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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    Bionicle (stylized as BIONICLE) was a line of contraction toys created by the Lego Group marketed primarily for 5-to-16-year-olds. Originally a sub-theme of Lego's Technic series, the line was initially launched in early 2001 in Europe andAustralia and the following summer in North America and over the following decade became one of the Lego Groups's biggest-selling properties. The theme's concept is based on two earlier Lego themes that featured characters based onclassical elements and incorporated a similar building system. In 2009, The Lego Group closed down the production of future Bionicle sets due to a lack of new sales in the product, and in the wake of theme's cancellation "replaced" Bionicle with Hero Factory; a new contraction series that carries Bionicle's legacy and features a similar building system.
  2. Eyru
    After EW's post concerning evil characters with no affiliation, I found myself thinking about playing a character like that. These characters have, like EW said, been tried many times before, but it's hard to play them well. When you're in a large RPG like the BZPRPG, it's hard to play an evil character well enough to do anything without being connected to one of the major powers. For example, anyone with an evil character now is automatically connected to the Makuta. Everyone assumes that, if you're evil, you're on the Makuta's side.
    I like a challenge, so I'm keeping this idea in the back of the bean for a while, along with several other characters that I've been thinking of. There's no guarantee that I'll actually play any of them, but I'm definitely intrigued by playing an evil character with no affiliation. The possibilites are endless.
    Also, all this ties in excellently with an article I read on archetypes earlier today. Some of the archetypes I found quite intriguing, but couldn't think of how I would pull them off. Now I'm getting some ideas.
    tl;dr I might make more characters. One might be evil.
  3. Eyru
    have my first math test in three years tomorrow
    it's gonna assess my abilities so i know which math class i gotta take
    this is all because if didn't try hard enough when i was in high school and only got a c- in math
    kids: try your best. school is a valuable opportunity etc. etc.
  4. Eyru
    Here's my goodbye entry. I'm leaving for Mexico tomorrow, for two weeks. No internet access whatsoever, so that means no BZP.
    I'm not even gonna pretend to be sad. You guys are great, but I'm going on a thirty-something-hour road trip to Mexico! Woohoo!
    Anyway, some of you may recall this blog entry, in which I commented on the lack of snacks in my blog.
    So, while I'm in Mexico, feel free to help yourselves to some snacks.

    Enjoy! See y'all in two weeks!
  5. Eyru
    nvm I'm still premier haha
    anyway what's the deal with all these outside links?
    also in other news I am now hopelessly addicted to 'how i met your mother.'
  6. Eyru
    So, I went to see ​Les Misèrables last night.
    Let's just say that it didn't disappoint. It was an emotional roller coaster of a ride that did justice to the play and to the book. I'm not much of a cry-er, but let me tell you: I was blinking back tears several times.
    Highs: Anne Hathaway as Fantine. She stole every scene she was in (which numbered too few, IMO... but that's how the story goes), and I honestly would have paid full ticket price just to see and hear her sing "I Dreamed a Dream", which was my absolute favourite scene in the film. Absolutely phenomenal; she deserves every award it's possible for her to win.
    Pretty much everything else. Hugh Jackman and Russel Crowe was absolutely fantastic as Jean Valjean and Javert respectively, as everyone knew they would be. Samantha Barks played Éponine brilliantly, so much so that I would say I almost enjoyed her scenes more than Jackman's. The Thénardiers (oh, Bonham Carter <3), Cosette (both young and old), Marius... oh, everyone was amazing. Absolutely amazing.
    Lows (which I am spoilering so you won't have to read them if you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to judge before you get to watch it):
    Overall, though it was fantastic. I saw the musical on stage in the summer, and you can't beat Les Mis live, but this film comes pretty close. If you haven't seen it yet, I would recommend it in a heartbeat. Do yourself a favour and go see ​Les Misèrables.
    Seriously, go see it now! What are you waiting for?
  7. Eyru
    ...I have.
    Some friends and I flipped a classroom upside down the other day. The posters on the walls, the assignments on the board, the clock, the globe, all the desks.... everything.
    It was, for lack of a better word, awesome.
    In other news, Skyward Sword. How've y'all been?
  8. Eyru
    Nintendo's E3 presentation was everything I feared it would be, and nothing I'd hoped it would be.
    Let me explain.
    Nintendo (predictably) spilled some more info on the upcoming Wii U by showing the final versions of the controller, introducing the Miiverse (the Wii U's answer to Xbox Live), and elaborating on the "asymmetrical gameplay" that's apparently going to be all the rage. They unveiled a list of games that would be available for the console, which included the Wii Sports-esque NintendoLand, Pikmin 3, ZombiU, and Assasin's Creed 3 (the latter two were actually unveiled at Ubisoft's conference, so they don't really count).
    And that's all great stuff! Don't get me wrong, I'm jappy as a jalepeno to see the great games coming in the future, and I'm excited to see how the Gamepad is going to be used.
    But... where's the Zelda?
    Hold me.
  9. Eyru
    ...because he has such a cool song to inspire him.
    Go The Distance. One of my favourite songs.
