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Posts posted by Xinlo

  1. Hey everyone, I’m looking to buy some of the missing masks in my collection! I’ve attached a photo of what I own, so if it’s not there I’ll probably be interested. Worth noting I’m only really looking for the original line of masks right now, so probably no Nuva masks (though there’s a possibility, I don’t have many) or any other 04-onward masks. 

    I also have a green Kakama and silver Kaukau for potential trade. 

    searching for:

    Red Kakama

    Green Pakari

    Brown Akaku, Pakari

    Trans-clear Kaukau

    Black Hau, Akaku

    Orange Mahiki, Matatu

    Lime Huna, Rau

    Tan Mahiki, Rau

    Light grey Huna, Mahiki, Komau, Rau

    Light blue Huna, Mahiki, Matatu, Kaukau

    Dark grey Huna, Mahiki, Komau, Matatu

    Yellow Komau, Kaukau

    Copper Komau

    All 11 Matatu/Ruru european misprints (especially red Ruru)

    Movie edition Kraahkan



    And I think that’s everything.



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  2. Alright I found photos of all my basses, so I'll start with them and do guitars later (they aren't as cool anyway):


    Conklin GT5, "Cassandra" - My main instrument that I use 90% of the time, my dad found this on consignment in our local music store after a mere two hours of it being for sale. After doing some research on it (having never heard of the brand before) I discovered Conklin specialize in super weird 12+ string basses and equally strange guitars, and that this was the most normal model they manufacture. :P I also looked up some reviews, and there wasn't a single negative thing said about the brand or the model. I saw these going on ebay and in music shops for up to $1500 (generally $1200) and this was available for $800... so I snapped it up and have never regretted it. This thing sounds exactly how I always wanted my bass to sound, is perfectly balanced and feels like a dream to play... not sure I'll ever need anything better than this. Its only downside is it weighs two tons lol


    Schecter *forgot the model*, "Ash" - The bass I play the other 10% of the time, mostly when I do easy pop cover band gigs and don't ever need a 5th string. This was a completely unnecessary purchase, but I loved how it looked and sounded, plus it's light as a feather. cost me about $850 in overpriced canadian hippietown dollars, but I also do not regret it and would recommend it for sure.


    Samick Custom Pro 4, "Bobbi" - Went bass shopping in a town about 5 hours away to find a more practical instrument in my first year of college (to replace the one below) and while browsing some random pawn shop, a sketchy looking dude walks in with this - filthy and in bad need of some TLC. He tried to pawn it off to the store but they said they had enough basses, so I asked him how much he wanted and he practically begged me to take it for $40 because he needed the money (suspicious but hey), so I did. Brought it home, gave it a bath, ordered new pickups and new strings and had it set up properly by a friend and it plays good as new! I don't use it much these days now that I have those other two, but it's a solid bass and I lend it out to people often.


    BC Rich Widow 5, "Charlotte" - My dream instrument. I saw this when I was in high school and wanted one ever since... I just find the proportions and style incredibly aesthetically pleasing. Two weeks before my college guitar audition I decided I wanted to go in for bass instead (having never played one ever) and ordered this online for $950. I learned on it and loved it, but discovered that it was ridiculously neck-heavy and playing it while standing is nearly impossible except for the simplest of parts. I somehow made it through most of my first year of college, and all my bass player friends who've tried it have no idea how I managed that. But it still sounds as menacing as it looks and works great for recording purposes and shock value, so I keep it around despite its impracticality. :P


    so yeah there's my four basses and some info about them for anyone who cares to read it, and I'll probably makea much smaller post with my guitars later because they're mostly pretty lame. My amp is also an Ampeg BA-112 150 watt, if I'm not mistaken, and it's nothing spectacular but it's reliable and gets the job done. So yeah long post done haha, I leave you with this really cool picture of my band at our last show because I love them and also you can see me playing my bass on stage. :P

  3. Wow I got summoned to BZP... neat that you actually remembered me haha! I'll get some pics up of my new gear and things soon, I've upgraded quite a bit since my last post I think...


    also thanks scythey for plugging my album and thanks truant for giving it a listen... it's not anything super spectacular, there's a lot we weren't able to do because we recorded it in about 7 hours, but I'm still pretty proud of it. Didn't spend a penny on it, either :P

  4. Took a trip to 'Murikka and found a bunch of cool stuff:


    Saga - Heads Or Tales

    Metal Church - The Dark

    John Williams - Star Wars Original Soundtrack

    Chris de Burgh - Spanish Train And Other Stories

    Marillion - Fugazi

    Coheed & Cambria - The Color Before The Sun

    Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Love Beach

    Uriah Heep - Demons & Wizards

    The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour

    Sweet - Give Us A Wink!

    Jethro Tull - Benefit

    Jethro Tull - Stormwatch

    Kansas - Song For America

    Kansas - Monolith

    Kansas - Point Of Know Return


    all on vinyl as well as Fly By Night, 2112 and Test For Echo by Rush on cassette.

  5. bought myself a new bass finally! Cost me about $840 with tax and all, and I'm gonna need to spend another $50 on getting some minor things tweaked, but I love it very much. I have named it Cassandra and today was its first trial after I cleaned it and re-strung it, and it sounded at least 5x better than either of my other two basses. Happy days!



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  6. Man, Rebels is killing me. It's getting really good with its central plot but there's still so much filler. I just want to know more about Ahsoka lol (maybe that's unfair to the show but she's such a good character I need to know what she did after clone wars, and what'll happen when she meets Vader). Also glad Hera seems to be getting more screen time than last season and Ezra a little less. He's getting better but I'm still not a huge fan.

  7. New Star Trek TV series announced! It will have been almost a 13 year gap between shows by the time it comes out, and who knows how good it'll be with the writer of the new movies handling it... but from what I've read it seems that CBS doesn't have the license to the new movie timeline stuff, so it's likely going to be in the "prime" universe. As wary as I am I can't help but still be excited... new characters, new ships, new races... and we only have to wait 14 months :P

  8. Asia - Alpha (Cassette)

    The Mars Volta - Frances The Mute

    Peter Gabriel - So

    Jerry Goldsmith - Star Trek: Insurrection Soundtrack

    Saga - Images At Twilight (Vinyl)

    Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark

    Kansas - Leftoverture (Vinyl)

    ABBA - Voulez-Vous (Vinyl)

    Slayer - World Painted Blood 

    Journey - Frontiers (Vinyl)

    Geddy Lee - My Favourite Headache

    Prism - Young And Restless (Vinyl)

    Leonard Bernstein - Holst: The Planets (Vinyl)

    Yes - Relayer

  9. new slayer album was disappointing as expected... I was hoping for better after the first single but it ended up being slayer. New Amorphis was cool, though I think I still prefer Circle. Also nobody's talking about Book Of Souls, so I assume nobody liked it? :P

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