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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    The trailers won't be uploaded for another 14 hours, I guess. Let's see what's available that I can find now...

    "There's a new Nobody."

    EDIT: Um, well, this is embarrassing. Eh, it turns out whoever told me it'd be uploaded at 1 was incorrect, sorry for the confusion. I'll definitely make a post with links once they're up, though. (That is, once it's up and I'm up and not at work, so even if it gets uploaded soonish I probably won't be making a post until the afternoon...)
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    References to G1 tend to bring with them surges of people advocating a connection theory, using said reference as proof of said connection. It seems that there's a misunderstanding of something that shows up a lot in reboots: allusion.
    Any reboot will naturally allude to the previous iteration(s) of the concept. Allusions tend to enrich the enjoyment of a work for anyone who gets them, and when they’re specific to a certain franchise, the creator has a much higher chance of providing this enrichment for a large number of people. An allusion is not, however, proof that the work takes place in the same continuity as the thing it is alluding to.
    For greatest relevance to this situation, let’s use for example an individual franchise that constantly reboots itself: Final Fantasy. There are an immense number of names and ideas that are endlessly recycled through every iteration of Final Fantasy, but it does not mean that all Final Fantasies take place in the same timeline. The Bahamut of Final Fantasy III is not the same Bahamut who appears in Final Fantasy XIII. Squall’s Lionheart Gunblade and Lightning’s Lionheart Gunblade are two very different weapons, not to mention the extremely different Lionheart Keyblade in the neighboring Kingdom Hearts series. And while I’m sure there are a myriad of things shared by VII and XI, Midgar is not on the map of Vana’diel because the two games are in different continuities.
    (Heck, if we’re including Kingdom Hearts in this, most to all of the FF characters who show up there look directly transplanted, but they all have new backstories—none of those games are in the same continuity as Kingdom Hearts.)
    Yes, Final Fantasy does include some continuity-hopping. But that’s the thing: the characters are moving between different continuities, because they do not inhabit the same one. Gilgamesh got lost in the space between worlds and shows up in a new one every now and then; Dissidia takes place in a world where powerful entities pull in characters and locations from multiple worlds, and ends with everyone vanishing as they return back to their homeworlds. These are localized crossovers between the different continuities, which are quite profitable when a series has been going on for decades. But the continuities still remain separate.
    You can allude to something without it being in the same continuity. With a reboot, this is expected. Lego’s just telling us old fans they know we’re out here, not that G2 is a continuation of G1 (or any variants thereof).
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    Hm, I have these projects that I should be working on, things people are actually waiting for me to make progress on.
    But what if, instead of doing those, I think up a completely new idea!
    …I swore I was going to get more writing done yesterday, and instead I get the bright idea to do a massive crossover story and fixate on the brainstorming process until 2 AM. So now I have to share what I’ve got, partially to see if anyone’s interested and partially to publicly shame myself for it.
    Okay, so there were a bunch of series I thought about mashing together to see what happened, but I’m not so good with lots of characters so I narrowed it down to seven universes, which is still a lot but I have an excuse reason. The ones I’ve settled on are The Legend of Korra, Bionicle, Dragon Ball Z/Super, Kingdom Hearts, Mega Man Star Force, Steven Universe, and The World Ends With You. My plot idea at the moment is that Cell and Xemnas cross paths and go to search out multidimensional Dragon Balls (one for each of the seven universes), and as this goes on, Neku, Steven, Korra, (G1) Pohatu, and Geo band together to stop them.
    Like I said, publicly shaming myself.
    It got worse when I started thinking about who Neku would have to form a pact with and who may or may not get a Keyblade, this is such a terrible idea and I am trash and I want it to happen.
    But now that that’s done, I’m going to try to shut up and do some actual work before leaving for work.
    …That sounds a little odd, doesn’t it?
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    With the Pokemon anime changing to XY&Z a few days ago, I figured that would be the signal for some news on the next main series game. Nothing on that yet...BUT!
