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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    So I'm applying for a summer job at a somewhat-local newspaper. They have an opening for a full-time summer intern who's web-savvy, ambitious, has a strong work ethic, and has a passion for journalism.
    Oh, and they require a firm grasp of English grammar and spelling. Crazy, right?
    Anyway, I've applied, and I figure my chances are pretty good, seeing as not only have I been involved with my school newspaper over the past few years, but I'm also the editor of this year's yearbook (did you guys know that?). And I can write pretty well, I guess. You know, if I have to.
    So I've got my fingers crossed. I sent in some articles I've written along with my résumé, and they're decent, so hopefully they get looked at. I also hope my cover letter gets read, cause man it's a thing of beauty.
    Anyway, that's what's going on in Eyru-land today. Cross your fingers for me.
    Now, back to writing my valedictorian speech, and maybe someday soon I can post in the BZPRPG. And maybe play Okami sometime soon?
    Eyru out.
    (of her mind)
  2. Eyru
    Two wins over Chicago! And they said it would turn out just like every other year.

    I've got news for you: this year, we're going to the top!
    Go Canucks!

  3. Eyru
    this farm animal looked at me with soft, sad brown eyes, eyes that had seen countless ages of the world pass before them. he regarded me with these eyes, and I felt as though my soul was bared before their intense gaze.
    at last the farm animal spoke to me, not out loud, but telepathically, and his voice echoed in my mind, ringing with ancient wisdom and regal power.
    how many licks to get to the centre of a tootsie roll pop?
    I gasped; such a question had never entered my mind, and now it stretched my paradigms of reality. the farm animal watched sadly as I struggled with this concept. I somehow understood that he had attempted to bring others to enlightenment before, and they so often failed at this crucial stage.
    then, in a burst of rose-coloured light, I understood. the universe sprawled out before me in a simple pattern that I had never looked close enough to understand before. the farm animal watched me with pride. he had entered my dream to teach me the secrets of the universe, and I had passed the test. soon, I would become like him: a true farm animal, and one day others might dream of me.
  4. Eyru
    As was related in my previous entry, I am now an employee of an adorable little coffee shop. I have worked four shifts so far, and learned a little more with each shift.
    My first shift, as you know, I started out washing dishes. My second shift saw me working the till and learning how to pull a shot of espresso.
    My third and fourth shifts were interesting.
    Saturday was my third day. I learned how to steam milk (which turned out to be way easier than I had thought it would be), and then began to make some simple drinks. Make some espresso, steam some milk, and suddenly you've got a latte! It's amazing! And it's only a short step from making lattes to making mochas, cappuccinos, and macchiatos.
    I also learned how to make iced drinks (it was a big day). It's basically the same as making a hot drink, except you add ice and use cold milk instead of steamed milk. I made myself the best iced caramel macchiato I've ever had, which wasn't hard to do, because the majority of my coffee experience has seen me at Starbucks.
    Yeah, I don't really care for Starbucks. But that's a story for another day!
    Yesterday was my fourth shift, and it was so busy I didn't make a single coffee! We pretty much had a constant flow of customers, so I stayed on the till while my coworker (who just so happens to be a friend of mine) made the hot drinks. I poured ice for the cold drinks and made smoothies (which are delicious), and sold sandwiches, bottled drinks, and soup. My four hours went by like a rocket, and seemed as though I'd hardly started when my shift was over and I could go.
    Now for a word about some of our customers.
    I've gotten to know some of our regulars, and one of them is named Bill*. Bill comes in every morning and buys a medium coffee to go. He chats a bit, then leaves. Sounds pretty normal right?
    Well, Bill actually comes back to the cafe every few hours to buy a refill. I'd estimate he comes in four or five times a day. My supervisor (who just so happens to be one of the coolest people I know) isn't really sure if she's supposed to sell refills to people who have left the building, but she sells them to him anyway. Bill has been frequenting the place for years, and he knows exactly how much everything costs. He pays for everything he buys with exact change, right down to the last penny. When he buys a coffee, he sets down two dollars and twenty-four cents on the counter. Every time he comes in for a refill, he places seventy-three cents down on the counter. He's amazing.
    There are plenty of other customers with just as much personality as him, but they'll have to wait for another day. That's all for now folks.
    *not his real name.
  5. Eyru
    I have an idea!
    I'll write a serial, and post it on my blog. People can comment on it and request for things to happen next, and then they will! It'll be like Bioniclestory meets BZPStuck.
    Or I could just post photos on my blog. Of ordinary things. And write commentary for them until thay become EXTRAordinary.
    What else could I do to spice my blog up? Suggestions, comrades!
  6. Eyru
    So funny.
    So true.
    BTW Kyara's turning out to be more fantastically cunning and swift than I'd planned.
    That's all.
    Also the BZPRPG is in its third week and is already catching up to last year's number of pages in December. It's crazy.
    Post here for interactions with Greed, Jaal, and Kyara, as usual.
    Also post suggestions for my next character.
  7. Eyru
    After finally getting a manga into my hands, I've started realizing how different my Greed is from FMA's.
    Don't get me wrong, the last thing I want to do is copy the manga. I love how I've built my own characters from my own vision, and I've tried not to base them off of other characters that I've read about.
    Except Greed.
    I'll openly admit that I originally based my Greed off of the Greed in FMA. I love the manga (never seen the anime :/) and Greed has always been one of my favourite characters. Thus, when I was accepted to play as Greed for the Toa Daedra, I immediately re-read FMA to get a handle on how I wanted to play Greed.
    But after a few months of play, my Greed has radically shifted from the homunculus he was originally based off of.
    The Greed in FMA is easygoing (at least the first one is), kinda friendly, and you get the feeling that, despite his sin, he's a nice guy. He doesn't lie. His greed translates into loyalty for his men, which is a suprisingly positive characteristic for someone based off of a sin.
    My Greed appears nice enough, but that's just a front he puts on to get his way. He lies, cheats, and steals, and will only protect someone if they're useful to him. Otherwise, he just doesn't care.
    Obviously, these two characters are quite different. The interesting thing is that they were orgiinally the same character. I drew quite heavily on FMA's Greed to write up Greed's profile and determine his playing style, but over time he has shifted to become his own unique character. It almost feels like Greed is writing himself, now, and despite my meddling's he's revealed his true character.
    And you know what?
    He's evil.
  8. Eyru
    The time has come to put on a suit, walk across a stage, and give a speech. I'm graduating from high school today, and it's both awesome and surreal. I'm rather nervous for the speech part (I'm one of the two valedictorians), but I know it's going to rock!
    Anyway, wish me luck, and maybe I'll get around to posting some snazzy pics of me in the next few days!
    Oh, and look, I found an emoticon appropriate to my emotions:

