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Blog Entries posted by Kika

  1. Kika
    *rubs gums*
    Is it just me, or do some dentists go at teeth like cavemen?
    Anywho, new day, new entry, and this actually has something interesting. I may have a misprint on my hands ! Or, I could be completely wrong and ignorant, haha, either way.
    I was looking around (more like drooling, actually) on Fuss's brickshelf, and I saw a black ruru under his rare masks section. I thought to myself, hey that looks familiar. I had a black ruru, that was for sure, but I still don't know if it is a misprint or rare or anything like that. . . Now, if it is indeed a misprint and, because of that, a rare mask, I find it funny that I've been using it on a moc for the past. . what now, year? Oh well. Here are some pics if anyone wants to help confirm or deny if it is for sure rare, I would be very thankful. Here are the piccie (that looks a lot like the spelling of Piccolo Pete's which happen to explode when you hammer them and wrap them in duct tape but don't try it at home)-- >> . . .<<. . . Okay, here are the pics.
    First glance.
    From the back.
    Aaaannd. .Mfuss's pic of it.

    EDIT: And KIE cleared it all up for me. Still interest me though. . 'tis a nice mask.
  2. Kika
    Even though it's only been 10 hours or so since I posted my last blog, I figure I need one before I go off to have my last-day-of-summer-fun. I think I just plan on hanging out with some of my friends, especially those going off to different high schools than me, but we'll see. So, I promised a look at my room and less importantly my life, so here it is.

    ~Where I'm at right now~
    As I said before, I'm going into high school, which will be, if nothing else, way better than junior high. I play water polo too, and I know a bunch of the upperclassmen on the team already because of various out of school leagues and practices. So, I've got the whole sports thing down, and I haven't sold my soul to the evil football entity. No offense to those who play football, I'm sure you enjoy it and all, it's just at my school, it's more or less a year round thing, which just doesn't sound enjoyable.
    With classes, it's a different story, in easiness. I have, for freshman year, Geometry, Biology, Honors English, Spanish 1, Theology, Phys Ed (ugh), aannndd. . .I think maybe Visual Arts. I can only hope. Geometry won't be that bad, but I just don't have thing for math. I love it outside of class, I just don't like doing worksheets and problems for it every night. That's what annoys me. Biology should be mostly fun, but hard. . the main reason I'm taking this instead of Health/Computers is because this way I can take AP Bio Sophomore year. The Honors English should be easy enough, but more than a little bit of work to do. . As for the rest, no biggie. I just don't look forward to being forced to play sports I hate.
    Other things amongst my life are my guitar (a standard black and white Yamaha with a broken jack) my computer (iMac with intel core duo chip with 1GB of RAM and 160GB HD), my Bass (a Fender JP-90) and my friends. I'm in a band. . . sort of. It's a work in progress, at least.
    ~My room~

    Hmm. . I'll do my room tomorrow. Too tired waiting up for people to call me. Aaaaaaannnndd . . .


  3. Kika
    I had to say goodbye to my Grandparent's house today. That was tough. . They sold the house, and I had so many memories there. . I took some mementos along with me to remind myself of the place, but still, I'm a bit sad.
    The trip was awesome though. . Patrick's Point was beautiful, as usual, and startingly calming. Certainly gives a you a perspective on things when you're so little compared to giant rocks and towering trees. . Anyone besides me been out there lately?
  4. Kika
    Okay, I know I said room. .but more pressing events have arisen. .
    So, as of tomorrow, I'm officially a high schooler. Woo. I don't have any classes with my buddy unfortunately, but I could think of worse things. I have my water polo practice five days a week, three of those days at 5 in the morning before school. . Not bad, just early. I don't mind, too much. My girlfriend and I decided to take a break for high school, and just promised not to be awkward around each other and to (cheesy, but it's true) stay friends, because I really do like her as a friend too. . Thing is, I know she's going to be awkward around me for a while, and quiet too. . which is the worst for me. But, such is life, and I know we'll be friends for a long time to come now. Sooo. . tomorrow should be interesting. It is an all boys school (the all girls "sister" school is across the street) so I probably won't see her, but it just feels kind of weird. Even though we both said it was mutual, I'm kinda bummed. .I just didn't want it to get to where we both don't want to be with each other and end up hating each other. . so I guess it's kind of good.
    I know tomorrow's going to be fun though.
    Room. . maybe tomorrow. Now, I hope this doesn't become a habit, but I have to show you guys and gals this guitar as well. . It's a brand called Eastwood, and it's got a good reputation. . not to mention awesome looks:

