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Blog Entries posted by Kothra

  1. Kothra
    On Saturday I went to the Sakura Matsuri in Washington D.C. It was incredibly crowded and cold. They really need to hold it in areas with more space, rather than on the street.
    However, I did get my hands on a 1/144 GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh and a 1/144 Evangelion Unit-00.
    Pictures (though not all that many; click the pic for gallery):

  2. Kothra
    If I ever make one, if anyone complains about something being unrealistic, I'm just going to tell them to get over it, because I don't care how unrealistic it is or what they think of it.
    It's my RPG and if they don't like it they can just go—
  3. Kothra
    Do I make my next theme:
    crazy psycho Accelerator

    Accelerator with Last Order being cute

    I suppose I'll make samples tomorrow or something.
    EDIT: Examples for the last two. Crazy Accelerator theme will probably have him even crazier.
  4. Kothra
    While it is somewhat buggy, the game is still amazing.
    If you have it, add me on Steam (kothrastreamdiver), and if you want, join the group and Shogun 2 clan that I'm in, Kawaii Desu Desu (my main group, with a pic of Izumi Konata).
  5. Kothra
    Priority for a spot goes first to RL friends, then people I know on here.
    At this point however, just putting yours here will at least get you a spot for now.
    Chances are, if I've spoken to you before, you've got a spot.
  6. Kothra
    I can't help but feel that the old one was turning people away, but I'll never really know.
    I prefer this one anyway, and it's still relevant to my av/sig theme.
  7. Kothra
    Harmony Gold needs to just die or something, so we can get Macross (Frontier) and have the new Mechwarrior without them complaining about how they hold the rights to that stuff in the U.S.
    In other news: K-On! vol. 1 and Evangelion 2.0 in the U.S. now/soon.
    Puella Magi Madoka Magica is very ._. and creepy. But also very good.
    Also back to Macross Frontier: screw Sheryl. Ranka is better in all ways.
    I also need Total War: Shogun 2 (sorry Ōkamiden, but you'll have to wait, being cheaper and stuff).
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