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Posts posted by Jiayi

  1. Would buying some of the old (might as well wait for the new) Bionicle sets be out of the question for your friend? That's a good way to start someone out in the fandom if she doesn't like reading comics.


    Nah, they absolutely love comics hence why I wanted to start with them! Plus knowing the characters and story makes things more relatable. Maybe if the operation is successful, I'll slowly nudge them towards the canisters...


    I think starting with the new stuff MIGHT be good? It's simple enough for a beginner but has a lot of the same magic. Also, that way you get to enjoy it together as it comes out, which might help it feel more fun and less daunting than giving her SO MUCH to catch up on.


    Otherwise, Mata Nui Online Game might be a good place to start! It's a nice, fun game with lots of exciting world-building, but it's also something that can be played at one's own pace and doesn't have too much of a learning curve. Best of all, as one of the first pieces of BIONICLE story media, it was designed with newcomers in mind. It can be played either on Templar's website or on BioMedia Project.


    Great to see you active here again after so long! Hope you stick around!


    I thought about that too! My main concern is that the new material is vastly different from the old, and what the tone of it will be like. Like, if it's geared towards young children, then she might find it boring. I love the gen 1 stuff since the comics and MNOG were enjoyable for younger and older fans alike.


    A lot of people are suggesting MNOG which totally didn't appeal to me at first, but hey, the majority can't be wrong right? Guess I'll add that to the list!


    (I think part of the reason for not including MNOG was while it was a FANTASTIC game, memories of playing it on dial-up and waiting for updates were not pleasant...)




    I don't think the online game is a good introduction. It doesn't really introduce any of the characters very well, and it assumes you know what things are. You should start with the reboot stuff. That's pretty much why there's a reboot, to introduce Bionicle to new people.



    Again, I thought about that, but if gen 1 is better in terms of characterization and storytelling, I'd love to introduce that instead!


    Though I do worry about the introduction MNOG provides too. Which was why I decided to skip it at first. iirc it was better for world building and introducing the matorans once you understood the bare minimum of the storyline? (ie. heros with amnesia arrive, need to find masks. oh yeah there're six villages on this island, etc. etc.) She has no idea about anything so yeah.




    Anyway thanks for everyone's input!! I think I'm gonna roll comics -->MNOG -->MoL

  2. hey y'all


    recently, a friend of mine agreed to give Bionicle a try, so I wanted to use this chance to open her eyes to the world of ~Bionicle~ andmaybehookherinforgood.


    obviously, bionicle's a story told over a lot of different kind of media, and the storyline is complex. I'm afraid this might put her off.


    So my question is, how would you introduce someone to Bionicle? What would you get them to read/watch/experience? what are the important arcs and which ones can you skip? (and hopefully have them go back and catch up on it :P)


    I was thinking of starting her off with the toa mata comics, and then mol. (skipping the books, and mnog) 



    • Upvote 2
  3. Favourites:Tale of the Toa: At the time, we didn't really get to see much of the Toa's individual personalities and I thought this was just a fantastic book that made their characters more relatable. (and awesome) Also, I adore the hint of romance Hapka wrote into it.Tales of the Masks: I loved this for the same reason as Tales of the Toa. Side stories that really gave you a look into the Toa's personalities. I love seeing them being bros and such too.Time Trap: Ooh boy, everyone's favourite. Phyoohrii said it pretty well. Great storyline, lines, character development and the works. :DI don't have a least faovurite book, I think Hapka and Greg did a fantastic job on all of them. The only ones I skimmed through were the Inika/Mahri arcs because I'm not fond of those characters.

