he saw behind the mask, the face he had glimpsed so very briefly, was his.He knew, in that instant, what his destiny was. He knew where he had to go. He knew what he had to do. Like many before him, he must take up the mantle of Toa. He must wield the raw power of nature itself to protect his people from the evils that lay beyond their shores. He, Ihiko, must become the new protector of the Five Isles.He had never been more scared in his life.Theme: Legends of LhiiWord Count: 599Lost in the Woods“You have all heard the tales of Lhii's skill and lavaboarding prowess. Today I shall tell you a different tale. One of bravery and courage.” Vakama cleared his throat. “The Charred Forest is a treacherous place, filled with many dangers. There are some who can walk its paths safely, and many who cannot. It was into this forest that one of Lhii's friends, seeking to prove his bravery, ventured. He did not know the forest, and so he became lost. The next morning, when he had not returned, Lhii entered the forest to search for him, though he did not know the way either.“Much time past in the forest, and still Lhii had not found his friend. Hunger and thirst came upon him, but still he searched. Even as the light began to dim, he did not give up. He searched on. And so it was that as the final light of day was lost beneath the horizon, a mysterious voice spoke to Lhii.” At this, Vakama's voice deepened, becoming a shallow, gravelly sound.“'Your friend is lost. He has strayed too far and cannot leave. But with my help, he can be found again.'”“'And what would you ask in return?' said Lhii, for he knew better than to trust that which he could not see.”“'A favour, no more. One day I shall ask something of you, and you shall do it. That is all.'“'Will you lead us out of the forest? For as you see, I too am lost,' said Lhii.“'I shall guide you, but only if you agree to serve me when I ask,' the voice replied.“'lead my friend and I from this forest, and I shall do whatever you ask of me.'“'then follow the wind, and you shall find your friend' said the voice. At that moment, a strong breeze started. Lhii followed and, sure enough, he soon found his friend huddled under a tree. The two embraced each other, glad at last to be reunited, but the voice soon returned.“'I have led you to your friend. Agree to serve my will, and you shall be free. Refuse, and you shall be trapped in this forest for all eternity!'“But Lhii had tricked the voice. 'I am no fool. I knew that I would become lost, and so I marked the trees as I walked. I can find my own way, and need no help from you.'“The voice erupted with a thunderous roar. 'You agreed to serve me, Lhii! I have led you to your friend and now, you must do what I demand!'“'Recall my words, spirit. I agreed only to serve you if you led me from the forest. But you shall not lead me. I am Lhii, greatest lava surfer in all Ta Koro! I know you for what you are, spirit, and the will of Makuta shall never be mine! We Matoran shall never give up until we are free of you, and free we shall be!' With that, Lhii and his friend ran from the forest, leaving the howls and curses of Makuta behind them.“And so it was that Lhii braved the wrath of Makuta himself, all to save but one Matoran.”Before returning to his hut, Vakama turned once more to the Matoran. “Take from this tale what you will. It is for you they are told, and it is you who must learn what they mean, to you and to all Ta Matoran.”Theme: FlightWord Count: 599The First JumpBizon stared incredulously at Talryx. “Come on! These flight packs were designed by the Nynrah Ghosts! It's not like they'll go wrong. Jump!”“I can't. It's too far,” Talryx stuttered, staring fearfully over the edge of the great cliff before them. It dropped away sharply, falling back beyond view. All that lay before them was empty space; an unfathomable drop to an unknown fate.“We can't go back. You saw the guards. Huge, silver things with red eyes and maces. It's either this, or them,” said Bizon impatiently.“We should never have taken them in the first place!” Talryx wailed. “I said it was a bad idea!”“Great Beings, there are tunnel rats braver than you! Just jump of the edge. The flight pack will activate and you face where you want to go. Now jump, before those guards catch up with us!”Talryx had not mentioned how afraid he was of heights. Ever since Dark Hunters had blitzed through their village some years before and almost dropped him off a building, he had been terrified of high places. Perhaps stealing flight packs from a mountain fortress had not been a good idea after all.“So. You gonna jump or what?” Said Bizon.“N-no. I can't-” Talryx's voice faded as he gazed, wide-eyed, into the endless abyss below. It was so vast, so huge and so...empty. He couldn't do it. But he had to. Every instinct, every thought, screamed at him not to jump. The flight packs would never work. They had been gathering dust for hundreds of years. But he had no choice. Hesitantly, he stepped forward...“Oh for Mata Nui's sake!” Bizon sighed and pushed Talryx off the edge.Talryx closed his eyes as he fell, screaming all the way. He felt the terror overtaking him, drowning him as the wind rushed past his face. He was falling. Falling further and further and he couldn't stop, he couldn't stop...Something clamped tightly over his face. He thrashed about, struggling, arms flailing wildly.“Stop that!” Demanded Bizon. “You're flying, all right? You're flying! Stop writhing about while I look for somewhere to land!”Talryx hesitantly opened one eye. He couldn't be, could he? He closed it again, took a deep breath, then opened them both. He was flying! He was actually flying!It was still terrifying, of course. Terrifying, but also somehow...exciting! Exhilarating! He could see the whole world from up there. He could go anywhere! This, was freedom!“We land there,” Bizon said, pointing to a clearing.The two of them swooped down, flying on the wind and through the wind, spinning and turning in ways they had never dreamed possible. All too soon it was over, and they landed gently on solid ground, Talryx shaking like a leaf.“Wait until the others see this!” Talryx exclaimed. “This is amazing!”“Never mind the others,” Bizon growled. “This is Nynrah craftsmanship! We'll make a fortune!”As Talryx opened his mouth to respond, flashes of light flared up around them. Where there had once been empty space, eight guards encircled them.“Quick! Fly out of here!” Bizon shouted, but as he did so a guard grabbed him and tore the flight pack from his body. Another did the same to Talryx and, as quickly as they had arrived, they were gone.“They took them! After all that, they just took them!” Bizon raged. “What are we supposed to do now??”Talryx shrugged. “We'll have steal them again, won't we?”Theme: Alternate UniverseWord Count: 588Alone with the SeaNerynn, Toa of Light, sat alone on the beach, watching the sun sink beneath the crystal waves. The sea seemed to stretch on forever, rising and falling so calmly and gently, yet it possessed within its twinkling depths power enough to sink the mightiest vessel or erode the greatest mountain. It was a source of great comfort and joy for many, yet there were many more who cursed it and feared it above all things.A hundred years of pleasant seas could move its travellers to deep, emphatic love for its magnificent tides and crashing waves, yet a single day of stormy skies and violent waters could turn the deepest love to sudden fear and unbridled hate. One moment of nature turning against those grand and noble expectations and suddenly, they were different seas. No more were they kind or gentle or calming, nor would they ever be again. From such single instants, reputations built of centuries could crumble away, lost in an ocean of judgement and indignation. No good deed could ever restore what was lost, and even though great joy and happiness far in excess of the original pain may result from it, still forgiveness would not come.It was not enough that Nerynn had never hurt a single living creature since that day. It was not enough that he vowed to rebuild all that was lost in the battles and the war. Should the Great Spirit himself descend and approve his choice, that would not be enough.A Toa's code is simple. They do not kill. He had broken it only once, but the effects were felt the universe over. In the aftermath, every Toa and every Turaga had scorned him, branded him outcast. Many of them he had considered friends. He had given aid to all those who needed it, protected countless people from terrible threats. But by a single action he was lost to them all.So here he was, alone on a tiny island with no company but the sea. He stared at it intently, imagining each splinter of light, each fraction of a reflection, was a possible life where things were different. A life where he was not outcast. A life where he had chosen to imprison rather than kill Teridax. A life where the Mask of Light had never come to him at all.But in the end, reality was as it was. When Nerynn had seen the full machinations of Teridax's plan, he knew he had no choice. The Makuta could never be imprisoned nor dissuaded from his course. So, when the opportunity had presented itself, he had taken it. He knew with a certainty he could not explain that what he had done was right. He knew, also, that it had been the will of the Great Spirit. Nerynn had saved the life of the Great Spirit and spared the universe from a terrible, unfathomable darkness. If even the first part of the plan had come to be, doom would surely have followed.The final glimmers of light vanished, leaving only the gentle sound of the waves and the spray as they collided softly against the shore. Nerynn curled up on the sand, content with his own satisfaction. In many ways, this was better. He did not need to explain or justify himself to his fellow Toa, nor suffer their glares and whispers and accusations behind his back. He was alone with the sea. The endless, ever-changing ocean of infinite possibilities. That was all he could ever need.Theme: The LegacyWord Count: 598Celebration DayThe Matoran danced merrily, intoxicated by the overwhelming feelings of excitement and happiness that came with every celebration, dragging the Toa with them without a care in the universe. They spun and cheered with abandon. Their only care was to enjoy the moment, and at that they most certainly succeeded.Propelled for an instant to the edge of the crowd, Toa Vihrii detached himself. He took his leave then, waving casually as he walked away. The thud of drums and cheerful shouts of Matoran carried even to the very edge of the village. As he walked through the gate he spied the two Turaga, telling their stories as usual, to those few Matoran with less taste for the frivolities of celebration day.“Going somewhere, Toa?” Asked a kindly voice behind him.“Turaga Kerhel! I did not see you there,” Vihrii said, turning.Kerhel laughed. “Evidently. I would walk with you, if you will permit it.”“Gladly.”The two of them strolled away from the village. They were silent for a while, until Vihrii could stand it no longer.“Why am I here, Turaga? I feel I could do so much more.”“Not every Toa is destined to be part of great battles and famous deeds,” Kerhel said. “You have protected us well, defended us from every threat, but you are uneasy. You are not yet satisfied. Am I correct?”Vihrii stopped, a downcast look in his eyes. “I am a Toa. I thought I was destined for more than fighting off the occasional Rahi or wrongdoer.”Kerhel lent on his staff and looked deep into Vihrii's eyes. “You will not be listed among the great heroes of our age. But your legacy is still one of heroism and bravery. You have fought for us and expected nothing in return. You have stayed among us, though distant shores may seem greener. You have always done what is right, even though your heart yearns for greater callings. To do that, to act against your own desires each and every day, is bravery in itself. It is a small legacy, in the grand scheme of things, but one to be proud of.”“But Turaga. There are greater evils out there, I know it. Surely I could be of more use fighting them?” Vihrii replied, half pleading.Kerhel shook his head. “Though many great evils beset the world, it is an evil in itself to forget that smaller problems also need fixing. You have persevered and dealt with them admirably. There are heroes enough to deal with the greater threats. But without people like you, helping the ones those heroes forget, they would have no one left to protect. Do not let the smallness of your deeds diminish your importance. You are a great Toa. One I am proud to know.”Vihrii thought for a while on the Turaga's words. “I, shall need more time to consider this. You are right, but how can I change the yearnings of my heart?”“It is a hard thing, to be content with less than you desire,” Kerhel sighed. “You must learn to appreciate all that you have, however small. Every part of your life has value, but it is for you to realise what it is. Once you learn to see all that your life means to you, perhaps then you will be content.”“I shall try, Turaga. Where do you think I should start?”Kerhel chuckled. “It is celebration day. There is only one place to be.”Theme: MusicWord Count: 600Cave SongThe Matoran, Triax and Krinil, ventured deeper into the cave, intent on proving once and for all what was inside. No one really knew, and so many who had come this way had never returned. But they had reached it, and they intended to return with their stories.“Hey, do you see that?” Krinil pointed into the distance at what looked to be a faint light.The two of them scurried onwards and emerged into a huge, domed chamber. In the centre was a pedestal with a strange, glowing rock. The walls were made of a substance they had never seen before. They seemed crystalline in nature, yet were as reflective as any metal.“This is incredible!” Triax gasped. The two of them moved towards the light, gazing around in awe. As they passed within arm's reach of it, the rock started to hum.The Matoran had not noticed, but their entrance was blocked by a sheet of the same crystalline material that covered the walls. The rock began to hum louder, the light pulsating slowly. The walls reflected the light in a myriad of directions, making it hard for the Matoran to focus.The sound grew louder still and began to echo, filling the room. As the sound bounced from one wall to the next, the pitch changed. The walls themselves seemed to reverberate with the sound and began to emit similar, yet subtly different, sounds. Soon the air was filled with dozens of notes, each echoing and arranging themselves into something whole. There was no discord. Every sound overlapped perfectly with another, and the combined notes rang out in unison with a dozen more.As it grew, a tune began to emerge. It was subtle, hidden beneath the many layers,, yet each one seemed to feed into it. The tune was something slow, something beautiful, both distinct yet intrinsically part of the background humming, which was music in itself. The result was something more incredible and more profound than either Matoran had heard before.They could not tell how long they stood there, just listening. It seemed to touch something deep within them, making them feel free and glad in every way to be alive. Yet there was also a sadness. A deep, unreserved sadness that they could not contain or understand.The humming began to fade. Layers of the music peeled away, stripping it down to its base components. The tune, that impossible, magical tune, still whispered through the air, growing fainter and fainter, until even that was gone, leaving only the sound of their own silence.They said nothing to each other as they left the cave. There was nothing to say. They staggered out into the bright sunlight, shielding their eyes against its vibrant rays.“This...is not where we were,” Krinil remarked. The cave they had entered was set deep into a mountain. This cave was part of what could only generously be called a hill. Ahead of them stretched an empty plain; a far cry from the rocky crags they had expected.Triax shrugged. It didn't seem to matter. They stood silent for a few more minutes, not sure what they should say or do.“What happened in there?” Triax finally asked.Krinil shrugged. “We'll probably never know. I thought I could see things. On the walls. Shapes, images, things that couldn't possibly be there. Did you-”Triax simply nodded.The two of them picked a random direction and began to walk. Behind them, the cave entrance faded and vanished as if it had never been there at all.Thanks for reading. Feedback is definitely appreciated. :)

