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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    Today is Leap Day: that is, February 29th, a day that only comes around every four years. Yay!
    However, in my little corner of the world (aka Canada), today is also Anti-Bullying Day! Everyone wears a pink shirt as a small way of saying that bullying is not okay. Now only at school, but everywhere.
    Being me, though, and not being inclined to take the easy route, I went all out. Pink pants, pink dress shirt, pink tie, pink scarf... it was a lot of fun, and a great way to remind people that bullying is definitely not cool.
    I may upload a pic later, just because it was so great (but I'll be sure to scrub out my face because this is the internetz).
    In other news, continue suggesting names, and the voting will begin tomorrow!
  2. Eyru
    If any of you frequented my blog before the downtime, you'll know that I regularly (every 45 days or so, in fact) put on a contest of sorts to choose my next name. This has led to some interesting names, like Lady Gaga, for example. And I'm not about to change that tradition any time soon!
    So, for those who are unfamiliar with the rules, here's the deal: you suggest a name or two in the comments. I'll put all the names in a list, and post an entry for voting. The name with the most votes after a certain amount of time will win, and will become my next display name.
    Simple, no?
    So get out there and make your voice heard!
  3. Eyru
    I took that pony personality quiz everyone's raving about (or was, at any rate), and I was a little surprised by the result. But before I share my pony personality, I decided I'd give you guys a chance to guess which pony I am most like.
    If you know me at all and can base your guess on a reasonable argument, you get cookies.
    But if you just want to guess because you've seen me around the forums and thought "omg he's totally a pinkie pie" then that's fine too.

  4. Eyru
    I'm turning eighteen this summer, meaning the time is drawing very close that I will be able to attend a LEGO convention.
    I'm hoping this year, but should it not work out, then definitely next year.
    Living in British Columbia, Canada means that Seattle, for example, is not that far away...
  5. Eyru
    I just had one of my best story ideas ever, and it's for SSC9 (Short Stories Contest #9 for those who don't know). I mean, I've written some pretty good stories (if I do say so myself), but this one is going to trump them all.
    Needless to say, I'm extremely excited.
    Want an excerpt? Too bad! Nobody is gonna be stealin' my ideas!
    (I love you guys but no sharing till contest day)
    In BZPRPG news: not much is happening. EW destroyed the island's major hospital and now everything seems to have slowed down. However, I am hard at work on the faction I described two entries back, so you can expect that to be unveiled soon! Anyone interested in being a part of it can PM me for some details. Also, I have a Ta-Matoran, Oreius, extremely open for interaction in Ta-Koro.
    There's no appropriately exciting way to end this entry, so here are a few masks:

  6. Eyru
    I was just throwing around BZPRPG ideas when I stumbled upon what may possibly be my greatest idea yet. Which isn't hard, cause this is really only my second year.
    (side note: many people seem to think I'm an all-powerful veteran with limitless knowledge and vast experience. Seriously guys. If I were to attend Hogwarts, this would be the year my wand broke and made me start spewing slugs)
    Anyway, I'm going to start an organization dedicated to the eradication of all "impure" elements on Mata-Nui. This organization will be led by a Turaga named The Elder of Elders, and will quite possibly be a lot of fun. Twisted fun, but fun nonetheless.
    Or not.
    But I'm super excited. If enthusiasm were measured in bubbles I would be a bubble machine.
    Um, so if anyone is interested in a rather racist faction that promises to kill people, let me know. Cause I'd hate to be racist all by myself.
  7. Eyru
    Recently in the BZPRPG, we discovered that Makuta has had two unknown articles stolen from him. The following paragraphs are a collection of my thoughts and deductions on the identity of the artifacts and also the identity of Makuta. This may be vaguely interesting to any BZPRPG player, and may also come in handy when trying to solve the staff plot.
    What is it that Makuta wants back? We have a two clues:
    One: there are six that were stolen, but Makuta possesses more than six. Two: these six are more valuable than the others of their kind; they are, as Makuta says, special.
    We can also inference a few things: judging from Makuta's anger, these unknown artifacts are extremely precious to him. Why? From what we know of Makuta (which is, admittedly, very little), he is a being of shadow and malice. What qualities give something value in his eyes? If we take what we know of Makuta, it's likely that power is an attractive quality to him. He likes having power over Mata Nui and watching its inhabitants scurry around in vain quests to defeat him.
    I hypothesize that these artifacts are either a) a source of his power, or 2) a source of power than can be used against him. Nothing else is likely to incur such anger on his part.
    Now, let's backtrack briefly. We can all agree that Makuta likes power, yes? We can draw this conclusion from this fact: Makuta wants to have dominion over Mata Nui. He threatens the villages with Rahi, and he took the island's most powerful heroes so they would no pose a threat to his dominion. If Makuta didn't care about ruling Mata Nui, he wouldn't infect Rahi and he wouldn't have done anything to the Toa Mata when they confronted him. In addition to this, Makuta's treatment of Heuani suggests that he enjoys oppressing others from his position of power.
    So if Makuta likes feeling powerful, then why would he lock something in a vault? If you are invincible and all-powerful, you don't have vaults. Vaults are for people not powerful or intimidating enough to protect what is valuable to them. But Makuta, the most powerful, intimidating villain of them all, locks these unknown artifacts in a vault because, despite his power, he cannot risk them being stolen.
    Think about it: the Makuta, the lord of darkness, shadow, and fear, is afraid.
    So what does Makuta have to be afraid of? From what we know of him, he wants to rule Mata Nui. Therefore, his fear most likely has something to do with losing his dominion.
    But wait! How could this happen? The Toa Mata, explicitly named as the six most powerful Toa the island has ever seen, were unable to conquer Makuta. So Makuta has no reason to be afraid, right? If those six legendary heroes couldn't take him down, then why would he possibly be concerned about our chances?
    Because these artifacts, as I hypothesized earlier, are either a) a source of his power, or 2) a source of power than can be used against him.
    If Makuta loses these artifacts, either he will lose enough of his power to be defeated, or those who find the artifacts will gain enough power to overthrow him.
    What could grant this type of power? Golden Kanohi and Toa Stones have already been mentioned, so I'll take a look at them. First: golden Kanohi. The Toa Mata, more powerful than any PC Toa, had golden Kanohi, and Makuta defeated them with ease. So there's no reason for him to be worried us getting the Kanohi, because if the Toa Mata didn't stand a chance with them, then how would we?
    Second: Toa Stones. Makuta has nothing to fear from regular Toa Stones, but, as he stated, these unknown artifacts are special. If Makuta has lost six abnormally powerful Toa Stones, then that might be something that would cause him some concern. If we assume that these artifacts are Toa Stones, then Makuta's first concern will be to recover the Stones, and if that fails, his second strategy will most likely be to eliminate any Matoran that could use a Stone to become a super-Toa.
    What has Makuta's only measurable action been prior to the release of the Rahkshi? He's ordered the elimination of the Chroniclers Company, the bravest, most likely candidates for Toa. This means that, should we gain possession of a Stone, we'll need to find a PC Matoran eligible to become a Toa.
    There are two things that Friar Tuck has said in the past that are extremely relevant now: only Matoran that are roleplayed exceptionally well will be allowed to turn into Toa, and the Staff quest will put your characters in mortal danger. If player A is roleplaying a Matoran well enough to become a Toa, and he's involved in the Staff quest, then Makuta's first action is going to be to try and eliminate that Matoran.
    These last two paragraphs are only applicable if the unknown artifacts are, in fact, Toa Stones, but the rest of my post should be taken into consideration when guessing at the identity of the artifacts stolen from Makuta. What else do we know of that can grant enough power to put fear in the heart of the Master of fear?

