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Pahrak Model ZX

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Posts posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. IC:The wind blade hit Zadakh and did some decent damage, but it didn't break the ice."Hm, I wonder when I'll be unfrozen."Zadakh..."Wha? Who's there?!"Zadakh, I've come to warn you!"Oh PLEASE don't tell me I'll be visited by three spirits!"I--"Because that's SO overdone! I've got nothing against a Christmas Carol, but EVERYONE has adapted it!"Shut up and listen! I came to warn you that you will not win!"Don't believe you, disembodied voice in my head."For your information, I'm a transdimensional robot! I just got bored, found out you were frozen, and figured I'd mess with you."And THAT'S why I don't trust strangers."

  2. OOC: Is it? Sorry, must have missed something...IC:The disks hit the water around Zadakh and froze him solid. Since they were level 8, he really didn't know how to get out of it...sure, he could pull the whole "fiery determination" thing, but that would be cheap! Still, though, he couldn't think of anything, especially since he was feeling worn down, so he just sat there, contemplating life...and wishing that he were unfrozen. Then he could kill his bioni-raptor and say "And I thought they smelled bad on the outside!" like Han Solo, but, of course, he can't do that. Even a madman like Zadakh has trouble thinking of ways out of some things......Maybe he could go on some mega spiritual journey while frozen!

  3. OOC: Oh, that's what you meant! Sorry...hm, about 8-9 inches? The Vahki head makes him look taller than he actually is, kinda hard to judge.IC:Zadakh blinked a few times to clear his eyes after the Light Bomb, and then held out his hand, summoning his Keyblade from where it had fallen. "I love that," he said.Then, the sky starting raining fire, which was extremely painful, but since he knew he couldn't dodge..."I'm siiiinging in the rain of fire...I'm siiiinging in the rain of fire...what a horrible feeling, I'm iiiiiiin pain agaiiiin...ah, that's enough."Using the stop drop and roll again, he extinguished himself and readied his Kanoka Kadin, saying, "Starting to really feel worn down...it's about darn time!"He flew out towards BZPP, slashing as he went past, and then banked towards Nujanii and did the same thing. After that slash, though, he began to feel woozy, and spiraled toward the ground...where his second trusty bio-raptor steed broke his fall!"And THAT'S why I love my bio-velociraptors."

  4. OOC: Never really settled on a height...probably about the same as the average Toa?IC:Zadakh felt himself being stabbed all over, thinking, And people thought I should change my Extreme Nerdiness to a different power--now I'm being asked not to use it. Anyways, I'm being stabbed...what to do...He shrugged--allowing a stab to hit under a plate of metal and do more damage than usual--and then thrust out his Keyblade, wondering if he'd get lucky and clothesline Nujanii.

  5. IC:"URGH! Why do they always hurt more coming out?!"Zadakh turned around, ignoring the pain, and said, "I know you said please, but I may need to start using my Nerd powers soon..."He moved forward, swung his Keyblade in an arc toward the ground, and then he used the Keyblade to vault up and kick Nujanii.

  6. OOC: So what did you mean by auto-hit? I'm not sure, and I don't want to break any rulesIC:Zadakh felt a sharp, exructiating pain in his back. "...Maybe I misanalyzed the situation..."Without trying to free himself, he stabbed his Keyblade behind him, towards Nujanii.

  7. IC:The Kanoka smacked Zadakh and reduced him to about half his size (is that alright? it's level 1)."...HAHAHA!" Zadakh laughed. "FOOL! Small foes have the advantage! I can move more quickly, it's easier for me to hit you, and it's harder for you to hit me!"Zadakh dashed forward, manuevered around Nujanii, and punched him in the back.

  8. IC:Zadakh felt his weapon hit something twice, so he tackled in that direction, saying, "FOUND YOU!! Now, to continue our EPIC battle! Although...if anyone else is nearby, they know exactly where we are...and I'm probably only making it worse the more I talk..."

  9. IC:Zadakh then realized he too had grown. "Huh, thought that would work...ah well!"He shrunk down and ran towards where he had heard the scream, thinking, Aw, I shoulda used a Kanoka Akaku...

  10. IC:Zadakh stopped as he noticed the fog, and then a lightning bolt struck him. Pain rippled through his body and he felt himself being flung back into a row of trees. He slowly got up, saying, "Shocking, isn't it? Hm, how to deal with this fog...meh, I'll just use my third Kanoka."Zadakh readied his Kanoka of Growth, and used its powers to massively extend his Keyblade, which he swung in a circle while cackling.

  11. IC:Zadakh, being on fire, had a thousand jokes, but knew he only had time for one, so he stood up...and began to dance disco."Burn, baby burn, Disco InfernOOOOOO! Okay, that's enough."He stopped, dropped, and rolled to get the fire out, and then took a battle stance and slowly circled Nujanii. Thinking he saw an opening, he lunged and used a vicious swing, but one he could easily recover from if it missed.

