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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Distorted

  1. Hey, it's LEGOcircus! Haven't seen a new MOC from you in ages.

  2. The blog...IT'S ALIVE!

  3. Wassup, any new MOCs in the works?

  4. You really are adamant that I call my blog Disturbia, despite the fact my name isn't Disturbed, aintt'cha ER? :D

  5. I've just sent off my Premier membership request, so now I need blog name ideas. Anyone got any?

  6. That's what I meant. This joke will go straight over your head = you won't get this joke. ;-)

  7. New MOC up, not particularly good tho'.

  8. Thanks, Bunda.


    (I'm guessing this joke will go straight over your head)

  9. Hey Bunda, any chance I could steal the claw design from your Deadwing for one of my future MOCs? I would of course give you credit...

  10. When do we get to see your Keety MOC?

  11. Your artwork is superb. I love your Lewa.

  12. Hi deaddude. How come we never see you in the BBC forum anymore?

  13. Hey! Come back! You've still got WIPs to finish! :-(

  14. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiii Nieve.

  15. I expect you're already aware of this, but you're an exceptional MOCer.

  16. OMG, Taccer? I thought you'd left years ago!

  17. I thought you'd left, so it's nice to see you around.

  18. Can I add you to my friends list?

  19. Hiya, can I add you to my Friends list?

  20. Can I add you to my Friends list?

  21. I love your Vamprah sketch.

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