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Pahrak Model ZX

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    A little early, but that's how I roll.
    Let's see, what happened this week? I posted Kako 44, but unfortunately I haven't been able to get myself to focus enough to work on 45...I should get on that...
    Also, apparently the beta test for Kingdom Hearts X [chi] was held recently, so it'll probably be out in Japan soon. Since it's a social game it might not actually make it to America, but meh. There's at least one new Keyblade, though, so that's cool.
    It occured to me that the new Technic Coliseum has been around for over a month now, and it already has more pages than the original had in a year. Pretty cool. The second tournament starts on Monday, and like before I'll make a little blog post about what items and upgrades will become available once the tournament is over. The Kanohi Kadin is finally going to be offered, plus a new batch of Rahkshi Staffs, Thornax Launchers, Bohrok Shields, and more! Find out more on Monday!
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    It's a New Year, which apparently is a magical reset button that changes everything, which is why we all resolve to do something new that we apparently couldn't do until hitting the reset button. "That was easy"...but anyway.
    2011 means I'm going to start talking about Bioni-Lords Book 3: Kako. The subtitle, "Kako", is a Japanese word meaning "past". That's right. Book 3 is a flashback book!
    Book 3 takes place around 1274-1275 A.B.L., approximately 20 years before Book 1. Khadaz's parents, Genakex and Xyla, are main characters in this one, so it completes what I call "The Ikhav Trilogy," and the main point is to show what things were like before the 10th Level Bioni-Lord came to power. Right before. As in, immediately before. (Strong hinting over.)
    I'll probably adress a few other points as Sekai reaches its end, but for now that's all I'm saying about Kako. Oh, except this: DON'T SEND IN ANY GUEST STARS OR PLOT IDEAS. I have some ideas and guest star slots, but don't call me. I'll call you.
    Sekai is currently on a bit of a hold so I can work on the websites. The Main Site has been updated, although I'm considering a few more things...please give me feedback on the content of the website. As for the Orb Index, I have about 211 Spirits to put up, plus I want to make a Navigation page, so...could take a little while.
    But I've already started writing the Volt-Isle arc. It'll probably be pretty short, and I'm skipping a few Medallion battles almost entirely. As said earlier in the book, Nuhvok won't be attacking while the kids are on Volt-Isle, but there is another Twilight Guardian temple there...
    And if you've seen my sig, you know that I've decided to finally drop a hint towards The Forgotten Bond. The line under the banner, saying that "Coming Soon" means "sometime between now and 2013" is a bit exaggerated--I'm hoping to get The Forgotten Bond up within 2011, but I'm going to give myself 2012 as a margin for error. I should hurry, because the sequel ideas won't shut up...
    Anyway, Happy New Year everyone! Hope it's a great one for you!
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    ...Also: The Time of the Mask Makers, The Third Swing, is live. It involves brotherly love, so it's...sort of relevant?
    Completely irrelevant: I picked up Fire Emblem Awakening and my gosh it sucked me in way faster than I was expecting.
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    Okay, now that I’ve seen the new episodes of Legend of Korra, it’s time to make a long, spoiler-filled blog post about them!
    I’m trying to be more optimistic about things lately, so I’ll say I’m excited about this new book. I will, however, reserve the right to roll my eyes at the mention of Harmonic Convergence for a while longer, but maybe I’ll work that out too.
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    Well...Heart of the Medals. Kingdom Heart of the Medals?
    SO. Kingdom Hearts Unchained X added another 25 missions, plus a week of Daily Jewel Missions, so between that I was able to pull together just enough to do the current Shop event with 4/5 hours to spare. I really wanted the KHII Kairi Medal, though I figured it was a bit of a long shot--still, some of those other Medals look cool too, so eh, let's take the long shot.
    Let's see, Dumbo, Wakka, Paine, huh, this isn't really wait. Medal 10. The very last Medal in this pull IS...

    A gift directly from God that's what it freaking is.
    Once I finish these missions and get the next Orichalcum I'm upgrading Lady Luck and putting this Medal in it even if I don't get its stats up.
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    I’ve been rewatching Cowboy Bebop, and man, I forgot a lot of the details about this show. Also I think a lot of it went over Pahrak Va’s head. Not to say none of it goes over my head now, but…point is, I think I’m developing a deeper appreciation for this series.
