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Tortuga Turaga

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Tortuga Turaga

  1. Tortuga Turaga
    Before getting on to the main subject I'll give you some quick updates on what I've been doing: well we did get to see the Harry Potter movie, though not on the friday because the sound wasn't working (which seems ironic when you think about what I said about cinema sound in my last entry) so we saw it on the monday (when all ticket prices are reduced). I hope I get to see Rush Hour 3 and I would like to see the Simpson Movie but I'm not quite sure how good it'll be. I've gone on some day trips with my family and most of the rest of the time Ive been helping up the allotment and continued to rest at home. Rather oddly we had some onions (from a allotment (fortunately not ours) or a garden) chucked at our window one night. Some other people noticed some onions in the streets and people running near our house at night. Luckily our window wasn't damaged. Very wierd though.
    Anyhoo, the main subject: my 16th birthday which was this Monday (the 6th August). Did you know that my birthday was also Arnold Swarchenegger 60th bithday, Bolivian and Jamican Independence Day, the anniverery of the invention of the sandwich as well as the (rather grim) anniversery of the Hiroshima nuclear bombing? That day I went walking in the Exmoor National Park with my family, which was good and we later had fish and chips (which we only have about once a year) for dinner at Lynmouth which was also good. For my birthday I recieved some money, a book of the Futurism art movement, a book on climbing and USB drive and I will be getting another which has been ordered but has not arrived. With my birthday I'll probably buy one of the new sets (either Hydraxon, Nocturn or Toa Mahri Hali) and/or some music (maybe King Crimson, ELO, Holst's Planet Suite, T Rex or the Kinks).
    We are still hoping to go on holiday somewhere (camping probably) but my dad has loads of work to do and keeps on telling us the weather supposed to be getting worse (which he had said last week and of course the weather is still fine). My GCSE results come out on the 23rd, so I'm hoping for the best.
    (Note to self: Use less bracketts.)
    UPDATE: It looks like we will manage to go camping somewhere (either Pembrookshire (have I spelt that right?), Exmoor, Bodmin moor or another place in wales) but my dad will be staying at home to do work. Unfortunately the weather is supposed to be pretty bad.

