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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    BIoni-Lords Book 3: Kako Preview 4 is up! This one shows some of the top members of the mysterious Shadow Consortium, who will serve a similar function to the Shade-Gang in this book. Only one more preview to go...
    As promised, my Christmas Special is now up! Hopefully it turned out at least decent!
    One more ZMoC topic is up. This one is just a few random MoCs I made a while ago, but with this, we're caught up with ZMoC...except for ZMoC-10, but he's a secret for now.
    And Forgotten Bond is fully typed!! Expect to see the Prologue January 3rd, 2012, with new chapters every Tuesday and Thursday! A link will be posted here that Friday (January 6th).
    I think that about covers it. To all of you out there, I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    Vegeta! What does the Scouter say about the number of views this blog has?
    "IT'S OVER 9000!!"
    WHAT 9000?! There's no way that can be right!!
    ...Ahem. I'd like to thank all of you who've viewed my blog thus far, even if you just stumbled in, realized it was lame, and walked right back out.
    This is sort of a forecast entry. Since I'm running low on topics and you guys probably don't want to hear me rant about my characters like I did in my last entry, I've decided that this Saturday will be a special entry rather than a weekly update. For the Intro to Creative Writing class I took last semester, we were required to write a non-fiction account of something from our past, and by twisting that prompt I was able to get away with writing a summary of my experience working on the Bioni-Lords saga, from making it up to stumbling through Book 1 to improving through Sekai to getting started on Kako. It doesn't really have any new information, but I figured I'd share it with you guys anyway, so I'll be posting it here in my blog this Saturday. It can also double as an "Intro to the Bioni-Lords Saga" for you newcomers I'm desparately trying to attract! (Like you can't tell how desparate I am, putting that in bold...)
    The weekend after that, though, I'll be gone, so I'm just going to skip my blog post for that week altogether. I'll make another update the week after that, which is...what...the 20th, I think? After that I imagine things will be back to normal for a while.
    Oh, and in case anyone's wondering, I finished writing Kako 31, though I'm not sure when I'll start typing it...
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    Finally got Kako 28 posted the other day. Started working on Kako 29, which will have a Tag Match against Stratoro and Kopuju (the Ice-Lord from Book 1). Haven't decided if Kopuju will be in any chapters after this or if it's just a cameo...
    Oh, I almost forgot...


    Yeah, the Word Document for Kako passed 100 pages. Wooo~!
    Also, Phoenixian Wraith has started up a new spin-off: Bioni-Lords Origins: Phaenyx! Check it out! I'll put a link on the website soon.
    There are also a few new Spirits on the Index. Trying to work out another one right now, but don't know how long that'll take, and I plan to make a minor edit or two to a Spirit in about a week or so.
    And that MoC I mentioned last week is up: ZMoC-17: Shinryu Zadakh. This is a "super form" I used back when I was playing Bionifight 4; I'd been kicking around a MoC idea for a while, but for some reason never got around to it until now. Wierd.
    One more thing: This time next week, the Tokyo Game Show will be going, so expect my blog post to be a constantly-updated cache of fanboying over relevant news.
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    I've typed up what I have for the next chapter. It's not complete, but I think I'm going to switch from writing it down in a notebook and then typing it later to just typing it up as I go. I feel like I might do a better job, although that remains to be seen. I'll get on with the chapter soon, but...
    It turns out there are some errors in the topic. I checked it today, and the first post down through Chapter 34 were completely messed up. It appears to have undone every use of the "Enter" key, turning each chapter into one solid wall of text. I find this to be...irritating, to say the least. I've started fixing it, but it's obnoxious and time-consuming--I may be able to do it more quickly if I just delete the text and re-copy/paste the chapter, so I'll try that out and see where it goes. Even if I don't get it fixed quickly, I'll try not to let this distract me from moving forward with Chapter 49.
    Hm, been a while since I've written one of these battles...
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    There's a demo of the game at TGS! I won't go into everything, but it looks like we will be using (at least initially) a party of four new characters (including Magnolia). Not sure what this means for Tiz, but this could be a good thing.
    Also, confirmed that Swordmaster will return! They also revealed a Bravely Second new Job: Wizard, which allows characters to mix and match elements and attack types to create a variety of special spells.
    So, our list of currently confirmed Jobs is:
    -Red Mage
    -Time Mage
    Jobs new to Bravely Second in bold, newly revealed Jobs italicized. Thinking I'll continue to update this list as we go forward.
    And presumably, White Mage and Black Mage, but you know, no technical confirmation so I won't put them on the list yet.
    It looks like we will be getting a steady stream of news. This pleases me.
