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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    I am going.
    (this decision is largely thanks to a certain Rene that some of you may know)
    I have been wanting to go for years and years and finally I do believe this will be the year (unless something huge inexplicably comes up but shhh don't jinx it).
    My only problem: it is 260 days, 10 hours, and 29 minutes away, and I don't know if I can make it because I am super excited and nervous already and it's only January.
    Um so yeah that's all I really have to say here.
  2. Eyru
    So funny.
    So true.
    BTW Kyara's turning out to be more fantastically cunning and swift than I'd planned.
    That's all.
    Also the BZPRPG is in its third week and is already catching up to last year's number of pages in December. It's crazy.
    Post here for interactions with Greed, Jaal, and Kyara, as usual.
    Also post suggestions for my next character.
  3. Eyru
    Post all your positive comments towards Rebecca Black here, cause she has a lovely voice and most everyone is acting in a mean-spirited way towards her.
    Haters need not post.

  4. Eyru
    I'm RPing with Friar Tuck!
    It's true! He quoted one of my posts and now my character is talking to him~
    OMG now I'm bargaining with him this so cool!
  5. Eyru
    So I work at a local mom-and-pop coffee shop, and we often get funny orders just cause we're different than Starbucks. But today we got a customer who was confused for a totally different reason.

    She seemed pretty chill at first, this lady, who walked in with her mum. But as her eyes played over our menu, she opened her mouth and BAM RED FLAGS ERRYWHERE.

    "I'll just have an expresso."

    Before my supervisor and I can even give each other the ol' sidelong glance like "oh no" she tags on "Oh, and let's make it a medium."


    To keep y'all in the crystal-clear, our menu only offers espresso in one size: small, because what are ya gonna do with 16oz of espresso? So my super sets about trying to clear things up.

    "Are you sure you want an espresso?" he says (subtly emphasizing the 's' like a champ). "Were you thinking of an Americano? It's espresso and hot wate-"

    He can't even finish before the ol' gal cuts him off with "No, an expresso! I always get it here."

    There's a little more banter back and forth and finally my super just accepts that she wants an "expresso." So he rings her up and I grab one of our little china espresso cups. They're totes adorbs and perfectly fit two shots of espresso. The lady doesn't agree.

    "No! Too small," she says. "Give me a bigger one."

    We try to tell her that a bigger cup won't increase the size of her drink, and she'll just have 1oz of espresso puddled at the bottom of her selected 8oz cup. She stubbornly says "I know that; that's how I like it," so we just do as she says.

    So I pull the shot and pour it in and pass it over, and she looks at it like I suppose the devil looks at kids who look both ways before crossing the street.

    "What's this?" she says

    It's an espresso, we explain. One shot of espresso. One ounce of pure, magical, bean-juice goodness.

    "Can I have more hot water?" she says. "Or I can't?"

    Of course she can, but she seems to be ignoring everything we say, cause we just explained how there's no hot water in her drink at least five times over. So I can't put "more" in, seeing as there's none to begin with, but I fill it two-thirds full and pass it back to her.

    "That's more like it," she says "An expresso."

    My super explains that it's now an Americano, and the two are totally different drinks. The lady plays it straight and says "Oh, you changed the name?" He tries to explain again that they've always been different drinks but she's just got this bored look on her face and goes "uh-huh uh-huh" like she's listening but you can tell she's convinced we know absolutely nothing whatsoever about coffee, bless her precious, sweet, mama-loving heart, and eventually she just turns around and goes to sit down with her "expresso."

    Her mum orders a hot chocolate.
  6. Eyru
    so I realized I made seven whole blog posts in 2015, and I am well on my way to breaking that record in 2016 because I have posted zero posts and it's already April.
    sorry guys I know you expect so much more of me.
    I thought it might be fun to do something with this blog though. you know, because it's here and all, so why not, right? I used to hold name-changing contests which were fun, but now that I'm an FA I'm not allowed to change my name, so that's out.
    (take a moment to weep, dear reader. it's ok)
    anyway, I've got some ideas floating around, but I want to hear what you guys think. do you want daily entries that chronicle my life in exquisite detail? little contests/challenges? mini-essays on 19th-century poetry? (I'm really good at those lol)
    sound off and let me know what's on your mind!
  7. Eyru
    As you may or may not know, I was recently hired as a barista at a local coffee shop.
    I have no experience as a barista, if you're wondering. I have my foodsafe certificate, which means I'm licensed to work in the food industry, but the most experience I've had brewing coffee is dumping some grounds on the machine at home and making some drip coffee.
    But I'm not an old dog yet; it's time to learn a new trick!
    I started off yesterday washing dishes. Not very glamorous, but everyone has to start somewhere, right? The coffee shop that hired me is a very quaint little place where you can have your beverage brought to your table in nice ceramic cups. That means dishes to wash, but it's not difficult, and I don't mind washing dishes.
    I quickly moved on to learning how to work the till. I've worked in retail before, so it's nothing new, but the machine is a little different than the one I used before, so it took some getting used to. I've already perfected service-with-a-smile, according to my coworker, so everything's good there.
    Today was my second day, and I learned how to pull a shot. Exciting, right? My first shot was too slow, and the second and third were too fast, but after that I got the hang of it and started making some nice espressos. Granted, everything I made went towards mochas or cappuccinos, not drinks like americanos that are made or broken on the quality of the espresso, but it still felt good.
    Tomorrow I'll learn how to steam milk, and maybe even start making some drinks from start to finish. We'll see! I'll make sure to bring back some stories for you guys- I've already met some very interesting people.
  8. Eyru
    Yeah, so tomorrow will mark two weeks of me eating no meat.
    It's been interesting so far. I've found I've been watching what I eat, simply because I need to make sure I can eat it, and the byproduct of that is that I'm eating healthier things. I've been eating way more vegetables, and I've been getting my protein from soy, eggs, and beans instead of meat.
    It hasn't been a drastic change, to be honest. Before going pescetarian, I already ate more beans than meat, but that doesn't man it hasn't been difficult. I've turned down some pretty delish stuff (oh bacon why), and even gone hungry once or twice. I'm proud of myself: it hasn't been easy, and it's cool to know that I have the willpower to cut something out of my diet and stick with it.
    I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon, either. I'll keep blogging too, but I'm switching to weekly updates (the downtime threw me for a loop anyway).
    Thanks for your support, guys!
    (and maybe sometime soon we'll start edging closer to vegan. who knows?)
  9. Eyru
    Kyara has returned.
    For those of you who did not participate in the BZPRPG last year, Kyara is perhaps the most fantastically cunning and swift Toa in the BZPRPG.
    Or not. But she's still pretty cool.
    Post here for interactions with Ketan or Kyara (wow two names that start with a K I just noticed that holy hau), or to participate in any BZPRPG discussion.

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