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Blog Entries posted by Planetperson

  1. Planetperson
    Thursday, January 18, 2007
    Here goes another iPod rant:

    Take a look at this video on CNN.

    I love Japan. So practical. They don't limit imagination and applicability of technology over there.
  2. Planetperson
    Sunday, September 17, 2006

    Ah, the Greek letter "xi." Some say it looks like like a box; others, an "E;" others, a spring. What do you think it looks like?
  3. Planetperson
    Saturday, February 2, 2008
    Try doing this in a comment to this entry: type the letter "-" followed by the letter "-."

    Please explain why this happens?

    No bypassing of the word filter please. -Val
  4. Planetperson
    Thursday, January 1, 2009
    Graaaah, haven't blogged all year. Happy 2009 everyone!

    Remember those magical minutes after the New Year tolls in...

    "I haven't slept all year."
    "I haven't eaten all year."
    "I haven't been to the bathroom all year."
    "I've been standing up all year."
    "Shower? Please, I haven't taken one all year."
    "Go outside? I've been in my house all year."
    "Haven't seen you all year, man."
    "I haven't gone downstairs all year."
    "I haven't been online in a year."
    "Where's the cat? Haven't seen her all year."
    "No one's called me all year..."
    "I haven't climbed the stairs in a year... someone please re-teach me? Oof--"

    Be relentless as you can.
  5. Planetperson
    Wednesday, August 23, 2006
    Ugh. School starts TOMORROW. This is my last day of summer vacation. This is it.

    Now, I live a ways from my school, so we're obliged to host a car pool in our neighborhood. Of course, I'm not so enthusiastic about it at all. So, I proudly present:

    20 Ways to get kicked out of Car PoolInstall a novelty car horn -- La Cucaracha will rock the house...er, carDon't take them backBlast the stereo and show off your hydraulicsHave your dad-behind-the-wheel remain unshaven with disheveled hair -- go for the Beethoven lookHave an argument in a foreign languageTell them to drive"Garlic, anyone?"Suddenly realize you left all of your homework at home 2/3 of the way thereGo somewhere else -- the wrong school usually works nicelyMake it seem like you missed car pool at first, then show up outside their house about mid-afternoonParticipate in the occasional drag raceCasually mention the illegal drugs stitched into the upholsteryGo the "long way"Go the "short way"Refer to the passengers by the wrong namesKnock over their mailbox as you drive in (and a couple of garden gnomes too, if you can manage)Decide you're assertive enough to drive down the center of the road"Sorry, kids -- I'm not used to stick shift"Run out of gas on the first dayDrive backwards the whole way thereBe habitually late -- the old classic
  6. Planetperson
    I worked up my own translations of the Amazon.de website descriptions for the 2007 sets. Me and my dad (who is familiar with German) came up with these translations directly from the German source:
    Mantax stalks his opponents in the darkness and grabs them from behind. He is equipped with thick armor; venomous, red spines; and sturdy forceps.
    Carapar is twice as wide as he is long. With his long arms and enormous claws, he is able to overcome every obstacle. Thanks to his thick armor, he is virtually invulnerable – only with electricity does one have a chance against him.
    Pridak happily, calmly suspends himself above his unsuspecting victims before his overwhelmingly fast attack. Even the strongest armor is no problem for his razor-sharp teeth. Pridak is known for his violent temper.
    Takadox is bigger and inspires more fear than all of the other Barakki. He dwells in a small rock cave, which shines in the darkness. When someone goes in front of it, he attacks with overwhelming speed.
    Kalmah catches his prey with his long tentacles and suction cups. He has three eyes and five tentacles on the backside of his head. With these he is able to pick up on the direction of each situation that is behind his back.
    Many of the "he" pronouns are only implied -- they would translate directly as "it." We tried to stick to the German word uses and constructions as best we could.
  7. Planetperson
    Saturday, October 11, 2008
    Over the past several weeks:

    - Ike flooded our basement, so we rented a decent wet vac.
    - Our plumbing broke down. No showering. We hired someone for a rodding of our shower (which is in our basement, not in a bathroom, oddly enough) and found out the pipe to our street was obstructed by a bush in our yard.
    - Someone sent a camera down the pipe and found the obstruction. We took out the bush, and some people dug a huge hole under our porch to replace this really huge underground pipe.
    - Our dryer inexplicably broke down. It's getting repaired today.
    - After over five years residing in our puke-green house, mom and dad suddenly decided we needed to repaint the house immediately. I often come home from school to find a guy outside my bedroom window.
    - My dad got fined in traffic court.

    I need money.
  8. Planetperson
    Monday, September 8, 2008

  9. Planetperson
    Friday, October 13, 2006
    For a Friday the thirteenth, my day wasn't so bad.

    This morning, I didn't have to do carpool because something came up with the other guys. That's a very good thing because I REALLY HATE CARPOOL (I'm sure I'm not alone on that). So my dad drove me to school. Interestingly, I saw some unfortunate that I know from my old grade school get pulled over on the ride to school. So it seems some people were not blessed with a fairly good day today like I was. Well, I was almost late for school, but by skipping my morning trip to my locker, I was able to get to class.