    Apparently Pokken Tournament received an update, and included is a hidden boss fight against a Mega Evolving Dark Mewtwo!

    I mean, since Mewtwo is super popular it made sense they'd show up at some point, but I don't think anyone was expecting it to be in the form of a corrupted boss thing. A lot of people are wondering if this means Mewtwo or Dark Mewtwo will be playable in the Wii U version, which would be pretty darn cool, but even if it just remains a superboss I'd still be totally cool with it.
    Makes you wonder what other boss fights they're gonna add in...
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    I fruitlessly check Toys R Us how many times looking for a Greninja amiibo, but one trip to Best Buy

    I mean, the excitement is stronger than the irritation, this is awesome thank you God
    (I feel like the picture is not very creative but I couldn't think of anything, it's actually impressive I was able to balance the thing)
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    So a few months ago the grocery store I work at said we were getting a sushi stand. I thought that might be fun, so I asked the manager if I could possibly train there and he said yes!
    Then he got fired and no one else seemed to know anything about the sushi.
    But now, it looks like we really are getting sushi (as soon as December, even), and while I dislike the new manager I think I’m going to ask him the same thing. Even if he says yes I’d probably still work some shifts in the deli, at least while I’m training, and it’s going to literally be right next to the deli counter so I can jump over there if it looks like they need help (that’s a part of my pitch), but hey, it’s something different and my first half-step out of the deli!
    I was discussing this with my sister, and we have found our way to a plan where, if this works out and I learn how to make good sushi, we can drive around the country from one anime convention to the other and sell anime-themed sushi rolls to hungry weeaboos who are already in the process of emptying their wallets. Imagine such a menu: the Elric Roll, made with fresh shrimp and one strand of seaweed that sticks straight out! The Colossal Roll, steaming hot ingredients tossed on a plate without any wrapping! The Bleach Roll, which looks good at first but you quickly realize it wasn’t worth it and you might have food poisoning!
    …Okay, so it still needs some work. Plus the road is no place to raise a parakeet.
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    Strike of the Hour is now live!

    Barring any last-minute decisions, this is my last Okoto 579 story for the 15 adaptation. In addition to introducing Karios’s character into the mix, I tried to take a look at Ekimu as well, plus give one or two nods towards 16. As for the first story of the 16 adaptation…well, don’t be surprised if you get some news on that soon!
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    First you were a Keyblade Master! Now, you're a Pokemon Master!

    Back in June I went to a convention and bought a Mega Charizard X plushie and a 3D Riku figure.
    The opportunity to take pictures like this almost makes that trainwreck of a weekend worth it.
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    Strike of the Hour will release Friday, October 23rd!
    Karios has been kind enough to work on some illustrations for the Okoto 579 series, so as thanks I have agreed to write a new short story starring a character of his design. Set after the end of The Failure‘s Claim, Ekimu’s journey across Okoto has taken him to the Region of Ice, where a fellow blacksmith offers him shelter. The smith has a secret, however, and Ekimu may come to realize that a very shocking change is coming.
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    Still holding off just a bit on starting the game, but I was thinking and I had a new idea.
    Once per round, after a promotional attempt fails, a player can reroll. As for how exactly that works, I’m still deciding. Maybe the player needs to add a few more Widgets to activate it (10% of what they tried using in the promotion?), or maybe just use the same amount of Widgets. The Widgets received would definitely be lower. The reroll might even guarantee success, but at the cost of very low Widget payout (100 W x result of reroll?).
    Any thoughts on this? Or anything else? I’ll probably be starting this soon (I'm gonna say mid-November at the absolute latest), so be on the lookout.
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    Though you probably already guessed, since I said I would give the release date last week.
    Due to some Technic-al difficulties...
    ...Well, actually, I have a certain deadline approaching and figure I shouldn't start up something that will distract me from meeting it. Plus there are a few other things I'd like to kick myself into doing, so it may be just a little longer before an opening presents itself. I will try to start the tournament soon, though!
