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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    Well, I watched Steins;Gate. It instantly became one of my favorite anime series.
    On to BZP relevant stuff. I decided to make a banner for Technic Coliseum--it's not the best, obviously, so if anyone wants to contribute some alternatives, feel free and I'll create a banner section on the first post (or maybe a blog post...). If you want to use the current banner, feel free to.
    I also made a Technic Coliseum Master Post yesterday, to keep track of all the relevant links. Probably unneccesary, but it seemed like a good idea.
    Also I'm compelled to tell you that the Coliseum has OVER 9000 views but anyway
    Brainstorming about the FanonRiders got me contemplating the possibility of writing a RoboRider story. Thinking I'd call it something like "RoboRiders Re:Corruption" (though maybe that's too Kingdom Hearts-y); the RoboRiders cleared their individual realms but never actually met each other and assumed The Virus was gone. In truth, it lived on in the core of the RR world, and a few months later managed to find Failsafe Codes that could shut down each RoboRider and open their programming for editing (since I really want to use the codes from the RR canisters). The Virus used the codes to corrupt the RoboRiders, turning them into Virus Riders, and turned them against the people they were built to protect. However, the villagers were able to find safe places to hide, and constructed four new RoboRiders--Alloy, Gray, Ion, and Wave--with the task of finding where The Virus hid the Failsafe Codes, using them to purify the original Rider team, and then deleting The Virus once and for all. Still in the brainstorm stage.
    Also I decided to enter the FFFC yet again. Bond of Heresy proposes the question: what could have happened to Ahkmou after Terideax's death?
    Speaking of stories, sorry it's taking so long for the next chapter of Kako. This is the season where my procrastination catches up to me, and on top of that I just don't have motivation to do....well, anything. I'll try to kick myself into doing it soon, though.
    I did update the Spirit Index, though. Only two new Spirits thus far: Viridian Bow (a Parasite that absorbs the energy of plantlife to create arrows with special properties) and Red (the Pokemon Champion/player character). I also drew up Spirits based on my FanonRiders, the Cosmic Slizers, and the RoboRiders OS, so I'll try to get those up when I have the time. I was also thinking that maybe I should do something special with the Visorak, King Bohrok/Seven Deadly Rahkshi/Exo-Vahki Squad style. The idea I have now is Visorak Hordika--Visorak who lose control of their venom and end up mutating themselves. I dunno, we'll see if anything comes of that.
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    Nearly four years ago I joined Twitter so I could enter a giveaway for the 2015 Toa sets. (I didn’t win.) Now I’m thinking maybe I should actually use that account and see if I can better promote my writing or something.
    So if you’d like, you can find me @ExoPahrak. I’ll be posting about what I’m writing, when you might be able to expect to read it, and whatever’s distracting me from doing it in a speedy manner.
    And on that topic, probably don’t expect much in the near near future because Octopath Traveler releases Friday and I don’t see myself escaping that for a while.
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    Today I decided to see how well some of my figures fit in the Exo-Toa. It was an interesting experiment.
    There are a lot of pictures, so I'm just going to link you to the Tumblr post. The post is clean, I swear!
    Participants include:
    -Kairi (go figure)
    -a Cyberman
    -Perfect Cell
    -SSJ3 Goku
    -Pahrak (like I'm not going to use the Exo-Toa?)
    -Pahrak Va (the boy makes a great Headmaster)
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    We’re about to play some Mafia.
    I’m hosting a Mafia game for the first time! Come play if you want!
    The bad news is that this means Slizer Dome US is getting delayed. If I tried running both at the same time, it would probably negatively affect them, so I’m going to do this Mafia game first and then decide when to do Slizer Dome after that. Hopefully it’ll be worth the wait!
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    I finally cleared Birth by Sleep's Final Episode. I remembered what happened from when I played the game before, but for some reason I felt it a lot more this time. I'll admit to tearing up at the end of all three individual scenarios, but Final Episode made me actually cry multiple times throughout, and I still want to go cry about it.
    Part of me is kind of embarrassed to be crying over a video game, but as time goes on, I find more and more that this idea is kind of silly. Video games matter to people--they give us characters who can inspire us, and possess an interactive element lacking in other forms of media that draws us even closer to these characters. I think I'd care about Aqua even if Kingdom Hearts was a movie or book or what have you, but I also think it's a little different since I was just guiding her through an intense boss battle knowing that my choices (or mistakes) would determine the outcome. It's an interesting sort of relationship between player and character--admittedly no substitute for relationships with real people, but much less intimidating and with a clear outcome. Er, maybe I'm getting a little off-topic...
