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Blog Entries posted by Tahuri

  1. Tahuri
    Entry 85

    Link to the future
    Found this on Gizmodo, EPIC WIN! I would buy this in a heartbeat!
    Also added my Twitter section to the content box on the left (no, your other left...)
    Tah, Tah!


  2. Tahuri
    Entry #84 
    Wow! this semester and a half went by SUPER fast, only two weeks of school left! Also Tahuri's comics Season 2 starts on the 8th! CRAZY!
    Well I have many new ideas including comics, characters, and much much more! So stay tuned.
    Finals are next week and I have a bunch of projects due. Including an EPIC puppet show I'm doing with Kotahn and another partner!
    I hope to get the first comic done bye the end of today.
    and lastly, I'M GOING TO DISNEYLAND ON SATURDAY WITH SARAH!!!! Woo, I'm beyond excited.
    Like the new banner?

    The little icon in the top right corner is to my Twitter account, you guys should get one, it's pretty cool, it's like a mini status update (It's really handy If you have an ipod touch Kotahn and I use it all the time. ^^
    Tah, Tah,

  3. Tahuri
    Entry 83 
    Ha! I laugh in utter amusement as I look at my last blog entry. Yes it HAS been a while, but with finals that came a little bit after Christmas, and not to mention all those darn algebra II tests I had to study for... I guess i got a little side tracked. None the less I think I'll recap. ( as much as I can)
    So anyway, after Christmas I pretty much only did school work. I've been messing with my ipod a lot and getting new apps to play with. I've been playing mostly Fieldrunners which is an amazing tower defense game that was actually recently updated. Finals were fun, got out really early and I had only two classes per day. The only bummer was that I had Bio and AlgII the last day. (Pro: I have as much time as I need to study. Con: I have no fun on the last day.) after finals we were out for four days for semester break, while worrying about the grade I got in algebra was not fun. ( I luckily managed an overall B in the class, I was very happy. ) Over the break I mostly spent time with Sarah, a couple days with Kotahn too. Unfortunately I was super sick over the weekend and now recovering from that. Alas, I am happy that today is a good day because I managed to get away with no homework in algebra today, which is big because usually I don't finish in class, but I did and I am very happy. (thats only occurred once before since I've been in the class) It's been pretty cold weather this week, of course crazy me, always wanting a grande carmel frappuccino from starbucks when its super cold. (Don't ask, I already know I'm crazy.) I have a theory though, that I got sick because my feet got super wet when it rained, and eventually got my feet cold which got me sick. Anyway enough rambling, off to History homework.
    Tah, Tah!


  4. Tahuri
    Entry 81 
    The great smell of Christmas is in the air!
    I'm finally on Christmas break, WOOT!
    Ya haven't been able to blog in a while, been very busy (my ipod touch, and school XD), but i have a lot of stuff planned for this break.
    -Ultimate Guild Wars sessions with Kotahn
    -Work on a Christmas Comic
    -Enjoy my presents
    -did i mention relax? ^^
    Ya should be an awesome Christmas.
    BTW, I'm once again on the member spotlight, i think this is like my 3rd time, WeIrD O.o
    Well time to work on a Christmas avatar.
    Tah, Tah!


  5. Tahuri
    Entry 79 
    Finally it's Thanksgiving break, where I can relax, sleep in, eat, and have fun with all my recent birthday gifts.
    Let's recap, shall we?
    This past Saturday we went to the Centennial field show in Bakersfield, ( a two hour drive there and back ). It was all worth it, we won a sweepstakes award for being the best band in the parking lot (basically, not playing when not instructed, well prepared and disciplined.) So that was nice, Something esle that was nice was that we dominated our 2A division with a score of 83.20! That about a 14 point increase than our last competition at Oxnard (69.95). Then only to find out Sunday that we made Championships being ranked fourth place out of the top 12 bands they take to Championships, along with beating Royal in the process (they were ranked 6th). It was a good day, I even did good on my solo. ^^
    Saturdays Performance
    Then Speaking of Sunday, I went out to dinner for an early Birthday, and got 50$ and a new shirt. Then Monday was my Birthday (thanks Kotahn BTW ^^ along with all the others who wished me a happy birthday^^) I got $435, two games,Trumpet shining cloth, Indy 4 poster, and a Darth Vader bobble head. Then Monday I went to school and then went home.
    Later I bought the ipod touch 16 gig, and the guy at the MP3 section in best buy said it would be $249.99. Me and my dad were like "Really? I thought it was only for the first gen?" He said no so he brings it up front and has the guy at the register scan it and everything while he goes helps another costumer, then the register guy rings it up and the total says $321.00(this is with tax) and were like, "the guy said there was a deal going on." well the register guy is all confused and brings up the one who gave us the discount, then he realizes we were right about it only being $249.99 for the first gen, and $299.99 for the second gen, but he felt bad for the mistake and said, " well, congrats, looks like you get 50 bucks off a 2nd gen iPod." it was awesome! ^^
    Then after I bought that, I finished my AC 16 entry
    Check it out!

