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Blog Entries posted by Xinlo

  1. Xinlo
    There's a site out there called The Toa's Hideout (or tTH for short) that maybe some of you remember? It was started by a few BZP members way back in the day. It did pretty well and I somehow managed to become staff. Eventually, after many incarnations, tTH3 happened and it was pretty successful. we got that site running right as BZP had its famous 6-month downtime, and a whole bunch of wandering BZPers found us and it was great.
    After a few years and bionicle's demise, we closed it down and packed it in. But now that bionicle's back, we thought maybe there'd be a chance to restart it! I'm still running the new site (which is, funnily enough, tTH4) along with BZP's very own Scythey (Ryuujin) and Mask Of Destiny's Takal (aka Takal). The premise of the new site is to be a bionicle discussion site as it always was, but to be geared more toward general discussion and older users (so like all of us who were original bonkles fans). Basically we just want it be a cool place to hang and be a little more off-topic than BZP is suited for. That's not to say, of course, that younger users aren't also welcome! Also just a few little perks, we have custom member titles by-request and personal subforums to act as member blogs when you reach 100 posts!
    I know some of you were there for varying amounts of time, and others (probably vastly more) have never heard of us, but either way we invite you to come check it out if you are so inclined!
  2. Xinlo
    To join, Just copy the Ussal Picture in my sig, and the "Join the Ussal Crab Club" (Blue is optional, as is the Avatar). And you have to make an Ussal MoC and post it here. Please! I want to see everyone's Ussals!
    EDIT: A list of all the Members that I can remember:
    Xinlo: Warrior of Light
    Toa Valtika
    gali nuva mistika
    Dark Metru
    Onua of the Swamp
    Tahura (=D
    Chiserax Master of cheese
    Sakaru: Toa of magma
    Toa Zokau (~Bitil~)
    Toa Starbucks
    .: Maxilos.Bolso :.
    toa zyrnix
    Let me know if I forgot anyone! (I know I did)
  3. Xinlo
    Yes I know I'm totally late to the party
    but this band is awesome.
    I finally got a round to getting their discography after being a casual fan of the hit songs, and I am loving them. So far I've listened through Meddle, Dark Side Of The Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Wall, A Momentary Lapse Of Reason, The Division Bell, and I am currently listening through The Final Cut.
    As it stands, Wish You Were Here and The Division Bell are my favourites, but all have been fantastic.
    And as a bonus, I've got a like-new vinyl copy of Wish You Were Here waiting for me at the local record store.

  4. Xinlo
    I'm in one of those moods. in no particular order:
    1. Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter)

