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Status Updates posted by Motago

  1. ...so...do i want to know what happened that changed your gender...?

  2. "us" being the Steelers...right?

    Well, if it is...then hope you guys win tonight.

    Because the Ravens are gonna get owneded anyway. XD

  3. "who is that a reference to?" That would be myself. XD

    I used to do timed runs - like a mile in under 7 minutes. My best time was 6:06. My brother got 5:52 when he was training for the AFA. Now he's probably faster lol. Crazy kid.

  4. (continuing that comment)

    I'll check out that thread asap - im just on vacation at the moment.

  5. [cont. from last message]

    the forums here, but now I do live-action music videos with a friend of mine. We did one called "Faust, Midas, and Myself" - by Switchfoot, if you've heard of them. That's been our most successful so far.

  6. [cont.] It's a cult classic among college students, high schoolers, and adults! It's one of the funniest and most quotable movies ever.

  7. *blinks*

    HELLO! :D

    Are you still alive and kicking? Because I have returned!

  8. *slaps Dokuma with a trout for insolence*

    I said The Princess Bride, boy - not the Princess Diaries! Good grief! "Are there rocks ahead? If there are, we all be dead!"

  9. A lot of people I know don't have the patience for running either. For me, though, I don't have the patience to feel an inescapable need to die/throw up out on the soccer field because my endurance is out. XD

  10. Aaah, weights. I prefer running to any other exercise...although I did recently acquire a pull-up bar. Pretty sweet. As for my time - 28 minutes. Not grand, but a start.

  11. Aaah! I can't believe I missed your birthday! =O I am sooo sad...happy belated birthday. You can send me some stale birthday cake to choke on. It would serve me right.

  12. Actually, the only time that I would come on BZP would be to check messages.

    As for the changes, I like the profile feature. It's very nice.

  13. Ah, okay, lol.

    Maybe I've seen you at the Grand Canyon...or Disney World...or on a blogging site...or something. :D

  14. Ah...man. :/

    Anyway you could just email me...? XD

  15. And now I have this thingamabobber...pull-up bar thing. On my doorway. Pretty sweet. I can feel myself getting all strong and good-looking already.

    "You! Yes, you! In the mirror! How dare you look so handsome!"

  16. Are you going to be DoksBuff pretty soon with your gym then?

  17. Believe me, man, I'm more than happy that you're still alive. :D

  18. Doks totally rox.

  19. Dude. I love that profile picture.

  20. Good to hear from you. I have not written in quite some time. I'm glad to hear that I've been missed though. I have 5+ unfinished stories, but I dunno if they'll be finished.

  21. hai lowel my frend!

  22. Har har. :P

    My life is possessed with SAT study, Chemistry, and SAT study at the moment...

  23. Have there been any Flash comics or anything like that which Bionicle has done recently?

  24. HEeeey! Vahki Commander! It's great to see you! :D

    (Go C. S. Lewis!)

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