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Blog Entries posted by Kothra

  1. Kothra
    I'll be in Texas until Sunday, so if you're going too, TELL ME.
    And I don't even know Japanese yet.
    Also they're supposed to be making an English version.
  2. Kothra
    Vezon the Piraka's (a.k.a. Voltage Tampering Piraka) reaction if T-E randomly came back to BZP and made comics using Xaniskit.
    Because, ya know, VTP hates Xaniskit, and he believes T-E to be the greatest comic maker ever. Or something like that.
  3. Kothra
    If I ever make one, if anyone complains about something being unrealistic, I'm just going to tell them to get over it, because I don't care how unrealistic it is or what they think of it.
    It's my RPG and if they don't like it they can just go—
  4. Kothra
    It is done. Now to hope that I actually get it all.
    It's funny because with these classes, I wouldn't have to wake up until even later than I do this semester...
    Though Friday isn't as open as it used to be.
  5. Kothra
    They actually have the game on the US App Store, but it's $35 and only in Japanese.
    I'll probably end up getting it anyway; good practice. :3
  6. Kothra
    I've been coming up with story ideas recently, and I want your opinions on them. Perhaps if people actually like them ,then I could write about it, and see where it goes.
    Idea #1
    This idea features the Kalarii (points to otter picture) and their small, young galactic nation as one among many in a chaotic universe.
    Genre: Sci-fi
    Idea #2
    This is more or less a WW3 scenario type thing, but set pretty far in the future. Humans have developed technology capable of taking them to Mars in a matter of hours. This, along with terraforming technologies, Mars now has a breathable atmosphere and the colonies on it have united in to their own nation.
    There are several nations left in the world, many of the others having united or conquered others.
    - On one side is L-O-W (London, Ottawa, Washington ), the European Union and Australia.
    - Russia and China are another alliance. Japan and Korea are controlled by China.
    - One of the factions are the Martian Colonies.
    - The last is Afrique Unis. This consists of AFrica, but the national language is French (gee, I wonder why?XD). They have taken controll of eastern South America, while LOW controls the rest.
    Genre: Sci-fi
    Idea #3
    Generic StarWars story, with the cast consiting mainly of several groups of Clone Troopers.
    Inspired by Karen Traviss' Republic Commando novels and a bit by InfraRed's Clone Wars fanfic.
    Genre: Sci-fi
  7. Kothra
    It's still unnamed. Get over it. And it contains what was in the previous story entry.
    The room was dark. Very dark. But not completely: a small, but high-powered light was working its way across the wall, illuminating everything in it's path. This light was attached to the end of a rifle.
    The rifle was in the hands of a large being, its dark blue armour nearly impossible to see in the darkness. It swept the rifle across the room one last time, and then stood still. If you were standing there, next to it, you would hear nothing, but if you were scanning the correct communications frequencies, and had the correct decoding equipment, you would hear a flood of chatter.
    "This is Surveyor four, building 071 is completely intact and unoccupied," said the being.
    "Copy that four. The whole place is deserted. They must have fled before the bombardment," said a voice, over the comm waves.
    "I assume we'll be heading out soon, then?" asked the being.
    "Yes. Get out to the main plaza, and we'll get the Phasmatis to flash us back up there," said the other voice.
    The being walked out the front entrance to the building, and started jogging down the empty city's main highway towards the Central Plaza. Up in the night sky, flashes of light could be seen: the KFS Phasmatis must of attracted the attention of a security task force after burning the city to slag. The being quickened his pace, and took off his helmet, eager to free himself of the overwhelming flood of HUD data.
    The creature beneath the helmet, as tall and brown-furred, looking in every way like an anthromorphic otter.
    "Hurry up Lieutenant Streamdiver. They're not going to wait forever," could be heard coming from the helmet's internal speakers. Kothra Streamdiver pulled it close to his head. "Yes Captain. I'm on my way."
    Kothra scowled. These people were so impatient. He clipped the helmet to his belt, and set off running down the highway towards the main plaza. He could have activated his jet pack, and gotten there quicker, but the glow would give away his position, and he wasn't about to give the presence of the squad away to any enemies just so he could move faster.
    Below the city, in a partially collapsed subterranean bunker, the city's Resident Commander, sat at his chair, looking at the fuzzy feeds from the few remaining cameras throughout the city.