    Not to mention it has Keet Keet's awesome-o orangellow.
    Here's a better picture, but quite a bit larger: Shazaam!
    Well, I'm off to bed super early for a relatively super early wake up tomorrow. . .I've got a lot to think about for the next couple of months, at least.
  5. Kika
    Aaaaookkay. So, quick update on high school relationships and such. I'm back with my ex (it's a long story, but we never really stopped liking each other, it sounds sappy, yadda yadda yadda, but there is reasoning behind it). Life is good. I like all my teachers but one. Ironically, it's the one teacher that I wouldn't have if I went to a public school, but I love it at my school so I'm fine. The ultimate slap-in-the-face in that class though is that I can hear the guitar class across the room playing while I'm in her class. And I can't take guitar until sophomore year. >< .
    Also, after school, that very same room is open for all students, and I just go in their and jam with a bunch of other guys . . It's awesome. The teacher has a Mac, and he rides a bike to school, and is a total awesome hippie. Essentially, he got a degree in bioengineering, and was doing field work, but then he decided he wanted to be a jazz guitarist, so he went for it! And now he's our awesome music teacher. His arsenal includes:
    About 8 acoustic guitars, give or take. One geniune Les Paul ripoff. Yes, a geniune ripoff. A keyboard. Two Pianos. A Bass guitar. A drum set. Bongoes. Countless other instruments which I have yet to discover. So I absolutely love that room. One other note, I keep getting recognized by students (either from the Water Polo team that I play on with them, or just random students) as Nate's brother. My brother Nathan is a senior, so everyone knows him. One kid actually picked me up, ran around the music room with me, until I yelled to him, "BRING ME TO THE GUITARS! THE GUITARSSS!!!" and then he set me down in a chair, then played me two songs on the piano. The first one was not fit for here, but the second one. . haha.  
    Thomas (the kid): Oh, but you're Nate's brother. That changes everything.
    *starts playing*
    Fairies. . Fairies coming from the sky. .
    NAAATTTHHHAAANN ISSSS DDDEEEAAAAAADDD!!! *he's playing the whole time, awesomely well, actually*
    Me: Haahaha
    Him: Hey. . (to a friend that walked by). . Did you know Nate is dead?
    Friend: I did not know that.
    That just cracked me up. Hehe.
    I love high school.
  6. Kika
    I felt kind of shamed that I hadn't entered an entry in here for a while after reading the latest blog of the week, so I'll be trying to do more stuff on here, which I know I will have time for during the school year.
    See, the interesting thing for me this year is that I'm a freshman/freshmeat/dunce/trash can-ee and all that good stuff. I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing yet, but I know a bunch of big dudes, so hopefully I won't be in trouble. I'm not too little myself (5' 10 1/2") but it never hurts to know linebackers. Other good news is that I know a bunch of seniors thanks to my brother and all his friends, and they like me well enough.
    As for classes, my good buddy is in at least two of them, maybe more, but we don't have a schedule yet. . .
    Now, onto other stuff. In recent news, I just got these awesome-o new (even though they've been down a huge hill in a makeshift go cart and used for brakes Flintstone style within the first three days of owning them) Vans:

    Heh. I know a lot of people probably don't like slip on shoes, especially "Old Skool" (their word, not mine) ones like this, but I just love them. Vans are really the only shoes I buy. Cheaper than most, and look great. Feel great too. Anywho, enough of being a typing advertisement. That's my entry for today, and I've got to go work on something for a special someone who's coming home from a long trip.
    If I remember, I'll do a little diddy on my current life and room tomorra.
    As always,
    Cap'n Kika (just because )
  7. Kika
    I'd like to update my blog more. I really would. Because then I wouldn't have to fill it in with huge blocks of text. So I'm going to try to set aside ten minutes aside, and try and do an entry each day. My life's that interesting, right?
    Just a couple things for today though. .
    I have a market very near to my home and heart, as it were. One thing I love about going there is that it is a nice walk, and it's my fifteen minutes of silence. No music, no talking on phones, no talking to people--silence. It was disrupted today, however. I saw someone I knew, made brief chit chat, and moved on. But it ruined my whole trip, believe it or not!* The bread didn't taste as good, my feet were sore when I got home-- it threw everything just out of whack. Oh well.
    Second thing. . I saw a quote not by Exo and it actually kind of made me feel enlightened.