    What I guess I mean is that I want to stop being embarrassed about getting emotional over video games, because those emotions exist.
    So yeah, I cried my way through the credits of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and the next time I feel hopeless, I'm going to try to think about that final line. And maybe that's okay.
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    It took even longer then usual, but I finally finished Chapter 7 of Shooting Star Sonia. I feel like, for taking so long, it should be a lot better than it is, but...sorry. At least it has Harp Note's first Star Force transformation!
    I really, really hope I'll be able to keep this little bit of momentum going and get Chapter 8 done before too long. I guess we'll have to see, though, eheheh...
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    The new Regular Show was a half-hour of mecha anime references including but not limited to an opening parodying Cruel Angel's Thesis and combining with the moon via drills
    And it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen
    I never wanted to like this show but I've also never been able to resist it
    I wasn't sure they could top revealing one of the characters to be a Russian spy but they found a way
    Congratulations Cartoon Network
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    I decided to make a content block for my blog with links to my library and sub-libraries (it’s on the left under the Asterisk Guide if you’re curious), and it got me thinking about how I haven’t been writing so much lately. I have been making slow progress on Divine Strength and The Kaita Legacy, and I’ve thought of plenty of ideas, and I guess there was that no context crossover, but the last time I actually posted a work here on BZP was…let’s see…September?
    I want to try to get myself posting stories here more frequently again. My first thought was going through my FFFC entries and rewriting them all a week or two at a time, or maybe writing new stories inspired by either the prompt for each of those stories or what each of those stories ended up as. Or maybe I could do a weekly blog entry advertising the new story (which I’ll probably do anyway) and also asking for any suggestions people might have for next week? I could also try tackling that list of ideas I have—I mean, several of them are non-Bionicle, but we have the OTC Forum; and a lot of them are ideas for larger stories, but I could either play with them in short story format or try to commit to writing a chapter a week.
    Of course, I should probably use this desire instead for writing Divine Strength. Also I’m not sure I really can keep a weekly schedule, especially with taking an actual Fiction Writing class again this semester (and I might post those stories in OTC, I’ll have to think about it). Biweekly like the FFFC would probably be easier, but I still don’t know, and there’s always the possibility of doing this monthly but I feel like that’s not exactly frequent. But, I don’t know, maybe this is an area where I really should try pushing myself…
    I guess part of the dilemma is that, while there’s still a lot of Bionicle fanfiction I want to write, I also want to try writing stuff that’s not Bionicle, and I want to post it here but I’m not sure OTC is a very busy place. I feel like this is obnoxious, but I want to gauge my chances of getting feedback on any of this stuff. I’ll post my current list of ideas (in spoilers because there are…a few), if anyone has any comments on these ideas or any of the possible methods mentioned above, I’d appreciate it.
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    I only just found out that Bravely Default and Steins;Gate share a writer.
    Also I somehow missed just how Final Fantasy the game is.
    So yeah, I'm playing the Bravely Default demo. A little late to the party, haven't been able to play it too much yet, but I think it will do nicely. I'm recognizing a lot of elements from my favorite Final Fantasy games in the battle system even just from this point. And if it's a Final Fantasy plot spun like Steins;Gate, well...I can't not see that.
    On a related note, Square-Enix is conducting a Kingdom Hearts survey--not for the faint of heart (pun!), as it includes such impossible questions as "What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts game?" I don't know how I made it through. I can at least say I tried to take it seriously, unlike everyone in the Kingdom Hearts tag on Tumblr. Good gosh I hate this fandom.
    But the survey did propose some possible items they might include in a collector's edition of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX. Hopefully they'll actually do that, since I really want a wayfinder now that I know I can get one...
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    Well, it was fun being Lexaeus, but I've decided it's time to check back in with Pahrak. Looks like he got kicked out of Shibuya and wound up on Cybertron. Now he transforms into an ankylosaurus!
    On to Bioni-Lords. After I posted Kako 30 earlier this week, I contacted the Epic Critics Club to ask for another review. I just felt like I should get some new opinions, especially since I sort of wanted Kako to be a good place for newcomers to jump in. Since I don't want to create more work for the critic, I won't be posting any new chapters until the review is in, but then again, I haven't finished writing Kako 31 anyway.