    2. B'Elanna Torres (Star Trek: Voyager)

    3. Jadzia Dax (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

    4. Martha Jones (Doctor Who)

    5. Dr. Janet Fraiser (Stargate SG-1)

    6. Felicity Smoak (Arrow)

    7. Malcom Reynolds (Firefly)

    8. Richard Castle (Castle)

    9. Captain hammer (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog)

    10. Hermes (Percy Jackson)

    so yeah love all these characters so much
    (also everyone does this it isn't creepy right???)
  5. Xinlo
    Yes, I Know. You've probably had your fill of this Yeti-like Hero, But I needed SOMETHING to occupy my time. So I've put together a Takanuva Review, for your enjoyment, naturally.
    Also, please remember this is my first review, so go easy on me.
    So, Here goes:
    THE BOX:
    From the design and artwork, To the instruction manual, this is what catches your eyes on the shelf
    As you can see, his box is very pretty. 2008 has the best art I've seen so far IMO, with that beautiful swampy background. Also, I think Taka is the only set this year that doesn't have the Codrex in the background. And also, the box is HUGE.
    The Back of the box is far more interesting than the front. It shows Taka standing there in all his glory, as well as all the Mistika, the Vehicles (no Yetrax, sorry), how to fire the Midak, and the Power Lance spinning (more on that later). Other than that, theres not much else, except the three interesting pages in the Manual.
    Vehicles and Warriors
    And that's it for the box.
    Half the fun is building the set. How does it live up to your expectations? How many new or interesting pieces? How long does it take?
    Ok, first off:New Pieces
    Well, I added in the new pieces from the winter because he just doesn't have enough new pieces. But, what he does have, is worth it.
    1-White Gorast claw x2. A great piece, in any colour, and also, bears a resemblance to the prototype Nuparu Inika claw. And yes, the Toa Metru chest armour can fit together with it, just like the Nuparu claw.
    2-Gunmetal Onua shield. Also a great piece, IMO. It can be a handheld shield, or even a mask for a very big MoC.
    3-Air Sabers x3. Although not a brand new piece, still very usefull for MoCing, or giving lewa double blades.
    4-Midak Skyblaster. Kinda used to this now, although it is awsome how it attaches to his arm.
    4-Gunmetal Avohkii (sp?). This Mask is AMAZINGLY HUGE! it is like the size of Brutaka's Olmak, without the tusks. I can't say I like it though, or that I do not. It would be great, except that it slightly fans out at the bottom, giving him a slightly chubby look.
    Interesting Pieces
    1-Gunmetal Takadox Heads. Don't know what you could use these for, but they're interesting none the less.
    2-Gunmetal Propeller casing. These are not as interesting as some of the other pieces, but still good.
    3-White Hordika Feet. These look great on Nuju Hordika, or any white MoC for that matter...
    4-New joints in white. The new hand joints can also be found on Krika, But I believe that the small dog bone joints are exclusive to Taka.
    Now, With the individual pieces out of the way, lets move on to the actual Building, Shall we?
    Partially Completed
    Midak Contraption
    Power Lance
    Aaaannndd, COMPLETED!!!
    Well, there's a basic overview of the steps to build him. The arms are perhaps the worst part. They're easy, oh yes, but they're just annoying for some reason, IMO. And the body is a BIONICLE fan's dream. It is perhaps the most custom body we have seen to date, besides Maxilos's. It is extremely long, and built mainly out of Technic Beams. Though the Grey one on his back looks out of place.
    The legs, and arms, are pure Genius. The way they have all that support, makes Taka the sturdiest set to date, as well as Being the tallest, Besides Kardas. It took me about an Hour to build him, even though I anticipated 30 Minutes.
    The second half of the fun is the sets playability. How poseable is it? Will it actually stand up?
    Well, all i have to say here is WOW. This set is AWSOME. It does have it's flaws though. The Dog-Bone joints on his legs do add extra support, but also hinder poseability ALOT. The Av-Matoran Arms Don't, surprisingly. He is very, very, very, (insert 50 more verys here) Tall. He looks like a Monster next to the Toa Nuva.
    And now, I will take this opportunity to talk about the Power Lance's "spinning" function. When I saw that on the box, I thought "well, Duh it spins. it's in a + rod in an O hole, of course it'll spin. But what I didn't know, is that it spins fast, like Pohatu's Propellers. And, because of the speed it has when spinning, it causes the Air Sabers to fan out. And as it slows, They come back to normal. Like THIS.
    As you can see, it's quite cool.
    There is also alot of room to add a Matoran Connection. Matoran Connected. Or even, if you want, TOA!!!
    And, one more side note: If you notice, the thigh pads in my pictures are upside-down. I did this because when they are as the instructions say, they are in the way of his leg movement.
    Now, some extra Pics and Action Poses:
    "Bring It"
    "I Gots a small heads"
    "This is not War, This is Pest Control!"
    "I'm Singin' in the Rain"
    "Together we Stand"
    Now, the Pros and Cons:
    -Awesome Box
    -Tallest set to date (besides Kardas)
    -Very Sturdy
    -Great MoCing Pieces
    -More Gunmetal!
    -267 pieces
    -Power Lance spins!
    -Very custom!
    Things you might like, might not:
    -New Avohkii (sp?)
    -Gumetal Takadox heads
    -Gunmetal Propeller cases
    -White Hordika feet.
    -Legs aren't that moveable
    -looks like a pinhead without Mask
    -Grey Technic rod looks dumb.
    As you can see, the Pros far outweigh the Cons. I suggest, If you have $30 lying around in your wallet, you should definately pick up this Colossal Brute.
    And that concludes My Review of Takanuva, or Tinkatarfa, Or Talkalot. Whichever you prefer. Hope you enjoyed it, even if it is a little late.
  6. Xinlo
    Hola BZPower, long time no see. I've been keeping pretty busy with work and stuff, but more importantly I've been slowly chipping away at the creation process for my band's debut album over the past 9 months! It's been a long time coming, some days I didn't think it'd ever be ready, but I finished it and here it is.
    I wrote every song on the album with the exception of one, which I co-wrote with a good friend who is not in the band. All the musicians volunteered their time and energy to learn my songs and record them for this, and I engineered/produced/mixed/mastered the thing with newfound skills from my time at music school. The cover artwork was done as a favour by a friend of our drummer from Turkey, and the artwork inside the booklet was done by BZP's own Serein/Scythey/Ryuujin! The whole project was volunteer work, and with the resources at school this cost me nothing to make, which is an opportunity I'll likely never have again.
    So without further ado, you can give it a listen and download it for free on our bandcamp page or you can give a little bit of money if it suits you. Thanks a ton if you take the time to listen, and if you enjoy it let me know!
  7. Xinlo
    In no particular order due to indecision:
    Octavarium by Dream Theater (24:00)
    2112 by Rush (20:33)
    Supper's Ready by Genesis (23:05)
    Gates Of Delirium by Yes (21:49)
    Shine On You Crazy Diamond by Pink Floyd (26:11)
    Honourable mentions:
    The Ivory Gate Of Dreams by Fates Warning (21:21)
    The Revealing Science Of God/Dance Of The Dawn by Yes (22:22)