  4. You definitely have a way with words. I'm very impressed with all the stories. I particularly liked Mirror. You explain everything that needs to be explained in a very short amount of space and give a good sense of who both characters (or one character in two aspects - how do you refer to multiple alternate selves anyway?) are. It's your typical 'villain tries to persuade hero to join him' showdown which, for a theme and contest like this, was definitely a good choice. It might have been nice to see some stronger verbal rebuttals from the good Nuile, but then again, that would have left less space for evil Nuile's entertaining ravings and I guess charging at him with a sharp implement works just as well. It definitely gets the point across (no pun intended. Really!)Jungle Beauty is a very nice take on the Visions theme. It really gives a feel for the viewer's love of the place, and the sadness that his love is lost. Some excellent description in there (something I can really appreciate as I'm terrible at it). My only problem is the last sentence, "I am but sorry, Hahli..." It definitely gets the meaning across in the intended manner, and does I suppose fit with the full phrase, but it's unusually worded which kind of throws me. More a personal stylistic nitpick than anything, really.Lhii and the Hunters of the Dark I like for the simple reason that it's a tale about Lhii, involving and showing his lava surfing ability, that is not about him lava surfing. The plot is the Rahi danger to the village, and his surfing ability is a tool he uses to help solve the crisis. Loving the special lavaboard, too. Nice touch. It's a good, well-told story that also feels like a story that would be told as a legend. The overwhelmng danger, the near hopelessness, then the rescue by the larger-than-life figure who is every bit the hero.Those were my favourites. If I wasn't in dire need of sleep I'd comment on the other stories too. Perhaps it would have been more helpful to look at the ones I liked less, but...gah. Tired. To sum up: well done, good job and good luck. :)

