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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    I did another Reference Roulette an ended up with the Rahkshi page. I knew I wanted to do something with Melding Rahkshi, but I wasn't sure what, then I reminded myself the point isn't to write something good so I just wrote up what came to mind tried a few more times and came up with The Principle of the Thing. I'm in the habit of making blog posts whenever I do a new story, though.
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    I was hoping to get Chapter 9 of Shooting Star Sonia done within a month of 8's posting, and thank God, I was able to do just that! ...Cutting it close, of course. But the chapter is up!
    The thing is, um...it's long. Like, even longer than Chapter 2 long. Hopefully it turned out better than Chapter 2, though--that one feels like a bit of a mess, with a bit too much crammed in for so early, and me still trying to feel out how I was going to adapt each scenario. There's a lot going on in 9, but by this point there kind of has to be, and I think each thing happening feels more important and tied together than the things in 2.
    So, let's see, this one adapts the Ophiuca scenario, with Wolfe briefly involved to cut down on NPCs and another character here to space their arc out just a little more. Things happen a little differently here than in other chapters, and it ends with one of those ominous scenes that reveals what one or two shady figures are up to. It took me a while to feel like I had a grip on Ophiuca's character (*insert snake joke*), but I think I like how she came out in the end.
    Now if I can just get Chapter 10 done this month, I'll have 10 chapters in month 10...it sounds weird but that's something that I've been shooting for, don't judge me I'm gonna try to make it work to my advantage. I might even get to 13 in month 12, then I'll be ahead of the game!!
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    There's a fine line between "callback" and "rehash" and it sounds like we might've crossed it
    Also Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan is such a mouthful I get what they were going for but Super Saiyan God 2 would've flowed better
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    "My name is Kytan Ikhav...and this is the story of how I became the 10th Level Bioni-Lord."
    20 years before Khadaz's quest, the Ikhav Trilogy both begins...and concludes.
    "She was killed...for no reason at all, she was killed! And there's NOTHING I can do about it!!"
    The tale of the previous generation is one of heartbreak and fractured brotherhood.
    "I WILL have my revenge, whether you help me or not. Stay out of my way, Genakex...or I won't hesitate to kill you."
    Learn the reason for Kytan's madness. See the cause of the misery he sought to share with the world.
    "Anything to get her back. I'll commit genocide against every living species before I give up."
    Bioni-Lords Book 3: Kako
    "Just one more time...I wanted us all to be together."

    Complete the cycle.

    Coming Soon

    Tentative Preview Schedule: (Subject to change)
    Preview 1--December 2nd
    Preview 2--December 9th
    Preview 3--December 16th
    Preview 4--December 23rd
    Possible Preview 5--December 30th
    If the schedule should change, I'll make a blog post informing everyone.
    An update on the new Spirit Index--it's complete through #1000, so it'll hopefully be done relatively soon. After that, we have some new Spirits to add!
    I might make another blog post or two about Kako info before the Book begins. I'd like to properly introduce a few characters in addition to showing them in Previews, and I might want to make some hints about the King Bohrok who are involved in Kako's plot...
    On an unrelated note, BIONICLE: The Forgotten Bond is about 70% typed! I may have to put off typing more until this semester is over, but I should have a release date soon enough. Keep your eyes open in January!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    So my sister and I are going to be away at an anime convention this Thursday through Sunday. I don’t expect to be on much until we get back, I’ll be a little busy burning money and hiding in the back of panel rooms, also my sister is actually running a panel and has invited me to join her at the Panel Runner Table and I’m excited to do that again. This is the fourth time she’s run the panel (in less than a year) and the second time I’ve gotten to go. The name is “Worst (and Funniest) Dubbed Songs”, so you can imagine why I enjoy it. (YA-YO YAAA-YOOOOO) For whatever reason there are also a fair number of writing panels (some fanfic-specific and some not), and that’s pretty neat; maybe it’ll motivate me to do more work on those fanfics I’m trying to get out!
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    For some reason I got hooked on the idea of a Kingdom Hearts AU where everyone is a Gem and like
    -Everyone already has a weapon they can summon out of nowhere so that’s done
    -Heartless are Gems that have been corrupted, and the Keyblade is the only thing that can restore them to their former self
    -Nobodies are the projected bodies of Gems that have been left behind when their gemstone is stolen/corrupted
    -Lion as a Dream Eater
    -Drive Forms being Gem Fusions
    -Xehanort fusing with Terra and taking full control like Malachite
    -Xehanort being able to manipulate gemstones without fatally damaging them, enabling him to take fragments of his gemstone and put them into other Gems to take control of them, and split Ventus’s gemstone in two to create Vanitas
    -Implications that a shard of Master Eraqus’s gemstone has been absorbed into Terra’s gemstone
    -Gummi Ship battle against Master Hand ship
    -Land of Departure/Castle Oblivion being a Gem Temple one can reformat with the Master's Defender
    -I don’t know it just struck me as a really cool thing
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    Thanks BZP, you gave me one helpful answer so that I could break the tie of responses I got from Tumblr. Tumblr was more helpful than you what the heck that's just wrong.