    Enjoy, and I hope you Vote for me! ^^
    Tah, Tah!


  6. Tahuri
    Entry 78 
    Yay, I had almost lost all hope for the next artwork contest. Well I am so entering, and I think I have some pretty good ideas. Mine went from numerous thought processes...
    First I thought of a vehicle ad, then it went to a food ad, cereal, no, to corny. Then from food to something technological, I thought back to LOMN, and I thought maybe a telescope, such as Nuju's, no... but I was getting close, then it hit me! A _ _ _ _ _ and it will be in the style of _ _ _ _ _ _ art. ^^ (Not spoiling it, hehe.) But I will reassure you I think it will be awesome, and that as usual it will hopefully be a style of art that not too many bionicle fans are familiar with.
    But I will leave you with one hint ( besides it being art. XD )
    My hint:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «P I X A R  
    A very broad spoiler right. ^^


  7. Tahuri
    Entry 77 

    Welcome to the Weekly Three,
    Where you discuss the Three things(good or bad) that stuck out to you this week.

    Me for example,
    1. Monday, Found out I'm acing history.
    2. Thursday, Took an easy math quiz, which I think I got everything right.
    3. Saturday, Went to the Hart Rampage Marching competition and got rained on, but played an awesome solo, along with eating amazing food!
    Got it? Good


  8. Tahuri
    Entry 75 
    Ok, well over the week was pretty TIRING, It has no come into that time in marching band season where I have no life, or sleep XD.
    Saturday we had Royal Classic, then practices which included really hard new drill.
    Today( which is why I'm posting this blog entry at 6 in the morning.) we have band spectacular.
    Tomorrow we have this marching band thing at the mall.
    Next Saturday is an Oxnard Competition
    The Saturday after that is Hart Rampage Competition
    Then luckily we get a break in between the next week, but then the last week is Moorpark competition.
    Then If we win championships it goes on for even longer. GRAHH!
    And on top of that, I have a bunch of homework!
    Sigh... but i digress...
    Of to Band Spectacualr I'll be home at like one in the morning (no joke XD)
    Tah, Tah!