    I just thought it was such a great way to describe how. . well, how everyone should be! It seemed very philosophical and comical at the same time (He'll do that to ya, watch out) and just was a great way to sum my life and lifestyle up. So, thanks Exo.
    *Speaking of believe it or not, Robert Ripley, the guy who started it all, is buried at my rural cemetery, right down the street from where I live. Fun fact.
  8. Kika
    But that headbutt was completely unnecessary.
    Anywho. .I was rooting for Germany/Portugal (for shame, Ronaldo), but I'm happy to see Italy win, partly because it was a great game, and partly because I get to gloat to Onu Defendant. Anyone else (besides everyone else) catch the game?
    If you don't know what I'm talking about. . well. . then go watch baseball or something.
  9. Kika
    A day so nice
    I posted twice.
    Feels good to be back on the boards, even in such a tiny way.
    By the way, to any denizens of Chicago--I enjoyed your city thoroughly in the time I was there during Thanksgiving. Millenium park is nice.
  10. Kika
    Well, I'm somewhat new to this whole blog-o-sphere thing as a decent chunk of you guys are as well, so I'll start with my generic and somewhat infamous first entry. Truth be told though, I can't devote my undivided attention to you all (I've only been to Texas once, I don't deserve to use the abbreviation ) as I've got a guitar, an amp on overdrive, and an awesome riff from "Have Love, Will Travel" beckoning me to get away from this keyboard and play some music.
    So, with that, I bid you adieu. I should have something up about music soon. . I've got a hankering to share my interests.
    *plays massive face melting riff*
  11. Kika
    I promised I'd get some music stuff up, and honestly this is earlier than I expected, but I felt I had to write about this.
    Mark Oliver Everett is honestly one of (think top 5 people) my favorite song writers of all time, as of now. Some people may know him better by the moniker "E" of the band "Eels". The three albums I have of that band right now are Souljacker, Shootenanny, and Daisies of the Galaxy. All three deserve a spot anywhere in everyone's record collections.
    Souljacker-- Amazing to sum it up in one word. It's gritty, dark, and fantastic. The happy melody but depressing lyrics of Souljacker part II (it's a song on the album) make me want to laugh and cry at the same time. As for the other tracks-- some are witty, some are deep, and others are just great to listen to. Pure musical euphora.
    Shootenanny-- Sweet, good natured songs. Well, some of them. "Saturday Morning" is a great wake up song, regardless of whether or not it's still morning by the time you do get up. Not too mention that the guitar riff before the lyrics start is awesome to the enth degree. That's another word to describe this album-- Awesome. Listening to this album (and I've listened to it 10+ times by now) is like getting an awesome burn from the awesun (Punny, no?). Sooo. .. Stop reading, go buy this album. It's a black cover with yellow and white lettering. Seriously, go. I've got a poking stick, and I'm not afraid to use it. Go. Shoo.

    Daisies of the Galaxy-- So, now that you've bought Shootenanny *taps stick in open hand*, you can listen to my (more or less) absolute praise of Daisies of the Galaxy. Great stuff. . If I talk about it too much, I just might die. . We don't want that, do we? Now, for me to shamelessly plug this stuff-- Go buy it, go enjoy it, and you can send me the thank you card in the mail.

