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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    I’m Alola’s first ever Champion! But I couldn’t have done it without my team:
    -Boko the Decidueye! My starter, the one who’s been with me throughout my entire journey. Love this archer bird.
    -Onepu the Mudsdale! The freaking MVP of this team! Seriously, if you play Sun or Moon, get yourself a Mudbray/Mudsdale with Stamina. You will not regret it.
    -Wargoyle the Marowak! Still working out her moveset, but no one can say she isn’t reliable! Handled most of the last-minute grinding done on Mount Lanakila, too.
    -Podzilla the Golisopod! Looks awesome and hits super-hard…when she doesn’t use Emergency Exit, that is. I love her and she’s great, but that ability has caused some problems—I wish they’d given her something else.
    -Frost the Sandslash! The whole reason I got Moon. I was a little nervous about his moveset and low Special Defense, but he barreled right through those concerns and made the switch worth it!
    -Nebby the Lunala! Unfortunately I haven’t gotten to use them in battle much yet, but they’re gorgeous and we have a lot of history anyway.
    I love this game. I love Lillie, and Hau, and Hala, and Kukui, and the player’s mother…I’m starting to begrudgingly develop an appreciation for Gladion, even. Characters aren’t always a focus in Pokémon games, and I’m so glad they’re changing that. I love the Alola region and so many of the Pokémon found there. I love Z Moves. I love the story, even if it isn’t perfect. (There wasn’t any actual plotline for Type: Null, that’s one thing that disappointed me, but the main plot was really good.) That’s the most touching ending to a Pokémon game I’ve ever seen.
    There’s still plenty to do, I know, but I already feel very content. I think I’ve got a second favorite region.
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    I've been replaying Pokemon White 2 lately, wonderful game.  After beating it I lost a day or so at Pokestar Studios.  I’ve always loved this diversion, and now it’s easier to pick apart why: at the best of times, each movie tests you on/teaches you a specific combo of moves, items, or abilities that show off how deep Pokemon’s battle system can be, and success is rewarded with these charming shorts showing Pokemon in relatively unique settings and situations for the franchise.  It has a very unique appeal not replicated before or since, and honestly may provide a solid blueprint for helping more players bridge the gap from casual to competitive play.
    Unfortunately…it can also be frustrating at times.  While there’s a certain logic of act and react to the scripts, they’re not completely without randomness.  It took me four attempts to film the second time travel movie because my foe kept landing critical hits—it took six attempts to luck my way through the second Giant Woman movie.  If I choose the wrong move or dialogue option, that’s one thing, but when I make all the “correct” selections and still can’t earn the intended ending, it feels awful.  Imagine if you were playing Sudoku and there was a chance one number could suddenly change and make the puzzle unwinnable.  I also felt some of the scripts were a bit too vague to anticipate what I was meant to do, but it’s possible that’s also on me or a more expected level of trial and error; the randomness is the only design flaw I think is in serious need of being ironed out.
    You could maybe argue that the issue is lessened considering you can still screen a movie with a bad or “strange” ending, and doing the latter can even give you special benefits. (Not to mention these minigames are completely optional, save the very easy first Brycen Man movie.) However, if you want to access every movie available, you need to get the intended endings from following the script—if you want to get the most out of this system, you’re going to need to overcome the randomness where it intrudes.  Personally, I just find this a bit annoying.
    Some other miscellaneous thoughts:
    -I absolutely want this feature to return in some way, unlikely as it may be.  I really do think these sorts of missions could be scattered throughout a game (which would make them easier to do along the way, unlike forgetting about it until you’ve beaten the game like I’m prone to doing) to teach the player advanced mechanics.  And it’s just so much fun!
    -It’s odd that they bring in Sabrina and only use her for one trilogy, and that she and Brycen are the only characters from outside the studio who get to join in.  I’d like to see this expanded upon if the feature returns.
    -Should it return, I would love if they integrated it with trainer customization and let us keep costumes after completing a series.  I really want to be able to run around as the Sneasel Ninja.
    -Love and Battles 2 is loathsome.
    -The Ghost Eraser and Full Metal Cop series are tied for my favorite.  The former is very well connected and, though it falters a bit, actually encourages understanding over violence throughout in a way I didn’t expect (and involves a Ghost/Dark type with Wonder Guard before Fairy was a thing); the latter is hilarious, changes things up by giving you a villain role, and Mecha Cop gets some actual character development by the end of it.  Obviously none of these feature award-winning writing, but these series provide some neat ideas to work with.