    One thing that hit me way harder than I expected was Faye’s tape. I mean, I remembered that that happened, but my recollection was fuzzy, and it kind of stunned me this time around. Maybe because it’s been ten years since I first saw this series, so I couldn’t help but think about how much I may have changed over that decade. Maybe because this time I wondered if young Faye’s cheer of “don’t lose me” is supposed to double as a desperate, futile cry to not be forgotten. Maybe just because I only now realize how well it punctuates just what Faye has lost, and now I’m empathizing way more with a character I haven’t really paid much mind before now.
    I should rewatch things more.
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    I ordered Protector of Water to get it, she(?) shall henceforth be known as Herald of the Trans Orange Mask of Fire

    I also hung the Okoto map over my bed because I haven't matured at all in the past 12 years
    This is great
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    There's a new Zelda game just out and none of you who actually play Zelda thought to use that joke in response to this trend by now smh
    (Oh right, they're probably all still playing the new Zelda game. Carry on.)
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    Looks like I'll be away from my computer/the Internet next weekend. Not a big deal, but I'm wondering what to do with Technic Coliseum...
    I feel like I shouldn't just let it sit unattended, even if it is only for 2-3 days. Not only could that be unfair to the players, the work will pile up when I get back. Maybe I could give one of the players Temporary Game Master status, but...
    What do you guys think?
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    I’ve received a great one. Don’t tell Zuko.
    I have been promoted to Outstanding BZPower Citizen! I honestly never thought I’d earn this much proto, reclusive as I am, but it seems I’ve gotten a lot more mileage than I expected out of my Pokemon news blog posts and violent crossover games!
    Since I haven’t been keeping track of every increase I don’t know who each one came from, but I know Windrider’s given me at least two, so a big thank you to her! And thanks to everyone who participated in said blogging and games, I hope you all enjoyed the time you spent indulging me.
    Wait…does this make me a role model now? Yikes. Kids, let’s get one thing out of the way right now: do as I say, not as I do!
    Coincidentally, I recently realized that I’ve had this name since December 2014 and was thinking it was time to change it. And now I can abuse name changes more than ever. *rubs hands together in a vaguely sinister yet cheesy due to being cliché manner*
    Also for completion’s sake: I changed my blog title. Sinnoh forever.
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    "Woe Betide" got an Honorable Mention! I'm definitely liking this trend.
    I also entered the new OTCFFFC with "Between Birth and Rebirth," in case you feel like checking it out.
    Also, I went to see Jurassic Park 3D. Because dinosaurs. I hadn't seen it in a few years, so I kind of freaked out when I found out it was going to be back in theaters. May or may not be changing my display name to "Jurassic Pahrak" in the near future...
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    You know, I think it’s time I changed my display name.
    (This has absolutely nothing to do with the final story update of KHX and the Ursus Foreteller being unbelievably brutal. Nope. Not that at all.)
    I’m not sure what to go with, though. There are the old ones I’ve been sitting on for a while:
    -Stained Glass Pahrak
    -Pahrak III.7 HD ReNAME
    -Sinnoh Slizer
    -Professor O’Pahrak
    Though, if I wanted to go with something matching my current avatar, maybe:
    -Pearl Pahrak
    -Bird Mom Pahrak
    Hm, it’s a tough one.
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    As the end of the year approached I felt that dreadful question of "What have I accomplished in 2018?" hanging over my head. Not exactly unusual, but unexpectedly, when I thought a bit more about it I discovered that I've actually done a bit.
    When it comes to writing:
    -Right of Law was started in March and already has 59k words
    -Red Joker has surpassed the length of its predecessor to reach 118k, with only roughly a third of that being knocked out in late 2017
    -I took a Mega Man ZX fic from one chapter to 29k words
    -I scribbled down two DBZ oneshots of 1-2k
    -I even attempted to start a novel, even if I only got 3-4k into it
    And while I wish I had more significant milestones and complete products to look at, I did the math and it turns out I wrote about 169,819 words this year. You know, give or take. Looking at that number, it seems kind of incredible that I was able to do that much.
