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Status Updates posted by ShadowBionics

  1. :o I never thought this day would come... Sorry to hear about... what happened. You will always be one of the greatest minds of BZP. In my book, anyway. I wish you the best of luck wherever you go.
  2. All right, seeing as nobody likes my MOCs or Literature work anymore, I guess I will for sure stop posting any of that and stop interacting with the community. I'm tired of harassment and I'm tired of being told of how bad I am at everything I used to do on here for fun and make friends. I've had it. I'm going to become a phantom for good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadowBionics


      You actually liked some of the stuff I do??

    3. Ghidora131


      From the little that I've seen of it, yes.

    4. Ghidora131


      I just usually don't comment.

  3. Because I am unsure if anyone likes my work or not (and because the Knights of Terankos is going to get very dark), so I'm going to discontinue it on here. You may find my other works on my alternate profile if you still wish to keep up with it. So I'm going with my G2/hypothetical G3 plan, but just not on here. Not anymore.

  4. Happy birthday and Welcome back to BZP, man! I hope you enjoy your day today, and here's to many good times to come.

  5. Happy birthday! (again)

  6. Happy late birthday. Sorry, I just got on here and was all "Whoa, I gotta get to Lewa#!" Sorry I can't give you anything, except my best regards and best wishes!

  7. Hello hello hello. LOS here. 3 words: Great comedy genius! Hope you continue writing. These are great, especially Ask Matau!


  8. Hello there. Hope to see you around some more.


  9. Hello there. I've enjoyed most of your your work, especially the comedy Toa Metru at Home.

  10. Hello there. Look forward to seeing you around.

    PS: You've got great tastes in musci. Glad to see someone likes Cascada besides me.

    PPS: Beware of the Weegee Stare...

  11. Heya. Gald to see you liked my videos. There'll be more to come. FYI, you didn't swear, but you aren't allowed to say that sit because it has "forums" apparently. Just a tip.

  12. I was just seeing if I was making a mistake to leave. So far, I've been proven wrong. I'm going to stay for a while, but my writing career's dead.

  13. I'm thinking I'm going to retire from writing on BZPower.

  14. Lucky fella, getting BL10. Thanks for providing the cover, I always wanted to know what it looked like.

  15. Officially on an unending hiatus with all literature work.

  16. Okay, well, since no one wants me to continue the Dimwit of Time series, then I will only leave the 3 I've posted and nothing more.

  17. With the recent passing of my mother, I may not be on here too much. I've lost pretty much most of what motivation I had to return. I feel very depressed and like something was literally torn from my heart. As such, whatever projects I was doing or planned on doing will be delayed for personal reasons going on in my life right now.

    1. MetaStriker


      This is such a late response, but so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Hope you're healing, and if you need anything, we're here for you.

      Miss ya.

  18. Yeah, that happens a lot. FYI, my sources tell me Google might get rid of the Google Video uploading thing in the future. So, I'll stick to it for as long as it lasts, then use my Photobucket account, where almost all the ADITLOT videos reside as of now.

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