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    Sorry I didn’t get the chance to do this last time. Anyway, here are the new items you can look forward to once the tournament ends:
    -New for Toa: Mask of Emulation! For 8,000 W, you can copy your opponent’s Elemental powers! Disclaimer: a fighter is more vulnerable while copying, and copied powers are not as strong as regular powers. Also, since we have a few Nuva fighters now, I figured I’d make some more Kanohi available in Nuva—specifically, the Huna, Komau, Ruru, Matatu, and Mahiki. More masks will be made available in Nuva if we get more Toa Nuva.
    -New for Heroes: Brain Attack Weapon! Self-explanatory, but the special kick is that if your hero has a weapon and a shield in Brain Attack, you can use them both while only taking up one item slot! Costs 5,000 W for a character without a shield, 7,000 W for a character with a shield.
    -Nobody’s been using the Bohrok Shields, but maybe that’ll change if they become available in Kal powers? The Lightning Shield, Plasma Shield, Gravity Shield, Sonic Shield, Vacuum Shield, and Magnetism Shield models will be added to the shop!
    -At Keizah’s suggestion, we’re adding a Rhotuka Launcher that can be yours for just 8,000 W! Spinners will be sold separately in packs of 5, ranging from 2,000-5,000 W depending on effect.
    -Time for some 2006 weapons! Axonn’s Axe and Brutaka’s Sword can each be purchased for 9,000 W, and you can also pick up Repellers (with one use per battle) for 15,000 W! Not to mention the Spear of Fusion, which, for 30,000 W, will let you cut one of the opponent’s stats in half! (This will be subject to regulations similar to the Staff of Silence.) Thanks to Canis, we’re also adding a Zamor Sphere weapon—it’ll fuse the target to the ground and render them unable to move! Costs 15,000 W, subject to restrictions.
    -Our last batch of Rahkshi Staffs, and boy are they nice! Six of the new models will be available for 40,000 W each, and will grant your fighter additional Elemental Powers when brought into combat! These Staffs come in Gravity, Electricity, Sonics, Plasma, Magnetism, and Plant Control, but you will only be allowed to bring one into battle (two if your fighter does not have his/her own Elemental Powers). The seventh, coming in at a whopping 80,000 W, is the Staff of Mind Reading, which will allow you to read your opponent’s strategy. (Naturally, there are some really heavy restrictions on this one even aside from the cost. Also note that these staffs cannot be obtained for free by a Champion.)
    And if that isn’t enough to look forward to, here’s an extra hint: after the June tournament, we’ll begin seeing very special items and upgrades from 2007 and 2008, so keep an eye on those Widgets!
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    First, I put some new alternative Vapor upgrades in the Vapor 3.0 topic--please check them out! I still need some feedback.
    Now, on to what you came here for...
    I did prepare another paragraph of background info, but meh, it's not really all THAT important, so I'm just going to go on to posting the list of Spirits that are completely unobtainable in either Version:
    The Gahu, the Elemental Knights, the Hapori, Kraakhan-Nui, Avokhii-Nui, One-Winged Angel, Hyper Sonic, Cuerveracios, Ultra-Keelerak, Tabuu, Metadon, Irene, Enterprise, Destructia, Enchantress, Vanquisher, Leadfist, Nighturai, Legolord, Atomicus, Experita, Fictivalkyrie, Weavalkyrie, Les Freres Depravees, Protectivalkyrie, Striking Venom
    List subject to change. Also, Makuta Spirits, Golden Tahu, and Krakha cannot be obtained normally, and can only be received by completing side quests that will probably be saved until you complete both Versions.
    ...They're very powerful Spirits.
    I feel like I should have something else to say, but...I can't think of it. Oh well.
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    Since the time travel mechanics introduced in KH3D are too timey-wimey to understand, it has been decided that Xehanort will just use a Kanohi Mohtrek to gather the XIII Darknesses in one place. What this means for further inclusion of Bionicle has yet to be addressed.
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    I decided to sit down and watch the Re:coded cinematics in Kingdom Hearts II.5 today. Coincidentally, I just saw a post on another site reminding us of that tiny bit of trivia regarding its origins, and it also had a link to an article which I perused.
    One line that stood out to me was one of the staff members being interviewed who, reflecting on the initial pitch of coded, said, "At first the plan seemed terrible, but at the same time interesting." And I'm laughing because that's really all you need to know about coded.
    ...Well, okay, that's a bit oversimplified. There were some neat things that got to me while I was watching, and if you have some spare time, sure, it's worth taking a look at. If you get the relevance of all the things its referencing, at least. And, really, a large amount of the dialogue is just strangely painful (and not in the wonderful way like BBS), and I feel like some of the voice acting is a bit off too. (Though I'll make special mention of Roxas, I thought he was voiced quite well.)