  5. Great to see my favorite kit back. I was considering leaving, then this.I could help with the Toa Edition if you want.

    I certainly have no objection to that. You'll probably manage to get things done much faster than I do. =P
  6. Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: PreparationWord Count: 556Story: FriendshipThey were coming. Those people. Those wonderful people who I had once called friends. They were coming.It was my own fault. I had tricked them. Deceived them. Taken their money and tried to run, but they had found me. They were coming.I sat in my chair, waiting. The TV was on, but I had stopped watching it some time ago. I tried to pay attention, to distract myself, but to no avail. I tried to distract myself by making a drink, picking up an old book, even looking over my tax forms one last time. But nothing could fully distract me from that one, simple fact. They were coming.I did not know what they would do. They would be angry, I knew. There would be shouting, harsh words, I expected there would be pain. But what could I do? I did not have the money to return to them. I had tried running, hiding, but still they had found me. All I could do was sit, wait and try, however uselessly, to prepare myself.There is a knock on the door. I freeze up, tense, knowing who it must be. After a few seconds it comes again, louder this time. I rise slowly from my chair. I am not ready for this. I can't face them now, I need- it doesn't matter what I need. I have no choice.I shuffle slowly to the door, trying mentally to harden myself against the fear and the shame. It doesn't work. The knocking comes again, louder again and more insistent. I open the door slowly and see them standing there, stern expressions on their faces. I am not prepared. This will not go well for me.*Thirty minutes later*They have gone, and I am left...astounded. I had tried, fruitlessly, to prepare for a number of eventualities. But the one thing I had not prepared for, the one thing I had not expected, was kindness.They had been angry, yes, but they had understood. They knew I had not taken the money out of greed or selfishness. They knew that I needed it, that I was desperate. It was not right, what I had done, but they had even agreed to help me, to support me. After all I had done to them. The promises I made, the lies I invented. How did I deserve this?The TV is still on, but I cannot see it. My eyes are clouded with tears. I sit, staring into nothing, trying to understand. How did helping me benefit them? It did not, could not, make sense.It was not until much later that I realised, and I was ashamed it had taken me so long. It was friendship. It mattered to them more than what they had lost, and they were willing to make greater sacrifices still to keep it. In my desperation, I had not understood. I saw only the problems and a way to fix them, not seeing or caring what it might cost in the long term.This understanding brought me to tears, but I was smiling as they ran down my face. I had made a terrible mistake, but life had given me a second chance. An opportunity improve. And I would embrace that opportunity with open arms. I was prepared to do better.

  7. Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: MusicWord Count: 600Story: Cave SongThe Matoran, Triax and Krinil, ventured deeper into the cave, intent on proving once and for all what was inside. No one really knew, and so many who had come this way had never returned. But they had reached it, and they intended to return with their stories.“Hey, do you see that?” Krinil pointed into the distance at what looked to be a faint light.The two of them scurried onwards and emerged into a huge, domed chamber. In the centre was a pedestal with a strange, glowing rock. The walls were made of a substance they had never seen before. They seemed crystalline in nature, yet were as reflective as any metal.“This is incredible!” Triax gasped. The two of them moved towards the light, gazing around in awe. As they passed within arm's reach of it, the rock started to hum.The Matoran had not noticed, but their entrance was blocked by a sheet of the same crystalline material that covered the walls. The rock began to hum louder, the light pulsating slowly. The walls reflected the light in a myriad of directions, making it hard for the Matoran to focus.The sound grew louder still and began to echo, filling the room. As the sound bounced from one wall to the next, the pitch changed. The walls themselves seemed to reverberate with the sound and began to emit similar, yet subtly different, sounds. Soon the air was filled with dozens of notes, each echoing and arranging themselves into something whole. There was no discord. Every sound overlapped perfectly with another, and the combined notes rang out in unison with a dozen more.As it grew, a tune began to emerge. It was subtle, hidden beneath the many layers,, yet each one seemed to feed into it. The tune was something slow, something beautiful, both distinct yet intrinsically part of the background humming, which was music in itself. The result was something more incredible and more profound than either Matoran had heard before.They could not tell how long they stood there, just listening. It seemed to touch something deep within them, making them feel free and glad in every way to be alive. Yet there was also a sadness. A deep, unreserved sadness that they could not contain or understand.The humming began to fade. Layers of the music peeled away, stripping it down to its base components. The tune, that impossible, magical tune, still whispered through the air, growing fainter and fainter, until even that was gone, leaving only the sound of their own silence.They said nothing to each other as they left the cave. There was nothing to say. They staggered out into the bright sunlight, shielding their eyes against its vibrant rays.“This...is not where we were,” Krinil remarked. The cave they had entered was set deep into a mountain. This cave was part of what could only generously be called a hill. Ahead of them stretched an empty plain; a far cry from the rocky crags they had expected.Triax shrugged. It didn't seem to matter. They stood silent for a few more minutes, not sure what they should say or do.“What happened in there?” Triax finally asked.Krinil shrugged. “We'll probably never know. I thought I could see things. On the walls. Shapes, images, things that couldn't possibly be there. Did you-”Triax simply nodded.The two of them picked a random direction and began to walk. Behind them, the cave entrance faded and vanished as if it had never been there at all.