    There are other things to consider, too: I tried a few new things, even though they didn't all work out, and I feel like I've been able to make some personal progress over the course of the last year. Sure I wish it could be more, but it is some. I also bought a Switch and a bunch of great games for it, meaning I enjoyed myself a bit more and making that word count look even more impressive knowing how much distraction was available to me.
    I've been pessimistic about holidays for a few years now, and when it comes to New Year's that means pointing out that it's an entirely arbitrary "endpoint" and that just buying a new calendar isn't really worth celebrating. I still think there's no reason to despair about not getting a certain amount done during a year or what have you. But I guess when you don't think about it in terms of quotas, and just reflect on what you've done and what you've learned and take what accomplishments you see for what they are...yeah. It isn't so hard to find something worth celebrating.
    Happy New Year.
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    First things first: there is currently a distribution to receive a shiny Mega Gengar in the US (GameStop) and Canada (EB Games). You need to enter the store and ask the employees about it; they'll give you a card with a scratch-off code, which you can then redeem using the code option on Mystery Gift. This is the first time I've used this method, and it's kinda neat, but I prefer the wireless method that allows me to get my Pokemon without interacting with people ahahaha
    Also very important: We finally know how we're getting the ORAS demo in the US! If you're part of the Pokemon Trainer Club and have signed up for newsletters, the October 21st newsletter with give you a code to download the demo.
    Related to that, the demo unveils two new Mega Evolutions! Mega Glalie is an absolutely terrifying oni mask thing with a gaping maw, pure Ice type, has the ability Refrigerate. Mega Steelix appears to have Mega Stones growing out of its body like spikes and has some kind of ring of energy around its head, same typing, Sand Force ability. And with Mega Steelix, we have our first new Gen 2 Mega in ORAS, meaning ORAS introduces new Megas for every single Generation!
    Also Mega Rayquaza. It looks really cool. I was wondering if it was going to get a Mega or a Primal; it's tied to new lore, and appears to Mega Evolve in a unique fashion, so it'll be interesting to see if this is reflected in gameplay. Also, Mega Rayquaza is going to be joining the two Mega Mewtwos in that Highest Base State Total tie. If we keep getting more 780 stat Pokemon, then maybe we really will be getting 820 Mega Arceus...
    Have we mentioned Mega Pidgeot or Mega Beedrill? Kind of neat that they're Mega-ing more Gen 1 Pokemon a lot of us started with, but I don't know that I really have much to say about either of them. Mega Pidgeot has neat hair. Mega Beedrill is, um...uh...I don't know, I got nothing.
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    When transferring my Pokemon from Gen V to VI, I discovered that I had not transferred my Dialga out of Diamond before selling it. This saddened me. So, using a gift card I had been given, I set out to obtain a Dialga figure.

    "I can't breathe in here."
    It came (two weeks early!) packaged, so I felt I should take a picture of that. The plastic is actually styled like an Ultra Ball, which is really neat! That being said...I was impatient to unpackage him.

    "I'll get you out!!"
    And, here we are.

    It's simply adorable, really. It's like a baby Dialga!

    "I shall raise you as my own."
    I'm sure I'll end up taking more pictures involving baby Dia here as time goes on. I'm trying to wrap this up and possibly finish a fanfic I'm working on before Toonami starts, so that's all I have for now.

    Look at all his majesty...
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    Like I said, for some reason I keep getting new story ideas rather than making significant progress on the ones I’ve already started. Anyway.
    My newest idea is a little ambitious so probably won’t get finished: a fantasy story with a central mythology that is an eclectic mix of multiple Lego themes. Both generations of Bionicle, Slizers, RoboRiders, Hero Factory, and possibly a few others. The details are pretty up in the air at this point, but I have ideas such as the Slizers being gods who created the mortal world, the elements being embodied and governed by Riders who ferry souls to the afterlife and also grant elemental power to villagers (turning them into Toa), and the island associated with the element of Metal, having been forbidden from having Toa, starting up a factory that creates automata who have now more or less made Toa obsolete and function all over the world. Plus, each island being ruled by a Coronet who receives a blessing from the Slizer who created their island, because I still really like that Coronet’s Halo ability I made up for Slizer Mafia.