    YET ANOTHER UPDATE: My final present was a nice book on Islamic art and architecture which I had previously seen in the V&A.
  2. Tortuga Turaga
    Picture: Dust settling like the snowflakes
    Hear: The howling gale occasionally interrupting the enveloping silence
    Feel: The emptiness around you
    See: The tumbleweed rolling and bouncing across this barren landscape of...
    ...MY BLOG!
    :wakeup2: Sorry for this terribly uneventful and empty blog. Luckily I have my scapegoats to rid me of this shame for depriving you of my blog entries (which probably would have been just as void of interest than my near empty blog). Firstly before the summer holidays started I had a load of mock GCSE exams. These were then followed by a maths, an art and two science pieces of coursework. Thirdly I have recently been on holiday for a couple of weeks (a welcome rest which I enjoyed allot) and now the final reason: I was tired, so when I did have some spare time I forgot about the blog.
    Well enough of the excuses, hopefully I will try to write in my blog more frequently (perhaps even nearly once a day) before my premier membership expires (which I may or may not renew). Though I still doubt I will win "Blog of the Week", I would be lucky to get a comment.
    In other news: Yay! I have my two year spinny MoL! I have now also started writing in green, bold, arial narrow and signing off with :.
    Oh yeah I just remembered it was my birthday yesterday (shame I did not manage to write an entry for it on the day). We were hoping to go to Lyme Regis (a nice town on the south coast of England in Dorset (at least I think it is Dorset)) to go to the beach, perhaps go fossil hunting at nearby Charmouth and for me to spend a while deciding what minerals and fossils to get in the fossil shops.
    Because of my dad's bad back, the weather being hot enough to roast cremate a cat on a pavement and the car's faulty electrics, we stayed at home. It was actually a quite nice and restful day. We learned to play and played crib, had a rest, I went onto the computer and on BZP and listened to some music. (Not meaning to boast) I got £25, Toa Matoro (which is an excellent set by the way, I might put a review of it in my blog) and four CDs (by the Beatles, Jethro Tull, Dire Straights and Bonzo Dog) for my birthday. My mum and sister made me a merangue with raspberries and raspberry sauce as my cake which was delicious.
    Hopefully we'll go to Lyme Regis tomorrow, hopefully the weather is nicer, hopefully my Dad's back is better and the car is hopefully okay now with a better battery. And hopefully you found this mildly interesting which if so hopefully you read my following entries if and when they are written!
    Yours hopefuly
  3. Tortuga Turaga
    Thought I might as well quote myself from the Anniversary topic rather than writing it all out again, see how lazy I am? Well since I my PMship has run out I have not been able to use my blog lately and I am so indecisive that I have not yet made my mind up whether to renew it. (I wonder if indecisiveness is the laziness of making decisions, nah I think it's different in most cases including mine). However I am now leaning towards renewing it.
    Yay three year Huna spinny!!! I joined at an appropriate day, I only just realized that today. I've also recently past the 1000 post mark! Double yay! I was planning for my 1000 post to post the begining of my comic series (I had some great ideas) on BZP but unfortunately I cannot upload anything on to any site for some unkown reason hence my lack of Personal Photo.
    I like the recent updates to BZPower despite the teething problems. Unfortunately I now longer sign off with Tortuga in matoran writing because
    : for the letter O resulting in : because
    is now the code for .
    My GCSEs finished a while ago so I have been enjoying the fact that I no longer have to go to school (though in september I'll being going to 6th form, the same as my friend Danska: Shadow Master ( oh dear! )). Mostly I've been resting at home in order to recover from the exams but I'm hoping to get oot in a boot a bit more.
    If I do renew my PMship I will make a much larger effort to write more entries. I would aim to make them humourous, entertaining and insightful but pigs will fly and heck will freeze over (or at least get chilly enough for hand warmers) by the time I get a "Blog of the Week" award. I would try and model my blog on The Dilbert Blog by Scott Adams. I miss having the blog, the rank images, the bold name, the ability to create polls and games. I'll try to post in my blog every day (or most days) this week as I can now.
    Today I'll be of with my parents and sister to see the new Harry Potter film. The cinema we go to is great because it is small and rarely crowded. Being small also means the sound is not so loud that threatens to burst your eardrums as in some of the larger ones I've been to. Annoyingly I missed the film Hot Fuzz earlier this year which I've heard is excellent as I thought. So I'll end my entry abruptly because my mums just called telling us we'll be leaving soon.

  4. Tortuga Turaga
    A blog, the perfect place for me to moan about life. Commence rambling complaints about life:
    At the moment life seem to have a grudge against me, at the end of august/start of september I had a horribly painful series of gallstone attacks which consequently meant I suffered from jaundice (I went yellow), I had almost no food for a week, I had to visit the hospital frequently, I had to have blood samples taken (which I loathed) and I now I to face the fact that a may (or may not) have an operation to remove them some time in the future. Oh yeah I also had to take a medicine that tasted worse than sick, but now I have the tablets of it so that's okay.
    I have also had for well over a year (perhaps two) now trouble with the big toe on my left foot. It started in P.E. where I did a long distance run with trainers that were to small and the laces came undone. This meant my toe nail was bruised and it fell off in a few months. The new nail grew back in grown and I went to see the doctors who gave me some anti-biotics (which may have triggered the formation of my gallstones) as well as a test of my patience as it only recently that I have had the toe nail operation (which was surprisingly unpleasant to say the least). But it turns out that is not the end of it, I said to the surgeons after the operation that it felt like there was a splinter stuck in my toe but they said there was nothing there. Now on one of my follow-up appointments the podiatrist told me I have a hypergranulation probably caused by a fragment of nail stuck in my toe. So now I have another appointment coming up soon.
    And now an additional feature to my medical saga, I have a horrible pain on this odd piece of bone above my heal which normal people don't have. It only hurts when I walk with my shoes on (though I'm sure it is not caused by the shoes). So I'll have to wait to find out what it is/for it to go away. The only explanation I can think up of it a hair-line stress fracture caused by putting more wait on my right leg to avoid hurting my toe whilst walking to quickly.
    It's odd to think that these problem may never have happened if I had stopped running when it hurt or done up my laces in P.E. But unfortunately I would still have the annoyance of mock exams in a week and tones of coursework to do. I also have a friend who is reminding me to do some artwork for his band's CDs which I foolishly volunteered to do (though at least I'll get paid for it)
    So my blog is still as empty as ever, but it means when I write an entry I have plenty to write about. I have not been writing in my blog because of the reasons above as well as I forgot but when I remember I could not be bothered. So my blog is probably the least active blog in the whole of cyberspace, even a snail stuck on a keyboard would make a better blogger than me.
    What prompted me to write this entry was the fact that today my PMship has expired, yet when I checked my blog I could still use it which is odd. So as I have been granted with this gift whenever I have some free time I'll try to make an effort to post an entry in The Blog. Yes I know I've said this before, but I really will try once I have got the work that needs doing out of the way, the same goes for my intended series of comics. Any suggestion on how I could get my self to actually post entries in my blog / create the comic series?