  8. Member Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: Character StoryWord Count: 600Story: College FriendsSo I was just sitting there, minding my own business as usual, when I see Jake enter the bar. I pull the brim of my hat lower and turn away, praying he doesn't see me. Well, when was the last time that worked?“Hey, Wolf! Long time no see! How ya been?” Jake said in that grating, high-pitched tone he always uses.“You saw me last week,” I growled. “And don't call me that.”“You gotta crazy tattoo of a wolf on your chest. Whadda you expect me to call you? Doc? Ooh, I know. King!” Jake smiled. I'm sure he would have ruffled my hair if he could.“Edward. Call me Edward. It's my name,” I replied, exasperated.“Sure, but thought you liked being called King,” Jake sneered.“That was twenty years ago!” I shouted. People around us had started to stare, so I lowered my voice. “I was seventeen. I grew out of it. Now will you kindly leave me in peace?”Jake laughed. “So you can mope around by yourself? No way! You need to meet people, have fun, and drink something other than- what is that, orange juice? C'mon. Let's get you a real drink. And while we're at it, I know this couple of reeaally nice girls. Wouldn't wanna pass that up, would ya?”“You know I'm married!”Jake never changed. He'd been a good laugh back at college. He'd known all the best places to hang out, all the best people (or so it seemed at the time). But while the rest of us had moved on, he was still stuck in his ways.Jake shrugged. “You were always boring. Took me ages to convince you to get that tattoo – with a crown and everything! How cool's that? Think how much duller your life'd be without it!”I glared at him. “Yeah. I could go to the swimming pool without everyone staring at me. How terrible my life would be. How I would hate it!”“Oh come on. Bet you have some interesting stories to tell the ladies,” he winked, the immature schoolboy as ever.I'd had enough. I rose from my chair, fist clenched so tightly around my glass I feared it would shatter. The stare I was giving him should have been warning enough, but he just stood there, clueless grin fixed on his gormless face. That was too bad. I began to raise my arm, my intent visible to everyone but him.“Hey, is your pocket meant to be beeping?” Jake observed, still not realising how angry I was.I quickly drank the rest of my orange juice and placed the glass heavily on the table, still glaring at Jake. “You're lucky.”“Yeah, I am pretty marvellous, aren't I?” he admitted, still grinning away. “Say, where you going? Night's still young! Don't tell me you've got a date or something?”“I've got a job!” I shouted. “Just because you can't scrape together the willpower to do a single day's work doesn't mean the rest of us have to be as useless! I am a doctor in a respectable hospital and people need me! Now if you don't mind, I have better places to be than hanging around with a half-wit like you!”“So, same time next week?” he said jovially.“Whatever,” I grunted, straightening my hat as I left. Perhaps I would be there next week, as I had been for many weeks past. But for now, duty calls.

  9. Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: The LegacyWord Count: 598Story: Celebration DayThe Matoran danced merrily, intoxicated by the overwhelming feelings of excitement and happiness that came with every celebration, dragging the Toa with them without a care in the universe. They spun and cheered with abandon. Their only care was to enjoy the moment, and at that they most certainly succeeded.Propelled for an instant to the edge of the crowd, Toa Vihrii detached himself. He took his leave then, waving casually as he walked away. The thud of drums and cheerful shouts of Matoran carried even to the very edge of the village. As he walked through the gate he spied the two Turaga, telling their stories as usual, to those few Matoran with less taste for the frivolities of celebration day.“Going somewhere, Toa?” Asked a kindly voice behind him.“Turaga Kerhel! I did not see you there,” Vihrii said, turning.Kerhel laughed. “Evidently. I would walk with you, if you will permit it.”“Gladly.”The two of them strolled away from the village. They were silent for a while, until Vihrii could stand it no longer.“Why am I here, Turaga? I feel I could do so much more.”“Not every Toa is destined to be part of great battles and famous deeds,” Kerhel said. “You have protected us well, defended us from every threat, but you are uneasy. You are not yet satisfied. Am I correct?”Vihrii stopped, a downcast look in his eyes. “I am a Toa. I thought I was destined for more than fighting off the occasional Rahi or wrongdoer.”Kerhel lent on his staff and looked deep into Vihrii's eyes. “You will not be listed among the great heroes of our age. But your legacy is still one of heroism and bravery. You have fought for us and expected nothing in return. You have stayed among us, though distant shores may seem greener. You have always done what is right, even though your heart yearns for greater callings. To do that, to act against your own desires each and every day, is bravery in itself. It is a small legacy, in the grand scheme of things, but one to be proud of.”“But Turaga. There are greater evils out there, I know it. Surely I could be of more use fighting them?” Vihrii replied, half pleading.Kerhel shook his head. “Though many great evils beset the world, it is an evil in itself to forget that smaller problems also need fixing. You have persevered and dealt with them admirably. There are heroes enough to deal with the greater threats. But without people like you, helping the ones those heroes forget, they would have no one left to protect. Do not let the smallness of your deeds diminish your importance. You are a great Toa. One I am proud to know.”Vihrii thought for a while on the Turaga's words. “I, shall need more time to consider this. You are right, but how can I change the yearnings of my heart?”“It is a hard thing, to be content with less than you desire,” Kerhel sighed. “You must learn to appreciate all that you have, however small. Every part of your life has value, but it is for you to realise what it is. Once you learn to see all that your life means to you, perhaps then you will be content.”“I shall try, Turaga. Where do you think I should start?”Kerhel chuckled. “It is celebration day. There is only one place to be.”