    -I still need to do Brycen Man Strikes Back Harder, but it’s late so I wanted to wait.  Couldn’t stop myself from typing up this monstrosity, though…
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    (Thinking up new and fresh titles is hard okay)

    ! Or not, here’s a round-up: 
    -They start off by introducing a strange new Pokemon named “Type: Null”. Yes, that is apparently its name. It looks pretty darn weird too. I’m…not entirely sure what to make of this, but the Pokedex info revealed makes it sound like it’s important to lore, being constructed to fight Legendary Pokemon or something like that. I’m guessing it’ll have a form change since that helmet is a power limiter. It’s supposed to combine the abilities of numerous Pokemon, so…chimera confirmed? There is speculation of alchemy-inspired themes in the game.
    -Then they reveal Jangmo-o, a cute little Dragon Pokemon. I like how it looks, if it evolves into something cool I might try to make room for it on my team.
    -There’s also Alolan Raticate. Nothing much to say here.
    -Apparently, Sun and Moon are “set 12 hours apart”. It’s a little vague, but I’m guessing this means that Moon will actually invert the standard day/night cycle, so times that have been “day” during every game up until now will actually be “night”. This could make it easier to get certain time-based evolutions!
    -Next is a new organization called the Aether Foundation. They appear to be responsible for the man-made island seen on the Alola map, which is a Pokemon sanctuary. It’s a little too soon to get a read on them, but this could be an interesting development.
    -Team Skull has an “enforcer” named Gladion. I can’t wait to beat him up.
    -Apparently Dexio and Sina, the glorified cameos who did absolutely nothing in X and Y, appear to give you a cube that you use to collect Zygarde Cells and Cores as you explore the region. Free Perfect Zygarde?!
    -There’s a photo-taking feature in the game, and it seems very similar to the beloved Pokemon Snap (which I should probably play).
    -At the end, a new concept known as “Ultra Beasts” is teased. It’s super vague, all it does is show one such Pokemon, named “UB-01”, and its Pokedex information says it’s made of a glass-like substance, constantly shapeshifts, it’s not clear if it has an actual intelligence, but apparently “its movements resemble those of a young girl”? I really don’t know what to think. Eager to learn more, though.
    -I’ve heard that the Japanese equivalent of this trailer also shows a brief shot of a new Pokemon, a Pokemon that rather resembles Cutiefly, but no relation has been confirmed as of yet.
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    Been sick since Tuesday night. It's made for an interesting finals week, haha...
    Not done yet, though. My school is doing this weird thing with the schedule, so I have one last exam on Monday. I've got a good feeling about that, though. I just need to finish my last assignment first.
    I'm really going to miss that class. Several unexpected topics came up, culminating in the teacher actually Rickrolling us on the last normal class day. Good times...
    Oh, but I want to apologize--I haven't been at the peak of mental functioning, so I want to apologize for any mistakes I've made or things I may have flat-out skipped. (I'll get to those tasks soon, I promise.)
    So the other day it was announced that an upcoming episode of Pokemon Smash would have a great deal of X and Y info. Today, we're getting CoroCoro leaks! Good things come even if you don't wait, I suppose. Technically speaking, none of it is confirmed yet, so it should probably be taken with a grain of salt. However, the source I'm looking at is generally quite reliable, and if it is official, then I am now full-on excited for Gen VI.
    (Don't think I can give the source on BZP, sorry. I definitely recommend looking into it, though.)
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    Aw, there goes the records of my awesome Pokemans...
    Well, here's what they look like now. All Level 80.
    Gali the Greninja
    Triffid the Venusaur
    Celsius the Aurorus
    Ultima the Aegislash
    Friend Code is 3394 - 3629 - 6029. Don't know what my Friend Safari looks like, though.
  6. Pahrak Model ZX

    My thoughts:
    -As someone who's still salty about how long it took to get anything more than names with Sun and Moon, I'm glad they showed actual footage, the starters, and the region
    -Graphics/areas look real good
    -The full direct mentions something about people and Pokemon working together to shape the industries of the region, and that sounds like it could be real interesting
    -Looking at the Galar region map...this is probably based on a real place, but at a glance it just feels artificially linear. I'm guessing you start at the south and just keep going north until you beat the game? Not a deal breaker, but I'm hoping there's more to the region that when they showed here.
    -The starters all look kinda the same. And bad.
