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Blog Entries posted by Kothra

  1. Kothra
    There is no direct correlation between my iPod and my homework. >
    So anyway, Waffles, just do whatever with Kothra and people in Reality.
  2. Kothra
    And before a snowflake has even been seen.
    It won't even snow for like two hours.
    So it's canceled because it'd be such a pain to get us home in the afternoon.
  3. Kothra
    I was all pumped for it.
    Then I got it.
    It was okay, but I wasn't really fond of it.
    Then I kept playing it.
    I kind of miss the old UI art and menu music, but it's a small price to pay.
  4. Kothra
    Why is Xam'd such an awesome show?
    Why have Waffles and Ziko lost the Game?
    Why am I posting another blog entry?
    Why the heck is Jiigoo?
    Why does the AMX-40 in World of Tanks suck so much?
    Why do they call it the AMX-40 when the real AMX-40 came years later?
    Why is Sisen so unresponsive to the Request topic?
  5. Kothra
    Because the shipping cost of one of the things I wanted was ridiculous (because the shop is in Hong Kong), I'll be getting other stuff...
    And Summer Wars.
  6. Kothra
    Vezon the Piraka's (a.k.a. Voltage Tampering Piraka) reaction if T-E randomly came back to BZP and made comics using Xaniskit.
    Because, ya know, VTP hates Xaniskit, and he believes T-E to be the greatest comic maker ever. Or something like that.
  7. Kothra
    Because my birthday is coming up in little more than a month, I must make a list of stuff I would like to get, quiaff?
    Though it seems like I'm limited to $200 of stuff.
    First off... Because my horrible computer can not run Empire: Total War without extreme amounts of lag on the lowest graphical settings...
    1) PNY - Verto NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS 512MB GDDR2 PCI Graphics Card - $100

    And because the said video card requires a 300 (350?) watt power supply, and the current one is only 200 (250?) watts...
    2) Dynex® - 400-Watt ATX CPU Power Supply - $50
    Next comes random stuff that I haven't decided on yet. None of these next things are definites.
    3) Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - $35

    4) Pokémon Platinum - $35

    5) Tau Fire Warrior Squad - $35
    6) Tau XV8 Battlesuit - $20
    That's about it.
  8. Kothra
    And the only B was in Adv. Alg. II. Everything else was an A or A+.
    Which obviously means I'm not grounded for once.
  9. Kothra
    Axis & Allies: 50th Anniversary Edition (anniversary of Avalon Hill, not A&A) is scheduled for release on Nov. 18. I can't wait.
    Even though I'll have to wait for Christmas to actually play it, the website should have a downloadable rule booklet for me to read over and over until I do get it.
    New features that I am excited about.
    - Italy
    - China
    - Ottawa
    - More victory cities (AKA Ottawa)
    - bigger board
    - Cruisers
    - new sea unit costs
    - sea and land/air technology upgrades
    - territorial control bonuses (similar to RISK)
    - a lot more pieces
    New features that I don't like.
    - this area is to be left blank
    For those of you who don't know what A&A is, it is a WW2 (duh) stategy boardgame similar to RISk, but several hundred times more complicated.
    Teams always start out the same way, except in AA50, there are two setup options, one for 1942 and one for 1942.
    A&A also features many different pieces, marking different kinds of units (infantry, tanks, fighters, destriyers, transports, etc.) and units can only come into play on territories that have a IC (Industrial Complex), or in a sea zone adjacent to such a territory.
    ANyway, it is an extremely fun game. The only problem with AA50 is that it costs... $100! Especially since none of the earlier ones costed more thatn $50 at release...
    There are also many spin-offs of the original A&A, which include (put A&A before each of these titles) Europe, Pacific, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Guadalcanal and a revised version of the original (AA50 is basically a revised version of that). They have also released a RTS game based off of it. And they have released a miniatures game of it.
    Who else has heard of it or plays it?

  10. Kothra
    Qwai River
    People's Liberation Army vs. United States Army
    TG server
    So I was a PLA grenadier, and across the river was a US Army logistics truck (supply truk). Our squad leader didnt have an officer kit (he was acting medic), and because he didn't have a GTLD (ground targer laser designator), i had to estimate the distance to the truck by guesswork and a map measured in 50m increments (not an IFF map).
    I set my grenade launcher for 250m, and fired as the truck turned around to leave. I heard an "ooh" over the SQDCOM and looked. There was a cloud of smoke, maybe five metres from the retreating logi.
    It was a pretty good shot for a Grenadier working spur-of-the-moment without assistance.
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