  12. Kika
    Gather round, and listen to the legend of. . Bio--Err. . Kika's exploits in pyromania.

    Potato Cannons, Hairspray, and gunshot like noises! Potato cannons or guns are mass conglomerations of PVC pipe, ignitable gases, and potatos. My brother's is about five feet tall, maybe, and has maybe a footlong blasting chamber. How the gun works is that you put a potato (cut to fit by the sharp edges), and then spray 5-10 seconds of hairspray (Aquanet works best) into the slightly larger in diameter blasting chamber. Then here's where the science comes in; as you press down the potato with a stick a bit longer than the barrel (you put a cap on the end before you do this) the gas compresses quite a bit. Finally, you flick the lantern sparker embedded in the end cap, and the compressed hairspray lights, and launches the potato (depending on the make and amount of Aquanet) about 100 yards. Excellent stuff. I was reading an article online however, that said that someone actually killed a deer with one of these things. . Very interesting.
    Internal sparks and radio talk
    Truly an interesting idea, if not a very original one. My friends and I set up a model rocket engine to explode in a flour sack baby (it was after a science/social studies project) and all you had to was hold a battery up to two ends. Simple enough, right? Well, I was nominated to detonate it, and it refused to work with a drill battery, so we got a different charged one. . And it worked. All the time however, I had been leaning away from this object so it wouldn't explode in my face. This time however, I got lazy and looked straight down at the thing. Sadly, it lit, and shot up into my face quite a bit. It didn't really burn me, just startled me. .We got it on tape too, haha. Delicious mango for anyone who gets the song reference in (I'm sure there's several, but I've got a specific one picked out) the title of this paragraph.
    Newsprint ball o' flame
    This one I designed myself. I won't give instructions on how to make it, but you might be able to deduce things. It ends up as a ball of newsprint covered in masking tape, with mix of explosives (my special sauce, so to speak; works every time) in the center. Make a simple match fuse, light, and enjoy. One of the slower fireworks I make, but it does it's job. Mix in whatever flashbangs and whizwhazzes you like, to change the flame color or effect, but either way, this little sphere of doom produces (depending again on size [mine are about the size of a golfball, give or take] and explosives volume content) a good size column of smoke. Good results for my little team tend to be in a plume of smoke about 7-10 feet high by 5 or so feet wide. Like I said earlier, anything you add to the mix makes it better. This is a very flexible flashbang, so to speak.
    Bod Bottle of Mysterious Origin
    This thing. . Well, it was a novice explosive, so to speak. My friend and I made it, and when we lit it, nothing happened. Classic dilemma. It kindled and fizzed for a while, and then we decided to talk about what to do next. Nothing had happened to it (in manner of explosions, that is) in a while, so we were discussing picking it up with barbeque tongs. This is more or less how the conversation went:
    (Me)"I think we should pick it up with the tongs."
    (My friend)"Naw, I don't wanna ruin the tongs."
    "Weeeelll then. . I think we should do something."
    "Maybe we cou--"*BOOM*--
    Here's where it gets interesting. . It just exploded. No shrapnel, which is good, but no explanation either. Just us enveloped in orange light, and then nothing (with the exception of a few burnt hairs). It made us laugh our heads off, so that's good.

    So, that more or less concludes some more exciting adventures of mine with fire. I'd like to make a disclaimer though-- I would never light something on fire (with the exception of old school papers as a joke) to destroy it. I enjoy the engineering behind fireworks and seeing what makes them tick. I've considered a job in the future as a special effects artist because of this. I dislike people who burn things for fun. I design my stuff, to get something that, in less words, looks cool and burns safely.
    That was a long one, woo.
    More stories and tricks for later then.

    That's right. You.-->

  13. Kika
    So I figure I haven't customized my blog very much. . but I've been busy cleaning, rearranging and doing other stuff. . like playing with Lego. Man oh man though have I been having fun.
    Anywho, I figured I needed a fillah killah blog before I leave. . I don't leave for a couple days, but then I'm gone. In the boonies. No computer. Just a pencil and pad of paper, and maybe I'll scan some stuff. . But then again, this is coming from the person that has had a moc built for a year, and a story no less for it, and hasn't done jack squat about it.
    I have however written a few short stories. . One's really depressing, but I'm thinking about posting it. . Maybe with some editing. I have to run it by someone offline to see if it's inappropriate (I don't think it is, never hurts to check).
    Sooo. . . After a short (well, shorter) conversation with E--err. . . Onu defendant, I'm gonna head off to bed. Soon. Not right now. I see you waiting to take my biscuits. RUN! RUN FROM THE DEMONS! . . .
    Now, to buy the Gnarls Barkley and Boston albums. . then I'll be good for a week or so.

    This blog entry made possible by readers like you, and All Filler No Killer INC.
    Thank you for your time.

  14. Kika
    So. . I'm a high schooler. Muy beuno. I had a pretty good day. . I don't like one teacher, just because. . . .because. . I don't know why, I don't like her. I forgot my locker combo, even though I insisted I remembered it, but much to my dismay when I went home, I had some of the digits mixed up. D'oh. Other than that, the cafeteria food's bad, my ex is now a good friend of mine ( ) and a bunch of other stuff. . Couple seniors said hi to me, because of my brother, which was nice. . Had my other friend mistaken for a senior.. Who knows.
    Good stuff though.
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