  9. Tahuri
    Entry 74 
    *Cracks Knuckles* Alrighty, time to type something maybe one or two people will actually have the courage to read as I sum up the last two weeks.
    Sunday October 5th
    Funny stuff. I crammed in my homework after having Marching band practice yesterday, which wasn’t much fun but my solo is really improving. Well after I finished most of my homework (except for English) I was watching some TV. When I got a call from Kotahn. He misheard our cool dude English teacher and though the two stories we had to read (Po Poh Vu and Genesis) were in our small “interactive reader” and not in our big book. All in all he brought home the right book, and I had the one he needed, and since only living about not even a mile away he asked if I could come over and he could get the note to take. I figured since I hadn’t done the homework yet (ironically) that I would just come over and we could do them together. So once I met him halfway, between my house and his, we walked back up to his house and started the notes. Well the first story, Genesis, was a complete waste of time, since it sounded almost exactly like the last story, The Epic Of Gilgamesh. So me and Kothan just took notes and cracked some jokes about it here and there. Then we got to the “best” story of them all, Po Puh Vu, sigh what a book. It starts out explaining that first the earth was created as a giant barren wasteland and then God, and some other guy decided that they would create animals, then they tried to create humans. Well in the process of creating us they made Mudmen that completely fell apart and then they made woodpeople. Well neither of these creations were any good or close to humans, because they lacked, flesh, organs, and bodyparts, Remember that. Well in order to destroy them they sent out these Jaguars to basically eat their flesh, eyeballs, and drink their blood, which they supposedly Didn’t have, go figure. Then something about planters and they decided to make humans out of corn and that we would all come from corn seeds, and thus the four perfect humans were created. Jaguar of _____, Jaguar of _______, Not right now ( yes that was the actual name, Not Right Now.) and Jaguar of ______. The other blanks I don’t remember because I don’t have my book with me at the moment. Finally we finished the strange book and I was asked to stay for dinner. Then after I got home I was taking out the garbage and herd this werd sound, “quack” “quack” “honk” “quack” “honk” and for some reason I herd geese like two houses down, at like 10:00 PM, I have no idea and it was the strangest thing ever.
    (fast forward Three days.)
    Thursday October 9th
    So today is thankfully a holiday from school and I get to sleep in. Then I went Ice skating, it was very fun, then I worked on some stuff for my blog.
    Friday October 10th
    For some lame reason we go to school for three days then have one day off (yesterday) then to come back to school for just one day (today) only to have two more days off (the weekend) LAME. Anyways I had lame school today, then I had Marching practice. We got two new songs today, Gimmie some lovin’ and our our new drill to the third movement (which we aren’t learning until next practice.)
    Saturday October 11th
    Today was my girlfriend, Sarah, surprise 16th birthday party. She was so clueless and thrown off it was so funny. First at around two she was dropped off at my house and she hung out until four, we pretty much played scrabble and played with my little sister, then her mom needed to pick her up because they were “meeting her grandma for dinner” but she needed to stop for gas first. As they made a stop for gas I raced over there and was ready for the surprise, she walked in the garage door and as greeted with a huge “SURPRISE” by about 20 people. Her face, Priceless. ^^ overall she had a great time and party, and she really enjoyed all her gifts. (I got her treble clef earrings to replace the ones she lost in a parking lot.)

    Skip Sunday…
    Monday October 13th
    Today pretty much was terrible except for ONE thing. First there was a fire one city down so Simi Valley due to the winds got the ash and bad smell (and eventually the fires). Ugh, was terrible and I still had marching band practice on top of it, along with a lame orthodontist appointment. The only good thing our of it was that I got a B on my Algebra II test. Very nice.
    Tuesday October 14th
    Fires, smoky day at school, and flying helicopters…
    Wednesday October 15th
    It’s my girlfriend’s actual birthday today, and she was surprised with balloons and roses by yours truly. ^^ I think she could have done with out the lame PSAT today though, along with the entire rest of the Sophomore class. >< belch three hours of boredom. I had a freezing classroom, she was the German/Spanish teacher and she was way overly exaggerative. Some girl had her cell phone go off in her backpack (which we all had to put in the back of the room) and the person who called left a message so the phone would beep like every ten minutes not to mention the person calling three times didn’t help, but the teacher wouldn’t let her turn it off because she might “cheat” then have to be disqualified. Ugh! Lame, I knew the girl, she was in my English and Geometry class last year, I highly doubt she would have cheated. Oh well I just sat there hitting the number 5 button on my graphing calculator (since I don’t have any games on it sadly…) just to occupy me. Boring!
    That’s all that’s happened over the past week, now I about to do my homework, and then work on my trumpet solo which is sounding sick and amazing, we have a football game to go to, but we have to be there at like 3:45, so I’m just going to stay at school, because one of the middle schools plays in the stands with us so they can see “how fun” marching band is, and hopefully they’ll join next year as a 9th grader. Then on Saturday we have our first competition at Royal, and I will wow the judges with my awesome solo in our second song, yea! Haha. ^^ Can’t wait.

  10. Tahuri
    Entry 73 

    -The Lego Anatomy
    "After killing and dissecting an endless amount of Lego minifigs, artist/designer/mad doctor Jason Freeny has created the definitive anatomy map of the iconic figure..." - Gizmodo
    -Worlds Highest Lego Tower
    "...video showing how it was built by Lego experts with the help of 3,000 kids, who assembled 121 sections made with 2 x 4 Lego bricks to raise this titanic monolith—the highest ever in world." - Gizmodo
    -The Lego Radiator Is The New Hotness
    "The enhanced surface area of the blocks helps to spread heat more effectively, and each brick has a double plumbing connection—one for the heating system and one that allows you to snap together the bricks like actual LEGO Bricks. How much all of this will cost to install is unknown—but nothing this nerdy ever comes cheap." - Gizmodo