  8. Eyru
    Kyara has returned.
    For those of you who did not participate in the BZPRPG last year, Kyara is perhaps the most fantastically cunning and swift Toa in the BZPRPG.
    Or not. But she's still pretty cool.
    Post here for interactions with Ketan or Kyara (wow two names that start with a K I just noticed that holy hau), or to participate in any BZPRPG discussion.

  9. Eyru
    Biology 12 exam today. Wish me luck. I'm kind of dreading this exam because Bio 12 is one of those information-heavy courses that pretty much requires you to memorize everything, and I've always preferred performance-based tests to those based solely on the ability to regurgitate information. Yup, give me an essay any day of the week.
    On the other hand, it'll be nice to just get it over with so I don't have to think about it anymore.
    Also, if you happen to understand the difference between DNA and RNA, or the difference between dendrites and axoms, or how much ATP is produced by the electron transport chain versus glycolysis or the citric acid cycle, then try hard to develop telepathy and send that info to me, because I know it now, but, knowing me, I'll probably forget it when I've actually got the exam in front of me.
    Now to study for the few hours I have left...
    Anyone else have exams coming up? Are you nervous or excited to get it over with?

  10. Eyru
    ...you probably saw this coming.
    And yes it would have been nice to do another big poll like last time but I decided to do one name change for myself before I make it a big affair so yeah. Next time.
    And yes I almost went with Justin Bieber again. Belieber would've been nice though...

  11. Eyru
    Happy New Year!
    In other news, I beat Skyward Sword a week ago in case you are interested. I'm working on completing all the sidequests and obtaining all the heart pieces now.
    More other news: I miss the BZPRPG. I'm going to get involved again in the new year (although probably not to the extent I was involved last year; graduation and all that). Maybe just a character or two, but it's going to happen. Probably.
    Even more other news: LoTR LEGO has me crying for joy.
    Last piece of other news: I love you. Bye now.

  12. Eyru
    ...I have.
    Some friends and I flipped a classroom upside down the other day. The posters on the walls, the assignments on the board, the clock, the globe, all the desks.... everything.
    It was, for lack of a better word, awesome.
    In other news, Skyward Sword. How've y'all been?
  13. Eyru
    Xenoblade Chronicles is slated for an April 2012 release in North America.
    For those of you who are confused, Xenoblade Chronicles is a Japanese RPG that was released in Japan in 2010, and in Europe and Australia mid-2011. Despite receiving critical acclaim and being hailed as an amazing breath of fresh air into the JRPG genre, and despite already having an English translation of the game for Europe and Australia, Nintendo of America refused, for unknown reasons, to release the game in North America.
    In response, Operation Rainfall was created, a movement to bring Xenoblade Chronicles (among other titles) to North America. With petitions, letters and emails, this dedicated group implored Nintendo to release the game in North America, and they have finally succeeded.
    I know what I'm doing after Skyward Sword.
    Questions, comments, or snide remarks? Leave them in a comment, and I'll get to them after I beat the next dungeon.

  14. Eyru
    You will be kissed next Friday by a Muaka posing as the love of your life. Your next wish will come true if you post this on your blog. You've started reading now you can't stop. Matoro will die in two days but you will find out whether Hahli and Jaller really love each other or not. Hold on this is really cool cause it works you will live happily ever after if you repost this on your blog press Alt-F4 and Makuta's Kraahkan will appear on your desktop it's scary cause it works.
    All hail the Master of Shadows...?

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