    -I don't see Pokemon following the trainers...
    At this point, I'm not impressed. I really, really hope those starter designs aren't indicative of the overall design aesthetic of Gen 8 Pokemon. There seem to be a lot of returning Pokemon in the trailer, so I'm optimistic for a smaller amount of new Pokemon with a lot of returning favorites in the regional Dex, and that's how I like my Dexes. Ideally I would like more Mega Evolutions, but I won't riot if we don't. I might riot if we don't get new regional variants, though.
    Happy Pokemon Day, I guess?
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    is out for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon! Key points: 
    -The mascots are, as theorized, Necrozma having absorbed Solgaleo/Lunala. The forms are referred to as Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings, respectively, and enable usage of Solgaleo and Lunala’s signature moves.
    -The special Rockruff has the ability Own Tempo, and knows special moves which differ slightly between US and UM. It evolves into Dusk Lycanroc when hitting level 25 between 5 and 6 PM (that’s such a narrow window argh). There’s also an exclusive Z Move for Lycanroc—all forms too, not just Dusk—called Splintered Stormshards, which looks pretty cool. It also cancels Terrain effects!
    -Something that’s both unexpected and sort of expected: two brand new Pokémon were shown! Both are Ultra Beasts, currently codenamed Assembly and Burst, but that’s basically all we know about them. Well, that and that they’re exclusive. Burst is in US, Assembly is in UM. Guess I need both version after all! Hahahahaughh…I mean I was probably going to do it anyway, but it’d be nice to not need to.
    In related news, it’s been revealed that if you get VC Gold or Silver you’ll get a special 3DS theme and a Celebi for your Gen VII games! Sort of tempted to put that on the team now…well, actually, I guess I need an Ultra Moon team now so I can just add it to that!
    Makes me wonder if any other new Pokémon will be added to USUM—especially Mythicals. Gen VII might last longer than I was fearing, so that’s some good news.
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    I don't know why I don't see more people excited for this game, just look at the roster we've got so far:
    -Pikachu (and Pikachu Libre)
    -Mewtwo (and Shadow Mewtwo)
    And you get to control them all directly. To beat the poffins out of each other. With their fists (or whatever they have in place of fists).
    Like forget Pokemon Go I just want Pokken Tournament.
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    Canis suggested adding more fanon RoboRiders to the Coliseum. A while back I worked out a second team of RoboRiders, so I decided I'd combine those ideas with the ones Canis mentioned to put up a few options.
    -Toxin: FanonRider associated with Poison. This guy carries guns that can shoot streams of poison or acid. (Credit to Canis)
    -Gale: FanonRider associated with Air. She can fly using focused wind current and shoot enemies from a distance with her bow. (Credit to Canis)
    -Wave: FanonRider associated with Water who can float on water due to the special properties of her wheels. Carries a harpoon gun. (Credit to Canis)
    -Alloy: FanonRider associated with Metal, has twin maces she wields in battle and can deploy spikes from her wheels to boost their damage or cling to any surface.
    -Gray: FanonRider associated with Psionics. Her weapons are buzzsaws that can shoot cutting blasts of mental energy.
    -Ion: FanonRider associated with Lightning. She doesn’t wield a proper weapon, but she can shoot solid bolts of lightning like throwing knives. (Thinking she might be redundant now that Power has Lightning powers?)
    -Demi: FanonRider associated with Gravity. For weapons she uses twin hammers, and she is able to fly by manipulating her own gravity. (Redundant now that Virus Rider has Gravity powers?)
    And I was also considering FanonRiders associated with Sonics, Light, and Shadow, but I haven't got anything concrete on those yet. Maybe I went a little overboard with giving them special abilities...well, any thoughts? Any you'd like to see entered in to the Coliseum?
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    “Technic Fighting Series” is long-winded and bland but this isn’t really Coliseum or Tournament and it’s definitely not Warzone so I didn’t know how else to get the point across, ANYWAY.
    I’m thinking of taking another crack at this series with Technic Survival, not in any way influenced by the current Dragon Ball arc I don’t know where you’re getting that, but I’m very hesitant. Mainly because the idea here is team vs team, and to do that I’ll need a decent number of players, which I’m not sure I can draw in. Heck, because of that, my thought process was that we’d have a sign-up period, then I’d decide on the size and number of teams and have people pick slots as a secondary sign-up phase, which feels complicated but kind of necessary. Obviously the teams would be different constraction themes; each team would have a select few characters, and players would select who they want to manage. So for a G1 team, we’d probably have characters like Tahu, Kopaka, and Gali as fighters to work with.