    Lit class was the usual. Boring, yes, but therefore uneventful in any bad way.

    Science class had a pop quiz. Evil. Bombed it. But in the end it wasn't graded. Good.

    Extra free period for me on every Friday. Sweet.

    We had to start a translation/passive voice assignment in Greek class. I was thinking, This is gonna be a drag on Sunday night. But my teacher didn't give it to us for homework. So the only homework I have now is studying for a vocab quiz on Monday, and I literally get like 105% on all of those.

    Lunch. Uh oh. Something bad did happen here. No money in my wallet. I forgot I had given the cash to my mom yesterday. Had to live off of cheap candy bars today. Mmm...Twix.

    Orchestra was easy. No problems there, although some other people were between a rock and a hard place today because they were supposed to hand in a rather major excerpt assignment.

    Scripture. Test. Aced it -- I just know it.

    Free period again! Had fun shooting staples around the library. During this I noticed some people studying fervently for the "really hard" math test next period.

    Test in geometry. Only seven questions! If I messed one up, I'm screwed...but I finished early, and I knew what I was doing on all the questions. After checking with someone else after the test, I found that we had gotten the same answers on the difficult questions. So I think I did well.

    At the end of my school day, I had gotten no homework.

    A Lucky Friday the Thirteenth?
  10. Planetperson
    Tuesday, June 30, 2009
    I'm back home now. I guess I'll explain it again: I went the last nine days without an internet connection or television. Basically I was cut off from the media. And now I've come back to a world where celebs are dropping like flies.

    As if Bernie Mac wasn't shocking enough.
  11. Planetperson
    All right, I got something good for ya:

    Alright, somewhere on this entry block there is a link to a printable form of this entry. You can do that if you want to try this problem hands-on.
    In the above diagram, you must connect square A to A, B to B, and C to C with three (3) separate lines (don't have to be straight). The lines cannot cross each other, cannot go outside of the boundaries, and cannot pass through another letter's square. Got it? Simple, right? Get to it. And no, the answer is not this .
    I'll post the answer sometime later .
  12. Planetperson
    Monday, February 26, 2007
    Last month, as usual, I got my Brickmaster magazine really, really late, like on the 28th or so. Not only did the magazine come late, but it came without any plastic covering over it, both the front and back covers had been torn off, and the spine of the whole thing had been badly beaten up. I called LEGO customer service, and they readily shipped out another magazine to replace the mutilated one. I finally got that one about a week-and-a-half later, and even then, the spine was a little torn up. In the middle of this frustration, I had entirely forgotten that there was supposed to be a feature on a new Dark Hunter called Vengeance. When I finally remembered the other day and looked through my Jan-Feb magazine(s), I didn't find anything like that. So here's my request for anyone who's reading this:

    Would anyone please offer me a scan or a transcript of the feature on the Dark Hunter Vengeance?

    Thanks so much.
  13. Planetperson
    Monday, September 4, 2006

    Bad news coming out of Austrailia today. "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin has sadly died at age 44. He was in the midst of filming a documentary off the Great Barrier Reef when he was killed in a freak stingray accident. Stingrays are naturally passive; and in that area of the world, deaths caused by stingrays are almost unheard of; but, when threatened, stingrays will lash out with a toxic, sometimes 10-inch barb on the tops of their tails. Steve was filming a documentery off the Great Barrier Reef when he got spined by a stingray -- a very rare occurence. The spine went under his ribcage and straight into his heart, killing him. Steve had many close friends in his work and a family, so this is most tragic.


    On a happier note, there have been MAJOR updates to Bionicle.com! Three new "articles" in the top news section sum it all up.

    There's a cool new quality animation, much like the ones made for the Toa Hordika and the Mask of Life animations but made by a different company. The good thing this time is that it never freezes up right in the middle! Remember that image with Reidak and Piruk that BZP received earlier this year? This is the animation it was eluding to. The animation is quite beyond any style that Bionicle has done before, and it was hard to follow the story (if it was even trying to have one). It's main purpose sees to be to showcase the Piraka in action (including giving them powers that they don't even have). What's kinda cool is that there are a couple of mini-games within the movie. It's pretty lengthy, too -- it's not one of those little animations that's over before you know it.

    There's seven new quicktime videos in the movies section, too! Some of them are way too short, and all of them are commercials. The wierdest one would definitely be the Piraka Stronghold commercial (you'll see). What's really awesome is that we finally see Brutaka, Axonn, Vezon, and Fenrakk all in CG!

    Ignition #2 is finally online now, given "animations" just like the last one. Nothing too big there. Already read the comic.

    But why are you actually reading some stupid description written by some random BZPier? Go check it out!

    Have an awesome Labor Day! No school rules!
  14. Planetperson
    Sunday, November 5, 2006
    Come to think of it, wouldn't it make more sense if the names of the three BIONICLE books series were switched around?