    Anyway, in the end Re:coded is...not my cup of tea, though I will be trying to go easier on it in the future. I'll probably continue to parrot that line from the interview, though.
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    Rather than wait until E3 Square Enix gave us
    for Kingdom Hearts II.8 today! 
    The section for Dream Drop Distance is pretty straight forward. It certainly looks lovely, but I do find myself wishing there would be new content in this rather than a simple facelift.
    The 0.2 section lets us see Aqua in action in the KH3 engine, and it looks pretty darn awesome! Looks like the Command Style has been altered for the new mechanics (maybe this is how Keyblade Transformations will function in III?), and, of course, she has plenty of extremely powerful magic. Didn't see any Flowmotion, though. There's also a surprise appearance, though I'm fairly certain it's just some kind of illusion to mess with poor Aqua. #saveMasterAqua2ksoon
    The section for Back Cover is really wild. This is our first real look at what it...well, looks like, and it looks just as nice as 0.2. Which is a far cry from the limited sprites of Unchained X! I'm really curious to know who's voicing these characters, but that could be a spoiler and is probably being saved for a later date. The Foretellers seem interesting: we've known that Vulpes will be important for a while, and now it's looking like Unicornis and Ursus are taking more active roles. Anguis and Leopardus seem to be hanging back for now. What really surprises me, though, is the body language of the Sixth Apprentice, at least in the scene where he's talking to Unicornis. He seems so...not Xehanort like! That's promising!
    The big shock is that the game is apparently getting a worldwide release. I mean, sure there's not as many new lines to record, but still, this is a first for the series, maybe even the company? It's pretty neat!
    Now if I could only afford a PS4.
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    Since one of the reasons I’m writing Divine Strength (or anything really) is to play around in a fantasy world, I feel like I should try to do more with that fantasy element than I already am. For example, the only magical beings who currently exist in the story are the Queens and the Ruinous. Only having two categories both with very finite rosters seems weird.
    So I thought maybe I’d expand upon the backstory I had for the Ruinous: that they were born from the forces of magic in response to the state of the world. Perhaps in this universe, the Magic of the World constantly reacts to the emotions and beliefs that fill the world—so people are constantly channeling and shaping magic without even realizing it.
    This could also relate to the Queens. They originally existed in an ethereal realm, but then were pulled into the material realm. Maybe the eons of war began before this, and people felt desperately that they needed guidance. So the Magic of the World responded by pulling the Goddesses into the material realm, and people were given the leaders they asked for.
    I think this has a lot of potential—new magical beings can essentially just pop up whenever, so I could introduce new things while still being consistent. Though, I worry this might feel…cheap, I guess, like I’m cheating and saying “Yeah new stuff just poofs into existence all the time how convenient is that!”
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    (Last entry on the subject)
    So yeah, I'm probably gonna bring it back. Probably soon. Like next Monday or something.
    A few more adjustments:
    -Replaced Spark with Blaster, because it seemed less redundant.
    -New items for RoboRiders and Slizers to make things fairer for them. For now, just basic stat-boosting items, like some Kanohi and the Hero Factory heroes' Aegis Program, Titan Gauntlet, etc. If I think of more later, I'll add them.
    -Added option to sell unused equipment back to the Coliseum, plus a discount for replacing Kanohi with the corresponding Kanohi Nuva.
    -Changed "Toa can only take 2 Kanohi into battle" to "Any fighter can only take 2 items into battle". Made more sense.
    -Rewards for winning a tournament: four free +1 trainers (or one free +5 trainer) and three free items.
    -Gave up trying to think of a function for the Kanohi Rau, so the starting list of available Kanohi will be the other 11 masks from 01.
    -Tournaments will begin on the first Monday of every month, so that they will (at their longest) be done by Saturday with the new 24 hour match rule.
    -Equipment based on later years of Hero Factory and Bionicle will likely be added after each tournament until I catch up/run out of ideas. Several of these pieces of equipment will be usable by any fighter, not just those from the same theme as the equipment. (For example, Slizers with Rahkshi staffs.)
    --Some possible Hero Factory equipment: Plasma Shooters, Breakout weapons, Hero Cuffs, Camouflage Badge
    --Some possible Bionicle equipment: more Kanohi, Rahkshi staffs, Vahki Staff, Piraka vision powers
    There you go. Be on the lookout for the new Coliseum soon!
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    Decided to do another Reference Roulette. I ended up with Mata Nui's sword, which was...weird, at first, but I thought of something. So, we get Towards No End.