  10. Member Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: UltimatumWord Count: 597Story: This One ThingSimon couldn't believe what he was hearing. “What are you getting me into?”“It's simple. Just go to this address at this time. Tell 'em you know me, they'll let you in. From there it's easy.” Dan explained.“Look, you're a good friend and you've helped me out loads,” said Simon nervously. “I mean, I'd probably be on the street if it weren't for you, but just turn up at some random address and then, what? If you're trying to drag me into some- some illegal underground, thing, there's no way I'm doing it. No way.”“Really Simon,” Dan smiled. “I wouldn't go and do that now, would I? Just go to this address, tomorrow, ten pm. Everything will be just fine.”Simon still wasn't happy. “You're insane. I ain't gonna do this just cos you tell me to. Tell me what this is about!”Dan sighed. He casually drew out a cigarette and lit it, inhaling deeply. “I didn't wanna do this, but seems you've left me no choice. That money I send you? It stops, unless you do this one thing. No more help, no more support, nothing. Understand?”“But- look, I can't just-”“Yes. You can.” Dan turned, taking his hat from the table as he went. “Now I'll leave you to think about it. But if you want anything from me, you'll do it. That's the deal.”Simon sank into a chair. Dan was right. He couldn't manage without him. Simon buried his face in his hands, dreading what the next day would bring.

    * * * * *

    The address was a surprisingly large house in a well built-up area of town. Simon cautiously approached the door, shaking beneath his coat. He just wanted to turn and run. To be anywhere else but here.He knocked. A few seconds later, the door opened an inch. A sliver of a face appeared in the crack, a narrowed eye staring out at him.“Yes?”“I- uh, Dan sent me,” Simon stammered, sweating in the cold air.The voice grunted and the door closed. A few seconds passed, and it opened again. A figure in dark jeans and a hood ushered him in.The door shut loudly behind him. The hooded figure ushered him towards a room on his left. Simon moved towards it. He grasped clumsily at the handle, his fingers scraping round the smooth edges. Finally he got a decent grip. Trembling, he turned the handle. He pushed the door open inch by inch, not knowing what he would see on the other side.Behind the door was...darkness. No lights illuminated the room. He took a small step forward, then another.Light flooded his retinas. A sudden noise, dozens of voices, cascaded over his eardrums. He stumbled backwards, but his way was blocked by the hooded man. He stared up, pale-faced, into the man's eyes.“Dan?” He gasped.Dan grabbed him and spun him around. Simon's eyes widened in surprise.“It's not! You've got to be kidding!” Simon gaped.Dan burst into laughter. “Oh man, you have no idea how fun that little routine was! Been planning it for ages! You were hilarious! You actually thought I was trying to press you into some drug gang or something!”“But- it's not for three days!”“Well, yeah,” Dan shrugged. “Wouldn't be much of a surprise on the actual day. Come on everyone! Don't think Simon heard us last time. One, two, three-”“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

  11. Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: Alternate UniverseWord Count: 588Story: Alone with the SeaNerynn, Toa of Light, sat alone on the beach, watching the sun sink beneath the crystal waves. The sea seemed to stretch on forever, rising and falling so calmly and gently, yet it possessed within its twinkling depths power enough to sink the mightiest vessel or erode the greatest mountain. It was a source of great comfort and joy for many, yet there were many more who cursed it and feared it above all things.A hundred years of pleasant seas could move its travellers to deep, emphatic love for its magnificent tides and crashing waves, yet a single day of stormy skies and violent waters could turn the deepest love to sudden fear and unbridled hate. One moment of nature turning against those grand and noble expectations and suddenly, they were different seas. No more were they kind or gentle or calming, nor would they ever be again. From such single instants, reputations built of centuries could crumble away, lost in an ocean of judgement and indignation. No good deed could ever restore what was lost, and even though great joy and happiness far in excess of the original pain may result from it, still forgiveness would not come.It was not enough that Nerynn had never hurt a single living creature since that day. It was not enough that he vowed to rebuild all that was lost in the battles and the war. Should the Great Spirit himself descend and approve his choice, that would not be enough.A Toa's code is simple. They do not kill. He had broken it only once, but the effects were felt the universe over. In the aftermath, every Toa and every Turaga had scorned him, branded him outcast. Many of them he had considered friends. He had given aid to all those who needed it, protected countless people from terrible threats. But by a single action he was lost to them all.So here he was, alone on a tiny island with no company but the sea. He stared at it intently, imagining each splinter of light, each fraction of a reflection, was a possible life where things were different. A life where he was not outcast. A life where he had chosen to imprison rather than kill Teridax. A life where the Mask of Light had never come to him at all.But in the end, reality was as it was. When Nerynn had seen the full machinations of Teridax's plan, he knew he had no choice. The Makuta could never be imprisoned nor dissuaded from his course. So, when the opportunity had presented itself, he had taken it. He knew with a certainty he could not explain that what he had done was right. He knew, also, that it had been the will of the Great Spirit. Nerynn had saved the life of the Great Spirit and spared the universe from a terrible, unfathomable darkness. If even the first part of the plan had come to be, doom would surely have followed.The final glimmers of light vanished, leaving only the gentle sound of the waves and the spray as they collided softly against the shore. Nerynn curled up on the sand, content with his own satisfaction. In many ways, this was better. He did not need to explain or justify himself to his fellow Toa, nor suffer their glares and whispers and accusations behind his back. He was alone with the sea. The endless, ever-changing ocean of infinite possibilities. That was all he could ever need.

  12. Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: Amor Omnia VincitWord Count: 600Story: EvictionLily stood in the doorway, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I don't want to go,” she sobbed.We've been through this and we can't- we just can't keep going like this,” said her mother. The words came no more easily than they had last time, but the repetition helped build conviction. she almost believed them now. Almost.But I want to stay! I hate it there! Dad doesn't care! He's useless and he's so angry and- oh mum, why can't I stay?” She wailed, her breathing fractured by uncontrollable sobs.It's- it's better this way,” her mother said, staring at the floor. “You know we don't get on. We're always shouting and screaming and we never agree and- you're always saying you wanted to leave. I thought you'd be happy.”Happy? You're my mum! You're supposed to care for me and love me, not throw me out! Why would I be happy?” Lily screamed. She ran past her mother into the front room.Lily! What are you-”Look mum! Don't you remember when we watched that ridiculous film together? We laughed for days and spent ages putting speech from it in everything else we watched! Or all those times we just sat and watched TV together! Were we screaming and shouting then? Or-”Lily-”She ran into the next room. “Remember when we tried to play the piano together? We thought we could play Beethoven or Mozart or something and it was the worst thing we'd ever heard! Or-”Lily!”Lily ran into the kitchen. “Remember when we tried to make that meal for Grandma and I chopped everything too big then still burnt it all? It went wrong, but it was fun right? We can make it work! You can't just throw me out 'cause you don't think we get on anymore! Mum, please!”Lily!” Shouted her mum. “You have to go. This is better for both of us, ok? If you're with your dad then you can have a fresh start. We can still see each other, but we can't stay under the same roof. All the arrangements-”Arrangements!” Lily screamed. “Are 'arrangements' more important than your own daughter? You find it difficult so you're just giving up? Is that how little I mean to you?”You're my daughter, Lily! Of course I care, but we can't keep going like this. You know we can't. We've tried-”No we haven't!” Lily shouted. “You've shouted and I've shouted but we haven't tried anything! And now you won't try! Well maybe I don't want you as my mother! Maybe I don't care about you, since you care so little about me!Lily, wait!” Her mother grabbed her arm.What? What do you want? I'm leaving, aren't I? I thought that's what you want!” Lily shrieked, trying to tear herself from her mother's grip.I do love you, of course I do. And, maybe you're right. We can try something. We can talk, we can get help. You're right. You shouldn't leave like this.” Both of them were crying now, and for the first time in days they were able to look each other in the eye.You mean it?” Lily sniffed. “I can really stay?”Yes, I mean it.”Lily's face broke into a huge smile, a line of joy spreading from cheek to cheek, and she hugged her mother for all she was worth. “I love you mum.”I love you too.”

