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Blog Entries posted by Kothra

  1. Kothra
    Doesn't fit me, I guess.
    So I'll be changing my av/sig theme tomorrow or something. Maybe Tuesday.
    I'm thinking back to Nagato.
    Or possibly Minami Iwasaki.
    Or or or.
  2. Kothra
    Downloading now.
    EDIT: I have a completely COOL DUDE family hogging the freaking local network. It's taking hours to download.
    EDITEDIT: Downloaded, but now I have to redownload the base 2142 game through EADM.
  3. Kothra
    So I have another Premier Membership.
    And now my blog is back.
    I'll be making new content blocks about now.
    Sisen needs to hurry up and do stuff with Reality, as in approve it.
    I got the GN particle base for my 1/144 HG GN-000 0 Gundam, but I haven't gotten the model itself yet.
    My iTunes is epic.
    Other stuff that can't think of at the moment.
    Also, what's this talk in the CoT RPG planning topic about another RTS-warfare thing from Wrack?
    Well, while people are calling specialties, I get support (AA, AT, artillery).
  4. Kothra
    I'll be in Texas until Sunday, so if you're going too, TELL ME.
    And I don't even know Japanese yet.
    Also they're supposed to be making an English version.
  5. Kothra
    Vezon the Piraka's (a.k.a. Voltage Tampering Piraka) reaction if T-E randomly came back to BZP and made comics using Xaniskit.
    Because, ya know, VTP hates Xaniskit, and he believes T-E to be the greatest comic maker ever. Or something like that.
  6. Kothra
    I have plans to make my new Daft Punk song my #1 most played.
    If you do not know what song it is, then check out my earlier music entry.
    I also got One More Time / Aerodynamic, by Daft Punk, from Alive 2007.
  7. Kothra
    After leaving BzPower, and saying he was never to return (or something like that), Robo (RoboNinjaDevil) has returned to BZPower! Along with him come his famed CoT RPG: Reality!
    Link to Reality.
    My charcter is Kothra Streamdiver. =P
  8. Kothra
    I can't help but feel that the old one was turning people away, but I'll never really know.
    I prefer this one anyway, and it's still relevant to my av/sig theme.
  9. Kothra
    And I don't know what to get.
    I have all I need for airsoft, so none of that.
    Things I am considering (of course it won't be all of this:
    Magic: The Gathering Scars of Mirrodin fat pack AND/OR New Phyrexia fat pack
    Katanagatari DVD/BD volume 1 (and maybe 2)
    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
    Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum Complete Collection DVD
  10. Kothra
    The time has come. The latest addition to the Total War series is coming out in America TODAY.
    But haven't the cash to buy it.
    But when I do, I'm going to own the world as the unstopable red legions of Great Britain.
    Yeah. I'm too lazy to post the info here, so google it or something.
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