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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    My word.
    It has been a while, hasn't it?
    I'd comment on the dust, but with everything looking so brand-spankin' new, I don't think there's any to be found. I'll probably be spending the next few weeks breaking seven-year-old habits and figuring out how everything on this new site works.
    That includes getting back into the BZPRPG- having done no RPing for how long now? Five months? Wow. I'm feeling quite rusty, and even a nice browse through the archives wasn't really enough to remind me of all the stuff I need to know. But I'm sure we'll figure it out as we go.
    I was debating whether to do a quick run-through of the last five months of my life, but of course y'all wouldn't be much interested in that, eh? I'm seventeen, whoop-de-do, let's move on.
    When last we left, I was changing my name using a unique and (if I say so myself) pretty darn cool method. I'll be postponing that for now, as I kinda want to keep my regular name kickin' around until we all get settled in.
    Finally, a huge round of applause to Six, Bink, Dimensioneer, and the rest of our staff for an incredible new forum! It's really looking fantastic, and I can hardly wait to start posting!
    Oh, one more thing- seeing as I haven't talked with anyone here for five months, how's everybody doing? How was life without BZP? Leave a comment telling me what you did while the forums were down!

  2. Eyru
    the smell of freshly cut grass and smoke

    the weight on my chest that's finally

    flying away

    the taste of the sunrise and the wind in the morning

    and the sound of the stars singing to the moon

    welcome home

  3. Eyru
    Yes, I have returned. Let the celebrations commence!
    So, I'm back from Mexico, and though I had a brilliant time, it feels great to be back home. Spring break is almost over, and I have a feeling I'm going to spend these last few days catching up on life, both online and off.
    At the head of the line is SS#9: my story Redemption won third place! If that's not a good enough reason to go check it out, I don't know what is, so go read it!
    But seriously, it's a huge honour to have won, especially when I was competing with so many talented writers. I think I was the wild card in this contest, seeing as most of my activity in the Library took place a rather long time ago, so my finishing third may have come as a bit of a surprise to some, including myself.
    (and yes, that LoTR quote in the title was placed there for this reason)
    On to another note, I haven't yet dared to dive into the fathoms of the BZPRPG and peruse the countless pages I'm sure I've missed. As always, drop me a PM if you're waiting on interaction with my characters, or if you want to interact. I'm always approachable (except when I'm hungry)!
    Finally, it's nice to just sit back and relax after two weeks of hard work. Yes, work. That was how I spent my spring break. Tell me how you spent yours!
  4. Eyru
  5. Eyru
    Barbies have taken over BZPower, and I just heard Rebecca Black's Friday for the first time.
    I want to go back to bed.
    Actually, the Barbie thing is cool.
    Oh auto-tune, must you wreak such havoc on my sensitive auditory organs?
    Also Owl City's Alligator Sky is beautiful. Such a contrast, but so, so good.
  6. Eyru
    I have an idea!
    I'll write a serial, and post it on my blog. People can comment on it and request for things to happen next, and then they will! It'll be like Bioniclestory meets BZPStuck.
    Or I could just post photos on my blog. Of ordinary things. And write commentary for them until thay become EXTRAordinary.
    What else could I do to spice my blog up? Suggestions, comrades!
  7. Eyru
    It's really cool seeing my name in bold.
    Ever since I went Premier, my name's been different. Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga... both nice names, but more for fun than anything else. They weren't really me. It felt like I was slightly a different person using them. Kinda.
    But Eyru is me. This is my name. I've had it for years, and it feels good to get it back.
    What's your favourite name out of all the names you've used over the years? Like I said, mine's Eyru, but Justin Bieber comes in very close second.
  8. Eyru
    If you guessed my car keys, you're right.
    Yeah, so last night's Canucks game was so disappointing I guess I accidentally locked my keys in my car. I've got my keys back now, but I'm $40 poorer. Hopefully it's a lesson learned and won't do that again.
    And if the Canucks win tomorrow, maybe that'll make up for it.
  9. Eyru
    I've plum forgotten when my Premier Membership is going to run out, so if I suddenly stop posting in my blog, now you know why.
    Of course, it could happen in a day, a month, or six months- I'm not exactly sure when I purchased it. So no need to fret, dear citizens! Just be on the ready.
    Now, I've had a good day. Who else has had a good day?
  10. Eyru
    I took that pony personality quiz everyone's raving about (or was, at any rate), and I was a little surprised by the result. But before I share my pony personality, I decided I'd give you guys a chance to guess which pony I am most like.
    If you know me at all and can base your guess on a reasonable argument, you get cookies.
    But if you just want to guess because you've seen me around the forums and thought "omg he's totally a pinkie pie" then that's fine too.