  13. Member Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: FlightWord Count: 599Story: The First JumpBizon stared incredulously at Talryx. “Come on! These flight packs were designed by the Nynrah Ghosts! It's not like they'll go wrong. Jump!”“I can't. It's too far,” Talryx stuttered, staring fearfully over the edge of the great cliff before them. It dropped away sharply, falling back beyond view. All that lay before them was empty space; an unfathomable drop to an unknown fate.“We can't go back. You saw the guards. Huge, silver things with red eyes and maces. It's either this, or them,” said Bizon impatiently.“We should never have taken them in the first place!” Talryx wailed. “I said it was a bad idea!”“Great Beings, there are tunnel rats braver than you! Just jump of the edge. The flight pack will activate and you face where you want to go. Now jump, before those guards catch up with us!”Talryx had not mentioned how afraid he was of heights. Ever since Dark Hunters had blitzed through their village some years before and almost dropped him off a building, he had been terrified of high places. Perhaps stealing flight packs from a mountain fortress had not been a good idea after all.“So. You gonna jump or what?” Said Bizon.“N-no. I can't-” Talryx's voice faded as he gazed, wide-eyed, into the endless abyss below. It was so vast, so huge and so...empty. He couldn't do it. But he had to. Every instinct, every thought, screamed at him not to jump. The flight packs would never work. They had been gathering dust for hundreds of years. But he had no choice. Hesitantly, he stepped forward...“Oh for Mata Nui's sake!” Bizon sighed and pushed Talryx off the edge.Talryx closed his eyes as he fell, screaming all the way. He felt the terror overtaking him, drowning him as the wind rushed past his face. He was falling. Falling further and further and he couldn't stop, he couldn't stop...Something clamped tightly over his face. He thrashed about, struggling, arms flailing wildly.“Stop that!” Demanded Bizon. “You're flying, all right? You're flying! Stop writhing about while I look for somewhere to land!”Talryx hesitantly opened one eye. He couldn't be, could he? He closed it again, took a deep breath, then opened them both. He was flying! He was actually flying!It was still terrifying, of course. Terrifying, but also somehow...exciting! Exhilarating! He could see the whole world from up there. He could go anywhere! This, was freedom!“We land there,” Bizon said, pointing to a clearing.The two of them swooped down, flying on the wind and through the wind, spinning and turning in ways they had never dreamed possible. All too soon it was over, and they landed gently on solid ground, Talryx shaking like a leaf.“Wait until the others see this!” Talryx exclaimed. “This is amazing!”“Never mind the others,” Bizon growled. “This is Nynrah craftsmanship! We'll make a fortune!”As Talryx opened his mouth to respond, flashes of light flared up around them. Where there had once been empty space, eight guards encircled them.“Quick! Fly out of here!” Bizon shouted, but as he did so a guard grabbed him and tore the flight pack from his body. Another did the same to Talryx and, as quickly as they had arrived, they were gone.“They took them! After all that, they just took them!” Bizon raged. “What are we supposed to do now??”Talryx shrugged. “We'll have steal them again, won't we?”

  14. topic_banner.png


    So what is it? Unlike many kits, which exist to make comics and similar, this kit's purpose is to virtually build Bionicle figures, piece by piece. Granted, it may not be quite as fun as making them with your own bricks, but you can't get all the bricks in all the colours, can you? With this kit, you can combine parts however you want and make them whatever colour you like! Designing your own characters has never been easier!


    Now, the kits!


    Skull villains are go!


    2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | Phantoka | Mistika | Glatorian | Legends | Stars | Toa Edition

    Exo Toa | Makuta | Titans | Order of Mata Nui | Hydraxon | Maxilos | Karda Nui | 2015 Heroes | 2015 Villains


    Archive <-------- folder containing all previous versions of the kits




    I've made some instructional images that will hopefully explain how to use this kit (using Paint). Let me know if they help, if they're completely rubbish and if you have any questions.

    The Colour Palette

    Preparation 1

    Preparation 2

    Steps 1-2

    Step 3

    Steps 4-5

    Step 6

    Step 7


    • Upvote 10
  15. Member Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: The GameWord Count: 597Story: GunfightKarl ducked behind cover as another flash narrowly missed his shoulder. He briefly poked his head over the crates to judge distance, location, anything. All he saw was a thick veil of mist obscuring already darkened hallways. He narrowed his eyes, trying to discern anything amidst the gloom. A vague shadow, an outline, anything would do.He ducked once more as another flash, accompanied by the unmistakable sound of a shot, buzzed overhead. It had been close, that one, but it was also exactly what he needed. That one shot had given his enemy's position away. He was crouched to the right in the corner of a door, doubtless focused with great intent upon the crates Karl crouched behind.Wiping the sweat from his brow, Karl moved. He leapt from his position and ran, full pelt, to an opening on his left. Shots rained across the room, but luckily for Karl they all missed. He stumbled through the doorway, skidding to a stop by an open window. From it, he could clearly see his enemy's position. He wasted no time in lifting his weapon and firing three shots at his crouched nemesis.Haste drew his aim, and he missed by wide margins. Cursing, he ducked below the window. He bit his lip anxiously. This was proving to be much harder than he had expected. He braved a quick look through the window again. Before he could make out even the vaguest of details he ducked again, narrowly avoiding being shot in the head. He had to move, but whichever way he went he was sure to be seen. He cursed again silently as he tried to come up with a plan.* * * * *Alex was enjoying himself. Having avoided being shot thanks to his enemy's incompetence, he definitely had the upper hand. He had been winning from the start, but this was just too good. He peered round the corner of the door hoping to see movement, something he could shoot, but his target was no more visible than before.He shifted impatiently, growing bored as the seconds ticked by. Waiting around was no fun at all. And since it was no fun, that was precisely what he would not do. Besides, the advantage was his. He could afford a few risks.He peered round the corner again. Seeing nothing, he ducked out of the room and snapped to the wall across from him. Quietly, carefully, he inched along to the left. He even held his breath, lest his enemy hear even that. As he reached the end, he peered cautiously round the door Karl had run through minutes before. Seeing nothing he moved quickly, bursting into the room, gun pointed at the window.Karl was gone. Incredulously, he moved towards the window, searching round it and through it for any sign of where he had gone. Worried, he began turning, but felt something press against his back.“Got you.”Karl stood behind him, gun pressed against his back with a smile on his face. His finger danced along the trigger, testing it, pushing it slowly, slowly in-*click*Light flared up around them, a second before Karl could fire. The game was over.“Five more points, that's all I needed! Five more points!” Said Karl angrily, slamming his laser gun against the wall.“It's always 'five more points' with you. You'll never beat me, y'know,” Alex chided, grinning from ear to ear.“I'll get you one of these days,” Karl grumbled. “Same time next week?”“You're on!”