    What, to you, is an inspirational song? This can be for anything, from writing to MOCing to sports... anything.
    Personally, in addition to the above, I enjoy listening to JB's Never Say Never.
  10. Eyru
    With a tan and a slightly larger Spanish vocabulary. ^^
    Now to read up on my missed PMs and the BZPRPG topics, then go to bed. I've gotten about four hours of sleep in the last thirty-six.
  11. Eyru
    So I found an early Christmas gift when I logged on to BZP today: I'm Premier! Yeah, I was the one who paid for it, but still.
    I can't believe the big day is tomorrow. This year has gone by real fast.
    I hope all you guys have a Merry Christmas, and have fun spending time with family and friends. Tomorrow's one of the best days of the year just cause it's a day where everyone thinks about others instead of themselves.
  12. Eyru
    Yup, the BZPRPG is rebooting soon. It's the perfect time to join! Check it out!
    Click here for a banner like the one above to help advertise the reboot!
  13. Eyru
    So yeah.
    PM me a number.
    I'll tell you something about yourself.
    ⑨ - You are a stylish person, and you need to have more confidence in your MOCing abilities because they rock.
    22 - You're a great writer and quite mature. I've always thought you were cool.
    23 - I've seen you around occasionally, and you generally seem thoughtful and creative. I like your graphics, BTW.
    57 - You're a great writer, and a good roleplayer. Can't wait to interact with you again. You owe me.
    67 - You're super-fantastic. 'Nuff said.
    333 - I've seen you around a lot. You're entertaining and pretty darn cool.
    361 - You're an amazing roleplayer, and an excellent writer.
    815 - You're a really cool guy and a great writer. Seriously.
    1025 - You are a great RPer and also pretty fantastic. You usually have intelligent things to say, which is nice.
    42324 - You're fun to roleplay with, and also pretty creative.
  14. Eyru
    Do you ever have one of those days where something really just gets up in your face and grinds your gears? Uhh, bad wording: I bet you're all picturing that Peter Griffin meme that pops up every few weeks on Facebook like a pimple on my news feed. I'll try again: you ever have one of those days where something rubs you the wrong way and you just about burst like a broken fire hydrant?
    Yeah, me too.
    (I usually do better with the metaphors, jsyk)
    Those who know me are aware that I don't get angry easily. Contrary to popular belief, it's not because I'm on a perpetual high of maple syrup, or because I've been conditioned to be polite since the age of five, just like every other Canadian child (we've also been conditioned to guard the 49th parallel with our lives, but that's a story for another day). It's been a long, difficult process learning to control my temper, but it's part of becoming an adult. You learn to control your emotions: you rein in your outrage when The Hobbit Part 2 ends with Smaug flying out over Long Lake, and you hide your tears when you watch the finale of How I Met Your Mother (at least until you're alone in bed and nobody can hear your desperate sobs).
    But when I do get angry? Oh boy - you better go call that fire-breathing dragon back, because he's got nothing on the heat I'll be giving.
    Again, it's rare that I really let loose. I played in a road-hockey tournament over the weekend, and you ain't heard nothing till you've heard the chirping that goes on between young people pumped on adrenaline and Gatorade with two minutes left in the last period and the score's tied at 5 and elbows are flying and sticks are everywhere and woo hockey yes yes yes GO TEAM. But I didn't get angry then. I was sweating and bleeding and bruised from head to toe, but not angry. It's a game, even when someone cross-checks you into the boards so hard it feels like your spine is coming out through your chest.
    Injustice, on the other hand, isn't a game. There isn't anything that gets me going quite like injustice. I can get so intense that I scare myself sometimes. But I'm okay with that.
    It took me awhile to be okay with that, to be honest. Like I said, all Canadians are conditioned to be polite, so breaking the mould meant rewiring my own brain in ways that would make any psychologist proud. I thought getting angry was bad, and calling out people was the ultimate in flagrant disrespect, worthy of the highest punishment (which I've always considered to be watching M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender. Haven't seen it? Don't).
    Thing is, there are some things worth getting steamed about. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating irrational anger that blows up unpredictably, hurting random people and making a mess, but I am making a case for rational indignation that lights up when someone needs to know that what they're doing is wrong. Anger doesn't have to lead to hate if you don't let it (but I'll still argue that hate leads to suffering, and no amount of cookies is worth that, you crazy Sith).
    I'll cut my wandering monologue short by summing up my thoughts as best I can (but it's past midnight, so it might not be as succinct as I'm hoping): if you see someone doing something you know is wrong, something that negatively affects another person or group of people, get angry. If you see someone perpetuating injustice, get angry. If you hear someone perpetuating injustice, get angry. These are things worth getting up in arms about, so don't let anyone tell you to simmer down or stop freaking out. The only thing that needs to stop is injustice, and the only way it's going to stop is if we call it out.
    It can be scary, letting people know what you think. It can feel awkward. Believe me, I know. But justice is worth standing up for. It's bigger than manners; it's bigger than you or me.
    So make a scene. Get angry. Because what we choose to stand up for shows what we value the most.

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