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Status Updates posted by Kothra

  1. When would I use it? I should use super missiles when he's hanging in the air lasering me. Right? What was the Wave beam/missile combo?

  2. I have 13(?) energy tanks and 115 missiles.

    I don't waste any in the moment before he charges.

  3. Um, yeah. Whatever. Meta Ridley is just plain messed up. I get SO close to mauling his unworthy soul when I run out of missiles then die.

  4. i'm not sure, but I guess we could do seperate topics. Should we take the name we planned and split it?

  5. Zhalath, that wasn't directed at you. Your comment box is too simialar to a chatroom.

  6. You're like a virus, infecting his profile with countless, random, (and to me, at least) pointless comments.

  7. I listen to and have most of the Zelda music and all of the Metroid Music.

    I finally got the grapple beam in Prime and the Omega Pirate is as hard as *some incredibly happy word that has to do with smilie faces*.

    No not really. It's pretty hard.

    I was luck to get two super missile hits on it before it became visible again.

  8. Several days ago about the comics. Di d you accidentally block me or something?

  9. are you getting my PMs?

  10. Your profile is BORING.

  11. I'm sorry for all of those 2/5s in that topic, I just realised that I had seen you around a bit more.

  12. Ah. So you do know Zhalath.

  13. You have no idea what Space Marines are? Do you.

  14. Actually Iwas. But my mom was fussy about video games.

  15. Who are you supposed to be? Twilight Princess is MUCH better than Ocarina of Time.

  16. Oh yeah, I've also memorised the lyrics to JENOVA. DON"T tell me there are none. There ARE. You just have tpo make them up.


  17. No, I've seen it 3 times. I've heard the song MANY times. And I've memorised the lyrics to both versions.

    Estuans interius ira vehementi...

  18. Will you be coming back at all?

  19. You haven't happened to move from Spain to Hawaii, have you?

    You can delete this. AFTER you answer.

  20. Phantom Hourglass was something of a dissapointment.

  21. IF you're that much of a fan, the it is MANDATORY that you listen to Mr. Kondo's greatness of music.

  22. If you haven't realized it yet, I've seen Advent Children too.

  23. I now name the stalker of me. Buizel and Vaporeon are better. Though Arcanine and Sneasel are pretty cool.

  24. Back when I was Satua, are you the guy who sent me a PM asking if I was Santa?

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