    Interesting. No? ^^
    I find Gizmodo quite humorous

  11. Tahuri
    Entry 72 

    I got this Lego Robin as a joke from my dad from McDonald's.
    So as a joke I decided to do a little experiment for laughs.
    In my room I propped up little Robin and his giant blaster gun and shot it. I measured the distance of the shot just to see how cheap this thing really was,
    About 27 inches. I think maybe two cents more than the figure is even worth. haha.
    Then I threw the Robin so see how far he would go, in my backyard. Let's just say I have no more Robin. XD
    Tah, Tah!


  12. Tahuri
    Entry 71 
    Sigh, fire season again... Blech
    There is ash all over our school, but no fires near it (yet) , although I do wish we had the day off yesterday. It started in Porter Ranch on Sunday, and apparently due to the annual winds we have in Simi Valley (which literally means "Valley of the winds" ) moved over to us.
    Which speaking of those darn high winds, that not only caused these annual fires, but also for our power to go out, 12 tines exactly, not fun. I got a total of three hours of sleep, another reason why I really hope school is canceled for a day so I can catch up on sleep.
    Ill update on this week and last week soon. (hopefully Sunday) XD
    New updates on my blog if you haven't already noticed. Enjoy! ^^
    Tah, Tah!


  13. Tahuri
    Entry 69 
    Alrighty, I think I should kick this blog entry off with introducing my new category, "Bloggers Pick." It's pretty self-explanatory. I tag a certain blog entry that I find is "win" and I strongly recommend reading.
    Today's blog entry is from Gizmodo.
    How to buy Gadgets in China, and now get screwed.
    I find the entry a fairly amusing read, yet very useful.
    1. In every cubicle-like row is a representative who'll help fix your PC problems and, if you're not careful, sell you something you don't need.
    2. Every booth sells its own unique mishmash of gadgetry, impervious to categorization or order.
    3. Floor upon glorious shiny floor of stuff!
    Thats about it.
    I'll be blogging alot tonight...
    Tah, Tah!


  14. Tahuri
    Entry 68 
    I love to give updates from Gizmodo when they do or discuss anything LEGO related. Today they discussed a topic along the lines of LEGO baseball bats.

    Read More Here... 
    In other news,
    Blech, tired, solo went OK, I was satisfied, could have played louder but I was really nervous and my left leg was shaking >< Oh-well I guess there is still one more football game before our first competition. Our football team lost which I find very funny because now they're 0 in 4 and me and my friends are betting on 0 in 5 in two weeks. ^^ Alrighty, I'm eating this really good Ben n' Jerry's Ice Cream that is Buttercream and swirled with crystalized caramel that just sizzles in your mouth, it is amazing.
    So I'll hopefully update soon. ^^


  15. Tahuri
    Entry 67 
    Wow havn't posted one of these in a while... ( If i had a nickel for every time I herd that )
    Well the past weeks have been restless, with countless practices and work!
    Thats about summing it up.
    Tommorow we have a football game, and I play a solo in our Marching show this year, not much but im freaking NERVOUS!
    I'm a little under the weather, Sore throat, and runny nose. BLECH!
    I'll try and keep in touch,
    Tah, Tah!


  16. Tahuri
    Entry 63 
    Parades, HATE THEM. Ugh yesterday we marched in the "Simi Valley Days Parade" and thats exactly how long it felt DAYS! >< We were in the back this year because, Royal Marching Band (if you even consider them a marching band) and our Marching Band trade off every year on whose in the back and front. Last year we were in the front and Royal in the back (where they belong).
    We got to the parade at 8:00 am and waited about i'd say, 100 yards (a football fields length) away from an intersection. It took us over an hour to get from where we started to JUST that intersection, I can march 50 yards in under a minute and it takes us an hour just to move 100, It was so boring! After we passed the intersection everything moved smoothly and we were done in like an hour later, I'd say we marched about 5 miles, which isn't that bad. After, I went home and finished some homework. Then I relaxed and went over to Sarah's house for some Numero Uno pizza and we watched the USC game on TV with her family. (I'm not much of a football fan, but College football is OK, I just don't care too much for professional.)
    After I was dropped off home I read for a bit and then went to bed. I had the strangest dream involving, my dad and I, along with Kotahn's dad and him and a Car accident on our way back from a concert which then I got a giant truck and a motorcycle from a friends dad, then had to wash another friends dads car with Kotahn... never mind it was a WEIRD dream O.o
    Today was boring, my parents went to someones birthday with my little sister, and I stayed home and went over to Sarah's house again and just relaxed by watching some T.V. with her brother then looking at the new Spore demo for the PC. That was about it, then my parents picked me up after the party, and I went home and played some Viva Piñata on the Xbox 360. ( stupid spiders at my monkey-nuts =P ) After that I had dinner, and now I'm going to read some more before bed.
    Tomorrow I have practice and we're getting new drill and Movement 2 finally! woot! This song has the trumpet solo I've been dying to fight for, I totally want it. EDIT: Now I just got a call from my friend Carl ( He plays Mellophone ) about a commercial or something, WEIRD!
    That's all for today folks!
    Tah, Tah!


