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Blog Comments posted by torritorri

  1. That's what I understand. I don't follow sports. At all.

    What a shame.


    Seriously, we're like, the only country in the world that doesn't call it football (or the exact same thing only more in that language)

    Actually, Canada calls it soccer too, but that's beside the point.


    we're exceptionally worthless

    The US is currently ranked 5th in the world.


    and we're well aware that it's the province of the rest of the freakin' world.

    Not anymore. See, the US team was actually *gasp* playing well the past few years. At the last Cup (in '02), the US made their best showing ever. What I'm trying to say is that in Monday's game, the team just wasn't themselves. I know they could've played much better. Oh well. The whole thing's moot by now anyways. We'll just see how the US plays in the next game (which they have to win to advance to the next round, incidentally).



    :t: :t:


  2. Hey, I actually got that sentence. And I only read it twice.




    Ahem. Anyways, at least you have languages. At my old school, we didn't have any language courses, and I wish they had ASL at my school. Oh, and that was very random. But cool. Randomness is good.






    :t: :t:



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