  8. Xinlo
    so naturally I bought some lego. Unfortunately the new Jedi Starfighter was sold out (again) but I got these 3 awesome sets:

    I think this exo-force hero factory is really working well and I love this set. The lego movie stuff is obviously great (I HAVE A UNIKITTY NOW) and the new V-Wing is sweet aswell. Having all 3 V-Wing sets, I still maintain the (2009?) Imperial version is the best, though this one does improve upon some of the mechanics.
  9. Xinlo
    So I get my first paycheck from work (I got a job a week ago, BTW) for $500. It's only half a paycheck 'cause I started midway through the pay period, but I've never even had $500 to my name before.
    I have a plan all laid out for savings, school funds, car funds, etc. for when the proper paychecks come in, but I've decided to just recklessly blow this one on as much random stuff as possible.
    So basically, here's what I hope to have in 4 days:
    -Sith Infiltrator (newest version)
    -Classic TIE Fighter (also newest version)
    -Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter
    -Skopio (with a few bonus bits courtesy of Iro)
    -Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd (Vinyl)
    -So Far, So Good... So What! by Megadeth (Vinyl)
    -The Final Frontier by Iron Maiden (Double LP picture disc vinyl)
    -No World For Tomorrow by Coheed & Cambria (Double LP Vinyl)
    -The Afterman by Coheed & Cambria (vinyl)
    -Dead Silence by Billy Talent
    Also depending on how much I have left over, I may try to snag a vinyl copy of Rush's "2112".

  10. Xinlo
    [11:49:37 PM] Magical Wonderprince: man just got back from an awesome concert
    [11:50:14 PM] Magical Wonderprince: a really top-notch band that covers a large selection of Canadian music
    [11:51:17 PM] Magical Wonderprince: I was really looking forward to hearing Rush, The Guess Who and Shania Twain (for old time's sake) as they were all featured in the promotional video I saw before going.
    [11:51:46 PM] Magical Wonderprince: and like the entire show happens and it's amazing but still none of them appeared until the very end where they said
    [11:52:35 PM] Magical Wonderprince: "Okay now, this next band we can't possibly ignore. They're one of the most successful bands in Canadian history, and right now one of the biggest bands in the world. We can't leave without doing one of their songs..."
    [11:52:45 PM] Magical Wonderprince: and I though wooooooooo Rush!
    [11:52:59 PM] Magical Wonderprince: and then "Ladies and gentlemen, this band is called..."
    [11:53:03 PM] Magical Wonderprince: "NICKELBACK!"
  11. Xinlo
    ...at work who I've known for like 2 days. She was/is training me on a certain machine.
    Been awhile since I actually liked a girl, and we're getting along pretty well. I can actually talk to her, which is a definite plus. She loves doctor who, lord of the rings, goes on a blogging website, plays pokemon obsessively, dislikes partying, has a group of friends who magically became alcoholics when they turned 18 that she doesn't like going out with (like me), hates mainstream radio music, etc. Oh, and she's nice to look at.
    Unfortunately for me, she has a boyfriend.
    Still, though, it's good to finally meet someone like that; proof that they do in fact exist.

