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Blog Entries posted by Kothra

  1. Kothra
    I am currently munching on Baja California Starburst from a bag of it that my mom gave to me today. =D
    BTW, my friend's dad is putting together an awesome battlefield for Warhammer 40,000.
    I was at his house today, and my Shas'O got owned by my friend's dreadnought. =(
    There was definitely something wrong with my railgun (that crew has definitely had no aiming experience).
  2. Kothra
    I got Empire: Total War yesterday, but my computer's disk drive is so old it can't even read the DVD disk. It doesn't even say there's a disk in the computer
    Though, somehow, it can read Empire at War Gold Pack and Spore. >.<
    My mom said she might get a new disk drive today though.
    Of course, the computer itself still pretty much sucks.
  3. Kothra
    Yes, I changed my name. Get over it.
    Aulus is a Latin (Roman) name of unknown origin.
    Kothrius is an alteration of Kothra ro make it llok more Latin looking/sounding.
    I'm making an armoured spritesheet of me. Roman legionnaire armour.
  4. Kothra
    I am now Kothra Streamdiver.
    As it is who I was.
    Kothra of Holt Streamdiver.
    Get over it.
    Now I'm off to conquer Europe.
  5. Kothra
    CHOOSE ONE (blank choice indicates voter's choice): - Kothra - Kothra Streamdiver - Koth - The Koth - _________________________
    For Reference, here is a list of my old display names.

  6. Kothra
    I can't help but feel that the old one was turning people away, but I'll never really know.
    I prefer this one anyway, and it's still relevant to my av/sig theme.
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