    I'll be a graduate the next time we chat! Later gators!
  9. Eyru
    Post all your positive comments towards Rebecca Black here, cause she has a lovely voice and most everyone is acting in a mean-spirited way towards her.
    Haters need not post.

  10. Eyru
    Barbies have taken over BZPower, and I just heard Rebecca Black's Friday for the first time.
    I want to go back to bed.
    Actually, the Barbie thing is cool.
    Oh auto-tune, must you wreak such havoc on my sensitive auditory organs?
    Also Owl City's Alligator Sky is beautiful. Such a contrast, but so, so good.
  11. Eyru
    I'm turning eighteen this summer, meaning the time is drawing very close that I will be able to attend a LEGO convention.
    I'm hoping this year, but should it not work out, then definitely next year.
    Living in British Columbia, Canada means that Seattle, for example, is not that far away...
  12. Eyru
    Two friends of mine are getting married today.
    Weddings are a good time. Everyone's happy and celebrating and just having a party. It's like we save up our everyday joy and then blow it all in one extravagant occasion.
    On another note, it's really weird that my friends are starting to get married. It makes me wonder if I missed a memo...

  13. Eyru
    My SSC9 entry is up!
    It would really mean a lot to me if it got some views, and reviews would make me weep joyful tears.
    I'll also give you cookies.

  14. Eyru
    How was everyone's Christmas?
    Mine was pretty fun. I got to spend the day with my family, eating turkey, playing some Rock Band. Good times.
    I tried to go shopping yesterday, but the stores were all crazy. So I chilled with the guys and watched some hockey. Best sport on earth, by the way.
    Feels weird how Christmas has already come and gone though. 2010 went by like a rocket.
  15. Eyru
    Justin Bieber has a new song!
    It's a Christmas song about a girl!
    I am happy right now. This is going to be a good Christmas.

    ^so sexy
    So what do all of you think about Justin's new song??

  16. Eyru
    These things are so addictive. Soft and tasty and delicious and mmm... I feel like I could eat a hundred without breaking a sweat.
    What's your favourite snack? Do you also like biscuits, or do you prefer cookies? Or maybe a nice candy bar?
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