    The team aspect is that each team shares a pool of items and currency, and at the start of each round they need to get together and determine what they’re going to buy, and which fighters will be using which of their items that round. (Team PMs will be provided of course.) Maybe they could also give suggestions to each other on how to proceed in battle? But the downside comes in why this is called “Survival”: when a team accumulates enough losses amongst them (I’m thinking twice their number of fighters, so if a team of three hits 6 losses), that entire team is eliminated from the game. We keep going until only one team remains.
    I should probably get to the combat system, since it’s been completely revamped from previous entries in the series. Like in Coliseum, we’ve got stats, though I’m thinking the manager will get to decide the spread, and the stats in question have changed. Now it’s down to just Muscle (for physical attacks), Spirit (for elemental attacks), and Stamina (essentially health). When a match begins, players will take turns executing maneuvers—let’s say Player 1 starts with a Muscle-based maneuver, like “Tahu will swing his sword”. I’ll compare Tahu and his foe’s Muscle stats and RNG a number, decide how damage is dealt, and then Player 2 gets their turn. Maybe “Kopaka fires a blast of ice,” which means I’ll compare Spirit stats and RNG a number. As for how that RNG is going to work…
    Let’s start at the baseline, or how the RNG would work if both fighters had an equal stat. I’ll RNG a number 1 through 5, with these results: 1 (attacker loses 3 stamina), 2 (attacker loses 1 stamina), 3 (both lose 1 stamina), 4 (target loses 1 stamina), 5 (target loses 3 stamina). Having a difference naturally modifies these values—for example, let’s say Tahu has 12 Muscle and Kopaka only has 10. There’s a difference of 2 in Tahu’s favor, so if he attacks using Muscle, I’ll RNG a number 1 through 7, with these results: 1 (attacker loses 3 stamina), 2 (attacker loses 1 stamina), 3 (both lose 1 stamina), 4 (target loses 1 stamina), 5 (target loses 2 stamina), 6 (target loses 2 stamina), 7 (target loses 3 stamina). The point advantage adds chances for middling damage. Naturally, if Tahu’s Muscle was lower, he’d gain chances that his attack would backfire and cause middling damage to him.
    The goal of a fight is to reduce your opponent’s Stamina to 0 using these maneuvers. I’d also like to have players lose 1 stamina for every post they make, to add a sort of time limit to these battles. In addition, after I post the results of a maneuver, the other player will have 24 hours to respond—if they do not, their opponent gets a free shot (2 damage) and it becomes their turn again.
    When a battle is over, the winner receives Widgets equal to [10 X s], where “s” is the number of Stamina points they lost over the course of the battle. (You won’t get much for an easy win, but a narrow victory will grant a huge payoff.) Widgets can be spent on items which grant their users stat buffs and passive effects. The loser gets 3 stat points to be allocated as their manager sees fit. While this does allow the loser to get a permanent increase, remember that items can be passed amongst a team, so they have an extra degree of versatility.
    Other ideas I could implement to spice this up:
    -I’d like to give each fighter a unique passive ability, but I don’t know how many I’ll have to come up with so I can’t be sure if this is feasible. Maybe a specific ability for each theme?
    -Different choices for maneuvers, like Feint or Defend (which would probably have an additional benefit of nullifying the stamina drain for that post). These along with standard attacks would probably have a rock-paper-scissors relationship.
    -And of course items are a whole thing. Some of the stronger ones will need to have drawbacks, so I’ll need to balance those.
    -I suppose I should consider bringing back trainers, but this might interfere with the balance of giving winners Widgets and losers stat points.
    -I should probably also try to think of further perks for team play. Maybe…team mates can make posts during your turn shouting encouragement, and that activates an RNG with a chance of giving a one-turn increase to the stat you’re using?
    Hm. Again, to properly have a team vs team game, I’m going to need players, and I’m not convinced this will attract numbers comparable to Mafia and Realms. Of course, the more players, the longer each round, and the more work I’m going to have to do…a co-host could help, but there’s potential for confusion there, plus one fewer interested member to serve as a player. And my gosh, what if after the signup period I try to figure out the team size to make them all equal and find out we have a prime number of players?!