    Anyway, I've begun work on The Time of the Mask Makers, a fanfic exploring the backstory and characters of Ekimu and Makuta. Again, it will almost certainly be rejected by future canon, but I'm going to try to keep it reasonably based in what we know from the winter wave of the story. I've actually got a lot worked out in my head already and am really excited to write it down, so I may be able to post it semi-regularly! That should help me feel productive for a month or two.
    Tentatively I'm planning five parts, each focusing on a specific point in time: the creation of the Masks of Power; the creation of the Mask of Control; the creation of the Mask of Creation; the establishment of the status quo described in the lore video (Ekimu being more popular than Makuta and all that), along with some other miscellaneous set-up; and, finally, the creation of the Mask of Ultimate Power, and the fateful clash between Ekimu and Makuta.
    Part one should be up real soon, so please look forward to it!
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    I wanted to do at least a few more short things fleshing out certain ideas relevant to the Olkir project, and one of the first things that came to mind was Kardata. Since the martial arts style is basically the Fire Tribe’s sole claim to fame, it’s going to turn up a lot even if it isn’t strictly plot relevant, so I definitely should hammer out basics before I get much deeper. I was originally going to post it here in this blog, but then I thought putting it in short stories and then continuing to advertise here would help give Olkir some more exposure, so…
    The Principles of Flame can be read over in short stories! It’s roughly 1000 words long, and shows a Kardata Master explaining some of the basics to a new group of students, plus gives an idea of Kardata uniforms and ranks. (Still figuring out how exactly to word the description of the robe to get the image I have in my head, so the one presented here might seem a bit vague.)
    I have another idea in mind too. I’ve got a concept I think you’ll find very interesting, involving masks, some 06 characters, and an excuse to show more elemental weapons in use. Stay tuned!
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    In Our Bones, The Third Break, is live!
    So, this is the midpoint. Our main focus here is on the battle between the Skull Basher and a certain Protector. I tried to have Basher show some other ways the mystic art might be used, since that’s something I can expand on in the future. The consequences of this fight will lead directly into the climax, and there’s also a little hinting towards what will be delved into a bit more next week.
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    I mentioned cycle-type things in my last post, but now I'm thinking that might not be accurate...so, for lack of a better term, here's some Ikhav Trilogy Trivia!
    Amy, Hyohana, and Xyla, the major love interests in their respective Books, have a lot of trivia surrounding them.
    -The order of the Books they're most important in is also the alphabetical order of their names. (Book 1 Amy, Book 2 Hyohana, Book 3 Xyla)
    -Each one specializes in an Element that is a different state of water. Amy (Water/liquid) and Hyohana (Ice/solid) are obvious--Xyla is more of a stretch (Air/vapor). When deciding on what Element Xyla would specialize in, I noticed this and decided to go ahead with it.
    -Between the three of them, they cover the three major 'categories' of natural hair colors: blonde/white (Hyohana), black/brown (Xyla), and red (Amy).
    -All three are tied to important Spirits (Amy allies with Jeune Ange, Hyohana is the daughter of Gahu-Ice, Xyla *removed for spoiler reasons*)
    -Their initial attitude towards the man they eventually marry is progressively worse--Amy was nice to Khadaz from the beginning, Hyohana started with a neutral opinion of Kharuun but eventually grew to like him, and Xyla starts out just plain hating Genakex.
    Genakex, Khadaz, and Kharuun, the reasons why I call this the Ikhav Trilogy, have a little bit of trivia.
    -The chronological order of the Books they're most important in is also the alphabetical order of their names (Book 3 Genakex, Book 1 Khadaz, Book 2 Kharuun)
    -All of them know sentient Spirits, each one with chronologically newer origins (Genakex knows Exo-Pahrak Kal Titan (origin to be revealed later), Khadaz knows Vinxeng (who is a normal Bioni-Spirit younger than Titan), Kharuun knows Zadakh TP (who was scientifically altered--a reasonably new process)
    -I also feel that their chronological order is the same order as how flawed their characters are--I'm trying to put strong character flaws in Genakex, Khadaz has some fairly mild flaws, and Kharuun...not so much.