    So the Kalarii had struck after all, just like I have told the king, thought the Commander.
    At least I had the city evacuated a day ago. The casualties would have been enormous...
    It was now time to rid the city of the invaders. The Commander turned to one of the command consoles, and pulled up the command interface for all of the stilll functioning auxilary reactors. He tapped rapidly at the screen wiht his feathered fingers, sliding icons around, starting and stopping reaction sequences, and ultimately, setting the reactors to produce more power than they physically could.
    The Commander set back in his chair, estimating about ten minutes of time before the reactors overloaded. He set the databoard's chronometer for ten minutes, and laid back in his chair, thinking of his family, and his friends, which he knew he would never see again.
    Five minutes passed. He looked at the clock.
    Kothra was still running down the desolate highway when the team leader's voice once again sounded from his helmet comlink. "Hurry up Streamdiver. We're getting funny temperature readings here."
    Kothra pulled his helmet back over his head and answered. "What kind of readings?" he asked.
    "Check your heat scanner, Lieutenant," came the leader's reply.
    Kothra looked, blinked and looked again. The scanner showed several seperate areas of intense heat, which were rapidly growing hotter.
    "If it's rising that quickly, then it must be..."
    "Several overloaded power sources!" finished Kothra's friend, Rekku "hurry up and get out of there!"
    Kothra was almost to the plaza gate. Up in the sky, the Phasmatis had finished the fight against the patrol vessel, ending, of course, in the vessel's destruction.
    Kothra was through the gate now. He could see the rest of his squad in the distance.
    A second later, there was a deafening roar, and the sky turned orange. Kothra activated his jet pack, hurtling him towards the group. There was no point in not using it now. Then the blast's shockwave caught up with him, slamming him into the side of a building.
    When the shockwave subsided, Kothra climbed out of the hole in the buildinginto the swirling maelstrom of flame and radiation, his suit's rad-shield display flashing red. Without his suit, the impact of hitting the wall would have killed him. He started back towards the group.
    Lieutenant Rekku Tawlner detached from the gruop and ran towards Kothra. The Captain was furious, as he had explicitly stated that the group was to stay be the teleporter. His shoutes could be heard over the comm channel. "Get back here Lieutenant! I did not tell you to go running off!"
    Rekku, still running, gave no reply to the enraged Captain.
    The team, at the direction of the Captain, stepped into the flash teleporter's beam and dissapeared.
    Rekku had now reached Kothra, and started pulling him back towards the teleporter's light.
    "You do know that you are going to be severly punished for this, right" asked Kothra, weakly.
    "Yes. I know. I know," replied Rekku.
    Then the next auxilary fusion reactor exploded with the strength of several fusion bombs. This shock wave sent the pair tumbling forward-- straight into the teleporter's beam. Kothra and Rekku were immeadiately flashed up into the Phasmatis' teleporter hall, where they promptly collapsed to the deck, exhausted.
    The city's Resident Commander abruptly sat upright. He wasn't dead. He eased back into his chair, thinking about this.
    If the Spirits havenot allowed me to die here...
    He turned to the computer interface terminal and began recording the events of the past few days to be reviewed by whoever would come rescue him, before it all escaped his aging mind. He began with the standard Avii Royal Armed Forces documentation intro.
    I am Resident Commander Molspen of the city of Candlesna, on the planet Foithon II of the Foithon System in the Luminescent Region. I serve the Avii Crown, and the Royal Armed Forces. The following report begins at Avis 4.42.2711, at Defence Station Bastion IV...
    This is the whole of chapter 1.
    The second chapter is to be what the RC (Resident Commander) is recording.
  8. Kothra
    So about an hour or two ago, my laptop just suddenly ceased to connect to the home network.
    So I went though about half an hour resetting the router and such, with no success. It turns out the router was not the problem because my iPod Touch would still connect, and I could access the internet when I connected my laptop to it by ethernet cable.
    So Google searches did nothing to help.
    And then I think I reset my router. Again.
    And then it worked.
    I'm still confused.
    But at least it works.
  9. Kothra
    Well because Takuma did his thing, I decided I may as well throw this up here.
    I actually have almost all of the models (just need the Broadsides), but in the long run I intend to replace most of this (particularly the pathfinders). We'll see what happens as time passes.
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