  17. Tahuri
    Entry 62 
    Wow I didn't think my english teacher could be any more dumb. Well I guess my first clue was when she told the class the first day of school that the "wasn't a good speller." Lovely, I'm in an Honors 10 English class and my own teacher doesn't even know how to spell, or read for that matter, she reads as if she's in the 4th grade. ><
    But thats besides the point. I want to talk about what happened yesterday. We had this quiz on the reading we did in the book, and one of the answers to the question was something along the lines of, "One of the main improvements of the Sumerians was a strong increase in agriculture." That was the answer (well not the one I put XD) anyway thats not my point, someone else in the class asked the my teacher, Mrs. Mjoen, "What if we put down Farming as an answer?" Fair enough, I believe the book did state that as well, but my teacher stupidly answered with this, "Well Farming is too broad of an answer, there are many types of farming, farming with plants, and- well it's just too broad of an answer." Me an Kotahn just shook our heads and laughed after class, and it now a new inside joke. ^^
    I mean how dumb could you get? What else could farming involve besides plants!? sigh... it's going to be an interesting year; of course I was warned by all of last years sophomores that she was crazy, and a hippy. ><
    Oh well, thats pretty much school so far... sigh
    Tah, Tah


  18. Tahuri
    Entry 59 

    Wow, I'm beat, which is the reason why I haven't posted an entry lately. Sorry about thats.
    Let's see what happened this week, hmm... OH YES The Hollywood Bowl, how could I forget that?
    Yes, Saturday night my dad and I along Kotahn and his dad, went over to the Hollywood bowl to see the "Legendary" John Williams. It was insane. We got there after taking the windy subway which was an interesting fun experience. Ludicrous speed! (Kotahn should get thats joke ^^. )
    We got off the station about a mile away from the hollywood bowl and walked the rest of the way there. City street atmosphere is always, Interesting. Many pedestrians, street performers, and various cars driving and beeping all around. We got the to bowl and headed inside, or well actually outside but in to the gates. >< we walked up this hill in to the audience and found our seats, Section L2, Row 9, seat 111 ( the card is tacked to my bulletin board, no I did not memorize that XD )
    We got our seats and ate the delicious Subway we brought. Me and Kotahn discussed various things, school, music, etc. When we were done it began with the National Anthem. That was funny because in the music aound "Oh say does that Star Spangled..." there is a rit. in that section which means the conductor slows the tempo down then accel. (speed up) towards the end of the verse, well about 75% of the audience didn't know that so you start hearing echos, people who actually know that it slows down and the rest that have no idea whats going on. ^^ It was funny.
    After that he began with Buglers Dream/ Olympic Fanfare. Which had a montage of the past olympics (excluding Beijing). That was really cool, then he went through the classics, and my personal favorite of the day, Two songs from the Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. "The adventures of Mutt" and "Irini's Theme" Very cool. Then he played some singing in the rain and other old classic songs. and then ended with the five encore's he does every year which includes. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Superman. It was very disappointing not to hear any of his Harry Potter work this year. Oh well maybe next year.
    That was Saturday.
    Sunday- I worked on my World History and Algebra II project.
    Monday- Labor Day, I cleaned the entire house and felt like Cinderella ( all I needed was pudgy and skinny mouse and I would have been set XD )
    Tuesday- Boring. don't remember
    Wednesday- Homework.
    Today- Relaxed. We have no band practice today, the schedule got changed for practice times and no I'm mad.
    I wanted to do Mock Trial this semester ( Courtroom Artist ) practices for that would have been Monday's and Wednesday's, Fine. I can fit that in with marching band, I would most of Monday practices due to marching, but make them up during Wednesday's. Not anymore no I have to drop the idea of me joining this year because now I have practice's Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. GRRRR! >< Now no more Mock Trial, and no more Thermal Thursday in marching band =(
    Sigh...I digress.
    Good news is I think my art was shown at Brickfair because I got it returned and it looked used. I wish I had a definite answer though...
    I'm tired I've been falling asleep everywhere in the hose this week randomly. ><
    Oh wait no, I have a Bio test to study for now...
    GRRR! ><