    I will tell you, though, that we're getting into the action of the Ko-Isle arc starting in 31. Not sure how many chapters it'll run, but there are a number of things I want to make sure I cover, so it probably won't be the briefest scenario.
    Also this week, I realized that I haven't really worked out the appearances of Aile and Zempyst all that well, so I started brainstorming on that. Aile is more or less done, but I'm having a bit of difficulty finding an appearance to suit Zempyst's personality. The first idea I had seemed too rough, and when I tried to fix it she ended up feeling too stuffy, so I'm trying to find a way to balance that. Since so few females characters in Bioni-Lords wear dresses, I considered having Zempyst wear one, but then I got this image in my mind of her raging "There's no way I'm wearing this in public!!" with Aile hanging off of her saying something to the effect of "But you look so kawaii~!"
    ...I don't have a probelm.
    Then I got side-tracked and played out a scenario where Aile forces Zempyst to wear a dress for some fancy event, and Zempyst feels awkward because she's never really thought of herself as beautiful, leading Aile to start constantly calling her beautiful because she cares about her and asfkheogiubs;ibv
    ...I don't have a problem.
    Ugh, I can't stand that I have to wait until just about the end of Kako before I can write scenes with these two, and there'll be nothing after that because Zempyst dies right after where Kako ends, I can't believe I shot myself in the foot like that I want to write more about them it's not fair that she has to--
    *shot with silence Rhotuka*
    ...But I digress. The point is, it made me consider writing a mini-series type thing detailing Aile and Zempyst's history. My original thought was that I would publish it here in the blog during a hiatus I'm planning later on (so that I can focus on getting somewhere with VRHS and let you guys process a terrible plot point), but now I'm thinking that might not be the best idea. Besides, best title I can think of is "Storm Beneath My Wings," and that's just a lame but elaborate pun...
    Also, I'll try to update Exo's Desk soon!
    On a different note, there have been a few minor updates on that Vita port of Muramasa: The Demon Blade. Apparently there will be a new downloadable scenario, which I have mixed feelings about. I like that the idea of a new scenario, but I have never been a fan of DLC. Also, I heard that they were adding four new playable characters to the game, but since this sounds pretty extreme I'm not holding my breath. Still, if there are more playable characters, it would probably inspire the programmers to put more differences between them...Kisuke and Momohime were, more or less, exactly the same, after all. Well, I guess we'll find out later.
    Yes I realize I've overused strikethroughs in this post.
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    So Rahkshi are super destructive and feral and everything, which makes sense with the Makuta being beings of shadow and all. But in the Melding Universe, the Makuta are beings of light, but still have kraata powers (different ones, but still). It wouldn’t make sense if Melding Rahkshi were still like that, so…
    Maybe Melding Rahkshi are, like…super polite?
    They rescue Mahi from quicksand
    They help little old Matoran cross the street
    They stop along the street to help Matoran building things and then purchase their merchandise to stimulate the economy
    ...I like Super Polite Melding Rahkshi
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    The childishness seems to bug a lot of people, even though Bionicle's a toyline?? Selling toys to kids?? Honestly as much as I love dark stuff I'm totally onboard for this, I have a history of just taking whatever Bionicle gives me and I could use some more simple positivity in my life, it will be healing.
    Also a lot of people really want romance to be canon in the reboot, why?? Why does this matter so much to everyone?? I know I'm a bitter loner but that can't be the only reason I'm fine with the ban.
    Okoto has a nice ring to it but someone pointed out it sounds like the Japanese word "otoko" and now I keep confusing them my Japanese grade is going to suffer Lego why.
    Absolutely love the new lore, so many questions, must wait.
    Seems like the Toa's Elemental powers might come from their masks, fits with the theme but I do wonder about them having no innate powers, ah well I'll adapt.
    Sets that come WITH the Golden Masks! And Skull Spiders that they can wear like Krana!
    GeARS?! AND posABILITY?! AT the same TIME?!
    Tahu and Kopaka look simply beautiful, the high price will be worth it. Onepu Nuva Protector of Earth might actually be the best looking set of the bunch, and at such a low price, it's definitely a must-buy. I'm also really liking Gali (and if the bad joke thing turns out to be puns then WOO).
