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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira
    So I found out tonight that, due to frustrating and poorly explained circumstances, I may not be able to get paid from TRU after all.
    Niki does not like this. Especially because TRU money is what she was supposed to live off of for the next 90-something days.
    Happy New Year, everyone.
  2. Nikira
    Soooo the Vikings lost today.
    Which means no #1 spot (we're tied for #2 right now unless the Eagles fail on Sunday).
    Which means no home field advantage.
    On the bright side, Smeag got to watch a bunch of Minnesotans go nuts over their favorite team ever. He was actually cheering with us that last quarter.
  3. Nikira
    I feel kinda icky but yay I'm alive. <3
    I also had to see a ukelele get snapped in half over a kid's shoulder, noooo. *cries*
    Well, since I'm not going to be on much for the next day or week or so (Smeagol4 is coming to visit on Saturday :3), I shall say Merry Christmas to the whole lot of you, and I hope you have a wonderful time.
  4. Nikira
    Hey, guess what!
    It's not the store's fault that you're waiting last minute to get things for Christmas! More specifically, it's not the employee's fault. It is your fault.
    So if you come into ToysRUs on Christmas Eve or the days prior, and we're out of a certain toy, please do not blame me, the manager, or the store. Especially if the item is currently on sale - it's not our fault that it's being sold so fast we don't have anymore to restock the shelves with *coughzhuzhucough*. Also, don't yell at us that we don't even try to help when we often actually scower the store/stock rooms/other stores looking for your one item. If you don't think that's help: sorry, that's pretty much all I can do, other than send you to another store. :\
    So please, realize that you've put this situation on yourself, and deal with what we have left. It puts us all a little more at ease.
  5. Nikira
    Answered the phone. A lot. Followed a little non-English-speaking girl (about 3 or 4 years old), who was having a jolly good time taking butterfly stickers and flinging them into the air. My time was spent peeling these stickers off the floor, shelves, merchandise, etc. I never did find her parents. Got to remind a person that, no, we no longer carry the Bohrok sets. They were rather upset. Got to meet a Lego employee who stocks our shelves once a week. She was very nice. ^____^ Heard Bakugan pronounced at least ten different ways; nine of them wrong, four of them painful. Rejoiced in the fact that we are out of ZhuZhu. Rejoiced in the fact that we are out of Mindflex. Rejoiced in the fact that we are no longer out of HexBugs. Finally got to see a GloDome (once) before they were wiped off the shelves. Almost got run over by a herd of carts. o___o; Got very sad when she saw the price of the Glatorian Legends jump from $12.99 to $15.99. Got really weirded out to see all the Agori wiped off the shelf from the $4 sale this weekend. Rescued a Slinkie. Chased another 4-year-old girl who ran all the way across the store with a doll stroller. Finally found the Sea Monkeys. Finally found the ViewMasters. Finally found the ZeroGravity RC Car thing Finally found the ukeleles! Loved KFC for their proximity. Realized that she can find all these obscure things, but always forgets what aisles Barbie, Transformers, and Hot Wheels are on. Got really sick of people asking for Rose Petal stuff (we've been out for days). Somehow managed to carry (note: carry) a snowboard, three boxes, two rolls of wrapping paper and several assorted small items from one corner of the store to the other, in one trip, without dropping anything. Getting stopped four times on the way over didn't help, though. "NO WE DON'T SELL WEAPONRY TO CHILDREN" Loathed the DVD section. Wondered why people leave empty Starbucks cups all over the store. Wondered why people leave half-eaten fruit in the store. Really? Hid in a corner when the power went out for five seconds and all the registers konked out for fifteen minutes. Realized that she really wants to be a kid again, cause man a lot of these TRU toys are so freakin' cool. :,D -Nikira
  6. Nikira
    ...in about 34 hours.
    Pray for me. :,D
    Lol seriously, it's just a short shift, only 4 hours, but it's apparently already starting to get nuts, so, who knows what to expect. XD;
    If it's crazy, you know I'll be here Tuesday afternoon to tell you about it.
    If I don't say anything, assume I either have a normal job, a boring job, or that my job actually killed me within four hours.
  7. Nikira
    Ladies and Gentleman, Niki has just finished digging her own grave.
    It's a pretty grave. Deep, too.
    Excuse her while she tries to find someone to get her out of it.
    (simple version - taking a break for personal reasons, I will be back later)
  8. Nikira
    For the first time in my life, I am actually sick of being cooped up in my room, working on Photoshop.
    Prolly because I'm not drawing on said Photoshop, merely editing hundreds of pictures.
    Computer overexposure making Niki brain melt. T___T
  9. Nikira
    I just spent 15 hours straight on an 11-page, single-spaced term paper.
    It cost me a night of sleep (not what I had originally planned but that's okay) and a little bit of my sanity, but I feel fulfilled - like, I actually think I did a good job, rather than writing the thing on the fly like I usually do when pressed for time. I had fun with this paper. If that's even do-able. xD
    I wrote it all on 75% zoom so it didn't seem so big as it really was. Then I selected the whole thing and switched it to double spacing, and then I felt really special! Over 23 pages double spaced. *giggle* :]
    Now to get through this afternoon, and then SLEEP WILL BE A DO-ABLE THING AGAIN. <3
    So much happy <3 <3 <3
    Also, happy birthday Jan.
