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Captain Kirk

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Everything posted by Captain Kirk

  1. I hate to post this in the CoT forum due to the subject of the mod, but it's relevant to the site and the topic. Considering the source and the fact that I'm not part of the project, starting a topic in a more relevant forum wouldn't work. Well, if it's not okay, I suppose a moderator can just delete this post, though if that is indeed the case, I would appreciate being told where I should post it. I recently stumbled upon a modder's project. This person is creating the 2001 Bionicle storyline using Skyrim. There will be six playable races (one for each of the main characters) and seven NPC races: one for each kind of villager and one for the six Turaga. The person has already released the Toa tools as a separate preview mod. Even better, they're accepting assistance. It's a huge project (the landmass alone is 50% larger than Skyrim is), so they need all the help they can get. Just keep in mind the leader of the project is still very new to the English language. If you want to find out more, you're on your own. Considering this site's rules and many of the other things on that site, the moderators would be very upset if I told you where I found it.
  2. I see a lot of things like me here... I have ADHD (just like ADD except for the H, which means "Hyperactivity") as well as Asperger's. My sister also has ADHD and Autism. However, I didn't have to go through as much frustration with psychologists, as I was diagnosed early (around age 2, I think). There were a few other things in your other bloggings I can relate to, but I've already forgotten most of them. However, the driving misadventures are fortunately not among those "things." [] -JpH []
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