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Posts posted by CyclonatorZ

  1. You do know that the Matoran Universe inhabitants were given sentience by Velika, meaning they express every emotion and feeling minus romantic love (thanks Greg).


    But everything we learned about Velika after 2006 is a retcon made post-cancellation of G1, so that argument doesn't really work circa 2008. No answer Greg gave until that point gave any indication that emotions were anything other than a glitch, cause obviously he hadn't planned the whole Velika reveal until he had to come up with a storyline for the serials.

  2. This topic reminds me of how stupid it was that the morality of MU inhabitants was just an on-off switch that could be triggered by any number of random powers, or a stupid Rahi the even more idiotic Mutran just happened to bring with him to the grand finale (for no reason except that it was absolutely crucial that Takanuva and co be cured of their evilz virus - plus, you know, there was an exclusive Brickmaster set to advertise).


    I mean, I guess it makes since, since the Matoran are all running on the Bionicle equivalent of 1s and 0s. Except it doesn't, because if culture was a glitch, as well as anything else outside of the tasks they were programmed to do by the Great Beings, then morality should have been as well. Which means their system of morals wouldn't have been beholden to their innate programming. That's why Makuta needed masks, and the Bohrok needed Krana - or else you would think every Makuta, Terridax included, would have just worn an Avsa.

  3. Kumo, I'm not sure what you mean about the Movies supposedly being lowered on the canonical hierarchy. Because the exact opposite happened, once Greg F. took total control of the storyline. All of the characters that featured in the movies are now canonically supposed to look like they do in said movies, as opposed to how they look in the comics or MNOG.


    One of the more interesting examples of this in-story is when Lewa describes reassembling himself in 2001, in the first Bionicle Legends book. The book states that he only had to reattach his limbs. This is clearly based on the more organic, uniform design he and every other character had in Mask of Light. It also contradicts numerous earlier pieces of media, including the MNOG and the opening cinematic of the canceled Bionicle game "Legend of Mata Nui" - where characters in-universe are clearly able to disassemble and reassemble themselves like the Lego sets that they are.


    DId I mention this really, really sucks? MoL's graphics may have been technically proficient for a DVD movie in 2003, but the character designs were, are, and will always be hideous. More importantly, it clearly took the canonical nature of the Matoran Universe's biology in a different direction than what was originally intended - which in my opinion was a result of taking the "biological" part of the Bionicle Portmanteu literally rather than figuratively. The people in charge of making the movies had no idea how deep the metaphor of the Bio-Chronicle went, and at this point I'm convinced Greg F. didn't either.


    Also I hate Orde.


    Even if this isn't the worst retcon, I would argue that is objectively the stupidest, because unlike most of the recent retcons Greg has made that contradicted previous statements of his, this one was made when he was still writing the friggin' story! He literally had to make up a whole backstory for Orde out of thin air because he forgot the gender of an element that he had recently canonized.

  4. Do we actually know Teridax began his impersonation about a year and a half before the Catacylsm? Not even BS01 is sure - they've marked that line as needing citation. My guess is the original source was, as per usual, an answer to a question Greg F. gave some number of years ago. And I'm willing to bet he made the info up on the spot, as he has many times before (what else explains the multiple times he retconned himself?).

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  5. Might as well list these here too, since I've had no luck elsewhere.




    6218 Spiltface - $9
    6223 Bulk - $9
    6227 Breez - $9
    6203 Black Phantom - $16
    4528 Green Lantern - $12
    44012 Evo - $7
    44013 Aquabeast - $7


    All are 100 percent complete with instructions. If someone wants to buy the whole lot, I'll give you free shipping/tracking/insurance. Paypal payments only please! Ebay feedback can be found here.

  6. Frankly, if you have made the jump to selling items on the internet, I feel the impetus is on you to actually use your newfound tool to the fullest extent. I realize many people still don't, but at the same time you also can't assume that they're always ignorant of value just because they've priced an item lower than average. I've been doing some buying and selling on a transformers forum recently, and I've found that the best deals come from people who are trying to unload items as quickly as possible due to some personal emergency - not from people who don't have a clue how much a used Generations Deluxe Blurr is worth. (it can be worth anywhere from 10 to 20 dollars, depending on how quickly you want people to bite)

  7. In addition to Makuta's lines in Mask of Light all reading like a character motivated by genuine concern for his brother (the 'sleep spares him pain' being the most blatant bit), Faber elaborated a bit on what they were thinking of doing with Makuta at that point on his blog.



    Light and darkness are connected and Makuta actually did god [sic] by securing that only the right heroes reentered the giant robot to restart it. Just like the body actually grows stronger and more immune after a virus.

    so like, makuta was a benevolent virus I guess? just wanted to make his bro tougher


    Oh wow, I've never seen this quote before. So Makuta wasn't just trying to spare Mata Nui from pain - he was actually trying to make him stronger? For what purpose? Was there some greater threat he knew the Great Spirit would have to face eventually? Hm, my Great Being theory is sounding more and more plausible....