    Fair warning: it's a bit of a downer. A real, real downer. Also a lot of the backstory/context is more implied, so that's me trying something slightly new I guess?
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    My journey through Randomized Kanto has continued. Cerulean Gym remained a Water Gym, oddly enough, while Vermilion became Ice and Celadon became Dragon. It turns out all the Gym Leaders are Cops. That will be...interesting when we the Viridian Gym becomes available. (In the Rocket Hideout, Giovanni (still Boss Giovanni) had a Rock team, so I'm wondering if that'll be the case in the Gym too?) Anyway, I made it to Fuschia. Team update:
    -Unfortunately, when Bellsprout evolved she lost Speed Boost and gained Static. I decided to put her in the box. Evolving into Victreebel didn't give her a better ability, so she's still out.
    -Nido Ran Gogh has evolved into a Nidoking with Volt Absorb. Not quite as useful for a Ground type, but it's seen some use, and it's better than Oblivious. He used Sketch to acquire Earthquake, since I wasn't sure he would learn it otherwise and that's a move a Nidoking really needs.
    -Celebi is still on the team, nothing new to report really.
    -Quilavatar remains on the team as well. Her moveset hasn't changed. I found a wild Typhlosion so now I know her ability will be Illuminate when she evolves, which is a little upsetting, but eh, we'll see.
    -Early on I caught a Ninjask with Flame Body, and now she's joined the main team. I call her Fire Fly. She knows Flash (for the time being) and tried to learn Tail Glow, so that makes it better. She's also my Cut Pokemon, but her main moves are Drill Peck and Signal Beam, which have proven more than enough.
    -I've encountered several other Pokemon now with Wonder Guard, including a Deoxys. Leaf Green makes it Defense Forme, which is fine by me: it's fitting with the ability, and I find Defense Forme the most visually appealing anyway. They know Extrasensory and Razor Leaf. As for alias, I knew it had to be Steven Universe related (Deoxys is a Gem), and after some thinking I decided to go with Opal. (Four arms, gem on chest, Razor Leaf could maybe look like an arrow flurry...)
    -The last slot is still up in the air. I just caught a Registeel with Hustle, and while my first reaction was "No", it has Steel Wing and Blaze Kick, and that combination makes me think of a Super Robot so I have to at least try it. Since they are a Super Robot, I decided they need an over the top name, such as...Eternal Scorching Skyblade! ...So, we'll see if they work out.
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    So not only was Final Fantasy V in a commercial recently, there’s going to be a new Mega Man Star Force figure this year?!
    This is amazing. I like this trend of my favorite underrated games getting nods.
    Next on the list are Sinnoh remakes and a TWEWY sequel.
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    Managed to get Kako 46 online yesterday! I've started writing 47, but it may take a while before I can post it.
    In unrelated news, a trailer for Kingdom Hearts X [chi] was released. While I do wish they had done something more for a game supposed to be set during the Keyblade War, I'm kind of excited for it.
    Hm, let's see, I already mentioned Honedge, the sword Pokemon...what else...
    Don't think I can source it here, but I am PSYCHED! The anime was so good, and I had been considering downloading the fan translation, but I can be patient a little longer I suppose. Really looking forward to this one!
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    Thanks BZP, you gave me one helpful answer so that I could break the tie of responses I got from Tumblr. Tumblr was more helpful than you what the heck that's just wrong.
    Anyway, I've begun work on The Time of the Mask Makers, a fanfic exploring the backstory and characters of Ekimu and Makuta. Again, it will almost certainly be rejected by future canon, but I'm going to try to keep it reasonably based in what we know from the winter wave of the story. I've actually got a lot worked out in my head already and am really excited to write it down, so I may be able to post it semi-regularly! That should help me feel productive for a month or two.
    Tentatively I'm planning five parts, each focusing on a specific point in time: the creation of the Masks of Power; the creation of the Mask of Control; the creation of the Mask of Creation; the establishment of the status quo described in the lore video (Ekimu being more popular than Makuta and all that), along with some other miscellaneous set-up; and, finally, the creation of the Mask of Ultimate Power, and the fateful clash between Ekimu and Makuta.
    Part one should be up real soon, so please look forward to it!
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    Obviously the only movie that's going to be worth seeing this year is Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions
    I'm not sure why you would bother wasting time on anything else
    I'm kidding of course, that point has to be made absolutely clear
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    So a new article popped up showing off Edea's new look, saying she's the leader of the Imperial Guards and will be one of the main characters of Bravely Second (though it doesn't specify if this means she'll be playable). Also there's something about judging the Asterisk Holders.
    Pretty neat.
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