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    So I’ve been thinking I might want to run Technic Tournament 2 soon. My original idea was that future versions of the game would each have a specific theme in what fighters were involved, but now I’m thinking I should hold off on that—TT2 will be more or less the same as the first, just trying out some new system tweaks so that I can perfect the basics before trying any of the theme ideas.
    As for what changes will be made, Nevermore gave me two suggestions at the end of the last game: that there should be limits on how many times a player can use each type of promotion, and that there should be more levels of promotion success than just “succeed” and “fail”. I want to implement both of these, probably like this:
    -How many times you can use each promotional method depends on your specialty in that method. If you have a 5 or 4 in that method, you can only use it once per round. If you have a 3 or 2 in that method, you can use it twice per round. If you have a 1 in that method, you can try it three times per round.
    -Like before, when you promote I’ll roll a die, and if the result is equal to or less than your specialty you will succeed. How much money you raise, however, will be determined by the exact result, with lower results giving more Widgets. So, rolling a 1 will give you the most Widgets no matter your specialty, but if your specialty is 1 than that’s the only way you’ll get any Widgets as opposed to getting at least some if you have a higher specialty.
    I’m also thinking of reducing the number of points you can use in your profile. Last time it was 15, and now I’m thinking it’ll be somewhere between 10 and 13—as before, you can distribute these between the four promotional methods however you want, but one individual specialty cannot exceed 5.
    Another idea was that, after the four rounds are done, there will be a Title Match where the fighter who won will go against Granite, the Defending Champion from last tournament.
    There wasn’t a whole lot else I could think of to try out. Maybe, for the fighter going against the fighter who raised the most money in the previous round, they’ll receive a small amount of Widgets before the round even starts, to give them a headstart of sorts? Though that was just from trying to find a way to work in that cheesy subtitle I wanted to use, eheheh…
    For anyone who might be interesting in playing Technic Tournament 2, what do you think of all this? Do you have any other suggestions? I’ll try to make at least a few more posts before I start it—last time didn’t have too many players, so I’m hoping I can do some sort of pre-release campaign to get more attention. And, to that end, why not give you the fighter list early?
    That already covers all the RoboRiders (and then some), and I only need to do one more to cover all the Slizers, those pre-Bionicle lines are so small it’s such a tragedy
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    Eh, you know, the idea got in my head, I’m impatient, the starting post is already typed up. But, like I said, I want to make at least a few more pre-release entries.
    Specifying on some points from my last post, I’m going to go with 13 points for profiles this time, and the headstart for fighters going against the fighter who made the most last round is going to be 500 W.
    I’m also considering that, with my next entry on the subject (which will have the release date), I’ll open early sign-ups, and whoever takes advantage of that will start with an extra 500 W, but I dunno?
    And of course, any last minute suggestions and such are always welcome. The date will be announced in a few days and the game will open late next week probably!
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    Okay so the Destral Cycle is powered by sound, which probably means that once it gets going it uses its own noise as fuel, and that sounds really efficient and green and cool and all but
    How do you start it? It must need some kind of external sound to start, right?
    Do you just sit on it and scream for a minute to start the engine?
    Imagine Antroz climbing onto this thing, about to ride it into battle, and just going “AAAAAAAAAHHH okay it’s running let’s go”
    Or if he got it back from the shop and found out the mechanics reduced the noise it made, so it crawls along at a snail's pace unless he screams constantly.
    Makuta Antroz coming down the road on a motorcycle screaming his gaseous lungs out, that would be equal parts hilarious and terrifying.
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    Kingdom Hearts II.8 Final Chapter Prologue was just announced for a release in 2016! Man, that's soon!
    Now of course the fandom is rioting "ughugh dat means longer kh3 wait they hates usss" (no part of which is correct) but you know I am not going to let those idiots get me down because let's look at what II.8 includes:
    1. An HD remaster of KH3D! It doesn't seem there will be any other new features, which is kind of disappointing I'll admit, but I absolutely love this game and this should enable more people to play it and I bet it'll look great.