  4. @Peach 00: That sounds amazing. The only thing I disagree on is removing the gender-element part. I like the idea that each tribe has only one gender, but that's just my preference haha. :PEeeee, anyway I already planned out a whole story bible for a Bionicle reboot the other month. This is going to be long. (and possibly boring) Grab some snacks or something. :biggrin:*ahem*Millions of years have passed since the MU inhabitants moved to Spherus Magna and the Agori and Matoran have successfully integrated their societies. Everything is peaceful and the land is once again a paradise. Most of the old characters we know have died of old age. New Matoran have been created and new Agori were born.One day, all the villagers gather in New Atero for an annual sports competition! BUT… during the closing ceremonies, strange, evil creatures start attacking the crowd. They have powers that brainwash the villagers to join the ~dark side~. The Glatorans and Toa try to fight them off but to no avail.During the chaos, 6 Matoran, one from each village, happen to meet by chance and they help each other escape to safety. Now these six Matorans are a bit special. All Matoran have latent elemental powers yadda yadda, but these 6 are exceptionally skilled with manipulating the elements. (Not on a Toa level though, maybe a little past a Turaga’s skill)Anyway, they go back to their respective villages and find that these creatures, along with their brainwashed friends, are attacking their homes. It turns out this new baddie is trying to take over all the villages and rule all of Spherus Magna.The Turagas send away the six on a quest to find the fabled Toa Nuva at the Mountain of Champions. (Bionicle equivalent of Valhalla or Mt. Olympus) They would've send Toa or Glatoran, but the majority of them have fallen to the enemy. However, by this time, no one has seen the Toa in a very, very long time and many doubt they are still alive. But the situation becomes increasingly desperate so the Matoran set off. Tensions are high at first; they keep arguing on what to do since no one actually knows where the Mountains are. They bump into obstacles, monsters, challenges, but eventually they make it and become good friends along the way.Anyway, they reach the Mountain of Champions, which is a huge, beautiful fortress where only the best fighters and tacticians reside. They go through the hallways and find statues of the Toa Nuva…along with plaques stating that they have long died in various battles.Hopeless and about the give up, Axonn appears and gives the Matoran an inspirational speech, and they decide they won’t go down without a fight. They travel to the enemy’s base in the Black Spike Mountains, hatching an elaborate plan to infiltrate and take down the bad guy. (Even though they’re freaking Matoran, but hey. “You don’t have to be a Toa to be a hero” -Jaller, Garan)During the final confrontation, they discover the spirits of the Toa Nuva were actually inside them all along. Upon realizing this, they turn into Toa and save the day.…and Jiayi just gave Bionicle an RPG-isque plot. Yup.Some clarifications:[Matoran] The six Matoran would have personalities very close to their Toa Nuva counterparts. (except they are more immature and reckless) In a way, they are reincarnations of the Tahu and co.[Mountain of Champions] The home of heroes, thought only to exist in legends. It’s actually the base for the Order of Mata Nui! (Which is why the location is so secretive and no one knows where it is. Also, that is why Axonn happens to be there) [Villain] Some generic bad guy, I can’t think of an interesting bad guy. But he’s very evil and bent on world conquest.I’d keep the mythical qualities of 2001 so not everything is explained, (ex: How did those Matoran turn into Toa with no Toa stones or anything?! MAGIC, THAT'S HOW)Also the plot is simple, straight forward and meant to be written in a way so that people with no prior knowledge of Bionicle can tag along! But there will be subtle nods to past events/character for old-school fans. And even if the villain is generic, this was meant to focus more on the Matoran’s character development throughout their quest.I would actually plan this out over a span of 2 years, rather than fitting everything into one. Maybe have the first year's story end just when the Matoran find out the Toa Nuva have been long dead for suspense leading to the next year's story. There'd be comics, books and interactive web content. I'd aim for an "all ages" thing, kinda like Pixar movie story telling. (Simple yet deep, everyone can enjoy it) As for the sets, I'd keep them more "simple" and colourful like the 2001-2003 sets. (Wow, this post is 800+ words, it's like a short essay! xD)

  5. *SAVES TO COMPUTER* No, you can't stop me! I could go on and on about how darling these sprites are, but I'll save you the capslock spam. :D I hope you do the other Toa Mata though, and other characters as well because I would love to see them. Also, I can't believe you did the minifig in 15mins, that's amazing! The SD styled one is my favourite. He looks so silly and happy- it's so cute, it's cavity-inducing. Also, Kopaka isn't animated! )':

  6. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh my gosh I am screaming at how wonderful and gorgeous these are!! I love how you draw Bionicle bodies and limbs; it's a perfect mix of organic and mechanical parts. Oh geez, I just can't understand how people can come up with all these original armour designs and such too. How do you do it? Blows my mind. The first picture of Gali is my favourite here (*totally not being biased towards my favourite character*) The shading is just amazing and that light fish looks so cute. Ackar looks fantastic too; the cel shading fits the picture perfectly I think. It gives it a comic-bookish style almost, and I like how simple it is. Also, I'm amazed at how you managed to render the Phantoka group into chibis. Haha, they're looking adorable!

  7. Actually, the Toa Mata are my favourite Toa sets! I love how aspects of the character and story were imbued into the sets themselves. For example, we have the canister packaging and mask shapes that actually resembled their function. Lewa's mask is very aerodynamic, Gali's resembles a snorkeling mask, Kopaka's has multiple lens, etc. I wished the designers continued doing that with the newer sets. Granted, they did for the Ignika (Vitruvian Man and all), but in general I found that it was dropped in favour of just having a cool looking figure to sell. (btw, I love the Kanohi Ignika, gorgeous, gorgeous design) What also got me was the bright, vibrant colours. I was disappointed that 2004 and onwards featured more muted and grey pieces. I like bright colours. :3 But I do agree with you on the articulation. Getting them to pose in interesting poses was a challenge! My Toa Matas are just standing on my shelves, all in the same stance haha. Some knee and elbow joints would've been fantastic.

  8. Although I wasn't around during this time, I'd have to say '01-'03. It did have its flaws, but it was full of mystery and adventure. Anything could happen, at any place, at anytime, which also created a little suspense. The Matoran also played a huge part during this time which I really, really liked because they weren't just there playing their sports and used for redshirts .(redshirt is the name of any fictional character in a story who's only purpose is to basically die)

    ^this. I loved how the Matoran were incorporated into the story. (Especially through MNOG and the Lunchable comics!) All my fave Matoran characters are from those story years because of that. I think 2001-2003 were wonderful (Minus the Bohrok-kal saga) Another thing which I absolutely adored was finding out that Lhii the surfer was based on Lhikan. It was so sweet and touching, and I remember feeling so awestruck when I read that as well! Although I didn't feel nearly as giddy when it was announced that Lake Naho and Mt. Ihu were named after people the Turaga knew. The idea lost it's luster the second, third time around I think.
  9. holy lemons, this is AMAZING on so many levels. I love the idea too- Lewa, having just arrived on Mata Nui with his parts scattered in the jungle. Definitely a cool scene to choose! And the base of the cake reminds me of a suva haha!

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