    My question is, if I were to put out a request for guest stars, would anyone be interested in submitting characters? Whether or not this story is going to happen at all is still a question, of course, but before I hammered out plot details I thought I might as well see if it would be worthwhile to do a casting call. Just out of curiosity.
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    I finished Kako 49!
    I want to re-read it and come up with a title, but you can expect to see it posted either tonight or tomorrow. (It depends on how awake I am when I get home from work later.)
    Again, sorry it took so long. It took me a while to figure out how exactly I wanted to deal with the Spirit files and FE counts now that I'm just typing. I finally realized that I can just copy the files from the website and keep track of the FE in a Word document...*sigh*, it seems so obvious now...
    Anywho, I'd say look forward to it, but given the amount of time you've been waiting, you probably already have higher expectations that I can deliver on, eheheheh...I'll definitely aim to get 50 out soon.
    EDIT: Okay, it's up.
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    I decided it was about time I change my name yet again, as if my display name history isn't long enough already. I'm just an average Pahrak, sitting in a Bohrok nest waiting to clean it all. It's a simple life.
    They opened a website for Kingdom Hearts X [chi], but it doesn't have much--just a link to sign up for the beta, which I imagine is Japan-exclusive. Also Kingdom Hearts 1.5 was released, but meh.
    Later this month they're releasing the Pikachu 3DS XL in America. It's actually a pretty neat piece of merchandise, if you ask me.
    Updated both Bioni-Lords websites! Exo's Desk has a profile for Ren Vicadox, and I added in the theme songs for Zane and Phaenyx. New Spirits are mainly Hero Factory summer sets, though I'm not content with all of them and may edit them if more information becomes available (since there wasn't as much to work off of from the episode as I hoped). The other new Spirit is called The Collector, and has a list of attacks based off of rare Bionicle collectibles.
    I've also been working on Elemental Symbols for Bioni-Lords. Only one I'm stuck on is Psionics--currently my best idea is to just use the eye sumbol from the Pokemon TCG, but I'd like to avoid that...
    And yes, I'll be picking the new Technic Coliseum fighters shortly. They'll be added to the list of fighters blog post soon.
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    Coming up with titles for things has always been a struggle, but I felt like I had managed to come up with a few good titles here and there, and that was a very satisfying feeling so I kept trying.
    No more, though. There’s no point in trying to come up with titles that I think might sound good.
    No title I come up with could ever compare to a title like “Bahamut Disco”.
  20. Pahrak Model ZX
    I'm probably getting booed off stage for that title huh
    Bravely Second is releasing in Japan this winter! I haven’t really said anything about the information we’ve gotten thus far, so this seems like a good time to catch up. Oh, yeah, this probably will have Bravely Default spoilers.
    World! So we’ll be back in Luxendarc, but there will be new areas. Sounds good—should provide a nice blend between familiar and new. It’ll be interesting to see how all the countries have progressed. Ancheim did have its king killed, so I’m wondering if they got a new one, or if they reworked their government, or…what. I’m also hoping that all that lava around Hartschild got cleared out so that we’ll be able to walk into the Fire Temple without trekking through mines and secret tunnels every single time. As for new areas, since Magnolia is apparently from the moon, I should hope we get to visit and see rabbits everywhere, though I guess we’ll have to wait to hear about that.
    Characters! Well, we don’t really know a whole lot about Magnolia yet, so I don’t know if I can really form an opinion. She seems like she’ll be an interesting character, though. Speaking of which, if we’re bringing Tiz back, I seriously hope he gets some more development. I can kind of understand why he’s presented in such a generic fashion after making sense of the ending, but it’s still sort of disappointing. (Course, since Bravely Default has the same writer as Steins;Gate I’m probably comparing him to Kyouma and that’s not even fair.) Agnes! Agnes is the pope! Pope Agnes, everybody! She’s reformed the Orthodoxy and led the world and…got…captured…? What? What about the 24 Jobs she mastered and used to defeat the ultimate evil and save every world? With that much power, shouldn’t she be able to beat up anyone who tries to capture her?? This makes me nervous about what else this new writer might put in, but eh, we’ll see…hopefully she’ll join the party again and kick some more butt. They’re the only ones who are confirmed, I guess; I really hope we get to see Edea again, and that she’s in charge of Eternia and is even more awesome and everything. As for Ringabel…well, I’m curious to know what exactly happens to him, since the ending didn’t make it clear, but unless he gets those annoying traits under control I don’t exactly want him to be major. Party of Magnolia, Agnes, Edea, and (more interesting) Tiz, please!