  16. Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: The Legends of LhiiWord Count: 599Title: Lost in the Woods“You have all heard the tales of Lhii's skill and lavaboarding prowess. Today I shall tell you a different tale. One of bravery and courage.” Vakama cleared his throat. “The Charred Forest is a treacherous place, filled with many dangers. There are some who can walk its paths safely, and many who cannot. It was into this forest that one of Lhii's friends, seeking to prove his bravery, ventured. He did not know the forest, and so he became lost. The next morning, when he had not returned, Lhii entered the forest to search for him, though he did not know the way either.“Much time past in the forest, and still Lhii had not found his friend. Hunger and thirst came upon him, but still he searched. Even as the light began to dim, he did not give up. He searched on. And so it was that as the final light of day was lost beneath the horizon, a mysterious voice spoke to Lhii.” At this, Vakama's voice deepened, becoming a shallow, gravelly sound.“'Your friend is lost. He has strayed too far and cannot leave. But with my help, he can be found again.'”“'And what would you ask in return?' said Lhii, for he knew better than to trust that which he could not see.”“'A favour, no more. One day I shall ask something of you, and you shall do it. That is all.'“'Will you lead us out of the forest? For as you see, I too am lost,' said Lhii.“'I shall guide you, but only if you agree to serve me when I ask,' the voice replied.“'lead my friend and I from this forest, and I shall do whatever you ask of me.'“'then follow the wind, and you shall find your friend' said the voice. At that moment, a strong breeze started. Lhii followed and, sure enough, he soon found his friend huddled under a tree. The two embraced each other, glad at last to be reunited, but the voice soon returned.“'I have led you to your friend. Agree to serve my will, and you shall be free. Refuse, and you shall be trapped in this forest for all eternity!'“But Lhii had tricked the voice. 'I am no fool. I knew that I would become lost, and so I marked the trees as I walked. I can find my own way, and need no help from you.'“The voice erupted with a thunderous roar. 'You agreed to serve me, Lhii! I have led you to your friend and now, you must do what I demand!'“'Recall my words, spirit. I agreed only to serve you if you led me from the forest. But you shall not lead me. I am Lhii, greatest lava surfer in all Ta Koro! I know you for what you are, spirit, and the will of Makuta shall never be mine! We Matoran shall never give up until we are free of you, and free we shall be!' With that, Lhii and his friend ran from the forest, leaving the howls and curses of Makuta behind them.“And so it was that Lhii braved the wrath of Makuta himself, all to save but one Matoran.”Before returning to his hut, Vakama turned once more to the Matoran. “Take from this tale what you will. It is for you they are told, and it is you who must learn what they mean, to you and to all Ta Matoran.”

  17. Member Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: TreasureWord Count: 563Story: Diary of a Treasure Hunter25th JulyWhoever came up with this crackpot scheme clearly had a screw loose. Y'know, I'd be surprised if they had a single screw that hadn't worked itself loose and fallen head first into the ocean. Who's idea was this, anyway?Ah, wait. That'd be me. Five hours of digging in the hot sun on a tiny island direct in the middle o' nowhere is more than enough to make anyone realise just how much they hate digging. I mean, 's all very well if there's something under there, but you ever tried digging through solid earth in this weather? You'd think the soil'd be all nice'n dusty. Think the spade'd slip right in. As if I'd ever be so lucky.You probably wanna know why I'm here, ay? Wanna know why I'm suddenly in the middle of nowhere and not resting in a nice bed in some tavern with a frothing mug of ale? Bah! I doubt anyone's reading this anyhow. Perhaps I'll wanna look back some day and remind myself not to be such a brainless fool in my old age.This brilliant scheme all began a couple of days ago in an aforementioned tavern. Few drinks with the lads, some good ol' banter, then of course the talk turned to treasure. Always seems ta do that. Anyhow, this old dude said he knew of some buried treasure far out to sea on an isle no man had ever returned from. And of course, in my drunken stupified state, I took this as a personal challenge. Ain't no treasure as can elude me, I says. Tales of doom and terror don't frighten me, I says. So of course, I gets me the map and set sail at first light. Now that's one stupid idea if ever I knew one.So I arrived this morning, found me the spot where the treasure's meant to be and started digging. And digging. And more digging! I weren't even told what's down there. Could be a bucket a' rusty nails f'all I know. Anyhow, five hours and one massive hole later and I ain't found nothing. This is not best pleasing to me, but it ain't like I'm gonna return empty handed now, is it? Guess I'll start again tomorrow. In the meantime, I best get myself some food and shelter.26th JulyWell that may just rank as the worst night's sleep I've ever had. Coul'na breathe for hearing some strange moaning or howling. Probably just the wind I says, but it sure is strange. Anyhow, decided to have another crack at the digging today. Blasted hole keeps getting larger and I still found nothing! When I get back I'm having me a good long talk with that old man. Ain't no way there's treasure here. Just some godforsaken spit o' land right out where no one wants ta travel, 'cause there ain't nothing here!Ain't wasting no more time digging, or writing for that matter! Curse the treasure and curse this island! I'll be heading back now for somewhere I can at least get some company. Sitting about all on me lonesome ain't exactly my style. 'no man's ever returned.' Pah! Ain't nothing here! Certainly ain't nothing as gonna stop me leaving, that's for sure.27th July....28th July....29th July....