  12. IC:Zadakh fell, rolled over, and threw up--what? How can he throw up?! Vahki don't have mouths either!! Ugh, whatever...He got up and said, "Uh, let's not do that again...and hey, I was improvising, cut me some slack!"Zadakh was about to attack, but then he spotted another bionic rapto, so he grabbed some more vines, mounted it, and laughed. He then rode forward, swinging at Nujanii as he passed."Wait...there are flames aren't there?" Zadakh said. "Ah well. A handicap makes things more interesting!!"

  13. IC:By the time Zadakh saw Tavahka, it was too late to stop his spinning swing, so he stood up on one toe and kept spinning, allowing him to move around like a mini-cyclone and alter his path, zip around the drill, and move toward Tavahka."Ugh...dizzy...think I'm gonna be...sick..."

  14. IC:"Well...you DID say please..."So, Zadakh passed the opportunity presented with the word "sidekick" and took the hit. He stood up held his Keyblade in his right hand, balancing it on his shoulders, refrained from another Nerd comment, and used a spinning swing.

  15. IC:Zadakh was frozen solid, then fell and crashed into the ground. The impact shook the ice off of him, but it was still incredibly painful."Ah, nice one!" Zadakh said, struggling to his feet. "But you can't beat me in an over-the-top contest. You know why? Because I play Disgaea!"Zadakh then explained what made Disgaea so over the top, triggering his Nerd powers and confusing Nujanii. He then put a Kanoka Kualsi in his disk launcher, tapped its power, and jumped into the air. Using the disk's power, Zadakh warped right in front of Nujanii and uppercutted him, but then he used the disk again to warp into Nujanii's path and use another uppercut. He did this several more times, acting very quickly, before the confusion wore off, and when they were just at the limits of the atmosphere, he jumped above Nujanii, grabbed him by the throat, and began to fall. Zadakh loaded a Kanoka Kadin this time, and using its powers he sped up their descent towards the ground, and a few seconds later--BAM!!Zadakh drove Nujanii straight into the ground, carving an immense crater with the impact. After a while, Zadakh got up, stumbled, and fell backwards against the crater--his whole body ached, except his left arm, which was completely numb. "Ouch..." he sighed, trying not to writhe. "Maybe that wasn't the best idea...but it was cool!"

  16. IC:A piece of the mountain fell on Zadakh, opening its mouth and eating him. A few seconds later, a huge hole appeared on the back of it, and Zadakh crawled out and said, "Well, now I can officially say I've been eaten. Wish I had some wide radius powers to destroy these wait...my raptor's really dead this time?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"He ran over to his raptor, crouched down, and said, "My poor steed! I'm so sorry this happened! I shall avenge you by beating the snot out of everyone I see."He then saw Nujanii. "Hi there."Zadakh charged, lunged, and swung at Nujanii.

  17. The Original Element-Lords have eternal youth, and can only die by being deliberately killed. At the time of Book 3, however, they are all alive, so I hope to give them all at least a cameo.The pre-evolutions will be explained--the respective Kings came first and then transformed some other Bohrok into Exo-Bohrok, although when the related Spirits were created, the relation was skewed and they were turned into upgraded forms. Don't want to go too in-depth right now, though, since the Kings get explained pretty early in Book 3.

  18. IC:Zadakh said, "No nerdiness can confuse me! But on the topic of Star Wars--"He was interrupted as he saw a shield fly out and knock Noob away. He turned and said, "Oh...thanks!"Zadakh turned back to the Noob, dove after him, and used his Keyblade to knock him into the ground. The Noob then bounced back up, and Zadakh kicked him and sent him crashing through a row of dead trees up to the bionic raptor, who caught him in its teeth."VENGEANCE!!"

  19. IC:Zadakh fell off the dead raptor and slid along the ground, and then he got up and shouted, "NOOOO!"He was stabbed, but didn't react. "NO! HOW DARE YOU KILL MY BELOVED, FUTURISTIC, PREHISTORIC STEED WHO I ONLY MET 40 SECONDS AGO! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Oh, wait, since we're doing Princess Bride quotes...he's only MOSTLY dead!"The raptor crawled away from the battlefield, and Zadakh said, "Okay, now I'm over it."He then backhanded the Noob, drew his Keyblade and said, "Once again, for emphasis: I, EXO-ZADAKH, SHALL KNOCK YOU ALL DOWN!!!"

  20. Yeah...and there's a new one on the way, so...I apologize in advance!Yes, I believe Aile mentions those Kings in this Preview, they're just not on the list just yet. The King of Lehvak will be on the new Index at 1331, but I've yet to receive the design for the King of Tahnok...I already have someone who agreed to design him, but he's been busy lately, so I just need to be patient!

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