    Jobs! We’ve been told the game will have both new and returning Jobs, and we’ve seen some of Magnolia’s outfits. What have we got confirmed…Red Mage, Time Mage, Performer, and Valkyrie. If Red Mage is here, I can only imagine that White and Black Mage will come back as well, and obviously Freelancer will be here. I believe somebody counted the number of dots on the Job Select screen in the trailer and said we’ll have 30 Jobs? Assuming all of the old Jobs are returning (which they might not), that means we’ll be getting at least 6 new Jobs! Maybe more, if some of the old Jobs are removed. I got sort of attached to most if not all of the old Jobs, so I sort of want to see them all back. Probably too soon to start guessing new Jobs, but I did see Magnolia using guns in one of the trailers, and apparently Gunner is a Job in the (Japan-exclusive) Bravely Default social game…hmhmhmhm. Turns out that social game also has Mystic and Sage (and Warrior, but that’s too basic to really pay attention to IMO); I don’t really know what to say about Mystic, but if Sage is the same as it is in most Final Fantasy titles, I definitely want that in Bravely Second. It could very easily be used as a Red Mage-augmenting Job, similar to how Spiritmaster and Arcanist work for White Mage and Black Mage. Then again…that means we’ll have to fight a Sage…oh. Which reminds me, I think it was said that the Asterisk holders would be returning? But…most of them died? So unless there’s some new kind of time-wimey nonsense or we’re pulling characters from other worlds, they probably mean we’ll be getting new Asterisk holders, just that the idea of fighting the holders to get Jobs will be returning, right? Because there are several of those original Asterisk holders who I was very glad to kill off. I mean, some were cool, yeah, but some of those fiends need to just stay dead. Oh, and Summons! Will the old Summons return? If so, will they have different animations/effects? Will there be new Summons?! I really like the style of Bravely Default’s Summons, so I’d like to see them make some new cool ones too.
    I wonder if we’ll get something similar to Rebuilding Norende? Or if Airy’s sister will be explained? Or if Bravely Second (the gameplay mechanic, that is) will be better explained/more related to the plot since this game is named after it? There’s a lot we won’t know until it’s released, I guess. Must resist spoilers and await the NA release…!! Maybe late 2015? Dang, it’s not even September and the Games to Buy in 2015 (and Beyond) list is already starting. (Well, if “Beyond” is included, then I guess that already started last summer…)
    Well, here’s hoping it’s good. While dropping Bravely from my Series to Buy list would certainly free up some more cash, it’d be very sad after how much I enjoyed Bravely Default…
  21. Pahrak Model ZX
    has been released for the next Pokemon movie. What we’ve seen previously implied this was a retelling of the first season, showing OG Ash and a Pikachu who doesn’t like him and Ho-Oh being there, but now *echoing voice* IN HD!! */echoing voice* 
    This trailer shows that it’s not that at all.
    It starts out the same, but apparently after seeing Ho-Oh, Ash meets up with some entirely new characters with Pokemon from other regions who also have Rainbow Wings from Ho-Oh, and in a surprisingly soon reveal, the 802nd Pokemon Marshadow appears to guide them to the mountain where Ho-Oh lives. Serebii’s translations mention becoming “Heroes of the Rainbow” and Ash and Pikachu learning to become partners to defeat some powerful opponent. Also there’s a shot of an old man with a hat that looks suspiciously similar to the one Red wears. Yes, that Red.
    My first reaction was “How can you go for a nostalgia cash-in while taking away virtually all the stuff people are nostalgic for?” Then I remembered one of my initial complaints was that “Movies that retell arcs are boring” and realized I actually like this development. I probably shouldn’t get my hopes too high, but there’s a chance for a rather interesting story here, and I’m looking forward to seeing if it delivers.
    But since this is giving us the Pikachu with the hat and Marshadow, that means we’ve already hit the bottom of the Gen VII event Pokemon well…which has me…worried…
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