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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Onuki

  1. Onuki
    I find it fairly ironic that the longer I'm here the less I recognize the x-year masks that my profile obtains. At this point I have no idea what the mask I have is supposed to be. Of course, this is entirely my fault for not bothering to learn the current story. Kudos regardless to the staff for taking the extra time to recognize members who have been around longer!
  2. Onuki
    Hey everyone,
    So by now anyone who cares knows that I am "back." I use quotes because back is a very slippery term. With so many things to do in this world, BZP can only ever be one of them, and I must offer a disclaimer that I can never guarantee my presence over any period of time (void where prohibited).
    With that legal mumbo jumbo out of the way, I will proceed to the simple statement that was the inspiration for this entry: check out Cathexis's signature. It is great. You will both chuckle and remember an amazing historical figure.
    Why do I not simply quote it here? Because, then you wouldn't have to do any work.
  3. Onuki
    What are the other "Banned Member Discussion Rules?" I thought just "don't discuss banned members" was good enough. This topic says nothing of these newfangled "Rules."
    Ah well, I'm behind the times, what can I say. I don't want an answer badly enough to waste a staff member's time, plus I think I know what it would be anyway.
  4. Onuki
    If you have ever or are planning on referring to a chapter of any sort as a "chappie," please, for the sake of keeping BZP sensible, do not. A "chappie" is what a British fellow might refer to a friend (chap) as, if they were inclined to add an "ie" to the title, but it is not what you call a chapter of a story.
    You can support the campaign by putting something in your sig. Now go forth and pollinate.
  5. Onuki
    Deep Freeze's signature contained a quote so funny that I just had to feature it:
    "Follow ducks, for they are strong in both spirit and mind." -A Fortune Cookie
    Enjoy the weekend, everyone!
  6. Onuki
    So it's a little after nine, whatever...
    And our top headline today: Bioni-Cool Jack became an OBZPC three days ago. Let's all congratulate him.
    In other news, 100% of BZP members who partook in a recent survey reported that they felt they were "behind in the news at BZP." Members surveyed included Onuki and various banned members who were unable to cast their votes.
    A recent study has shown that 70% of BZPers are usually procrastinating when they come on BZP. Details at ten.
    ... wait, I missed that too.
    I give up! COFFEE BREAK!
    Ah, now that's the stuff.
    (yes, there is cream filling in my imaginary coffee.)
    (Yes, I deliberately didn't capitalize the previous "yes.")
  7. Onuki
    *as someone joins with the name BZPower*
    You know what just occurred to me? In future years, when the alien presence is revealed, kids are going to be answering questions in the "Critical Thinking" section of their textbooks that say, "Why would the government have wanted to hide the alien presence?"
    Pretty sad, huh?
  8. Onuki
    For all those interested, I just made another music-related rant in Omi's blog. But he asked for it.
    EDIT: Oh, and by the way:
  9. Onuki
    I hate how in order to be politically correct on BZP, you have to say "a word processing program such as Microsoft Word" instead of "Microsoft Word." Sure, it's only an extra three or four seconds, but do we really have to accommodate for that 2.5% of BZP that either uses Macs or doesn't know what their computer's word processing program is called?
    Don't you love how this entry had nothing to do with politics? Well of course it didn't, they're not allowed on BZP, silly.
  10. Onuki
    ... is a genius. Or at least, he's smarter than your average James Swearingen.
    Check out my music content block -- listen to his song Eclipse. Just make sure to turn the volume up a bit, because a lot of it is somewhat quiet. It's also neat to hear all of the harmonies. =D No, I'm not trying to be sadistic and kill your ears. But be reasonable -- don't crank it all the way up. Just about a third of what you probably already have it at.
    Seriously, this song beats a concert march any day. Any month. With any toothpaste.
    Onuki, over and out
  11. Onuki
    I'm going to arbitrarily proclaim Larry Barton to be the best jazz ensemble composer of recent times. Most of his earliest work was published in the early '90s.
    Among some of his greatest songs are Area 51, Panic Button!, and Abracadabra (not to be confused with that of Frank Ticheli).
    And a lot of the other recent jazz stuff that I've listened to stinks.
  12. Onuki
    Allow me to express my complete ignorance as to the actual nature of this band that seems to be latching onto Bionicle.
    Free the band! They're being held prisoner in an underwater jail system run by sea cucumbers!
    What, you don't believe me?
  13. Onuki
    This is not your ordinary blog entry.
    I just learned some very disturbing things.
    Watch the History Channel, specifically, any UFO programs that you can find on there, to see for yourself. Or research the following two things:
    1) the Sorocco case.
    2) Tim Cullen, who had a small foreign metallic device implanted in his arm. It was emitting radio signals on several frequencies. But it caused no harm to the man's body upon going into his arm (it was something along those lines, at least -- I'm going to research this tomorrow, when it's light out).
    Medically impossible. UFOs are very real.
    Onuki, over and out
  14. Onuki
    I'll be starting school soon, and won't be on much. Consider this a warning.
    Yes, I realize that this is probably the lamest entry in the history of entries. In fact, I dare any of you to find a lamer entry. And it must have been made before this one, or else I'll know that you cheated.
  15. Onuki
    Researchers at the Institute for Those Who have Nothing Better to Do have recently formulated a theory now known as "Kex's Paradox." This groundbreaking proposal is illustrated here.
    Thus, my spam library is both a spam library and not a spam library. Fancy that.
    Ironically enough, it's actually a spam museum anyway.
    Onuki, over and out
  16. Onuki
    For those of you who are in band, you can appreciate how AWESOME band camp is. And marching a big brass instrument really does wonders for your self-esteem, let me tell you.
    Nah, it's not really that big. Euphonium < Sousaphone. Sousaphone = Big.
    So if I'm not on much (or at all) in the next week, you'll know why (if you haven't read my sig already, which is entirely possible).
    EDIT: I just added this as a content block instead of an entry. Small world.
  17. Onuki
    Greetings, planet BZP.
    (Off-screen: You cool dude! Bionicle Zone Power is not a planet!)
    Indeed, I am cool. B)
    (Off-screen: )
    We have come to inform you that ALL YOUR FROZEN DINNERS ARE BELONG TO US.
    And we want the one called Spitty to empty his PM inbox.
  18. Onuki
    Yes, after returning to Comedies to find that I was seven pages behind, I have returned, and in the midst of my quest to get back to having read every single topic, I have reached page five.
    Don't ask why I chose to celebrate this page and not page six.
    Onuki, over and out
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