    I sort of want all the Toa, but the other three, I think I can be more patient about. If there's one thing I'm disappointed about it's Pohatu's build, he looks boring compared to the others, but he's Pohatu so I still want him, also he has BOOMERANGS with BOHROK EYES that double as FOOT JETS. Lewa's pretty cool, I'm slow to adjust to his mask though. Onua has too many colors and seems a little messy, but he's growing on me, he's SO FREAKING HUGE I LOVE IT. (Why couldn't Pohatu be huge too Pohatu I love you.)
    The Protectors all look pretty good, but I don't think I'll really need more than one or two. As stated before Onepu Nuva is must buy, and I'm really liking New Tarduk Protector of Jungle so he might find his way into the shopping cart, others I might get if I have cash, who knows.
    Also COMBINERS! Well, that was my initial reaction, but it's really just taking the Protector's weapons and putting them on the Toa. It's cool, yeah, but I was hoping for more, ah well that's what we have S Rank MoCers for, I LEAVE THIS TASK TO THEE.
    Wait I forgot Lord of Skull Spiders...eh? I mean it's neat but it's just spidery enough to make me anxious, so I don't think I can buy it, sorry. As for story it apparently guards an ancient city, that seems cool, the concept art appears to suggest it will fight all the Toa (or maybe there are more than one of these? In every region? Serving a greater villain...?), guess we'll find out.
    So yeah Pahrak is happy.
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    Recently a reshowing of the Steins;Gate anime has been streaming online as a lead-up to Steins;Gate 0, and included as part of that was a new version of Episode 23 with an alternate ending! The episode is mostly the same, but when Kyouma and Suzuha come back after their attempt to save Kurisu, it diverges and shows what occurred on the beta worldline that Steins;Gate 0 will take place in, and after the credits there's a brief teaser for the 0 anime! English subs are now available, so, of course, I had to watch it.
    Given what we already know about 0, what happens isn't really a shock, but I'll put in spoilers just in case.
    The visual novel releases in Japan really soon, and there hasn't been any word yet on when the anime adaptation will air. If they're airing this episode, though, I hope it means they'll start it soon. The next anime season starts in January, right?
    I'm excited and kind of destroyed right now. Later I'll probably rewatch the whole of Episode 23 but switch over to this ending and see if I can survive that,
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    I have this problem in regards to fanfiction where I think about the ridiculous ideas I came up with in my younger days with such undue fondness that I start trying to rework it and see if I can salvage the concept and redo it. So, story time!
    (Oh gosh I really have to explain this I’ve been dreading this day)
    For several of my BZP years, I was working on a long and convoluted series of stories known as Bioni-Lords. It started out as a story where Bionicle characters were Pokémon, but then I changed things so that, rather than sending out the Bionicles to fight, the humans would fuse with the Bionicles to gain their weapons/powers/etc. And then go and fight Gym Leaders while being hunted by a criminal organization. So, it still wasn’t all that different, really. As this coincided with the beginning of my weeaboo phase (gosh I hope it was just a phase), the scope quickly expanded and I began including “Bioni-Spirits” for characters to fuse with that were based on characters from just about anything—anime, video games, movies, books, and so on. (I also let other people submit Spirits, so at the time of the series’ cancellation the count was…1683? Dang. On the other hand, take that Pokémon! We got more!) The plot only got more confusing from there, with the sequel tossing in an exponentially larger amount of weirdness, and then I started on a prequel that…well, by then I’d like to think my writing had improved and it was decent enough, but then I got super discouraged thinking about the things I would need to do to keep that story in line with the overall canon I had decided on when I was 12 and concluded it would just be best to drop the story and dump all the ideas I was going to use into a few blog posts in case people wanted to read about them. So, that’s it, time to move on, right?
    (Man there are some serious run-on sentences in this post)
    …Well, okay, even when I was cancelling the series I still wanted to do something else with the concept. I tried simplifying everything as much as possible and seeing where that would go, and ended up with The Blade of Valor, which I then began to expand into The Kaita Legacy. Though, now I’m feeling like those might be erring too far on the “dark and gritty” side, so…I’d still like to finish Kaita Legacy, but maybe I should explore other options as well.
    Honestly, a big part of the fun I had with Bioni-Lords was that whenever I got a new hobby or a new idea, I could incorporate it in some form and things would keep going. I thought of it as a “Fanfiction of Everything”, and while part of me feels like that’s innately off-putting, I still just…really, really want to do that again. (Especially with Bionicle being rebooted. It’s given me very targeted motivation.) Of course, even if I were to do that, I know I should probably drop that massive Spirit list and take a new, much more streamlined approach to things (limiting the list only to Spirits that actually show up in the story, at the very least). I could probably also drop the more Pokémon aspects—some of these I abandoned even in the story, things like fixed HP and attacks, they just really limit what you can do in a fight more than I usually liked to. Instead, it’d be better to just state what abilities and equipment a Spirit gives, along with maybe a few specific named technique, and see what the characters do with those. Or, maybe have a basic transformation for characters that can then be customized by adding the abilities and equipment of characters from various things? (Plus some original stuff, probably.)
