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Wiggle of Ta-Koro

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Status Updates posted by Wiggle of Ta-Koro

  1. I would just like to say that your art has improved a lot since you were taking requests.


    Seriously, I thought your first pieces were ugly. And now your art is AMAZING.

    Well done.

  2. It would be pretty hard to have bad grammar if you never post. :P

  3. Well, no one seems to visit my profile these days...


  4. Congrats on your popularity!

  5. It's a shame I missed your birthday, since mine's on the same day.

    It's almost like your twin forgot your birthday.


    Not that I'm your twin...


  6. But aren't they ALL awesome?

  7. Gah. just realised I'm on your friends list.


  8. I'd just like to say again that your art is amazing, and I wish you the best o' luck with your art. :P

  9. Any particular reason you were viewing my profile?[/paranoid]

  10. If that's the case, I've gotten a lot of honours. :P

  11. Given up on capilizing evey word, I see.


  12. *pokes*

    That's for viewing my profile.

  13. Good to see you've advanced in your art.


  14. Good to see a fellow New Zealander here.


  15. ?

    Whatever happened to my comment?


  16. Just don't fail all your exams, okay!

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