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Status Updates posted by Vahkoro

  1. ...I was scared that was a noob name when I saw it in Project KP. I literally shook my head and said "What the..."

  2. Ahhhhhwwwww! You're awsome! Sorry we havn't chatted in a while.

  3. Cheers! To the founder of that awesome AVATAR FAD!

  4. Dude, you're awesome.

    Just thought you should know that...


  5. Dude! Idea: Vahk Wikia!

  6. Gukko....

    Wut up, man? Havn't seen ya since...Comical Chronicles. Long time man. Hit me up sometime.

  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy friggin' birthday, dude!

    Late, but still...


  9. Happy Halloween, my friend!


  10. hey bro. havn't seen or heard from you in a long time. email me sometime or something.


  11. Hey Dark. I sent you a PM. Not sure if you got it, though because of the PM problems for us members...

  12. Hey man! Hope you like it here on BZPower.

  13. Hey man. Just droppin' in to say what's up, and all that stuff.

  14. hey man. my garage sale is over. I'm free to chat!

  15. Hey Venom. I have a new idea for the storyline in Vahk:

    A trip to the city of the "Order of Floating Kanohis." Think about it!

  16. HEY, BEST BUD!!!

    : D

  17. Hey, bro, after hearing about Beliwa's passing, I wanted to say thanks for being a great friend and brother to me.

  18. Hey, Jiigoo-Jello. How's it going? Havn't heard from you, so I thought I'd check it.

  19. Hey, Lion Heart. After hearing about the BZP Member Beliwa's passing, I wanted to tell you that you were the best friend on the net a guy could have. You may not read this, but I hope you know that you were a great pal.

  20. Hey, Lion Heart. I see you havn't been on...for a month! I started my new comi series. You gotta come check it out!



  21. Hey, man, when are we going to start you know what?

  22. No more school! WOO HOO!

  23. No. Not premier. Just e-mail change. I don't have time for blogs. Lol.

  24. NOT JIIIIIIIII-ello. I miss you buddy-man! :-D

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