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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by What?

  1. Oh, you're Kaxix. Well, good luck!


  2. Don't listen to him!


  3. I don't think you should change your name to that.


  4. I'm curious. . . What's your reason for hating BZP? Seriously?


  5. Really? Ouch. I saved all mine.


  6. It would've been. Are you entering the unofficial continuation of BBCC #47?


  7. I used a picture, originally provided by NASA, shrunk it and cropped it. It was pretty easy.


  8. That's a question you'll have to answer yourself.


  9. LOL. And thanks.


  10. News stories (+3), and Premier Membership (+2).


  11. If you get Premier Membership, you get two+ proto. I now have Premier Membership, as you can see.

    So now I'm a POBPZPC.

    That's one long acronym.


  12. "Peter Davison is cuter. :P "

    Okaaay, maybe so, but that's not the way I would choose who my favorite Doctor was. Tom Baker can be hilarious, and he has some great assistants. Don't you like K-9, Harry, Sarah, Romana (1 & 2), and Leela? Also, he had the whole Key to Time series.


  13. What? Peter Davison is your favorite Doctor? What about good 'ol Tom Baker?


  14. 83? I'm not 83 years old... Just look.


  15. Well, don't be too disappointed if you don't win or get to the finals.

    As for my entry, you can check it out by looking at my topic for it.


  16. Just call me a super-super genius.

    As to my Tohu, it's better than my last one... Way better.

    Be afraid... Be very afraid.

  17. Okay, okay, I lied. I'm... two... and a half. I JUST WANTED TO SEEM OLDER!

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