    Don't mention external blogs, man -TMD
  12. Xinlo
    Well merry christmas to eeryne! Hope you all had a great day yesterday. As I do every year, here is a list of the tings I received from my family:
    -1600 pc. Tower Of Creation lego parts box
    -Anakin's green jedi starfighter lego set
    -Death Star trooper expansion lego set
    -Simpsons minifigure (scratchy)
    -Series 12 minifigure (space miner guy)
    -Pink Floyd shirt
    -Other cool blue shirt
    -Lots of socks
    -$30 7/11 gift card
    -$50 gift card for local record store
    -ipod emergency charger thing
    -Lots of chocolate
    yeah. so hopefully I'll get to go down to the US soon and hunt target for new bionicles, as well as more TV show dvds and records and stuff. presents aside I also had a nice day, playing monopoly and having a great family dinner and being super tired because I was up for 32.75 hours lol. again, hope everyone had fun as well and that the rest of the holidays treat you well.
  13. Xinlo
    so I got fed up with the show (after being a loyal viewer since series 2) after The Caretaker and haven't seen any episodes since. Ryuujin says the finale's looking to be great, so I thought I'd get everyone's opinion: is it worth catching up on the show to see the finale? Or should I just watch the finale and forget the 4 episodes I missed? or should I just not care at all?
    you decide!
  14. Xinlo
    Any fans lurking around here? I just started watching SG-1 (after years of curiosity I finally saw it on TV at the dentist lol). I've only seen six episodes at this point but I'm pretty much sold on it. The whole cast is just great. Even Hammond who seems like your typical american stereotype general turned out to be a cool dudebro.
  15. Xinlo
    well 2015 is officially over (thanks) and as I do every year, I'll list out my favourite musical offerings from the year. This year was a strange one, as many of my favourite bands released really solid records that I liked but never really got hooked on for some reason. I attribute it to my mental state through most of the year and not to the albums themselves though so with that in mind, here be the list:
    1. Hand. Cannot. Erase. - Steven Wilson

    I've been a fan of Porcupine Tree for a couple years now, but I only recently dug into their frontman's solo career (just in time for the release of this new album). One of the first albums I picked up this year, back in february, its ridiculously melancholic storyline and atmosphere really grabbed me (the one exception to my previous paragraph) so it's the clear winner here. There was also a music video made for my favourite song from it which brings me to tears every time I watch it.
    2. The Colour Before The Sun - Coheed & Cambria

    This album's a bit of a weird one for me. I hated the single the preceded its release, but the actual album as a whole is excellent. Taking a poppier, more stripped-down indie rock approach as opposed to their usual progressive rock style, this album is definitely the odd man out in their catalogue. It didn't quite hook me like their last album did, though my itunes tells me it's my third-most-played album behind two of my all-time favourites, so I must have loved it on some level.
    3. Meliora - Ghost

    Another band I began listening to just in time for their new album, Ghost gave me exactly what I wanted (and some of what I thought was missing from their last two albums) on this one. It's crazy catchy, groovy and evil with some wicked solos and riffs that I just never get sick of. That said it is a much simpler and shorter album, and didn't quite top the other two for me.
    4. Psychic Warfare - Clutch

    I've had a mild passing interest in Clutch for a long time, but for some reason I still have only heard their two newest albums fully. I love both of them too, so you'd think I'd seek out more haha. Anyway this is just a straight-up great hard/stoner rock album with hilariously brilliant lyrics that's just packed with good times. If you don't like this album you probably don't like fun.
    5. The Book Of Souls - Iron Maiden

    This album is Iron Maiden's 16th album, and another where the single released was lacklustre but was not indicative of the album. Just as Maiden were starting to stagnate in their "comeback" style with the past 4 albums, they decided they should do a double album with three 10+ minute songs, one of which is a classic prog epic with piano (in Iron Maiden???). It could have been a dangerous move, and for some people it didn't work, but I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Enough to possibly call it the best of their newer 5 albums.
    6. No Place In Heaven - Mika

    What's this? A mainstream pop album? What the heck, me. But I got into Mika's stuff when his first album came out way back in like... 2006, I think? Every song on that album was pop perfection and half of it was international radio hits everywhere except the US. I kinda forgot him for a while, and then saw this at walmart one day and impulse-bought it. I then listened to nothing else for a month. This album is possibly his best, with styles ranging from standard pop to indie rock to disco to french crooning. It all somehow works though, and the lyrics are very personal and well-thought-out, which is refreshing for a mainstream album like this.
    Honourable mentions: The Congregation - Leprous, Feel The Misery - My Dying Bride, Songs From The North - Swallow The Sun, Love, Fear, And The Time Machine - Riverside
    so there you go, here's hoping 2016's extensive list of upcoming albums is as good as it promises to be!
  16. Xinlo
    My dad took me to a second hand store to show me a turntable they had for sale, but we found an entire Toshiba stereo setup, with radio, record, and cassette players. Then we found awesome 75 watt speakers and a 5-CD changer to hook up to it, and I now have an amazing, ~$1500 stereo system (at least that's how much it would've been in, say, the 70's). As it is, it cost him $200 which I have to pay back come september when I get a job. (Also the blue one is my old one; nicer looking but this new one blows it away.)

    also just for fun, my small yet building vinyl collection:

    Needless to say, stoked. B)

