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Everything posted by Diosjenin

  1. Wow, sorry about that. Haven't looked at my own profile in ages...

    I'd *like* to still MoC. But between the fact that I can't fit my pieces into my dorm room at college and that I haven't bought any new Bionicle sets in maybe two years because I just don't like the more recent ones, I haven't given myself much of a chance to. I might be able to crank out anoth

  2. Alright, so I was definitely not aware of the existence of this club, much less this blog... Hey there. My name is Diosjenin (originally Tahu Nuva). I originally joined this concoction known as BZP all the way back when it still went by the term BionicleZone Community and BioniclePower was a separate site. I was lucky to get in early enough to be one of the original 250 members. I've been involved with LEGO Bricks since the tender age of three, and MoCing for a very long time. Ever since Bionicle's release in June 2001, it has been far and away my primary Lego focus (along with some Mindstorms 1.5 here and there). I've entered quite a few BBCs and was lucky enough to win BBC#13 (Mata Nui), as well as garnering a first place entry in Lego's own Rahi Challenge with the Mechanical Hound. I haven't done any serious MoCing... probably since after BBC#42. Getting ready for college (and working a full-time job to support it) is a time-sucker. However, I have small (but sizable) back-catalog of MoCs that I can release in odd intervals while occupying myself with the rest of my life. The redone 01Rahi are coming... I totally agree with :Venomess: about awesome heads. Those things are way fun. I enjoy torsos myself as well. The only thing I definitely absolutely suck at is arms. Can't do 'em. I can't stand huge holes in what's supposed to be solid structure. Make it right or don't make it at all. Oh, and I'd like to join, please. - Diosjenin -
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