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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    That's right, your friendly neighbourhood Eyru is going on a two-week missions trip to Mexico with his youth group. He's going to be painting, building and repairing houses, and helping out churches.
    Now, on to business:
    As far as the BZPRPG is concerned, last year I just left my only character alone for two weeks, simply because he never interacted with anyone. This year, however, I find myself with three active characters, one semi-active character, and a character I have written up and had approved, but have not found the time to introduce.
    So, obviously, I'm not going to be able to play any of my characters for two weeks starting Thursday. The Daedra can just bunny Greed along, but I'm not sure what's going to happen with Jaal and Avya.
    So, what's everyone else up to over spring break?
  2. Eyru
    ...because he has such a cool song to inspire him.
    Go The Distance. One of my favourite songs.
    What, to you, is an inspirational song? This can be for anything, from writing to MOCing to sports... anything.
    Personally, in addition to the above, I enjoy listening to JB's Never Say Never.
  3. Eyru
    Kyara has returned.
    For those of you who did not participate in the BZPRPG last year, Kyara is perhaps the most fantastically cunning and swift Toa in the BZPRPG.
    Or not. But she's still pretty cool.
    Post here for interactions with Ketan or Kyara (wow two names that start with a K I just noticed that holy hau), or to participate in any BZPRPG discussion.

  4. Eyru
    Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell.
    I finished reading it last night. It's a brilliant book, but also rather scary, especially when considering the state of world affairs today (as all good dystopic novels should be). I'd recommend this book to anyone.
    And I do believe that's the last book of my literary summer. Since the start of July, I've read The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, On the Road by Jack Kerouac, and The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. I've started This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and I'm halfway through Paradise Lost by John Milton, as well as partway through a collection of Poe's poems and short stories.
    Now begins my literary autumn. First up: finish This Side of Paradise, and begin reading the complete works of Lewis Carroll. Also scavenge local bookstores for a volume of Keats' work.
    Oh my goodness how I love Keats. But that's a blog entry for another day.
  5. Eyru
    Long weekend ahead, captain! The perfect time to do some catch-up for socials and first-aid. Also for the BZPRPG. I swear, I can't get enough.
    Mini-test? What mini-test? Oh, yeah. I wrote up this thing reminiscent of Gato's Mary Sue Litmus Test, only it's used to determine if you roleplay fairly. I might post it sometime, but it needs mucho refining, and I don't want to come off as presumptuous. So we'll see. Depends on if the godmodding going on right now gets better or worse. =/
    Finally, post here, as always, if you want to interact with Greed, Jaal or Kyara.
  6. Eyru
    I'm RPing with Friar Tuck!
    It's true! He quoted one of my posts and now my character is talking to him~
    OMG now I'm bargaining with him this so cool!
  7. Eyru
    If any of you frequented my blog before the downtime, you'll know that I regularly (every 45 days or so, in fact) put on a contest of sorts to choose my next name. This has led to some interesting names, like Lady Gaga, for example. And I'm not about to change that tradition any time soon!
    So, for those who are unfamiliar with the rules, here's the deal: you suggest a name or two in the comments. I'll put all the names in a list, and post an entry for voting. The name with the most votes after a certain amount of time will win, and will become my next display name.
    Simple, no?
    So get out there and make your voice heard!
  8. Eyru
    That's me, all right.
    I just wrote my first short story since December 31, 2009, and would love for anyone to check it out, or maybe even review it?
    Kings and Queens
    I'm not deperate,[/lies] but I would sure appreciate any comments and criticism.
    In other news, BZPRPG is fun, as usual.
  9. Eyru
    ...and loved it.
    Film adaptations that match the book are exceedingly rare, and those that surpass the book are rarer still. This film doesn't quite reach that mark, but it was a surprisingly accurate and enjoyable adaptation of an excellent book.
    One factor in its success, I believe, was that nothing major was left out of the film. Most adaptations end up cutting out huge swaths of the book because there's simply too much detail, but The Hunger Games isn't one of those. It was incredibly faithful to the source material, and as a result it was as thrilling as the book,
    Jennifer Lawrence does an excellent job of portraying the aloof Katniss, and Josh Hutcherson plays Peeta straight out of the book. The rest of the cast feels as though they were created for the sole purpose of playing their roles, especially Woody Harrelson as Haymitch and Stanley Tucci as Caesar Flickerman. It was almost surreal watching them, because they looked exactly as I had envisioned the characters while reading.
    That said, it's not perfect. There is some stuff missing; the book is written in first person, after all, so there's no way to truly understand Katniss like you do when reading the book. And yes, there are a few details I would have changed. But anything missing is so small that you'll blink and miss it. Overall, the movie does a great job of staying true to the book and to the characters.
    I wasn't expecting brilliance, but The Hunger Games blew my expectations out of the water. It was a thrilling, moving, high-paced joyride that, honestly, you have to see, whether you've read the book or not. The book is phenomenal, but the film does it proud. If you go see it, you won't regret it. I saw it, and I didn't regret it. In fact, I'm even thinking of going and seeing it again.
    Now, I don't like giving scores, because it's difficult to translate all my opinions and emotions into a number. Sciences to humanities, right? But if I had to rate this movie, it wouldn't be anything less than a 9/10, no matter how you look at it. The Hunger Games is an exceptional film. Period.
  10. Eyru
    So it's actually been just over 45 days since my last name change. Wow. That went really fast.
    I felt like I had another month to go. Don't know why, but I probably forgot at some point that I only have 45 days between name changes and not 90. Oops.
    Anyway, that means I'm accepting name suggestions again! However, for the first time, I am posting criteria for the name!
    ...well, actually criterion, because there's only one: the name you submit must have 'Eyru' in it.
    Aside from that, it's business as usual. Go crazy!