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    Things that need to be done for Divine Strength: improve characters, settle on worldbuilding details, structure plot, actual work
    Things I’m focusing on for Divine Strength: the Queen of Light’s hair color
    Yeah. The idea is that some Queens, when their body is charged with magic during the fusion of the human soul and the deity soul, have their hair color altered to a specific color. In the case of the Queen of Light, that color changes over the course of her life, acting as a gauge for how much of her natural lifespan is left. It starts out red, then shifts to orange after a few years, then on to yellow, green, blue, indigo, and finally violet for the years leading up to her death. The origin of this idea was stupid, but I feel like it’s interesting (if possibly silly) so I wanted to keep it. Plus, the novel plot involves a way for the Queens to lose their power, and I like the idea of the color draining from Light’s hair to show this.
    But recently I remembered that violet light has more energy and red light has less, so now I’m thinking it might make more sense to reverse the order above. That way it looks like the energy is gradually seeping away over time instead of intensifying for some reason. Of course, I’m always hesitant to make changes, and this would mean the Queen of Light in the novel will have purple or indigo or blue hair, which seems a lot more…anime. And that could be detrimental. (Then again, I’m already saying the Queen of the Sea has hair the color of the ocean, so…)
    Well, while I’m at it: I have an idea for the next chapter of Beyond Ruin. Rather than focusing on Light and Sea like I previously said, I’m thinking of doing something with Land (with appearances from Sky and Knowledge) to test out that one concept I was talking about, that the Magic of the World reacts to people’s feelings and beliefs. I just need to find the motivation to write it, which is something I’m really just not feeling lately…so, no clue when it’ll be up, but it’s in the works I guess.
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    So Technic Tournament 3 & Knuckles should be good to go, and I guess I'm just about ready to host it.
    I'll make another post with the official date once I pick it, but for now, does first week of February sound like a good time to shoot for?
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    Yep, I think I've got it just about finalized!
    -You may notice that there's a "Bioni-Lords Game Reference Post" here on this blog; that's what most of the links in the VRHS starting post will lead to. If there are any suggestions you have regarding that post, please let me know here.
    -I've decided that side-quests will involve going to a specific location, fighting three battles, and then answering a trivia question about any of Lego's buildable action figure lines. Don't worry, I don't plan on going too in-depth into any of them; even Bionicle trivia will be a little on the easy side.
    -The Chain Rule regarding Parasite type Spirits is in the reference post if you want to see it.
    -Also, I decided to throw in a Revival Rule: Some Spirits have the ability to revive a Spirit that has lost all FE. When a Spirit is revived, it takes up an additional slot for that battle. So, if you can use three Spirits in one battle, one is defeated, and your second Spirit is able to revive that first Spirit, you lose the ability to use a third Spirit in that battle. If the first Spirit is defeated again, you cannot revive it because you have no unused Spirit slots to exchange for the revival. If you have another Spirit slot, however, you can revive the Spirit again. (Not sure I've explained it clearly...any thoughts?)
    -Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Next week I'll post the latest draft of the VRHS starting post for last-minute feedback, and then I'll try to post it on...June 11th, maybe? I know it sounds far away, but I'm only putting it off because I'll be gone for the weekend immediately prior to that date, and I don't have anything planned for what to do with the game when I go on vacation.
    Exo's Desk has been updated with a bit of Kako info. It's not completely up-to-date, but I'm hoping to finish the updates soon. Also...I may add more Characters pages to make navigating them a little easier...
    Plus, I have a handful of new Spirits to put on the Spirit Index! I made the Marvel Ultrabuild sets into Spirits, and I decided to just go ahead and make the Korra Spirit anyway...there are a few others, but you'll see.
    Speaking of Korra:
    Korra thoughts, may contains spoilers and cabbages:
    -Why are bathrooms mentioned in every episode...?
    -Oh no...the Equalists have Magitek Armor!! Who opened the portal to the Final Fantasy VI world?!
    -Glad Lin and Tenzin do more fighting.
    -Those Equalisits sure love their tazers...
    -And I'm guessing that by the end of the series, someone, either Lin or Korra, will figure out how to bend platinum.
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    Hm, I have these projects that I should be working on, things people are actually waiting for me to make progress on.
    But what if, instead of doing those, I think up a completely new idea!
    …I swore I was going to get more writing done yesterday, and instead I get the bright idea to do a massive crossover story and fixate on the brainstorming process until 2 AM. So now I have to share what I’ve got, partially to see if anyone’s interested and partially to publicly shame myself for it.