    (I mean…I don’t really want that giant list to go to waste, so I’ll probably preserve it separately from the new list I’ll have to make, even if I hide that old list forever out of shame)
    And I mean, the plot will probably still be more like a long-running manga (both of the original Bioni-Lords books that I completed ended up having over a hundred chapters), so I’d probably just embrace that and try to come out with a (probably pretty short) chapter each week or something. That of course presents difficulties that will never go away (both from a time and writing standpoint), but eh, if I’m embracing the manga style, then that comes with it and I’d probably be okay with that. Besides, if I did end up doing something like this, it’d really be for myself, so, who would be there to complain? Course, then there’s the question of “why do all this writing if you don’t expect anyone to read it?” but, I mean, it’s still practice, I’m still writing, that in and of itself should be good. And I’m pretty sure it would be a better idea than that one Final Fantasy story I was also considering redoing.
    (Come to think of it, since this time I know already that I won’t be sticking to Bionicle Spirits I should probably just put it in OTC. I mean, you know, if I were to do this. Hypothetically.)
    I guess what I mean by all this is that the nostalgia blinders-induced motivation is evolving, I already have a bunch of brainstorming stuffed in a document, it seems it may only be a matter of time until I start a new ridiculous and convoluted Bioni-Lords successor, SAVE YOURSELVES.
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    Wait...are people upset that there are going to be more female characters in the next Lego Movie?
    I read the talkback and I can't really make much sense of it. I think they're saying they're worried that this means the director's just going to toss in some half-sincere female characters for the heck of it?
    Even though actually clicking the link in the BZP article leads to an article with the headline "'The Lego Movie 2' Director Wants More Strong Women In Sequel"?
    Which is basically just saying that there are going to be new awesome characters in the next movie?
    Some of whom will also happen to be female?
    Did I use whom correctly I never quite got the hang of that grammar thing?
    I don't see how having awesome characters is a bad thing, so I must be waaaaay off.
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    In today's class we sang "Everything Is Awesome" and discussed the cleverness of old episodes of Spongebob before getting on to critiquing stories. One of the stories up was mine, which was the prologue and first chapter of my rough draft novel Divine Strength, and people actually seemed really into it and wanted more! (Which is what a good prologue and first chapter should probably do, I imagine.)
    I was thinking of doing something unrelated for story 2, but hey, if they want Queens, I shall give them Queens!
    ...I don't want to just keep ripping pieces out of my novel draft, though, so I'm writing up a new thing focusing on an event that happened a few centuries prior to the novel. It's going to be primarily a battle and in the process I discovered that one of the Queens is a magical girl, and I'm hoping to make people angry by making the first few pages seem like a semi-cheesy love story before letting everything go brutally and horribly wrong.
    That's what a good writer does, right?
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    So a few months ago the grocery store I work at said we were getting a sushi stand. I thought that might be fun, so I asked the manager if I could possibly train there and he said yes!
    Then he got fired and no one else seemed to know anything about the sushi.
    But now, it looks like we really are getting sushi (as soon as December, even), and while I dislike the new manager I think I’m going to ask him the same thing. Even if he says yes I’d probably still work some shifts in the deli, at least while I’m training, and it’s going to literally be right next to the deli counter so I can jump over there if it looks like they need help (that’s a part of my pitch), but hey, it’s something different and my first half-step out of the deli!
    I was discussing this with my sister, and we have found our way to a plan where, if this works out and I learn how to make good sushi, we can drive around the country from one anime convention to the other and sell anime-themed sushi rolls to hungry weeaboos who are already in the process of emptying their wallets. Imagine such a menu: the Elric Roll, made with fresh shrimp and one strand of seaweed that sticks straight out! The Colossal Roll, steaming hot ingredients tossed on a plate without any wrapping! The Bleach Roll, which looks good at first but you quickly realize it wasn’t worth it and you might have food poisoning!
    …Okay, so it still needs some work. Plus the road is no place to raise a parakeet.
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