    2. Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover, a movie similar to the previous collections' summaries of Days and Re:coded that will show the story of the Foretellers from X. It's not entirely clear what this will entail at the moment, but if they're including it in a collection like this I can only imagine it will be the most important information from the entire Keyblade War! The only footage shown was of the Awakening platform with the Union symbols, so I have to wonder what it'll look like...maybe it'll look more like the other games than X itself? (To be honest X's style has always been a little "eh" for me but either way it should be good.)
    And 3. Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage-. If the name suspiciously similar to the fabled Birth by Sleep Vol. 2 isn't enough indication, this is a brand new segment where you will play as Aqua in the Realm of Darkness. After five years Aqua is once again playable, in KHIII-level graphics. Since this was only just announced and is releasing next year, I'm wondering if it might be on the shorter side, but I am not deterred at all because it's Master freaking Aqua conquering the Realm of Darkness in the most advanced graphics we can currently produce. Delay Kingdom Hearts III all you want just give me this.
    Something else interesting: recently there was a leak of sorts where a Square employee mentioned a "Kingdom Hearts 2.9" on a profile somewhere. It seems the title was changed to 2.8 (although maybe 2.9 will be something different?), but if this is the same thing, it's interesting to note that this profile mentions Attraction Flow. So either 3D is getting one very noticeable new feature, or Master Aqua is going to charge through the Realm of Darkness on a roller coaster.
    Literally the only thing bad about this is that I don't have a PS4.
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    The new CoroCoro is out and there’s big Pokémon news, mainly involving the mysterious Kalos legendary Zygarde. As expected, Zygarde has alternate forms!
    You may have heard of the post-credits scene from the newest Pokémon movie, featuring a tiny green blob Pokémon as well as a shadowy titan. The blob (and several similar but flatter blobs) has also been shown in trailers for the next Mega Evolution anime special. As it turns out, these are all different versions of Zygarde!
    The blob is “Zygarde Core”. The flat blobs are “Zygarde Cells”, and it seems they all join with the Core to form a larger body. A previously-unseen form, “Zygarde 10%” is shown: a black and green dog with a scarf-like appendage, said to have high Speed. Zygarde’s currently-catchable form from X and Y is now named “Zygarde 50%”, and the shadowy titan has been properly revealed, name “Zygarde Perfect Form”.
    Perfect Form you see it’s totally Cell from DBZ
    I’m super excited to learn more about this! The information thus far focuses on the anime, which is being retitled “Pokémon XY & Z” (so it looks like the next main game will be Z), and I’m curious as to how this unique form system will work in the games. Is it possible that Zygarde might be our first legendary to evolve? Will Perfect Zygarde function like a Mega Evolution? Will we get some item that can toggle how many Cells our Zygarde is currently using? I want to know!
    The magazine also showed a “new form” for Greninja where it has a color scheme based on Ash. (It might also have some water spikes on its back but I can’t tell for sure.) That’s, um…cool…I guess…?
    Perfect Zygarde though. Please check it out.
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    It took even longer then usual, but I finally finished Chapter 7 of Shooting Star Sonia. I feel like, for taking so long, it should be a lot better than it is, but...sorry. At least it has Harp Note's first Star Force transformation!
    I really, really hope I'll be able to keep this little bit of momentum going and get Chapter 8 done before too long. I guess we'll have to see, though, eheheh...
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    I don't spend a whole lot of time poking around at all the features on the text editor, so I was wondering if there was some equivalent of the spoiler tags that aren't called "spoiler tags"?
    Because the ability to collapse/hide text is actually very handy for condensing long posts out of consideration to others scrolling by, or having an extra buffer to hide my soul-crushing insecurity behind.
    But, spoiler tags are for spoilers, and I should probably stick to breaking the rules only once a week.
    So, anyone?
