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The Rogue Toa

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Status Updates posted by The Rogue Toa

  1. 11? and 1 huge one? i couldnt handle so many at once just the thought of it would fry my brain. >

  2. ah ok so what part of the building is it for?

  3. ahh ok so what did ya do over summer?

  4. and i also added a couple new ones hope you like!!

  5. arghh I hate needles why cant they find something else to get their info about us?

  6. aww its real fun there i used to live there and went so many happy memories... wat part of CA did you live in?

  7. aww that'e too bad. do you like roller coasters?

  8. Best of Luck on all 12 of your projects!!

  9. Congats Empress of Puffins!!! Now who's going to fill the huge void you left behind? :P

  10. haha that's alot of pencils paper and coloring you joined later than i did and have more than six times the posts i do

  11. haha those ones are always fun have you been to disney california adventure park

  12. haha ya it's big fun

  13. hi there if youve got any questions pm me

  14. how long's youre break? personally since i went to a new school AGAIN i havent really enjoyed the first part

  15. i cant type today *looks at lower comment*

  16. i miss it so much where did you move?

  17. its colder there isnt it?

  18. Just wondering as Burper Emeritus do you still get priveledges as a Staff?

  19. lol No actually it isn't. Thinking that it hadn't been three months since my last name change, I was doing a little experiment with it . and anyhow it turned out it had been three months so now im stuck with this name for a while :)

  20. MOtagooo... you dont know me but i used to love your edits are you gonna make more?

  21. Nikira Nikiraaa... Sorry I was listening to Hips Don't Lie What's up?

  22. no theme parks or anything?

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