    The current BIONICLE Adventures definitely should have been named BIONICLE Chronicles, as the whole series is for the most part the Turaga relating "chronicled" accounts of their experiences as the Toa Metru.

    The current BIONICLE Legends should be named BIONICLE Adventures, as it is the first time in the storyline that the Toa really get up and go on some sort of adventure to a whole new island.

    And the current BIONICLE Chronicles should be aptly named BIONICLE Legends, as the Toa and the Toa Nuva throughout the storyline are constantly relying on the legends of the Turaga for guidance, such as during the quest for the masks, their struggle against the Bohrok and Bohrok-Kal, and the legend of the Seventh Toa.

    Wouldn't you agree?
  15. Planetperson
    Wednesday, September 17, 2008
    Here's the thing: this MOC was too cool to die in BBC.

    So I'll cheat and post it in my blog instead, where I can see it getting more comments than in the MOC forum. BBC was pathetic. People come in saying things like "I don't see any flaws except..." as if that's all you look for when you judge art. So constructive criticism -- or even just supportive comments -- on parts like the legs (I suggest taking a look at how they are jointed to the body), wing design, or the body would be appreciated. I think we can beat three posts, don't you? And if we don't, I won't cry myself to sleep, but it's just a courtesy.

    Side-notes: Can't wait til Heroes Season 3 on Monday! Finally.
    Saw my first thermite reaction today.
  16. Planetperson
    Thursday, October 30, 2008

    Vote now!

    The ABB contest is in its final round of voting, so if you like you what you see here, now is the time to cast a vote for #1. The poll ends on November 1st.
  17. Planetperson
    Wednesday, September 20, 2006
    I got to play with acid today in science. Yup, acid. Of course, there are some lab partners that you just can't trust with acid...

    When you put 6-molar acetic acid (vinegar) and 6-molar hydrochloric acid together on magnesium, it fizzes a lot and releases smelly, acidic fumes. Don't want to breathe that stuff -- you wouldn't be able to breathe right for a long time. It would be like having a cough that lasted three months.

    Here's a quiz:
    Would you rather drink the can of sulfuric acid or the bottle of Drano? (BTW, Drano would eat out your esophagus probably just as much as the acid would -- it's a base.)
  18. Planetperson
    Monday, March 10, 2008

    Federation of Fear 5 was posted on www.bioniclestory.com today.

    This update is full of energy. Sailing south from Zakaz, Brutaka and Lariska now head the Steltian ship south in order to pick up a hidden weapons cache needed to arm the team at last. The original location for the pickup, scouted out by the Order of Mata Nui, used to be a small, wooded island off the southern continent. When Botar and the nine-foot warrior from the ninth chapter of the Gali Nuva Blog, whose name is Trinuma, first brought the weapons to the island, Makuta Icarax spotted them and attacked. Botar was, after all his centuries of service, tragically killed by Icarax's magnetic power, with Trinuma barely escaping to ditch the weapons on a different island and report to Daxia. Now Brutaka leads the team onto the new island's shores, although some sense something unsettling in the area. Takadox gets a long, thin blade weapon; Carapar, a broadsword; Roodaka, a Rhotuka launcher; Spiriah, what is implied to be a Midak skyblaster; and Vezon, a simple spear. The group suddenly hears a sound like a breathing through mud. To Spiriah's horror, he realizes that this is a dreaded land that Mutran once told him about. As insurmountable walls suddenly rise up to cut them off from the sea, Spiriah shape-shifts wings only for a spike to jut out of the wall and impale one of them. Lariska performs a fantastic acrobatic feat to catch Spiriah as he falls, but a unworldly creature grabs Brutaka in a tentacle, addressing himself as Tren Krom.

    Predictions: Now that the Bionicle story team is using a different legal naming sytem starting 2009, Farshtey is able to assign names from the existing list of approved names even to unimportant characters such as Trinuma -- or is Trinuma unimportant?
  19. Planetperson
    Thursday, January 11, 2007
    Click here (iTunes software needed).

    This is one of the (best) episodes of the Brickfilms.com podcast . I definitely have this on my iPod.

    Here's the RealPlayer file: link.
  20. Planetperson
    Thursday, July 13, 2006
    Man, the server was down ALL DAY! I actually read or did homework rather than drool in front of the computer. How could the server put me through that!? Oh, and by the way, no amount of bubble wrap is going to help me cope with total boredom.
    Day off from school. Tennis. Yet another relative coming over (uncle). Usual day.
  21. Planetperson
    Sunday, July 9, 2006
    My family is gone all day, driving my brother to a band camp a couple states away. I'm alone now. But it's not so bad when it's just me and the computer!
    It's getting close to that time when all of the Lego Magazines arrive in everybody's mailboxes. Unfortunately, I'm one of those sad people whose magazines don't come until weeks after people post the heck out of them on BZPower . I might have gotton my magazine really early once.
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