  19. Tahuri
    Entry 58 
    I always anticipate certain events. The first day of school happens to be one of those certain events.
    This year I fell asleep right away after making sure everything was prepared for tomorrow morning. (lunch made, backpack set, alarm set, etc.) Just so I could wake up, shower, eat, surf a little BZP ^^ and then be done.
    Thankfully thats exactly what happened. Although I did not intend waking up to the sound of my dad's alarm which was 3 minutes before my alarm was to go off so I lost three whole precious minuets of sleep! ( Once you enter High school you'll understand that even just one minute of sleep can do wonders ^^ )
    Once I showered and everything my dad and I left to school (7:25 a.m.) About not even a half a mile from my house Kotahn calls me up on my cell and tells me we have our first period together, Win.
    I get to school and it's so funny to see all the Freshmen walking around all confused in little packs, they make it look so obvious that they're freshman. ^^ Anyway, so I walk into the gate of our school and ironically I bump into my favorite English teacher Ms. Itow who I had my freshman year. She is the most amazing English teacher EVER, no question. She did everything on a projector, all or work was discussed on powerpoint slides, you have no idea how awesome it is to have a technological savvy teacher until you have, it's awesome. Enough about Freshman year back to the start of Sophomore =P
    So I go to my locker and put my things and such in there, then wait for Sarah, my girlfriend, to arrive, she does, and we go to her locker. Then we wander off the the "Pioneer Board" thats in the center of our school with all our first periods listed, I double check mine, and Kotahn was correct we have Mrs. Mjoen for first period. The bell rings and I say farewell to Sarah and I'm off to my first period. I walk up to the door and am greeted by a 6'5 woman with glasses with really long boney fingers, yes already this description is very creepy. To be honest she's not that bad, but everyone will agree she is crazy, trust me.
    I walked in and sat down in alphabetical order. (Luckily me and Kotahn have generally the same last name initial S and V eh, well semi close.) we talked a little but not as much. We got our schedule and later on the bell rang.
    1. English Honors 10
    2. Concert Band
    3. Genreral Biology
    4. World History I
    5. Spanish II
    6. Algebra II
    Second period...
    I hate second period it's concert band, and lets just say I didn't get moved up to Wind Ensemble. ( Of course I choose the most competitive instrument >< ) So I'm not discussing it.
    Third period...
    Second period I, yes I chose General Bio, it was my decision to take it, no not because I'm dumb and got placed there, I just wanted to have at least one super easy class I didn't have to worry about. So when I say general bio, it really is GENERAL Bio. >< oh well easy A for me. nuff' said.
    Fourth period...
    Forth period is History, my teacher is rally cool and laid back, it was very relaxed today and we just introduced ourselves made some jokes and talked, I think I'll really like this class. ^^
    Same as always, Eat with Sarah and others and discuss school stuff amongst many other things.
    Fifth period...
    Two words, PURE WIN. It's Spanish II Kotahn is in it along with MANY other friends and the teacher is really cool. I can tell this year is going to be fun.
    Sixth period...
    Algebra II, pretty blah, and what I expected. My teachers voice doesn't go higher than volume 4 I think and the homework today was pretty confusing, I got through it with some help but still Ah! ><
    So far all I had was to finish up some of the english summer stuff and some Algebra II, plus get all those papers signed for Homework, other than that it was pretty O-K. I still think it is a little too early to tall but who knows ^^
    Sophomore outlook so far: I can handle it. ^^
    Thats all for now, off to bed,
    Tah, Tah!

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