  11. Eyru
    As was related in my previous entry, I am now an employee of an adorable little coffee shop. I have worked four shifts so far, and learned a little more with each shift.
    My first shift, as you know, I started out washing dishes. My second shift saw me working the till and learning how to pull a shot of espresso.
    My third and fourth shifts were interesting.
    Saturday was my third day. I learned how to steam milk (which turned out to be way easier than I had thought it would be), and then began to make some simple drinks. Make some espresso, steam some milk, and suddenly you've got a latte! It's amazing! And it's only a short step from making lattes to making mochas, cappuccinos, and macchiatos.
    I also learned how to make iced drinks (it was a big day). It's basically the same as making a hot drink, except you add ice and use cold milk instead of steamed milk. I made myself the best iced caramel macchiato I've ever had, which wasn't hard to do, because the majority of my coffee experience has seen me at Starbucks.
    Yeah, I don't really care for Starbucks. But that's a story for another day!
    Yesterday was my fourth shift, and it was so busy I didn't make a single coffee! We pretty much had a constant flow of customers, so I stayed on the till while my coworker (who just so happens to be a friend of mine) made the hot drinks. I poured ice for the cold drinks and made smoothies (which are delicious), and sold sandwiches, bottled drinks, and soup. My four hours went by like a rocket, and seemed as though I'd hardly started when my shift was over and I could go.
    Now for a word about some of our customers.
    I've gotten to know some of our regulars, and one of them is named Bill*. Bill comes in every morning and buys a medium coffee to go. He chats a bit, then leaves. Sounds pretty normal right?
    Well, Bill actually comes back to the cafe every few hours to buy a refill. I'd estimate he comes in four or five times a day. My supervisor (who just so happens to be one of the coolest people I know) isn't really sure if she's supposed to sell refills to people who have left the building, but she sells them to him anyway. Bill has been frequenting the place for years, and he knows exactly how much everything costs. He pays for everything he buys with exact change, right down to the last penny. When he buys a coffee, he sets down two dollars and twenty-four cents on the counter. Every time he comes in for a refill, he places seventy-three cents down on the counter. He's amazing.
    There are plenty of other customers with just as much personality as him, but they'll have to wait for another day. That's all for now folks.
    *not his real name.
  12. Eyru
    yeee boys what a game. some brilliant hockey and a swell shutout by mr. price. that's eight periods without a goal i do believe.
    a big round of applause to all y'all other nations out there who didn't win a medal. you're still ok.
    see you in four years, olympics.
  13. Eyru
    Yes, upon much introspection and re-viewing of the show My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic, I have come to the realization that I am a brony.
    I first watched the pilot episode with the intention of simply seeing what all the fuss was about. I didn't plan to particularly like it or dislike it; in fact, I was planning to write a blog post afterwards saying that "It wasn't amazing, but it wasn't terrible, so if you like it that's fine, and if you dislike it that's fine, and we should all just get along."
    However, my plans were overturned once the show was over. I opened up a new entry and prepared to type my lukewarm review of the cartoon, but I couldn't get over the oddest feeling that, well, it really wasn't that bad of a show. In fact, it was pretty good. The animation was superb, and the music was enjoyable. The characters were instantly unique and likeable, and weren't just the stereotypical girls' cartoon characters that are so often seen on television. Even after the first episode, I found myself liking these ponies. Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and the rest should have just been some fun characters that you could watch and then forget, but instead, I found them endearing.
    It was, as I said, the oddest feeling.
    So, instead of writing the planned lukewarm review, I find myself with only one thing to say:
    I am a brony.

  14. Eyru
    so I realized I made seven whole blog posts in 2015, and I am well on my way to breaking that record in 2016 because I have posted zero posts and it's already April.
    sorry guys I know you expect so much more of me.
    I thought it might be fun to do something with this blog though. you know, because it's here and all, so why not, right? I used to hold name-changing contests which were fun, but now that I'm an FA I'm not allowed to change my name, so that's out.
    (take a moment to weep, dear reader. it's ok)
    anyway, I've got some ideas floating around, but I want to hear what you guys think. do you want daily entries that chronicle my life in exquisite detail? little contests/challenges? mini-essays on 19th-century poetry? (I'm really good at those lol)
    sound off and let me know what's on your mind!
  15. Eyru
    So I was at Starbucks the other night, buying a bag of coffee beans.
    There’s a line, but it’s only three people long, so I’m like “no big deal” and wait with my coffee. It quickly becomes obvious that these three people ahead of me are friends and hanging out at Starbucks. The first two order their drinks loudly, but they’re pretty ordinary. Then the third guy steps up to the plate.
    and on and on and on he goes, with this little smirk, and the poor kid at the till tries to interrupt with “well you see our venti has twenty ounces” but this potato is having none of it. Keeps yelling about how smart he is, finally orders his drink, then goes and laughs with his friends about how stupid Starbucks is (of course with lots of needless swearing mixed in for some reason like dude you’re in public).
    Finally I get to buy my coffee and the poor kid is so rattled he asks me twice if I’m buying the coffee so I make sure to leave a tip and then I leave but man I just wanted to slug that fetid excuse for a carbon-based biped across his big mouth.
    Moral of the story: you are never as funny as you think you are.
    Second moral: don't make me say it again please.
    Third moral: no.
    thank u for listening bzp
  16. Eyru
    Read this.
    It's not my work. I'm not advertising something I wrote. This is a beautiful, poignant short story; one of the best I've ever read. Do yourself a favour and read it, because it's honestly brilliant.
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