  8. Ah. Apologies for the repeat thread, then. It would have been cool to see Makuta actually have a grand plan that made sense once all was said and done. Villains with good motives are the most interesting villains.


    I doubt you'll find many here who disagree with you on that point, slifer. That's why so many people were enthused about the G2 storyline potentially resurrecting this ditched idea - the popular theory at the time was that the Mask of Ultimate Power had mislead Makuta and made him betray Ekimu.


    (For what it's worth, that's my headcanon as well. I still would like to build the MOUP MoC I brainstormed a while ago. It was going to be a physical manifestation of darkness that could attach to Makuta in the same way the elemental creatures attach to the Masters. But I disgress.)

    • Upvote 2
  9. I think we've had this discussion here before. I believe most people concluded as you did: whatever early plan they might have had for Makuta's "good intentions" was ultimately not used. Likely this happened after Greg became the sole arbiter of the story - he was the one who came up with the idea that the Makuta species was inherently evil.

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    My dream for a Bionicle game would be Bionicle Heroes but with the Toa Mahri!


    Yea I know that it's simple but for me, that would be the best game ever.



    I had the exact same idea back in 2007. My theory was that they could throw in everything from the first seven years that they hadn't used in the first game. The 2001 Rahi could be the stock enemies, like they were in the DS version of the game, and bosses could include Keetongu and Umbra alongside the obvious 2007 candidates like Nocturn and Hydraxon. I think the weapon progression system I had laid out was Nuva >>> Hordika >>> Mahri, with bonus Barraki characters. I even drew concepts for the Hordika and Barraki weapons:




    Understandably, my gaming interests have changed over time, so I wouldn't exactly be thrilled with Bionicle Heroes 2 today. But honestly, the theme is rich enough to support titles in many different genres. And in fact the online games have run the gamut: we had point and click adventure, RTS, platformer, shoot-em up, fighter, and many more I'm probably forgetting. A higher quality take on some of these existing concepts would be amazing - and with game development becoming more accessible every year, the fans could plausibly make this happen!

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  11. Sets were always on sale, enough that I was able to collect the whole friggin' theme. I've never done that in the 20 years I've been a Lego fan. My most complete Bionicle year up until that point was 2004, and I still was missing two each of the Toa and Vahki. Ironically, I might not have bought a single set from G2 if it had been successful, because I probably wouldn't stumbled upon a lone Kopaka and Skull Basher on clearance at my local Wal-Mart at the beginning of 2016. Those two sets rekindled my,,.. *ahem* ... mild obsession with the theme, only for it to be quenched merely seven months later with the announcement of its second cancellation. It was even briefer for me than it was for most of you.


    *shrugs* I suppose it could have been worse.



    • Upvote 1
  12. I know the Misprint masks actually were found inside the mask packs, but I thought the yellow Ruru was just a prototype piece, like the white Huna. I believe the latter just turned up in someone's personal collection one day - it was never actually released in a set.

  13. I wouldn't be surprised if G2 were a sales disaster compared to G1.

    Is anyone seriously still questioning this? The line was meant to go on for at least three years, but they made the decision to cancel it early in the second. The sets were constantly on sale/clearance at brick and mortar stores and online, and many physical locations (Wal-Mart in particular) stopped carrying them entirely after the first year. It was clearly a colossal sales failure. It's okay though - Lego isn't some omniscient or infallible company. They make mistakes like any corporation, and Bionicle G2 was one of them. They're still in a far better position than any of their direct competitors. Megabloks, K-Nex, and Best-Lock are basically fighting over TLG's table scraps at this point.

  14. It's crazy how in so many of Hollywood's big budget productions it's getting increasingly harder and harder to find a score that stands out in emotional terms.


    Part of the reason for this is that many modern day scores are increasingly based on existing compositions. This is due to the exponential growth of the use of temp music in the film-making progress. Every Frame a Painting on youtube covers this in more detail in their video "The Marvel Symphonic Universe," but the basic gist is that composers are told to make music that sounds like the temp tracks the directors have put in their early cuts of the films - tracks that are ripped wholesale from other movies. Everyone copies everyone else, thus the current trend of Hollywood soundtracks blending together into an indistinguishable blob. I even heard a rumor that John friggin' Williams was supposedly told to do this with his The Force Awakens soundtrack, which is probably why it ended up being thoroughly mediocre compared to his work on the previous six installments.


    Being that the Bionicle movies were low-budget direct to dvd efforts with little directorial prestige behind them, it seems Nathan Furst was free to compose the most fantastic, emotional soundtracks he could imagine. Crazy, indeed.

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