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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    I'm lost for words when confronted with the tragedy that occurred in Connecticut this morning. My thoughts and prayers go out to the grieving families and friends of the dead; may they be given peace that passes understanding.
  2. Eyru
    So, I just noticed that my blog is quickly (or not-so-quickly) approaching both 200 entries and 1,000 comments. I was thinking it might be nice to celebrate one of these occasions with something special.
    I was contemplating holding a contest or something in my blog, with the winner receiving a Real Prize. Or maybe holding a draw for an Authentic BIONICLE Piece. You know, something special and fun.
    Give me your feedback and/or ideas? I want to make it special, and I want it to be fun, just because I'm excited that my blog has made it this far.

    (also go away bfa no one wants to hear about your 1400 entries or 15,000 comments)
  3. Eyru
    The picture to the left of this post is actually a picture of me.
    I keep bumping my wireless mouse into the garbage can next to my desk.
    I listened to the same song for an hour and a half on repeat and didn't realize it.
    Sometimes I think of old members who have left and I miss them, because I'm an old geezer who joined these forums before most of you were born.
    When Lady K made a blog post it made me feel fuzzy inside.
    I am Angela, and Angela is all of us.
    If I were ever made staff I would choose to moderate the Short Stories forum because nothing ever happens there and I could be staff without ever actually doing anything (HINT HINT GO TAKE A PEEK IN THE SS FORUM BRING LIFE BACK TO THE LIBRARY)
    If you are reading this, I love you.
    If you are not reading this, there is a special place in my heart for you, too, don't worry.
    It is now bedtime. Good night.
    Tune in next week for more random Eyru facts (and that, ladies and gentlemen, is a fact).
  4. Eyru
    ya so i have never ever ever owned my own computer before
    and i bought a laptop yesterday :3
    i got it on sale for $500 with tax, and it comes with a 2-year warranty and everything
    i am so excited to be connected to you all 24/7
  5. Eyru
    Yes or no?
    srsly all these games are so cheap now i think it would almost be worth it to live on a three-year lag when buying new systems and games
    imagine it
    2009: yay i got a wii!
    2012: yay metroid prime trilogy!
    2015: yay skyward sword!
    on the other hand i would probably go crazy.
  6. Eyru
    There's nothing like reading old RPG posts to activate it.



    it's a weird feeling like what emoticon do i use halp
  7. Eyru
    Man there were a lot of hipsters on the mainland
    Good times were had by all
    A moment of silence for Aurax
  8. Eyru
    Because I posted two identical entries yesterday.
    I am sorry. These... com-pyoo-turrs... are difficult to use. I am not used to managing this... in-turr-net. You are all so tech-savvy, and I'm stuck in the 90's.
    In other news woohoo going to the mainland tomorrow.
    (the mainland is exciting because there's civilization there)
    (it's also exciting because Vancouver is there, and it's my favouritest city in the world)
    (although if I go elsewhere and find a city I like better I will let you know)
    (what is your favourite city by the way and is it better than Vancouver in your opinion)
    I just realized that my disjointed thoughts may be due to the numberless cups of espresso I've consumed in the past two hours. I was training with Tim, this barista who really knows his stuff, and we made/drank a lot of coffee.
    So yeah I guess that's why I feel weird and it's difficult to keep a steady train of thou- oh look a squirrel!
    Nah I'm just kidding no squirrels here. At least, not inside, where I can see them. They could be outside in the darkness
    ...I'll just end this entry now. Bai.
  9. Eyru
    Here is a blog entry to discuss food.
    It is necessary.
    Today I barbecued a hamburger and garnished it with mushrooms and lettuce. I ate it and it was very enjoyable.
  10. Eyru
    it has to be said:
    even though you may dress your biomechanical characters in scarves and hats
    and some people may disagree with that
    you are still #1 in my books
    rock on
  11. Eyru
    Opinions are good things. They are what make us different. If everyone liked the colour blue best, the world would be boring. But we also have people who like green and purple and yellow and brown, and those differences make us interesting.
    Along with those differences come the opportunity to look at a situation from a different point of view. If everyone in the whole world liked pepperoni pizza, we could all get together and eat pepperoni pizza and laugh and enjoy each others' company, and it would be a great time. But in our world, not everyone likes pepperoni pizza best. Maybe they like hawaiian pizza, or vegetarian pizza. Not only is that okay, but it also provides a valuable opportunity: we can try to empathize with someone else.
    Wikipedia says that "empathy is the capacity to recognize feelings that are being experienced by another sentient... being."
    If everyone were the same, we would have no opportunity to recognize other feelings or opinions or points of view. The only way to experience something different would be to actively change yourself. But why in the world would you want to change yourself? If you like pepperoni pizza best, why would you want to force yourself to like hawaiian better?
    That's where empathy comes in. Practicing empathy allows us to recognize the points of view that others hold without sharing them ourselves (the key word is recognize).
    It's like you temporarily get to become another person. You get to understand their opinion, and you don't have to sacrifice your slice of pepperoni pizza to do so. You can understand that someone else likes hawaiian better; you can listen to countless details that support their decision; you can empathize with their feelings towards hawaiian pizza, and you can do all this without actually having to give up your favourite pizza.
    Whether you like pepperoni pizza or hawaiian pizza doesn't matter. What does matter is that every disagreement and difference in opinion is an opportunity to walk a few steps in someone else's shoes, and briefly experience life through their eyes. You don't need to change, and they don't need to change. Instead, you both get to learn and experience something new (which is really one of the best parts of life I think you'll agree), and then return to what you like best, whether it's pepperoni or hawaiian.
  12. Eyru
    Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell.
    I finished reading it last night. It's a brilliant book, but also rather scary, especially when considering the state of world affairs today (as all good dystopic novels should be). I'd recommend this book to anyone.
    And I do believe that's the last book of my literary summer. Since the start of July, I've read The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, On the Road by Jack Kerouac, and The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. I've started This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and I'm halfway through Paradise Lost by John Milton, as well as partway through a collection of Poe's poems and short stories.
    Now begins my literary autumn. First up: finish This Side of Paradise, and begin reading the complete works of Lewis Carroll. Also scavenge local bookstores for a volume of Keats' work.
    Oh my goodness how I love Keats. But that's a blog entry for another day.
  13. Eyru
    You know those profile ratings, y'know, on your profile? The five stars?
    I have an idea:
    If you go to someone's profile and they are cool, give them one star.
    Because they are Number One.
    We will flip the status quo, and the coolest people on BZPower will have one star.
    And if the person is not cool? Give them one star anyway, because everyone is Cool In Their Own Way.
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