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Kortu Campesinos!

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Blog Comments posted by Kortu Campesinos!

  1. Hey! Y'know how Google lists stuff on the top of the page depending on what words show up on the page the most? Well look what you made Google do!


    Remember Mom

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    The MomConnection

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    On another note, your mom's son's great-grandmother's great-grandson's aunt's sister's husband's wife's cousin's sister's cousin's aunt's sister's daughter's dog's owner's son's BZP user account's current email adress's owner's grandmother's (on your dad's side) uncle's grandnephew's wife's boss's employee's coworker's daughter's mother's brother's nephew's grandpa's daughter is your mom.


    Oh, top that!




    Links removed on the off chance they linked to forums or contained links with links to forums, just in case.

  2. 1-However many I can carry in 2 arms...

    2-Never checked, never cared. As long is it's good enough...

    3-The "SPITTY CLEAN OUT YOUR INBOX" fad. Infact, I still am. And In my sig I'm doing the "Grewater singer" thing... And the Cee's avatar fad. And the iPod fad... and... a few more...

    4- There's a llama ON YOR NOSE!!! (I say that to someone when there's nothing to talk about. One of them has actually believed me. sad, eh?)

    5- Yes, but I got contacts a month ago.



  3. Yeah. that's painfuller than... something. And you forgot "SpicMit" (like McSpit), L&P. Yeah. Good for you and your family. You would've been in my prayers but I know he's better now. I'm glad to hear that.


    And Spitty, I have a once-in-a-lifetime offer for you but it needs to be PMed to you, so...




  4. 1- You mean the blue ones are GIRLS??? Umm. Purple. Or pink.

    2- Fall. My birthday. And I like to use it in a sentence, preferebly before "off a building"

    3- A muffin. Err, whenever my mom tells me to. I thought you said "What".

    4- A muffin. Err, wireless. I thought you said... oh, forget it.

    5- removed



  5. OMG Hunter that is soooooo freaking awesome.

    *sniffles* Spitty has taught him well.

    Have any of you ever played the Wonderpets games on Nick Jr. dot com? They're so awesomely awesome!

    Spitty, I like the old version better. Hunter, I like RZ sprites better. Because they own.



  6. Are you bilingual?

    Possibly. I know how to say "Muffin" in German. And that single word is so important that it should count as being bilingual.

    Besides that, though, some Spanish and German. And Pig Latin... lawlz...


    As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male?

    No. But I knew someone who had that set, so I was on a trampoline with him and told him Gali was a girl. He was so confused... I was, like, 8 at the time...


    What type of computer are you on right now?

    Umm... a computer with a silver monitor...


    What was your favorite Bionicle story year?

    Any one that didn't involve the past, pointless Turaga stories, series of sets that were pretty much or totally dupes, or were plain lame. So '01, half of '03, and... '06 I guess. I don;'t know what'll happen in the end, though...


    Are you a premier member?

    What does it look like?

    I used to be one, though... for a week! It was, like, MAGIC! I felt so individual and important!


    Yeah. How come none of your questions are ever... llama-asscociated? Or is that only for math?



  7. 1) Alot. 2 hours per day. Max.

    2) Umm... something about Winnie the Pooh dressed like a vampire. And he was gigantic and terrirorising a volcano-sporting village. And I lived in a hollow rock and the volcano erupted. Then the bats came...

    3) Blond/Brown. But if I'm out in the sun alot, it turns bright white for some strange reason...

    4) Matoro and Kongu

    5) It depends... usually color, unless it's another nightmare about Exo dancing in the top hat from NN's Eggmu dance. Ggggggggh... :wacko:





  8. Sign me up, Dokky.

    *Theme music starts playing with American flag flying behind me* For too long have we innocent youth been pelted with arithmatic-work that doesn't involve the world's coolest furry quadrupeds or mass salivation, and I will not stand down until the day llamas are incorperated into math. Furtherm- *Music stops*

    What in the world is this? *Runs down a fleet of stairs as violent sounds are heard and the american flag is now flown next to the Canadian flag and Austrian flag*

    Hey! Where'd my audience go?



  9. Lucky. I'll have to try the dying platypus sometime. Too bad I don't swim alot. Not only do I live in a suburbian suburbia of the suburbs, but I have this thing where I can't get my heart submerged underwater too long or something or the beats go outta whack. And that's the part where I die.

    *Insert platypus sound here!*



  10. Already have all those songs. On a convenient CD-form. Except the Starfield one. I think you'd need only 6 store-bought CDs to have all those songs. Yeah. Nice to know we have fans of good music on this site. Except that large portion of me that likes '60s and '70s. But I can only get those on eight-tracks. And I don't got an eight-track player.



  11. You should clone your cat with a llama.

    Huh? Do you mean using an innocent llama as a power-source for a cloning machine?!?!


    How dare ye... :angry:

    J/k. But I don't really get it. What if the cat bought you more cookies. Or german choc-O-lates?

    And do you even know what llama land is?

    IPB Image



  12. Hey! Onuki's got blog! And lifetime Premier! And Blog of the Week!

    [Mr. T voice]You may've'a gotten Blog of the Week", but this blog is a "Blog of the Weak"! Lame, man! Not funny! Foo! And I pity the foo! *scrolls down* *reads something funny* *laughs so hard he chokes*[/Mr. T voice]

    Just kidding. Nice blog. The spam library is nice when you're in need of a good laugh. "Ere's some more spam for 'ya!



  13. CeeDee, I'm Buckeeboy10 on Neopets, just so I don't scare you. Wait, that username probably DOES scare you. Forst of all, the nickname didn't come from my teeth. It came from my HAIR...

    Your hair? I dun wanna know...



    No, you don't want to know...

    long story...



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