    Okay, so there were a bunch of series I thought about mashing together to see what happened, but I’m not so good with lots of characters so I narrowed it down to seven universes, which is still a lot but I have an excuse reason. The ones I’ve settled on are The Legend of Korra, Bionicle, Dragon Ball Z/Super, Kingdom Hearts, Mega Man Star Force, Steven Universe, and The World Ends With You. My plot idea at the moment is that Cell and Xemnas cross paths and go to search out multidimensional Dragon Balls (one for each of the seven universes), and as this goes on, Neku, Steven, Korra, (G1) Pohatu, and Geo band together to stop them.
    Like I said, publicly shaming myself.
    It got worse when I started thinking about who Neku would have to form a pact with and who may or may not get a Keyblade, this is such a terrible idea and I am trash and I want it to happen.
    But now that that’s done, I’m going to try to shut up and do some actual work before leaving for work.
    …That sounds a little odd, doesn’t it?
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    Haha remember when I started Shooting Star Sonia and I said I would try not to take too long between chapters and then didn’t get anything done with it since I posted the first chapter about two months ago
    WELL, I finally finished Chapter 2! I have some concerns about it, but hopefully I’ll figure out what needs work as I keep going, and then I can always go back and revise later. This begins the episodic “Attack of the FM-ians!” format, and it also introduces the supporting cast and talks about/alludes to some backstory, both from the actual game and what has been changed. Also it’s a lot longer. Like, about twice as long as Chapter 1. Part of me feels like I should break it up a bit more, but each FM-ian episode provides a natural point of separation, so, eh, I guess most of the chapters will just end up being long.
    Hopefully I’ll get Chapter 3 done sooner. Over the course of writing this last chapter I began to put more thought into characters and sub-plots, so I think I might be starting to pick up steam. I’ve also been considering marathoning the anime to give me some inspiration, but, who knows.
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    After letting the document sit for longer than I should have, I finally wrote more of Divine Strength, and now things are actually getting somewhere. Chapter 2 featured the Queen of Light finding Riniyon's lair and discovering that he has created a spell capable of knocking a Queen's crown from her head--something that should be impossible. I didn't post this bit since the basics are in one of the short stories I wrote while I was forming the idea.
    I have, however, posted my rough draft of Chapter 3. This covers the battle between Riniyon and the Queen, and then shows the Queen of the Sea in person while we're told what's going to happen next. The meeting between all twelve Queens is also in one of the short stories, so I might not be posting that either.
    I feel like maybe I'm moving through this too quickly...although part of that might be because I haven't really planned much (if anything) beyond the point where the short stories stop. I know that a lot of accomplished writers will just write and see what happens, but I'm a little nervous to proceed when I don't have at least a plot skeleton planned out. Then again, that process didn't turn up a whole lot of satisfying results for me now did it, eheheh...
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    If, like me, you’re already thinking of which Pokemon you want to use when you get Gold or Silver on Virtual Console, I highly recommend checking someplace like Bulbapedia or Serebii to see where in those games those Pokemon can be caught, and where you can get the items necessary to evolve them. You just may be disappointed.
    I first became aware of this when I thought this would finally be my chance to try out a Tyranitar. But as it turns out, Larvitar can only be caught at Mt. Silver…which you can only access after beating all 16 gyms, so…that’s not gonna work. And granted, Tyranitar is a pseudo-legendary, so that can’t be indicative of restrictions on other Pokemon, right?
    Oddly enough, any Pokemon that needs a stone to evolve is pretty out of luck. The only way to get Leaf, Thunder, Fire, or Water Stones is to show specific Pokemon to Bill’s grandpa, who lives in Kanto. You can only get a Sun Stone by placing first in the Bug Catching Contest. Your best bet is a Moon Stone, which your mom might buy with your savings, or you can pick one up in Tohjo Falls right before you head for the League. So much for using Jolteon and NIdoqueen.
    And I wasn’t really seriously considering it, but: Slugma. A brand new Gen II Pokemon. Can only be caught in Kanto. What.
    To say nothing of movesets, that’s an entirely different thing that I’ve only scratched the surface of. My point is, I advise you to double check these things now so you won’t be surprised when you’re playing the game. I know it would’ve thrown me for a loop.
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    Admittedly, I have fallen behind on Bioni-Lords work, but that's mainly because I've been trying not to fall behind on school work (or Final Fantasy...). I did finish a new Spirit the other day, though--I have a handful prepared that I just need to put online when I get the time. The King of Tahnok is one of them, but he isn't quite finished, so...I think I'll just put a placeholder on the list, despite how much I try to avoid doing that.