  11. Eyru
    I now have some extra buttons above my blog. One allows me to change themes. Unfortunately, there are no other themes to choose from.
    Grad countdown: 8 days.
  12. Eyru
    finished season three
    wow that was only five days
    (and it's only 1:29 AM on the fifth day so it's really more like four days)
    i am in love
    season four here we gooo~
  13. Eyru
    Over the downtime, my graduating class held its valedictorian elections. Basic picture: you fill out an application, which requires the signatures of other gradutating students, your grade point average and English marks. Then you write an essay outlining what your speech would entail were you elected. Then -the scary part- you have to deliver the essay as a speech to the entire graduating class. After all the speeches have been given, the class votes on a male and female valedictorian.
    And... guess what?
    I was elected valedictorian!
    People compared my speech to Shane Koyczan's poetry, but that's obvious hyperbole. <.< I'll admit I did slip some spoken word in there, but only towards the end, and lines not nearly worthy of comparison.
    Still, it was an amazing experience delivering a speech, though I was a huge bundle of nerves prior to giving it. The speech itself ranged between 4:30 and 4:50 in length, as I knew from having timed myself multiple times. I was practicing at 1am the night before, and I guess it paid off.
    So, yeah. You might say I didn't really notice the downtime.
  14. Eyru
    My word.
    It has been a while, hasn't it?
    I'd comment on the dust, but with everything looking so brand-spankin' new, I don't think there's any to be found. I'll probably be spending the next few weeks breaking seven-year-old habits and figuring out how everything on this new site works.
    That includes getting back into the BZPRPG- having done no RPing for how long now? Five months? Wow. I'm feeling quite rusty, and even a nice browse through the archives wasn't really enough to remind me of all the stuff I need to know. But I'm sure we'll figure it out as we go.
    I was debating whether to do a quick run-through of the last five months of my life, but of course y'all wouldn't be much interested in that, eh? I'm seventeen, whoop-de-do, let's move on.
    When last we left, I was changing my name using a unique and (if I say so myself) pretty darn cool method. I'll be postponing that for now, as I kinda want to keep my regular name kickin' around until we all get settled in.
    Finally, a huge round of applause to Six, Bink, Dimensioneer, and the rest of our staff for an incredible new forum! It's really looking fantastic, and I can hardly wait to start posting!
    Oh, one more thing- seeing as I haven't talked with anyone here for five months, how's everybody doing? How was life without BZP? Leave a comment telling me what you did while the forums were down!

  15. Eyru
    Nukaya is looking at my blog.
    And Tolkien.
    What is this some sort of joke.
    I feel like I should be serving snacks or something.

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