  17. Xinlo
    Well hello again bzpower. been a little while since i had much of anything to say in this here blog of mine, but seeing as it was my 11th anniversary on this site two days ago, and my birthday three days before that, it seems I have some stuff to blog about finally!
    So yeah firstly 11 years on this site, and seeing as I'm now 21 that's officially over half my life. crazy.
    As for my birthday, well... it was probably the best birthday I've had possibly ever. I've made a lot of friends this year at music school (glad I decided on a third year haha) and we sort of had an entire party weekend around my birthday. Saturday was a christmas party thing, secret santa and food and a movie and stuff, plus they decorated their house really nicely and put the real wood fireplace on and we just hung out for like 9 hours. Then on sunday for my actual birthday we went to a hot springs resort not too far from here, and about 15 people came which is the largest birthday I think I've had lol. we ate dinner there too and good times were had all around. My parents also got me an iPhone 5 which was unexpected and awesome seeing as my terrible samsung phone was at the point where it would freeze anytime anything happened.
    also today I just finished my last project for this semester, which means I am free for christmas break except for some minimal work.
    On that note, I finished another new song, this time a proper progressive metal instrumental jam, with solos played by some of my talented classmates which you can check out if you feel so inclined:
    anyway I think that's everything that's new with me. doesn't look like a lot but school takes up like 80% of my time so I usually sleep for the other 20%
    ciao for now
  18. Xinlo
    since the only pic of me on here is like three and a half years old I thought I'd post an updated one (also because I thought my hair looked awesome today)

  19. Xinlo
    Saw this movie last night. I hadn't seen the first Captain America so I watched it a few hours beforeheand and it was really good.
    Anyway, I was pretty stoked for this movie and it let me down a bit. I won't spoil it for anyone, and my thoughts on it are pretty simple, so here they are:
    The story was great. Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time and I wasn't sure who was the actual bad guy for most of it. Loved it in that sense - however, there was WAY too much "action" (notice the quotations). First of all I usually don't care much for fight scenes that last a really long time - but The Avengers pulled it off with some great choreography, a lot of humourous moments and just by being cool. This movie, however, was tedious at best when it came to the "action". Now the reason I use the quotations there is because I was astounded while watching how little was actually happening in these scenes; there was a lot of blurry camera flailing about and a bunch of unexplainedly-powerful enemies who kept causing stalemate after stalemate and you end up sitting through a good 7 minutes of punching and kicking until the bad guy runs off and nothing was actually acheived or thwarted. That and there were some truly ridiculous scenes , which is stupid because the dude's already a super-soldier who can withstand unbelievable amounts of torment. Why do you need to make that even more unbelievable?
    My experience in this movie basically boiled down to checking my facebook during the action scenes because they were sooooooooo boring (and when I watch a movie I'm generally completely invested in it until the end).
    So yeah, decent movie with a great plot, but wasted so much time it could have spent giving Falcon or the Winter Soldier some more character development (seriously for a movie called "the winter soldier" the dude was barely even in it). I just really hope these movie-making guys will finally cut down on this "bigger, faster, louder, crazier" attitude they have and actually focus on making a truly great movie next time.
  20. Xinlo
    hey so I realized I've talked about my times in music college a little here, but I've never actually posted anything that I've done there. I don't know if anyone will be interested in it, but I've got A WEBSITE that has 5 songs up on it (mostly finished, minus some tweaks I want to make), all of which I wrote and played and produced. The styles range from doom metal to pop rock to new age/trance to prog rock, so hopefully one of them might be to your liking. I'd appreciate any feedback you may have!
    I've also decided to attend school for an optional third year, to work on my songwriting and compositional skills, and I'm in the process of writing and recording demos for my first album which I plan to release about this time next year if all goes well. At the moment it's looking to be a progressive doom metal album, but only 2 songs are written so far so that could change.
    Anyway thanks for taking the time to check out my stuff, if you do!
  21. Xinlo
    so yeah my room's really small now and I have nowhere to put all my bionicles, so I packed them up when we moved here and they've been in storage for almost 2 years...
    with the return of bionicle I was feeling all nostalgic and had to bring them out, even if they have to go back in a few days.
    anyway here's some pictures of my collection as it looks at the moment (this is still only slightly more than half, there's all the larger sets in the long box I didn't take out and all the disassembled duders in a very large bucket. also all those ones' empty cases in a bag in storage still).





    and here's a bonus thing, all the original '01 sets that I still have with their original poackaging. Not too many, but it's still nice to look at it especially since I was too young and not quite into bionicle yet to remember what these looked like on the shelves.

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