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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Robo

  1. I now have a chance to laugh at you in the blog-o-verse. Muahahahahaha
  2. XD Only you Teebs. Tell me what your grade is at the end of the year then.
  3. huh DID YOU DO!!!!!

    sorry, couldn't resist :P

  4. Robo

    Where Are They Now?

    XD XD XD XD I love it! XD I literally laughed out loud (lol'd) at parts.
  5. XD perpetual heavy metal concert. XD XD XD
  6. XD XD Yes! Mary Sue '08! and '12! Teeby, you find the best leaders. Maybe her running mate can be Santa!
  7. lol. Mudslingers are like Homework; always around and always a pain.

  8. XD! You're awesome.

  9. Er....no thanks. I like puppies. KIttens on the other hand.....

  10. Thanks. Best of luck. :D

  11. Robo

    Can't Sleep.

    Bum, bum, buuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm the dreaded insomnia. Nyquil is da cure man!
  12. XD That was awesome. Wow Necro, only you would have thought to say something like that.
  13. *Bear Hug* AA, you are an artist with words.
  14. This is how you argue your point in a mature manner, Rho: While I respectfully disagree with you opinion, you do have the right to have it. Personally, i love Talk LIke A Pirate Day. But I understand there are those who don't like it. Peace to them. Aargh.
  15. I am inclined to agree with Taki on that one. The term 'owned' is not enough to describe it.
  16. Where are you? I've been waiting for days!

  17. I look forward to working with Xorich instead of against him for a change :P

  18. Robo

    If you ever get around to ending the RPG, I would like your permission to start a sequel

  19. Wow, you haven't been on in a while

  20. Combine 1 and 4; spray the preps down with a geyser of Diet Coke and Mentos...even if the geyser doesn't go off you can still cover them in soda! -"Bow-chika-honk-honk"-
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