  5. Tortuga Turaga
    Note: This was written on August the 22nd, I just forgot to publish it.
    I've been camping with my mum and sister for the past few days leaving my dad at home so he could get on with some work. Of course there were numerous obstalces seemingly designed to prevent us from having a good time. Firstly there was one of the worst traffic jams I have ever been in, we were stuck in Hereford for two hours! The traffic barely moved most of the time and we were stuck in the car, we even ate our lunch in the car.
    It had been raining all day and it had brightened up when we reached the jam, but fortunately we made it to the campsite before the rain continued.
    The campsite is a small small-holding with room for a few tents (there is also a small cabin, mobile home and B&B) in the wilds of north-west Wales, near Snowdonia infact. It has it's own spring and stream to supply all the water, though ironcly it had nearly dried up completely before we came. There are also two compost loos in the wood (as well as a normal loo next to the house), an artificial nature lake and a beautiful lake with a small island in the middle where you can use the canadian canoe and the two kyaks. There are also some goats and chickens which you can feed and milk (well you can't milk the chickens of course).
    Unfortunately it rained quite alot, meaning we had to deal with a soaking wet tent. I also seemed to keepin on getting a really sore and dry tounge, and I appeared to develop an allergy to something my tent-bedroom.
    Despite that we had a good few days; we went on walks, went to the local town, but mostly we just stayed and rested at the campsite.

  6. Tortuga Turaga
    I started a comic series ages ago and I keep on forgetting about it so it never get's done (allot like the entries in this blog). I have had loads of ideas queueing up and swiftly being forgotten. And it takes a long time to produce one strip, sometimes I wonder wether it'll ever be posted on BZP. So to the point, I wonder wether any of you people out there would care to help with this humble endeavour. Please post here or PM me if you would want to help.
    PS. I'm am planning to put a load more "interesting" content boxes up.

  7. Tortuga Turaga
    I did manage to go to Lyme Regis with my family on Tuesday, unfortunately the mineral shops we're not as good as before, the beaches were horribly crowded and me and my dad missed the low(er) tide on the beach in between Lyme regis and Charmouth so we could not go fossil hunting. I did get one mineral, torbernite, (for £18.50) which is a highly radioactive uranium ore! !!! I was thinking of getting a really nice slice of tourmaline but when I got back to the shop it was closed. Fortunately someone we knew invited us round their house for tea and a chat in their really nice cottage. We had fish and chips for dinner by the sea front (which we only have about once a year (usually when we visit Lyme Regis or Sidmouth)) and went home.
    Well I've run out of time so I can't say any more and I'll have to leave you with this uninteresting entry.

  8. Tortuga Turaga
    ... this blog entry, the first entry of The Great Blog which I created as an introduction rather than plunging straight into the depths of "what shall this entry be about?". This blog, as you guessed by it's rather short and concise description, is about nothing in particular, and is merely a rough representation of thoughts and ideas passing idly across the surface of my mind. For example: "what am I going to say next?". If your lucky you might find some profound insight amongst the rather uninteresting/mildly entertaining entries which I dutifully add to this blog on a "when ever I want to" basis. But let's face it by that time I would probably have won the lottery and have other more interesting things to do.
    BZP blogs, a great idea. I can now inflict the innocent members of BZP with the boredom of my thoughts. Muhahahahahaha! Well, to be truthful I am pleased to have the privilege of the BZPower blog and I'm looking forward to getting more use out of it than just this entry alone and to hearing your comments about the upcoming entries. I hope you'll find some interesting and/or entertaining stuff in this blog. I going to stop this entry for now 'cause I'm to darn lazy to spell because with a "be" and the long awaited dinner is approaching.
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