    Related to that, a while ago Keizah suggested that I put together a glossary of terms used in the Bioni-Spirit files to make them easier to understand, and when I get the time I fully intend to do that, and while I do have a few ideas of what should be better defined, I thought I should ask you all what you think should be included? What have you seen on the Spirit Index that confuses you? Please share these with me so that I can fully explain them in the upcoming glossary.
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    Hypothetically, if you were going to read a fanfic elaborating on the backstory of Ekimu and Makuta, would you rather see it take place in the Region of Earth or the Region of Water (for at least the first few chapters)?
    Because I may or may not be planning a short epic that will almost certainly be torn to shreds by future canon and I need to decide where they grew up.
    Hypothetically of course.
  20. Pahrak Model ZX
    I just posted Sekai Chapter 111, which begins the Volt-Isle arc. Selina takes on Thunder-Lord Tonnira.
    The websites have been updated, too. Although I now have a few more Spirits who should be on the list soon...ish.
    I've written out the entire Volt-Isle arc, which goes through Chapter 118, and I'm almost done with Chapter 119, which is the only chapter of the Lost Continent 11 arc. Chapter 120 will start Draco-Isle.
    We also have a Technic Coliseum tournament going on right now, which has potential for some interesting matches. Once this tournament is over we'll be recruiting the Vahki, the "Fire Villains", and Evo and Nex (1.0), plus we'll be getting the Core Transplant which will let Hero Factory heroes upgrade to 2.0.
    I haven't done work in Forgotten Bond for a little while, trying to wait until I get a really good idea of how things need to proceed. Hopefully I can continue it soon.
  21. Pahrak Model ZX
    I didn’t really have anything planned, so I figured I’d just ramble in this entry. People still ramble in blog entries, right?
    Well, I did enter the new FFFC with “Woe Betide.” It features the Av-Matoran who built Toa Canisters in Karzahni, since that seemed like the best idea I had after a bit of brainstorming. Since multiple entries can be made, I want to try and come up with another story, and while I do have a few ideas, I’m not sure if they’re relevant or if I can get a good story out of them. Speaking of stories, I’ve made progress on the new chapter of Kako. It’s not quite done yet, but I’m hoping to get it up soon. I also did a little work on VRHS and Order Rebuilt, but nothing substantial.
    As I was going through my bin of Bionicle pieces to reassemble my sets, I realize that I’ve lost and broken more pieces than I had formerly thought. My poor Panrahk is running around without a head, and Guurahk and Lerahk are in worse shape than that. Not to mention I haven’t seen Onua Nuva’s Quake Breakers since before I joined BZP…I should purchase some replacements online. Of course, that’s not really a “responsible” use of money, and I was already irresponsible enough to pre-order Pokémon Y when it doesn’t come out until October…
    Oh, that reminds me, they finally released the password to unlock Meloetta’s data in the non-Japanese versions Pokedex 3D Pro! Really hoping that they provide a downloadable update to that for the Gen VI games—I really like this Pokedex and I want to continue using it. It sounds pretty simple, so here’s hoping. Speaking of Gen VI, when do we get more news? I get greedy with new video game info, eheheh…moving on. I guess they’ve also been talking a lot about Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, or as I like to call it, XIII-3. Kind of on the fence on if I want to buy it, but I do think it’s interesting they’re bringing back Inns…and introducing HP-restoring meals such as “Gysahl Salad”. For some reason that name entertains me far more than it should. They also announced an iOS and Android port of Final Fantasy V, one of my favorites in the series. I’m very glad it’ll be getting more exposure, but the “updated” graphics look a little…odd to me. Ah well—don’t have a smartphone, so I guess it doesn’t really apply to me, huh? I just want Final Fantasy V to be recognized for its brilliance. It’s so often overlooked…
    Hm…well, if anyone’s interested I finally started watching Doctor Who on Netflix a while ago. It’s slow progress since my sister insists I not watch it without her, and we have some difficulty finding time when we’re not busy and are able to secure use of the TV. Still, it’s actually less awkward to argue with and ask questions to the television when there’s someone else there. To distract myself from my desire to marathon the whole thing on my own, I think I’m going to try watching some new anime soon. A friend of mine has been talking about Steins;Gate for a while, so I think I’ll start with that. Any other suggestions are welcome. And on the topic of shows, Monday’s new episode of Adventure Time will probably reduce me to a blubbering puddle of tears. Especially since, right before it, they’re re-airing the last episode that reduced me to a blubbering puddle of tears. Can’t wait for that. Also kinda wondering when the next Book of Legend of Korra is going to come out, but I’m trying to be patient. By that, I mean I’m thinking about it as little as humanly possible. Because otherwise I wouldn’t have any patience, since what we’ve been told so far sounds pretty freaking awesome. But I understand that good work takes time, and I have no doubt the result will be well-worth the wait. And yes, that’s also how I feel about Sherlock Series 3. Which I’m also looking forward to.