  10. Nikira
    It's kinda empty around here art-wise. Sorry guys.
    I really need to draw something one of these days. Or put my art topic back together (it's been dead for almost two years now.) School is killing my time.
    School, please stop being so hard to keep up with.
    Like now, when i'm trying to finish a huge giganto paper when my brain really turned off like two hours ago. D:
    asdakjlghagaaaaaaaaaaaaaah haaah. ;____________;

    I want it to be December. ;.;
    Also, Saturday.
  11. Nikira
    Didn't get to dress up and go out with my brother to get candies this Halloween. Mainly because:
    1) My costume does not fit anymore. It is now too big for me. Odd. I will have to come up with a different one for next year...
    2) I have been doing poorly all day. Half due to the weather, half due to medicine that keeps making the world spin the wrong way and keeps knocking me out when it's supposed to be waking me up.
    Ah well. Got to spend the day away from school, at least. Watched my brother and his best friend dressed up as a Tusken Raider and a Wookie respectively, sprawled out on lawn chairs in the front driveway, handing little kids candy (a couple ran screaming, I felt kind of bad xD). Got my hair chopped. Had a rather, urrr... uneventful day otherwise. I would've drawn but I do not have my sketchpad with me. =(
    Tomorrow after church, I'm going in for a job interview at ToysRUs. This is very important to me, as my current job not only has management that is treating myself and other employees (mainly the females) like dirt, but is also too fast-paced for me to physically keep up with anymore (fast-food joint off a main highway - high-motion actions for up to five hours stretches). I was struggling enough when I left in August, and at the rate I'm doing now, I won't be able to keep that job for more than 10-15 hours a week, if that. ._.
    Seeing that ToysRUs is starting to hit their holiday rush, I know it's going to be busy and I know I probably won't get paid as much per hour, but if it isn't as high-demand for physical exertion as McDonalds, then I think it'll be worth it. I can handle dealing with customers that don't like what they purchased more than customers that expect to be in and out of the store with something perfect in less than 90 seconds. =___=
    So yeah, wish me luck. The store manager seemed really nice and alive over the phone - hopefully that spirit is around the store as well (something I miss about the old managers of my current job). =)
    Oh, also, December 26th shall be the start of a time of awesome. Yup.
  12. Nikira
    My birthday is in like a week and a half.
    Oyyyyy. D: *feels old again*
    My sister's birthday is like a week and a half after that, though, heehee. What should I get her? :3
  13. Nikira
    Oy, I knew there was a Hatsune Miku club around the blogs somewhere. ...I just forget where. XD

    Drawn while listening to three hours of nonstop Vocaloid music. Ow. 8D;
  14. Nikira
    Yay. :,D
    More yay. <3
    Also, I turn 19 in 3.5 weeks. Yay? =\
  15. Nikira
    So my school's email server decided to get a bug of some nature. So my computer can't recieve email on and off at the most inconvenient of times. Like when I need to email a professor. Or print a study guide. Or send files to people for stuff.
    I was able to use it five minutes ago, too. It broke behind my back. Again.
    The dirty little wretch... ;__;
    Come on, email, stop breaking! D:<
  16. Nikira
    Death is a scary thing, y'know?
    It's always so hard to see a family go through the death of a loved one, especially a parent.
    Example being Mr. Hill, a man from our church and the father of one of the guys I grew up with. Amazing guy, very compassionate and caring and helpful. Loved kids, especially babies. =)
    Mr. Hill was perfectly healthy when I last saw him on the 6th of September - still in his normal routine.
    About three weeks ago, he was having trouble breathing and was starting to lose weight at a rapid pace. He went to see a doctor. No treatments were affective.
    About two weeks ago, he had lost a substantial amount of weight as well as energy - his wife had to take time off of work to help him do simple things around the house. He had a biopsy done of his lung soon after.
    About one week ago, he was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive cancer (liver, lungs, and colon) that does not show up in normal blood tests. All stage four. He was put on a 24/7 chemo drip for five days.
    Two days ago, he was taken off the chemo and put into hospice care - the doctors said that the cancer had advanced so far that chemo would not help.
    Tonight, Mr. Hill passed away.
    Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.
  17. Nikira
    Hey guys. A quick entry tonight.
    I've been having lots of trouble with my legs for the last few days, to the point where I can't even walk properly at times. This is not okay because we are smack dab in the middle of a theatre production (which is the reason I've been dead to the world for a while, sorry to those members that are waiting for things from me. To everyone else: No, the hyenas didn't eat me, and neither did Santa Clause.)
    So yeah, please keep that in your thoughts and prayers, because a lot of smaller stuff in this production requires me to be constantly up and on my feet... errr, paws.
  18. Nikira
    Well the buzz from the bees is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot. And the baboons are going ape over this.
    Of course, the giraffes are acting like they're above it all...
    The tick birds are pecking on the elephants. I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't.
    The cheetahs are hard up, but I always say, cheetahs never prosper...
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