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    You know, when the strict rule-following kid says they did something not all that bad like it was the thrill of their life? WELL
    I work in a grocery store, in the deli department. We need two carts each night to complete our closing procedures and store everything in the freezer so it doesn’t go bad and stuff, but the workers in the store’s restaurant likes to steal our carts from us and leave us stacking chickens on tinier carts and hoping they don’t topple off. I didn’t close tonight, but I was there late enough that my co-workers were starting closing procedures; we had one cart up front at the counter, and the other I had cleaned and left along the wall near the hallway. We got a little busy, and by the time we turned around the cart I had cleaned was gone. Meaning, someone from the restaurant came to the deli counter, saw a cart with a bright pink label that reads “Deli”, and thought the deli didn’t need it and they would just take it.
    Well, one of my co-workers decided she’d had enough. She borrowed a (semi-grimy) cart from our neighbors in the produce department (who had already gone home for the night), and she and I went back to the freezer and transferred all the stuff they’d put on our cart onto the produce cart. I re-cleaned our cart, handed it off to a co-worker, and she stocked it with our olives and put it back in the cooler before anyone even noticed.
    The joke alluded to in the title is that I have honestly never felt so ALIVE. I should have stolen stuff years ago!
    Now to take my skills to the next level…I’m going to steal a fork! No one can stop me now!!
  20. Pahrak Model ZX
    So, D23 announced that Kingdom Hearts III will have a world based on Big Hero 6! Apparently it will take place after the movie, and the "original Baymax" will be possessed by darkness? I haven't seen the movie so I don't fully get it, but the artwork looks awesome, and since they seem to be working with the original creators, this might be the first instance of Kingdom Hearts actually providing a canon sequel to a thing...maybe. If so that would be really cool.
    Now I need to find a way to watch Big Hero 6. I've decided that I'm going to watch every movie that gets announced for KHIII--I finally saw Tangled, and I'm thinking I may as well rewatch Hercules too. If the BH6 world is going to be after the movie, then I really, really need to watch it.
    Also there was some KH stuff getting into Disney Infinity! People at the Expo got a disc thing to unlock Mickey KHII costume, and apparently the Kingdom Key is the "Ultimate Unlock" of 3.0, whatever that means. This is really cool, but not enough to make me buy Disney Infinity just yet; if they continue to add KH stuff then I might have too, though.
    Was kind of hoping for Unchained X news, but it's releasing in Japan next month so it's no big deal.
  21. Pahrak Model ZX
    Just got to see the new DBZ movie, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised! Still looking forward to when Super goes beyond it, though. It also made me realize one of the things I love most about Beerus and Whis: in this movie they flat-out admit that the only reason they don’t destroy Earth is because they like the food. Not for any reasons involving human beings themselves, just their food. It’s great.
    The reason I find this so refreshing is because it’s always bugged me that sci-fi or fantasy or pretty much anything with multiple species always has some bit about how “Special” humans are. Higher races will always spare/become attached to humans and say something about the species having unique ingenuity, or possessing great capacity for change, or being inherently kind, or some such nonsense. And I can’t help but feel that it’s, well…kind of pathetic, honestly.
    It’s like, somewhere along the process of coming up with these mystical races, we become aware of the limitations of our own human existence, yet we still want to put humans in the story so that we can have a self-insert easily-relatable species/main character. So we add in this hastily-written cliché line about how humans are special, to console ourselves and justify our inclusion in the work. As someone who hates himself I understand the desire and the benefits derived. But it’s been going on for so long that I feel it’s become very transparent.
    Why should a god of destruction from deep space take interest in a species who has probably never produced a (pure-blooded) fighter with a power level of even 100,000? (Or, on a related matter, why should a 2,000 year old time-travelling alien be invested in the self-worth of every individual human being?) Sure, we want to say they would, because we’re human, but looking at things objectively, it just makes no sense.
    I guess Beerus and Whis’s interest in human food still counts as “something unique to humans”, but it’s very different—this is a skill, something that can be learned rather than something we’re told is intrinsic and not able to be imitated by any other species out there. These two maybe could learn to make Earth food themselves, if they put in the necessary effort, but they’re lazy and figure it’d be more convenient for them to just leave the humans alive to keep cooking for them.
    And I love it.
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