    Well that went longer than I expected. Maybe it’s too long…
  22. Pahrak Model ZX
    This post contains spoilers for Steins;Gate…and a lot of nonsense!
    I’m disappointed that they never really properly explained Kyouma’s Reading Steiner.
    I understand that everyone possesses Reading Steiner, and that its level of strength varies from person to person. Kyouma, then, possesses a very strong Reading Steiner.
    But, is this something that just is, or is there a reason for it?
    Was it always like this, or was it something that developed?
    We know that, during 2000, Kyouma came down with a severe fever that produced sensations comparable to Reading Steiner’s activation. Since 2000 is a point of great divergence, that could be offered as an explanation, but since he did not experience a similar effect during 2010, another period of great divergence, that cannot be considered a complete explanation.
    So, did he just develop Reading Steiner (to its full potential) do to being exposed to such a time of great divergence for the first time? Or did he experience these feelings because he experienced a worldline shift, and his body, being less developed due to his age, had a much more adverse reaction to it?
    There’s also the obvious disadvantage that Kyouma does not form new memories when shifting worldlines—for simplicity’s sake, let’s call this “Writing Steiner.” Since Reading Steiner has a varying level of strength, it is possible that Kyouma does have a Writing Steiner, just an incredibly weak one; but since he has absolutely no new memories after any of his (numerous) worldline shifts, I think it’s safe to assume that he simply lacks this function.
    Was Kyouma born without a Writing Steiner? If so, this could be seen as some sort of cognitive (if that’s even the right classification) defect.
    Alternatively, he could have been born with a Writing Steiner but lost it later on. It has been seen that remembering multiple worldlines can put great stress on an individual. Perhaps, after the incident in 2000 (be it a worldline shift or something else), the stress put upon Kyouma due to possessing both a Writing Steiner and a strong Reading Steiner caused his body (soul?) to sacrifice Writing Steiner as a way of resolving the conflict?
    Or I could just be completely wrong on all of this. I really don’t know.
    But back to the 2000 incident.
    Let’s assume that Kyouma’s fever in 2000 took place on the Beta worldline. This would be the same worldline where Suzuha, from 2036, went to 1975, 2000, and finally 2010. That would mean that Suzuha arrived in the same time frame as Kyouma’s fever. We don’t know the exact length of time Suzuha was in 2000. I do not recall if we were told exactly how long Kyouma’s fever lasted, however…
    But, this presents a new possibility: Suzuha’s presence in 2000 could be related to Kyouma’s fever in the same year. Whether it’s as close as the fever appearing when Suzuha did and disappearing when she left, we don’t know, but even if it’s not that fixed, there could still be a relation.
    I see 3 possible ways these events could be connected:
    -If the fever was the result of a worldline shift, then Suzuha’s time travel could be what caused that worldline shift. This seems perfectly logical considering what we know.
    -Something about the time machine’s presence had an unforeseen side effect on Kyouma. There isn’t really much evidence for this, though.
    -Similar to the previous possibility, but what if it was intentional? Before his death in 2025, Kyouma understood Reading Steiner well enough to create the Divergence Meter, which is said to work on the same basic principle. Taking that into consideration, it is also possible that he incorporated some element into the design of Suzuha’s time machine that, when it arrived in the year 2000, targeted the young Kyouma and affected him in some way. This could mean that 2025 Kyouma intentionally gave 2000 Kyouma his high-level Reading Steiner (and/or destroyed his Writing Steiner, if my earlier hypothesis is correct). It’s entirely reasonable that this could be a component of 2025 Kyouma’s “Operation Skuld”, and since 2025 Kyouma’s advanced knowledge of Reading Steiner is established fact, this provides some elbow room for the lack of proof in a way.
    Just some food for thought, I guess. I wish I had a point to reach, eheheh…
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