  18. Member Name: Danska: Shadow MasterTheme: VisionsStory: Ihiko's Terror (559 words)Ihiko sat alone in his hut, staring through the circular window as the fading light sunk below the horizon. He was visibly shaking beneath his mask, his mind filled with strange ideas he could not possibly know. Right in the middle of his work shift he had gained a sudden realisation of things he knew he had never seen and places he had never known. It was strange, to say the least, and disturbing for one so deeply concerned with facts and certainty as he.He had seen in his mind's eye the great Toa Heiran, first and greatest of all heroes, legend of the Five Isles and champion of the Drakooni Wastes. He had stood tall, power radiating from him in great waves of heat and flame. He held aloft his mighty sword, the sword that had delivered a thousand Matoran from greatest peril, and a thousand more who had never even heard his name. He stood alone in a great expanse of sky and sand, stretching in every direction further than the eye could see. It was a place Ihiko had never been, yet somehow it was as familiar as the shores of his homeland.Then, suddenly, the Toa's light began to fade. His armour darkened, seeming to lose its vitality and substance. Slowly it faded, until it was nothing more than ash in the wind. The hero of centuries, the Toa who came to be known as both the greatest warrior and greatest peacekeeper these people had ever known, was no more.It was obvious this vision was of the past. Ihiko knew, as all knew, that this mighty hero had died long ago in a far distant land, felled at last by the many evils he had long kept at bay. Ihiko knew not why he saw this, nor even that what he saw was true. He knew only that he had seen it - that he knew it - and this scared him. Neither logic nor reason could explain how this could come to be.But that was not the most disturbing thing. No, one fact weighed down on him heavier than any other. It was something he knew beyond any doubt. Something which filled him with great hope and great terror; with great joy and great sorrow. It was a simple fact, coupled with an equally simple observation. But he knew it would change everything.In the final moments before Heiran had vanished, Ihiko had glanced one more thing. One small, fleeting thing. As the great Toa's mask crumbled before him he saw, without any shadow of a doubt, a face he knew only too well. It was in that moment that he knew, this was more than a vision of the past. It was also a vision of the future. For the face he saw behind the mask, the face he had glimpsed so very briefly, was his.He knew, in that instant, what his destiny was. He knew where he had to go. He knew what he had to do. Like many before him, he must take up the mantle of Toa. He must wield the raw power of nature itself to protect his people from the evils that lay beyond their shores. He, Ihiko, must become the new protector of the Five Isles.He had never been more scared in his life.

  19. Squirrel Girl of course. Who doesn't love a teenage girl whose power level is more comparable to DC Heroes than Marvel ones?

    Since you mentioned Squirrel Girl, I cannot help but post this. BEHOLD!Hawkeye definitely didn't suffer from his lack of a garish purple outfit. What he wore in the film may not have been anything special, but considering his job description basically seemed to be 'spy with a bow', it makes sense that he'd wear dark colours.

    One of the things I've liked about the recent movies is how they mix and match the best parts of both the normal Marvel Universe and the Ultimate stuff.

    I don't know anything about the Ultimate universe, really. I'm still getting into the main continuity comics, so I'm steering clear of any alternate universe stuff for the moment. You're right, though. From what little I know of the various Ultimate inclusions, those are good changes. They work really well - often far better than the main universe stuff would have done.
  20. The Silver Surfer. I find him to be a very interesting character. Even though he wields enough power to destroy entire fleets, that doesn't stop him from trying to find a better way. He's one of the most well-intentioned people in the universe who always tries to do the right thing, but he's slightly too far removed from people to always understand what that is. Then there's his being an off-and-on herald of Galactus, which is also very interesting given the Surfer's character. And, well, he flies around in space! It's superheroes, and space! Two of my favourite things in one! I'm reading through some of the Cosmic stuff Marvel did (like Annihilation) and he seems to be one of the few characters in it whose entire personality isn't either a: 'funny' or b: "I'm Inappropriate language removed. -B6 and will hit you if you say something I don't like".Second favourite would probably be Spiderman. I used to read the comics and watch the animated show when I was a kid, so there's definitely a level of nostalgia involved. Still, he's an awesome character and a lot of the recent Spidey comics have been really good.I'm surprised nobody's said Wolverine yet. I thought everyone loved Wolverine. Everyone except me, anyway. Personally I find him to be one of the most boring characters Marvel's ever produced.

  21. I entirely agree that uni is fun. I've enjoyed my time there and usually the stuff I'm learning about is interesting. The mere fact that I'm not on site the whole time gives me a far greater feeling of independance about my studies. While the University does try to get everyone to turn up to lectures all the time, I've yet to see any evidence of them enforcing that. A register is usually taken, they sent out emails at the beginning of the year saying that attendance is mandatory etc. however I've missed loads of lectures and have had no follow-up.While there are similarities between Uni and school, I in no way see them as the same. School required doing lots of exercises, homework etc. in addition to turning up to all the classes, doing coursework and exams. Your progress was constantly checked up on and non-attendance would usually result in some sort of follow-up. At Uni, the only work that has to be completed is the coursework, no one's going to hound you constantly about not turning up (unless you make a real habit of it) and if work is set, then it's because it counts towards the course. You're expected to be able to do the work in your own time and, short of the odd reminders, lecturers will only chase you up on it if it's late or if you've asked them for help.Besides, I don't think University is about the work. That's a part of it, and doing it is what will get you something at the end, but so much of it is about the experience. It's about learning to live away from home, encountering new people and experiences and learning important things like how to manage your own time and money etc. I have really enjoyed the experience, and I'm going to miss it. Also, frankly, it seems far more enjoyable (and worthwhile) than 99% of the jobs out there.

  22. For Robotics, Cybernetics and related subjects, Reading University seems to be quite good. They have quite a large department and I know loads of people on the course. I believe it is also the only University to offer Cybernetics as an Undergraduate degree. (The University also seems to have cornered the market on Meteorology and Agriculture, and has a sizeable and apparantly very good History/Classics/Archeaology etc. department).I'm in my third year there studying Philosophy. Four more exams, and I shall be done. Assuming I pass, anyway. Exams are evil.Oh. Reading also has one of the nicest campuses in the UK according to something or other. It's got green stuff and nature and everything!

  23. I'll be quite happy to see the back of Amy and Rory (not because I necessarily dislike them, I just want to see Eleven whizzing around with someone else for a change). I do kind of wish they'd been left alone after The God Complex. I was perfectly happy with that send off, and it came completely out of the blue. It would also have been nice to see a companion settle down to a nice, happy life rather than being forced off the TARDIS due to something horrific for once. Guess that's not happening. Oh well.

  24. If anyone saw The Curse of Fatal Death (comic relief Doctor Who parody thing way back, written by Steven Moffat incidentally), Rowan Atkinson played The Doctor in that. Even though it was only for a short time and in something intended to be a spoof more than anything, I think he did an excellent job. I'd love to see him play the role properly. My only concerns are that he might be a bit too old now (though I don't see that as being much of an issue) and he's too well known. I think it would be difficult for a lot of people to see him as The Doctor when they already know him so well as Blackadder or Mr Bean or even just as himself. Still, it could be brilliant if it happened.

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