    Some trivia on important Spirit groups...
    -The allies of Les Quatre Freres de Lame who appear in Book 3 are planned to appear in the same order as the allies in the Gathering covered in Books 1 and 2, although the Freres themselves will not.
    -Also, the new Freres will have names that are similar to the Freres we are already familiar with.
    -The number of each Book in the Trilogy is the same number of special Spirit groups seen in it (Book 1 only has Les Quatre Freres de Lame, Book 2 has the Freres and the Twilight Guardians, and Book 3 will have the Freres, the Guardians (to a very small extent), and the King Bohrok)
    -As the timeline progresses, the special group introduced in each Book has an increased level of purpose (the Kings serve themselves, the Freres serve destiny, and the Guardains serve an undisclosed high power)
    And finally, Kytan's importance decreses as the timeline moves along: he's a main character in Book 3, in the background but still important for most of Book 1, and virtually entriely background in Book 2. However, he does appear as 'the 10th Level Bioni-Lord' at the end of all three Books.
    That's all I've got for trivia so far. If I think of anything else I'll let you know.
    I'm planning on updating the Spirit Index this week, so be on the lookout for that!
    Forgotten Bond is still going, and we're finally incorporating the RoboRiders!
    As I mentioned before, I'm taking a class on writing this semester, and I'm planning to use Bioni-Lords for some of the prompts. I'll probably share some of these with you guys through blog posts (because I'm running out of ideas on what to say lol).
    I think that's it, so have a nice week!
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    You may have noticed that I made a rather significant change to my display name. The reason is this, in case you're wondering.
    (And because Lexaeus has a power level of OVER 9000!!)
    In other Kingdom Hearts news, KH3D comes out on Tuesday!! So yeah, I'll be more or less disappearing off the face of the Internet until I beat it. Should take a week at most. In that time I will do my best to continue writing Kako and whatnot...also making tons of Bioni-Spirits based on Dream Eaters. Fun stuff.
    Kako is now caught up, meaning the wait time will only increase. Sorry. Later today I'll update Exo's Desk so that it's caught up through the Onu-Isle arc. The Spirit Indix is actually (more or less) up-to-date!
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    -Dialga ("Vahi")
    -Garchomp ("Chomper", "Takea")
    -Giratina ("Vezon")
    -Kyurem (White)
    Dragon. The type everyone wants to use and no one wants to fight. Well less so now that we have Fairy type. I definitely like having a Dragon on my team, but since you usually need to go out of your way to acquire one (or they don't show up until late in the game when you already have a team together), most of the Dragons I've used are mascots, who have had spots reserved for them. The only real exception is Garchomp, since Garchomp is completely awesome. There's also the issue of Dragon not being super-effective against anything aside from Dragon, but dual typing helps cope with that, right? Dragon is definitely a type I want to get more use out of in the future. Though it could be a little more difficult to do so now that they have a new weakness.
    Getting close to the end. Ice is next.
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    As requested, I've put links to the review topics for the Bioni-Lords stories on Exo's Desk, plus a few new Spirits have been put up. There are also a few more that I want to get up soon--a new submission from Keizah, and another Psionic Spirit (I haven't forgotten about getting the number to 70, it's just taking a little while...one more!).
    Kako 26 is up, and 27 is written. I will definitely start typing 27 today, but I can't promise I'll finish it today...if not today, then Monday. I'm wondering if the main characters should start learning Hidden Arts yet...I definitely want them to have a couple by the half-way point, but I don't want to rush it...
    As you may know, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is being released on Tuesday, and, well...I'll be taking some time to play it. My next semester starts on the 27th, so I want to beat it before then if possible. Not sure how much work I'll have this semester, but I should still have time to work on Bioni-Lords and whatnot, so I don't think it'll matter unless I get an unprecedented amount of homework...
    Man, these entries are getting so short...
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    The game has been up for a week, so all the reservations for returning players have expired. In other words, a ton of fighters are now up for grabs! Check the topic to get the basics and see a list of all fighters currently looking for sponsors!
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    In Our Bones, The Second Break, is now live in Epics!
    My idea when outlining the story was that each chapter would focus on a different summer set (Scorpio, Warrior, Basher, Slicer, Grinder/all (since Grinder necessarily needed to be in all of them)). They didn’t all quite work out that way (The First Break ended up focusing on a group kinda…), but The Second Break is still very much the Skull Warrior’s story. It does also give us our first look at the Skull Basher, plus brings back Grinder, Slicer, and LoSS to varying degrees, since I wanted an early look at the ensemble…though, Scorpio ended up getting left out, poor thing.
    Well, anyway, I hope you enjoy!
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